
281 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
Dialog_ Control Type X Y Width Height Attributes Property Text Control_Next Help
s72 s50 s20 i2 i2 i2 i2 I4 S50 L0 S50 L50
Control Dialog_ Control
AdminBrowseDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] PathEdit
AdminBrowseDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
AdminBrowseDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
AdminBrowseDlg Cancel PushButton 240 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] ComboLabel
AdminBrowseDlg ComboLabel Text 25 58 44 10 3 &Look in: DirectoryCombo
AdminBrowseDlg Description Text 25 23 280 15 196611 Browse to the destination folder
AdminBrowseDlg DirectoryCombo DirectoryCombo 70 55 220 80 458755 TARGETDIR Up
AdminBrowseDlg DirectoryList DirectoryList 25 83 320 110 7 TARGETDIR PathLabel
AdminBrowseDlg NewFolder PushButton 325 55 19 19 3670019 New DirectoryList Create A New Folder|
AdminBrowseDlg OK PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_OK] Cancel
AdminBrowseDlg PathEdit PathEdit 84 202 261 17 3 TARGETDIR OK
AdminBrowseDlg PathLabel Text 25 205 59 10 3 &Folder name: BannerBitmap
AdminBrowseDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Change current destination folder
AdminBrowseDlg Up PushButton 298 55 19 19 3670019 Up NewFolder Up One Level|
AdminInstallPointDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Back] Next
AdminInstallPointDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] Text
AdminInstallPointDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
AdminInstallPointDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
AdminInstallPointDlg Browse PushButton 289 119 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Browse] Back
AdminInstallPointDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
AdminInstallPointDlg Description Text 25 20 280 20 196611 Please specify a network location for the server image of [ProductName] product
AdminInstallPointDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
AdminInstallPointDlg PathEdit PathEdit 25 93 320 18 3 TARGETDIR Browse
AdminInstallPointDlg Text Text 25 80 320 10 3 &Enter a new network location or click Browse to browse to one. PathEdit
AdminInstallPointDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Network Location
AdminRegistrationDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 65539 [ButtonText_Back] Next
AdminRegistrationDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] OrganizationLabel
AdminRegistrationDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
AdminRegistrationDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
AdminRegistrationDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
AdminRegistrationDlg CDKeyEdit MaskedEdit 45 143 250 16 3 PIDKEY [PIDTemplate] Back
AdminRegistrationDlg CDKeyLabel Text 45 130 50 10 3 CD &Key: CDKeyEdit
AdminRegistrationDlg Description Text 25 23 280 15 196611 Please enter your company information
AdminRegistrationDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
AdminRegistrationDlg OrganizationEdit Edit 45 105 220 18 3 COMPANYNAME {80} CDKeyLabel
AdminRegistrationDlg OrganizationLabel Text 45 71 285 30 3 &Please enter the name of your organization in the box below. This will be used as default company name for subsequent installations of [ProductName]: OrganizationEdit
AdminRegistrationDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Company Information
AdminWelcomeDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Back] Next
AdminWelcomeDlg Bitmap Bitmap 0 0 370 234 1 [DialogBitmap] Back
AdminWelcomeDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
AdminWelcomeDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] Bitmap
AdminWelcomeDlg Description Text 135 70 220 30 196611 The [Wizard] will create a server image of [ProductName], at a specified network location. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].
AdminWelcomeDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
AdminWelcomeDlg Title Text 135 20 220 60 196611 {\VerdanaBold13}Welcome to the [ProductName] [Wizard]
BrowseDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] PathEdit
BrowseDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
BrowseDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
BrowseDlg Cancel PushButton 240 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] ComboLabel
BrowseDlg ComboLabel Text 25 58 44 10 3 &Look in: DirectoryCombo
BrowseDlg Description Text 25 23 280 15 196611 Browse to the destination folder
BrowseDlg DirectoryCombo DirectoryCombo 70 55 220 80 393227 _BrowseProperty Up
BrowseDlg DirectoryList DirectoryList 25 83 320 110 15 _BrowseProperty PathLabel
BrowseDlg NewFolder PushButton 325 55 19 19 3670019 New DirectoryList Create A New Folder|
BrowseDlg OK PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_OK] Cancel
BrowseDlg PathEdit PathEdit 84 202 261 18 11 _BrowseProperty OK
BrowseDlg PathLabel Text 25 205 59 10 3 &Folder name: BannerBitmap
BrowseDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Change current destination folder
BrowseDlg Up PushButton 298 55 19 19 3670019 Up NewFolder Up One Level|
CancelDlg Icon Icon 15 15 24 24 5242881 [InfoIcon] Information icon|
CancelDlg No PushButton 132 57 56 17 3 [ButtonText_No] Yes
CancelDlg Text Text 48 15 194 30 3 Are you sure you want to cancel [ProductName] installation?
CancelDlg Yes PushButton 72 57 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Yes] No
CustomizeDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Back] Next
CustomizeDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] Tree
CustomizeDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
CustomizeDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
CustomizeDlg Box GroupBox 210 81 140 98 1
CustomizeDlg Browse PushButton 304 200 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Browse] Reset
CustomizeDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
CustomizeDlg Description Text 25 23 280 15 196611 Select the way you want features to be installed.
CustomizeDlg DiskCost PushButton 111 243 56 17 3 Disk &Usage Back
CustomizeDlg ItemDescription Text 215 90 131 30 3 Multiline description of the currently selected item.
CustomizeDlg ItemSize Text 215 130 131 45 3 The size of the currently selected item.
CustomizeDlg Location Text 75 200 215 20 3 <The selection's path>
CustomizeDlg LocationLabel Text 25 200 50 10 3 Location:
CustomizeDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
CustomizeDlg Reset PushButton 42 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Reset] DiskCost
CustomizeDlg Text Text 25 55 320 20 3 Click on the icons in the tree below to change the way features will be installed.
CustomizeDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Custom Setup
CustomizeDlg Tree SelectionTree 25 85 175 95 7 _BrowseProperty Tree of selections Browse
DiskCostDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] OK
DiskCostDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
DiskCostDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
DiskCostDlg Description Text 20 20 280 20 196611 The disk space required for the installation of the selected features.
DiskCostDlg OK PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_OK] BannerBitmap
DiskCostDlg Text Text 20 53 330 40 3 The highlighted volumes (if any) do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can either remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to install less features onto local drive(s), or select different destination drive(s).
DiskCostDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Disk Space Requirements
DiskCostDlg VolumeList VolumeCostList 20 100 330 120 393223 {120}{70}{70}{70}{70}
ErrorDlg A PushButton 100 80 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel]
ErrorDlg C PushButton 100 80 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel]
ErrorDlg ErrorIcon Icon 15 15 24 24 5242881 [InfoIcon] Information icon|
ErrorDlg ErrorText Text 48 15 205 60 3 Information text
ErrorDlg I PushButton 100 80 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Ignore]
ErrorDlg N PushButton 100 80 56 17 3 [ButtonText_No]
ErrorDlg O PushButton 100 80 56 17 3 [ButtonText_OK]
ErrorDlg R PushButton 100 80 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Retry]
ErrorDlg Y PushButton 100 80 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Yes]
ExitDialog Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Back] Finish
ExitDialog Bitmap Bitmap 0 0 370 234 1 [DialogBitmap] Back
ExitDialog BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
ExitDialog Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Cancel] Bitmap
ExitDialog Description Text 135 70 220 20 196611 Click the Finish button to exit the [Wizard].
ExitDialog Finish PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Finish] Cancel
ExitDialog Title Text 135 20 220 60 196611 {\VerdanaBold13}Completing the [ProductName] [Wizard]
FatalError Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Back] Finish
FatalError Bitmap Bitmap 0 0 370 234 1 [DialogBitmap] Back
FatalError BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
FatalError Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Cancel] Bitmap
FatalError Description1 Text 135 70 220 40 196611 [ProductName] setup ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.
FatalError Description2 Text 135 115 220 20 196611 Click the Finish button to exit the [Wizard].
FatalError Finish PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Finish] Cancel
FatalError Title Text 135 20 220 60 196611 {\VerdanaBold13}[ProductName] [Wizard] ended prematurely
FilesInUse BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] Retry
FilesInUse BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
FilesInUse BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
FilesInUse Description Text 20 23 280 20 196611 Some files that need to be updated are currently in use.
FilesInUse Exit PushButton 166 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Exit] BannerBitmap
FilesInUse Ignore PushButton 235 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Ignore] Exit
FilesInUse List ListBox 20 87 330 130 7 FileInUseProcess
FilesInUse Retry PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Retry] Ignore
FilesInUse Text Text 20 55 330 30 3 The following applications are using files that need to be updated by this setup. Close these applications and then click Retry to continue the installation or Cancel to exit it.
FilesInUse Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Files in Use
LicenseAgreementDlg AgreementText ScrollableText 20 60 330 120 7 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\horzdoc{\*\fchars }{\*\lchars }\pard\plain\f0\fs20 <Your license agreement should go here.>\par } Buttons
LicenseAgreementDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Back] Next
LicenseAgreementDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] AgreementText
LicenseAgreementDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
LicenseAgreementDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
LicenseAgreementDlg Buttons RadioButtonGroup 20 187 330 40 3 IAgree Back
LicenseAgreementDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
LicenseAgreementDlg Description Text 25 23 280 15 196611 Please read the following license agreement carefully
LicenseAgreementDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
LicenseAgreementDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]End-User License Agreement
MaintenanceTypeDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Back] Next
MaintenanceTypeDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] ChangeLabel
MaintenanceTypeDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
MaintenanceTypeDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
MaintenanceTypeDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
MaintenanceTypeDlg ChangeButton PushButton 50 65 38 38 5767171 [CustomSetupIcon] RepairLabel Modify Installation|
MaintenanceTypeDlg ChangeLabel Text 105 65 100 10 3 [DlgTitleFont]&Modify ChangeButton
MaintenanceTypeDlg ChangeText Text 105 78 230 20 3 Allows users to change the way features are installed.
MaintenanceTypeDlg Description Text 25 23 280 20 196611 Select the operation you wish to perform.
MaintenanceTypeDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
MaintenanceTypeDlg RemoveButton PushButton 50 163 38 38 5767171 [RemoveIcon] Back Remove Installation|
MaintenanceTypeDlg RemoveLabel Text 105 163 100 10 3 [DlgTitleFont]&Remove RemoveButton
MaintenanceTypeDlg RemoveText Text 105 176 230 20 3 Removes [ProductName] from your computer.
MaintenanceTypeDlg RepairButton PushButton 50 114 38 38 5767171 [RepairIcon] RemoveLabel Repair Installation|
MaintenanceTypeDlg RepairLabel Text 105 114 100 10 3 [DlgTitleFont]Re&pair RepairButton
MaintenanceTypeDlg RepairText Text 105 127 230 30 3 Repairs errors in the most recent installation state - fixes missing or corrupt files, shortcuts and registry entries.
MaintenanceTypeDlg Title Text 15 6 240 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Modify, Repair or Remove installation
MaintenanceWelcomeDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Back] Next
MaintenanceWelcomeDlg Bitmap Bitmap 0 0 370 234 1 [DialogBitmap] Back
MaintenanceWelcomeDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
MaintenanceWelcomeDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] Bitmap
MaintenanceWelcomeDlg Description Text 135 70 220 60 196611 The [Wizard] will allow you to change the way [ProductName] features are installed on your computer or even to remove [ProductName] from your computer. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].
MaintenanceWelcomeDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
MaintenanceWelcomeDlg Title Text 135 20 220 60 196611 {\VerdanaBold13}Welcome to the [ProductName] [Wizard]
OutOfDiskDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] OK
OutOfDiskDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
OutOfDiskDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
OutOfDiskDlg Description Text 20 20 280 20 196611 Disk space required for the installation exceeds available disk space.
OutOfDiskDlg OK PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_OK] BannerBitmap
OutOfDiskDlg Text Text 20 53 330 40 3 The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can either remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to install less features onto local drive(s), or select different destination drive(s).
OutOfDiskDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Out of Disk Space
OutOfDiskDlg VolumeList VolumeCostList 20 100 330 120 393223 {120}{70}{70}{70}{70}
OutOfRbDiskDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] No
OutOfRbDiskDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
OutOfRbDiskDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
OutOfRbDiskDlg Description Text 20 20 280 20 196611 Disk space required for the installation exceeds available disk space.
OutOfRbDiskDlg No PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_No] Yes
OutOfRbDiskDlg Text Text 20 53 330 40 3 The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can either remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to install less features onto local drive(s), or select different destination drive(s).
OutOfRbDiskDlg Text2 Text 20 94 330 40 3 Alternatively, you may choose to disable the installer's rollback functionality. This allows the installer to restore your computer's original state should the installation be interrupted in any way. Click Yes if you wish to take the risk to disable rollback.
OutOfRbDiskDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Out of Disk Space
OutOfRbDiskDlg VolumeList VolumeCostList 20 140 330 80 4587527 {120}{70}{70}{70}{70}
OutOfRbDiskDlg Yes PushButton 240 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Yes] BannerBitmap
PrepareDlg ActionData Text 135 125 220 30 196611
PrepareDlg ActionText Text 135 100 220 20 196611
PrepareDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Back]
PrepareDlg Bitmap Bitmap 0 0 370 234 1 [DialogBitmap] Cancel
PrepareDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
PrepareDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] Bitmap
PrepareDlg Description Text 135 70 220 20 196611 Please wait while the [Wizard] prepares to guide you through the installation.
PrepareDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Next]
PrepareDlg Title Text 135 20 220 60 196611 {\VerdanaBold13}Welcome to the [ProductName] [Wizard]
ProgressDlg ActionText Text 70 100 265 10 3
ProgressDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Back] Next
ProgressDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] Back
ProgressDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
ProgressDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
ProgressDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
ProgressDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
ProgressDlg ProgressBar ProgressBar 35 115 300 10 65537 Progress done
ProgressDlg StatusLabel Text 35 100 35 10 3 Status:
ProgressDlg Text Text 35 65 300 20 3 Please wait while the [Wizard] [Progress2] [ProductName]. This may take several minutes.
ProgressDlg Title Text 20 15 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont][Progress1] [ProductName]
ResumeDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Back] Install
ResumeDlg Bitmap Bitmap 0 0 370 234 1 [DialogBitmap] Back
ResumeDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
ResumeDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] Bitmap
ResumeDlg Description Text 135 70 220 30 196611 The [Wizard] will complete the installation of [ProductName] on your computer. Click Install to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].
ResumeDlg Install PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Install] Cancel
ResumeDlg Title Text 135 20 220 60 196611 {\VerdanaBold13}Resuming the [ProductName] [Wizard]
SetupTypeDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Back] Next
SetupTypeDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] TypicalLabel
SetupTypeDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
SetupTypeDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
SetupTypeDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
SetupTypeDlg CompleteButton PushButton 50 171 38 38 5767171 [CompleteSetupIcon] Back Complete Installation|
SetupTypeDlg CompleteLabel Text 105 171 100 10 3 [DlgTitleFont]C&omplete CompleteButton
SetupTypeDlg CompleteText Text 105 184 230 20 3 All program features will be installed. (Requires most disk space)
SetupTypeDlg CustomButton PushButton 50 118 38 38 5767171 [CustomSetupIcon] CompleteLabel Custom Installation|
SetupTypeDlg CustomLabel Text 105 118 100 10 3 [DlgTitleFont]C&ustom CustomButton
SetupTypeDlg CustomText Text 105 131 230 30 3 Allows users to choose which program features will be installed and where they will be installed. Recommended for advanced users.
SetupTypeDlg Description Text 25 23 280 15 196611 Choose the setup type that best suits your needs
SetupTypeDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
SetupTypeDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Choose Setup Type
SetupTypeDlg TypicalButton PushButton 50 65 38 38 5767171 [InstallerIcon] CustomLabel Typical Installation|
SetupTypeDlg TypicalLabel Text 105 65 100 10 3 [DlgTitleFont]&Typical TypicalButton
SetupTypeDlg TypicalText Text 105 78 230 20 3 Installs the most common program features. Recommended for most users.
UserExit Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Back] Finish
UserExit Bitmap Bitmap 0 0 370 234 1 [DialogBitmap] Back
UserExit BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
UserExit Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Cancel] Bitmap
UserExit Description1 Text 135 70 220 40 196611 [ProductName] setup was interrupted. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.
UserExit Description2 Text 135 115 220 20 196611 Click the Finish button to exit the [Wizard].
UserExit Finish PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Finish] Cancel
UserExit Title Text 135 20 220 60 196611 {\VerdanaBold13}[ProductName] [Wizard] was interrupted
UserRegistrationDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Back] Next
UserRegistrationDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] NameLabel
UserRegistrationDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
UserRegistrationDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
UserRegistrationDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
UserRegistrationDlg CDKeyEdit MaskedEdit 45 159 250 16 3 PIDKEY [PIDTemplate] Back
UserRegistrationDlg CDKeyLabel Text 45 147 50 10 3 CD &Key: CDKeyEdit
UserRegistrationDlg Description Text 25 23 280 15 196611 Please enter your customer information
UserRegistrationDlg NameEdit Edit 45 85 220 18 3 USERNAME {80} OrganizationLabel
UserRegistrationDlg NameLabel Text 45 73 100 15 3 &User Name: NameEdit
UserRegistrationDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
UserRegistrationDlg OrganizationEdit Edit 45 122 220 18 3 COMPANYNAME {80} CDKeyLabel
UserRegistrationDlg OrganizationLabel Text 45 110 100 15 3 &Organization: OrganizationEdit
UserRegistrationDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Customer Information
VerifyReadyDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Back] Install
VerifyReadyDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] Back
VerifyReadyDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
VerifyReadyDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
VerifyReadyDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
VerifyReadyDlg Description Text 25 23 280 15 196611 The [Wizard] is ready to begin the [InstallMode] installation
VerifyReadyDlg Install PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Install] Cancel
VerifyReadyDlg Text Text 25 70 320 20 3 Click Install to begin the installation. If you want to review or change any of your installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.
VerifyReadyDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Ready to Install
VerifyRemoveDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Back] Remove
VerifyRemoveDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] Back
VerifyRemoveDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
VerifyRemoveDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
VerifyRemoveDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
VerifyRemoveDlg Description Text 25 23 280 15 196611 You have chosen to remove the program from your computer.
VerifyRemoveDlg Remove PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Remove] Cancel
VerifyRemoveDlg Text Text 25 70 320 30 3 Click Remove to remove [ProductName] from your computer. If you want to review or change any of your installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.
VerifyRemoveDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Remove [ProductName]
VerifyRepairDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Back] Repair
VerifyRepairDlg BannerBitmap Bitmap 0 0 374 44 1 [BannerBitmap] Back
VerifyRepairDlg BannerLine Line 0 44 374 0 1
VerifyRepairDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
VerifyRepairDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] BannerBitmap
VerifyRepairDlg Description Text 25 23 280 15 196611 The [Wizard] is ready to begin the repair of [ProductName].
VerifyRepairDlg Repair PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Repair] Cancel
VerifyRepairDlg Text Text 25 70 320 30 3 Click Repair to repair the installation of [ProductName]. If you want to review or change any of your installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.
VerifyRepairDlg Title Text 15 6 200 15 196611 [DlgTitleFont]Repair [ProductName]
WaitForCostingDlg Icon Icon 15 15 24 24 5242881 [ExclamationIcon] Exclamation icon|
WaitForCostingDlg Return PushButton 102 57 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Return]
WaitForCostingDlg Text Text 48 15 194 30 3 Please wait while the installer finishes determining your disk space requirements.
WelcomeDlg Back PushButton 180 243 56 17 1 [ButtonText_Back] Next
WelcomeDlg Bitmap Bitmap 0 0 370 234 1 [DialogBitmap] Back
WelcomeDlg BottomLine Line 0 234 374 0 1
WelcomeDlg Cancel PushButton 304 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Cancel] Bitmap
WelcomeDlg Description Text 135 70 220 30 196611 The [Wizard] will install [ProductName] on your computer. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].
WelcomeDlg Next PushButton 236 243 56 17 3 [ButtonText_Next] Cancel
WelcomeDlg Title Text 135 20 220 60 196611 {\VerdanaBold13}Welcome to the [ProductName] [Wizard]