836 lines
19 KiB
836 lines
19 KiB
TITLE LALLOC - Local memory allocator
include kernel.inc
.errnz la_prev ; This code assumes la_prev = 0
externW pLocalHeap
externB Kernel_flags
sBegin CODE
assumes CS,CODE
externNP lalign ; LINTERF.ASM
externNP lnotify ; LINTERF.ASM
externNP lcompact ; LCOMPACT.ASM
externNP CheckLAllocBreak ; LINTERF.ASM
; ljoin ;
; ;
; Join two blocks together, by removing one. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; BX = address of block to remove ;
; SI = address of block that points to the one to remove ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; BX = address of block following [SI], after join ;
; Updated hi_count field in the local arena info structure ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Mon March 9, 1987 -by- Bob Gunderson (bobgu) ;
; Added free list stuff. ;
; ;
; Tue Oct 14, 1986 05:20:56p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Added this nifty comment block. ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc ljoin,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
IncLocalStat ls_ljoin
push di
dec [di].hi_count ; remove free block from arena
mov di,bx ; save ptr to block removing
mov bx,[bx].la_next ; Get address of block after
and [bx].la_prev,LA_ALIGN ; one we are removing.
or [bx].la_prev,si ; Change it's back link
mov [si].la_next,bx ; and change the forward link
; If it is free, remove the block at [DI] from the free list
test [di].la_prev,LA_BUSY
jnz join1
xchg bx,di
call lfreedelete ; delete from free list
xchg bx,di
; if the block at [SI] is free, set its new larger free block
; size. If not free, then block at [DI] is about to become part
; of the previous busy block.
test [si].la_prev,LA_BUSY ; is it busy?
jnz joinexit ; yes
push ax
mov ax,bx
sub ax,si ; length of new free block
mov [si].la_size,ax
pop ax
; Fill new free block with DBGFILL_ALLOC
xchg si,bx
call lfillCC
xchg si,bx
pop di
cEnd nogen
; lrepsetup ;
; ;
; Sets up for a block store or move of words. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; CX = #bytes ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; CX = #words ;
; ES = DS ;
; DF = 0 ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Tue Oct 14, 1986 05:23:25p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Added this nifty comment block. ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc lrepsetup,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
shr cx,1
push ds
pop es
cEnd nogen
; lzero ;
; ;
; Fills a block with zeros. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; BX = address of last word +1 to zero ;
; CX = address of first word to zero ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; CX,ES ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Tue Oct 14, 1986 05:25:30p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Added this nifty comment block. ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc lzero,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
push di
mov di,cx ; DI = destination
sub cx,bx ; CX = - #bytes
jae zero1 ; Do nothing if BX less than or equal to CX
push ax
neg cx
xor ax,ax
call lrepsetup ; Setup for stosw
rep stosw ; Zero it out
pop ax
pop di
cEnd nogen
; lallocfill ;
; ;
; Fills a block with DBGFILL_ALLOC ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; BX = address of last word +1 to zero ;
; CX = address of first word to zero ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; CX,ES ;
; ;
cProc lallocfill,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
push di
mov di,cx ; DI = destination
sub cx,bx ; CX = - #bytes
jae @F ; Do nothing if BX less than or equal to CX
push ax
neg cx
call lrepsetup ; Setup for stosw
rep stosw ; Zero it out
pop ax
pop di
cEnd nogen
endif ;KDEBUG
; lalloc ;
; ;
; Actually allocates a local object. Called from within the local ;
; memory manager's critical section. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; AX = allocations flags ;
; BX = #bytes ;
; DI = address of local arena information structure ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; AX = data address of block allocated or NULL ;
; DX = allocation flags or size of largest free block ;
; if AX = 0 ;
; ZF = 1 if AX = 0 ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Mon March 9, 1986 -by- Bob Gunderson (bobgu) ;
; Changed the search algorithm to use the free list and added calls ;
; to add/remove blocks from the free list ;
; ;
; Tue Oct 14, 1986 05:27:40p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Added this nifty comment block. ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc lalloc,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
call CheckLAllocBreak
jnc @F
xor ax,ax
push si
push ax
push bx
test al,LA_MOVEABLE ; Moveable?
; jnz scanbwd ; Yes, search backwards
jz @F
jmp scanbwd
IncLocalStat ls_falloc
add bx,la_fixedsize ; Room for fixed header
call lalign ; Get requested size in DX
mov bx,[di].hi_first ; No, start with first entry
; use free list to find a block to allocate
mov ax,[bx].la_free_next ; get next free block
cmp ax,bx ; are we at end of arena ?
jz afwdcmp ; yes try to compact....
IncLocalStat ls_fexamine
mov bx,ax
cmp dx,[bx].la_size ; is it big enough?
ja afwdloop ; no, loop for next
; Here when we have a block big enough.
; BX = address of block
; DX = requested size, including fixed header
; verify the block is filled with DBGFILL_FREE
call lcheckCC
jz afwdfound1 ; all OK
kerror ERR_LMEM,<LocalAlloc: Local free memory overwritten>
IncLocalStat ls_ffound
mov ax,la_fixedsize
mov cx,[bx].la_next ; mov cx,[bx].la_next
sub cx,LA_MINBLOCKSIZE ; CX = as low as we will go for free
mov si,bx ; Calculate address of new block
add si,dx ; (current block + requested size)
cmp si,cx ; Is it past the current next block
;;;;;;; jae aexit1 ; yes, use the whole block
jb afwdfound2
jmp aexit1
; Here with two blocks.
; BX = address of existing block
; SI = address of new block to add to arena as free space
IncLocalStat ls_ffoundne
push bx
jmp aexit
IncLocalStat ls_fcompact
call lcompact ; End of arena. Try compacting.
cmp ax,dx ; Room for requested size?
jae afwdfound ; Yes, exit search loop
afail: ; No, fail.
push ax ; Remember size of largest free block
xor bx,bx
.errnz LN_OUTOFMEM ; Notify client procedure
xchg ax,bx ; BX = size of largest free block
mov cx,dx ; CX = size we are looking for
call lnotify
pop dx ; DX = size of largest free block
pop bx ; BX = requested size
pop ax ; AX = flags
pop si ; Restore SI
; jnz lalloc ; Try again if notify procedure said to
jz @F
jmp lalloc
IncLocalStat ls_fail
xor ax,ax ; O.W. return zero, with Z flag set
IncLocalStat ls_malloc
add bx,SIZE LocalArena ; Room for moveable header
call lalign ; Get requested size in DX
mov bx,[di].hi_last
; use free chain to find a block to aloocate
IncLocalStat ls_mexamine
mov ax,[bx].la_free_prev ; previous free block
cmp ax,bx ; are we at beginning of arena ?
jz abwdcmp ; yes try to compact....
mov bx,ax
cmp dx,[bx].la_size ; Room for requested size?
ja abwdloop ; no, loop to previous free block
jmps abwdfound ; yes, alloocate the memory
; Beginning of arena. Try compacting. If that fails then too bad
IncLocalStat ls_mcompact
call lcompact
cmp ax,dx ; Room for requested size?
jb afail ; No, fail
mov si,ax ; Yes, get free size in SI
; verify the block is filled with DBGFILL_FREE
call lcheckCC
jz abwdfound1 ; all OK
kerror ERR_LMEM,<LocalAlloc: Local free memory overwritten>
IncLocalStat ls_mfound
mov ax,SIZE LocalArena
mov si,[bx].la_size ; size of block found
sub si,dx ; SI = size of free block = total size
; less requested size (includes header)
mov cx,si ; save what's left over
add si,bx ; SI = address of new block
cmp cx,LA_MINBLOCKSIZE ; enough room for another?
jb aexit1 ; no, use entire block
push si
IncLocalStat ls_mfoundne
; Here with two blocks, in following order
; BX = address of existing free block to make smaller
; SI = address of new block to add to arena as busy
; CX = address of block after new block
mov cx,si
xchg [bx].la_next,cx
mov [si].la_prev,bx
mov [si].la_next,cx
; Here with allocated block
; BX = address of found block
; SI = address of new block after found block
; CX = address of block after new block
xchg si,cx ; SI = block after new block
and [si].la_prev,LA_ALIGN ; CX = new block
or [si].la_prev,cx ; Point to new block
inc [di].hi_count ; We added an arena entry
mov si,bx ; SI = previous free block
mov bx,cx ; BX = new block after found block
call lfreeadd ; add this new block to free list
sub bx,si
mov [si].la_size,bx ; set new free block size
pop bx ; BX = block we are allocating
call lfreedelete ; remove this block from free list
add ax,bx
or byte ptr [bx].la_prev,LA_BUSY ; Mark block as busy
pop dx ; Flush requested size
pop dx ; Restore flags
jnz @F
mov cx,ax
mov bx,[bx].la_next
call lallocfill
jmp short aexit2
test dl,LA_ZEROINIT ; Want it zeroed?
jz aexit2 ; No, all done
mov cx,ax ; Yes, CX = 1st word to zero
mov bx,[bx].la_next ; BX = last word+1 to zero
call lzero ; Zero them
pop si
or ax,ax ; Return AX points to client portion
ret ; of block allocated or zero
cEnd nogen
; lfree ;
; ;
; Marks a block as free, coalescing it with any free blocks before ;
; or after it. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; BX = block to mark as free. ;
; DI = address of local arena information structure ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; SI = 0 if freed a fixed block. ;
; SI = handle table entry, for moveable blocks. ;
; ZF =1 if SI = 0 ;
; Updated hi_count field in local arena information structure ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Mon March 9, 1987 -by- Bob Gunderson (bobgu) ;
; Freed blocks are placed back on the free list ;
; ;
; Tue Oct 14, 1986 05:31:52p -by- David N. Weise [davidw] ;
; Added this nifty comment block. ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc lfree,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
mov si,bx
or si,si
jz free4
push dx
push [bx].la_handle ; push possible handle
; Add block to free list
push si
xor si,si
call lfreeadd ; add this block to free list
pop si
; Clear any existing LA_BUSY and LA_MOVEABLE bits
and dx,[bx].la_prev
xor [bx].la_prev,dx
and dl,LA_MOVEABLE ; Moveable?
pop dx ; restore handle
jnz free1 ; Yes, return handle in DX
xor dx,dx ; No, return 0 in DX
mov si,[bx].la_next ; SI = next block
test byte ptr [si].la_prev,LA_BUSY ; Is it free?
jnz free2 ; No, continue
xchg bx,si
call ljoin ; Yes, coelesce with block in BX
mov bx,si
mov si,[bx].la_prev ; SI = previous block
test byte ptr [si].la_prev,LA_BUSY ; Is it free?
jnz free3 ; No, continue
call ljoin ; Yes, coelesce with block in BX
mov si,dx ; Return 0 or handle in BX
pop dx ; restore DX
or si,si ; Set Z flag if SI = zero
cEnd nogen
; lfreeadd ;
; ;
; Links a block onto the free block chain. This routine assumes that ;
; the block to add already has the la_next and la_prev fields set ;
; to their proper values. An extended free block header is written ;
; into the block. ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; BX = Address of block to add to free list ;
; SI = 0 to search for insertion point, else contins the address ;
; of the previous free block. ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; All are preserved ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Mon March 9, 1987 -by- Bob Gunderson (bobgu) ;
;Initail version ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc lfreeadd,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
push si
push di
push ax
push cx
or si,si ; need to search for insertion point?
jnz lfa1 ; no
; We first need to find the previous free block so that we can insert this
; block into the proper place.
mov si,ds:pLocalHeap ; get local arena info block address
; Range check the insertion point
cmp bx,[si].hi_first
jb lfadie
cmp bx,[si].hi_last
jb lfaok
kerror ERR_LMEM,<lfreeadd : Invalid local heap>
mov si,[si].hi_first ; get first block address (free list header)
mov ax,[si].la_free_next ; get address of next free block
cmp bx,ax ; will next block be past new block?
jb lfa1 ; yes, DI contains block to insert AFTER
mov si,ax
jmp lfaloop ; loop on next block
; At this point, BX = block to insert, SI = block to insert after
mov di,[si].la_free_next ; get next free block
mov [bx].la_free_next,di ;
mov [si].la_free_next,bx ; set new next block
mov [bx].la_free_prev,si ; set new previous block
mov [di].la_free_prev,bx ; ditto
mov ax,[bx].la_next ; next block (not necessarily free)
sub ax,bx
mov [bx].la_size,ax ; set the size of this block
; now fill the new free block with DBGFILL_ALLOC
call lfillCC
pop cx
pop ax
pop di
pop si
cEnd nogen
; lfreedelete ;
; ;
; Removes a specified block from the free list. This routine assums ;
; that the specified block is indeed on the free list ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; BX = Address of block to remove from the free list ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; All are preserved ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Mon March 9, 1987 -by- Bob Gunderson (bobgu) ;
;Initail version ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc lfreedelete,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
push di
push si
mov di,[bx].la_free_prev
mov si,[bx].la_free_next
mov [di].la_free_next,si
mov [si].la_free_prev,di
pop si
pop di
cEnd nogen
; lfillCC ;
; ;
; Fills all the bytes in the specified block with DBGFILL_FREE ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; BX = Address of block to fill ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; All are preserved ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Mon March 9, 1987 -by- Bob Gunderson (bobgu) ;
;Initail version ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc lfillCC,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
push di
push cx
push ax
; if heap free checking is off, don't fill the block.
mov di,pLocalHeap
cmp [di].hi_check,2 ; 2 -> checkfree
jb fillexit
lea di,[bx].la_freefixedsize
mov cx,[bx].la_next
cmp cx,bx ; marker block ?
jz fillexit
sub cx,di
push ds
pop es
rep stosb
pop ax
pop cx
pop di
cEnd nogen
; lcheckCC ;
; ;
; checks all bytes in the specified block for the value DBGFILL_FREE ;
; ;
; Arguments: ;
; BX = Address of block to check ;
; ;
; Returns: ;
; ZF = 0 if block does not contain all 0CCh values, else ZF = 1 ;
; ;
; Error Returns: ;
; ;
; Registers Preserved: ;
; All are preserved ;
; ;
; Registers Destroyed: ;
; ;
; Calls: ;
; ;
; History: ;
; ;
; Mon March 9, 1987 -by- Bob Gunderson (bobgu) ;
;Initail version ;
assumes ds, nothing
assumes es, nothing
cProc lcheckCC,<PUBLIC,NEAR>
cBegin nogen
push si
push cx
push ax
; if heap checking is off, don't check the block
mov si,pLocalHeap
xor cx,cx ; cx == 0 for ok return
cmp [si].hi_check,2
jb testexit
lea si,[bx].la_freefixedsize
mov cx,[bx].la_next
cmp cx,bx ; sentinel block ?
jz testexit2 ; yes: return ZF = 1 for success
sub cx,si
push ds
pop es
loope testloop
or cx,cx ; ZF = 1 if ok, ZF = 0 if failed test
pop ax
pop cx
pop si
cEnd nogen