
457 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
; This file defines the base virtual address for Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL)
; that are part of the NT OS/2 System. The first token on a line is the name
; of the DLL and the second token is the base virtual address, in hexidecimal.
; The third token is the maximum size of the DLL image file, including symbols.
usermode 0x00010000 0x60000000
; This section lists all the Cairo DLL's. Until we merge with the NT
; group, limit yourself to the range 0x10000000 - 0x20000000.
cardf 0x10000000 0x00200000
eventsys 0x10200000 0x00200000
commnot 0x10400000 0x00200000
cryptdll 0x10600000 0x00200000
demoif 0x10800000 0x00200000
menuedt 0x10a00000 0x00200000
dfsm 0x10c00000 0x00200000
clockctl 0x10e00000 0x00200000
calendar 0x11000000 0x00200000
report 0x11200000 0x00200000
desk 0x11400000 0x00200000
filter 0x11600000 0x00200000
datetime 0x11800000 0x00200000
dtsrv 0x11a00000 0x00200000
iclass 0x11c00000 0x00200000
dfsinit 0x11e00000 0x00200000
cpshare 0x12000000 0x00200000
iprod 0x12200000 0x00200000
kerberos 0x12400000 0x00200000
kerbsupp 0x12600000 0x00200000
applet1 0x12800000 0x00200000
cairocpl 0x12a00000 0x00200000
cpo 0x12c00000 0x00200000
deskapp 0x12e00000 0x00200000
ntlm 0x13000000 0x00200000
objsrv 0x13200000 0x00200000
ole2 0x13400000 0x00200000
lnktrack 0x13600000 0x00200000
pocket 0x13800000 0x00200000
dsfsmsgs 0x13a00000 0x00200000
stemdll 0x13c00000 0x00200000
propset 0x13e00000 0x00200000
prsht 0x14000000 0x00200000
bmpctl 0x14200000 0x00200000
spintime 0x14400000 0x00200000
grpbox 0x14600000 0x00200000
security 0x14800000 0x00200000
; uofs needs two slots worth:
uofs 0x14a00000 0x00400000
;uofs 0x14c00000 0x00200000
; Query needs four slots worth:
query 0x14e00000 0x00800000
;query 0x15000000 0x00200000
;query 0x15200000 0x00200000
;query 0x15400000 0x00200000
;unused 0x15600000 0x00200000
dafs 0x15800000 0x00200000
dahard 0x15a00000 0x00200000
stdobj 0x15c00000 0x00200000
csumcat 0x15e00000 0x00200000
sysmgmt 0x16000000 0x00200000
cpdskadm 0x16200000 0x00200000
idfsvol 0x16400000 0x00200000
testdll 0x16600000 0x00400000
cap 0x16a00000 0x00200000
sysinf 0x16c00000 0x00200000
shtypes 0x16e00000 0x00200000
shexplor 0x17000000 0x00300000
popups 0x17300000 0x00100000
replsup 0x17400000 0x00200000
schema 0x17700000 0x00200000
useragnt 0x18000000 0x00200000
vpcont 0x18200000 0x00200000
uares 0x18400000 0x00200000
rndrevrp 0x18600000 0x00200000
pdfpage 0x18800000 0x00200000
pkgpage 0x18a00000 0x00200000
package 0x18e00000 0x00200000
pdf 0x19000000 0x00200000
dsys 0x19200000 0x00200000
dfssetup 0x19400000 0x00200000
dfsinstr 0x19600000 0x00200000
lprofile 0x19800000 0x00200000
ole232 0x19a00000 0x00400000
compob32 0x19e00000 0x00400000
docfile 0x1a200000 0x00400000
tlib34 0x1a600000 0x00200000
storage 0x1aa00000 0x00600000
ole2pr32 0x1b000000 0x00500000
piballs 0x1b500000 0x00100000
testext 0x1b600000 0x00200000
loghrs 0x1b800000 0x00100000
scstg 0x1b900000 0x00100000
smoke 0x1ba00000 0x00100000
shview 0x1bc00000 0x00200000
shtcmcli 0x1be00000 0x00200000
shdebug 0x1c000000 0x00200000
shell232 0x1c200000 0x00200000
shhdlr 0x1c400000 0x00200000
shprop 0x1c600000 0x00200000
shtcmsrv 0x1c800000 0x00200000
spincube 0x1ca00000 0x00200000
; Repl dlls
chglogdb 0x1cc00000 0x00100000
dumyrclr 0x1cd00000 0x00100000
flatrst 0x1ce00000 0x00100000
lastwins 0x1cf00000 0x00100000
ofsrs 0x1d000000 0x00100000
ora 0x1d100000 0x00100000
orarcnlr 0x1d200000 0x00100000
replui 0x1d300000 0x00100000
roschlog 0x1d400000 0x00100000
rsmgr 0x1d500000 0x00100000
dsobjs 0x1d600000 0x00200000
account 0x1d800000 0x00200000
rcon 0x1da00000 0x00100000
robj 0x1db00000 0x00100000
rset 0x1dc00000 0x00100000
chgp 0x1dd00000 0x00100000
; Old Forms DLLs
form 0x1e000000 0x00200000
formctls 0x1e200000 0x00200000
crstdctl 0x1e400000 0x00200000
formtoc 0x1e600000 0x00200000
proppage 0x1e800000 0x00100000
timing 0x1e900000 0x00100000
;RTO dlls
rtfdisp 0x1eA00000 0x00200000
rtfmle 0x1eC00000 0x00200000
webcore 0x1eE00000 0x00200000
rtfdoc 0x1f000000 0x00200000
ctlrto 0x1f200000 0x00200000
shctrls 0x1f400000 0x00600000
shfx 0x1fa00000 0x00100000
shcommon 0x1fb00000 0x00300000
shtaskhk 0x1fe00000 0x00100000
smss 0x20000000 0x40000000
dbgss 0x30000000 0x30000000
csrss 0x40000000 0x20000000
os2ss 0x40000000 0x20000000
psxss 0x40000000 0x20000000
cmd 0x50000000 0x10000000
ntdll 0x60100000 0x00100000
dbgdll 0x60200000 0x00100000
csr 0x60300000 0x00100000
csrrtl 0x60400000 0x00100000
csrsrv 0x60500000 0x00100000
kernel32 0x60600000 0x00100000
basertl 0x60700000 0x00100000
basesrv 0x60800000 0x00100000
consrv 0x60900000 0x00100000
console 0x60A00000 0x00100000
user32 0x60B00000 0x00200000
gdi32 0x60D00000 0x00100000
gdisrv 0x60E00000 0x00200000
jazz 0x61000000 0x00100000
gre 0x61100000 0x00200000
rasdd 0x61300000 0x00100000
sysmono 0x61400000 0x00100000
courier 0x61500000 0x00100000
helv 0x61600000 0x00100000
times 0x61700000 0x00100000
netapi32 0x61800000 0x00200000
winmgr 0x62100000 0x00100000
display 0x62200000 0x00100000
vga 0x62200000 0x00100000
bmfd 0x62300000 0x00100000
ttfd 0x62400000 0x00100000
vtfd 0x62500000 0x00100000
winspool 0x62600000 0x00100000
splsrv 0x62700000 0x00100000
ntprint 0x62800000 0x00100000
pscript 0x62900000 0x00100000
halftone 0x62A00000 0x00100000
lmspool 0x62B00000 0x00100000
os2dll 0x63000000 0x00100000
services 0x63100000 0x00100000
psxdll 0x63200000 0x00100000
userrtl 0x63300000 0x00100000
winnet 0x63400000 0x00100000
msv1_0 0x63500000 0x00100000
samlib 0x635A0000 0x00100000
lsaap 0x63600000 0x00100000
netrap 0x63700000 0x00100000
TEMPNAME2 0x63800000 0x00700000
usersrv 0x63f00000 0x00300000
media 0x65000000 0x00100000
mediasrv 0x66000000 0x00100000
canon330 0x66100000 0x00100000
cit24us 0x66200000 0x00100000
canon10e 0x66300000 0x00100000
canon130 0x66400000 0x00100000
qwiii 0x66500000 0x00100000
citoh 0x66600000 0x00100000
deskjet 0x66700000 0x00100000
epson24 0x66800000 0x00100000
epson9 0x66900000 0x00100000
fuji24 0x66A00000 0x00100000
fuji9 0x66B00000 0x00100000
fujimtrx 0x66C00000 0x00100000
hpdskjet 0x66D00000 0x00100000
hppcl 0x66E00000 0x00100000
ibmgrx 0x66F00000 0x00100000
lq2500 0x67000000 0x00100000
nec24pin 0x67100000 0x00100000
oki24 0x67200000 0x00100000
oki9 0x67300000 0x00100000
oki9ibm 0x67400000 0x00100000
paintjet 0x67500000 0x00100000
proprint 0x67600000 0x00100000
proprn24 0x67700000 0x00100000
thinkjet 0x67800000 0x00100000
ntsdexts 0x67900000 0x00100000
plotter 0x67A00000 0x00100000
rpcrt4 0x67B00000 0x00100000
winmm 0x67D00000 0x00100000
rpcssp 0x67E00000 0x00100000
mciwave 0x67F00000 0x00100000
rpclts1 0x68000000 0x00100000
rpcltc1 0x68100000 0x00100000
ldrdll 0x68200000 0x00100000
mcicda 0x68300000 0x00100000
plottrui 0x68400000 0x00100000
rasddui 0x68500000 0x00100000
pscrptui 0x68600000 0x00100000
mmio 0x68700000 0x00100000
rpcnts1 0x68800000 0x00100000
rpcntc1 0x68900000 0x00100000
nlsapi 0x68A00000 0x00100000
ibm5204 0x68B00000 0x00100000
ti850 0x68C00000 0x00100000
olesvr32 0x68D00000 0x00100000
olecli32 0x68E00000 0x00100000
diconix 0x68F00000 0x00100000
fscaler 0x69000000 0x00100000
sys003 0x69100000 0x00100000
cit9us 0x69200000 0x00100000
escp2 0x69300000 0x00100000
execjet 0x69400000 0x00100000
panson24 0x69500000 0x00100000
panson9 0x69600000 0x00100000
ps1 0x69700000 0x00100000
toshiba 0x69800000 0x00100000
thinkjet 0x69900000 0x00100000
svcctrl 0x69A00000 0x00100000
xactsrv 0x69B00000 0x00100000
winreg 0x69C00000 0x00100000
samsrv 0x69D00000 0x00100000
mmdrv 0x69F00000 0x00100000
dlcapi 0x6A000000 0x00100000
win32spl 0x6A100000 0x00100000
localspl 0x6A200000 0x00100000
rpclts5 0x6A300000 0x00100000
rpcltc5 0x6A400000 0x00100000
netlogon 0x6A500000 0x00200000
tmsre32 0x6A600000 0x00100000
lsaudll 0x6A700000 0x00100000
mciseq 0x6A800000 0x00100000
winprint 0x6A900000 0x00100000
localmon 0x6AA00000 0x00100000
msaudite 0x6AB00000 0x00100000
msauditt 0x6AC00000 0x00100000
hpmon 0x6AD00000 0x00100000
alrsvc 0x6AE00000 0x00100000
srvsvc 0x6AF00000 0x00100000
wkssvc 0x6B000000 0x00100000
xssvc 0x6B100000 0x00100000
rpclts3 0x6B200000 0x00100000
rpcltc3 0x6B300000 0x00100000
htui 0x6B400000 0x00100000
lsasrv 0x6B500000 0x00100000
mmsndsrv 0x6B600000 0x00100000
midi 0x6B700000 0x00100000
bowsvc 0x6B800000 0x00100000
drivers 0x6B900000 0x00100000
lmmon 0x6BA00000 0x00100000
; RTO Toolbar dlls
hyprgzmo 0x6BB00000 0x00100000
hyprbttn 0x6BC00000 0x00100000
; The following is an extension for NTSD which traces memory usage in the
; ULIB utilities...
memtrace 0x6BF00000 0x00100000
; shell
shamu 0x6C000000 0x00800000
; CD Forms
formkrnl 0x6C800000 0x00200000
cdform2c 0x6CA00000 0x00200000
cdproppg 0x6CC00000 0x00200000
basectrl 0x6CE00000 0x00200000
cdctrls 0x6D000000 0x00200000
cdbase 0x6D200000 0x00200000
; Win32 shell apps/dlls
control 0x70000000 0x00100000
color 0x70100000 0x00100000
sound 0x70200000 0x00100000
ports 0x70300000 0x00100000
intl 0x70400000 0x00100000
date 0x70500000 0x00100000
mouse 0x70600000 0x00100000
keybd 0x70700000 0x00100000
desktop 0x70800000 0x00100000
fonts 0x70900000 0x00100000
security 0x70A00000 0x00100000
main 0x70B00000 0x00100000
ups 0x70C00000 0x00100000
; Win32 National Keyboard Layers
kbdbe 0x72000000 0x00100000
kbdca 0x72100000 0x00100000
kbdda 0x72200000 0x00100000
kbddv 0x72300000 0x00100000
kbdes 0x72400000 0x00100000
kbdfc 0x72500000 0x00100000
kbdfr 0x72600000 0x00100000
kbdfs 0x72700000 0x00100000
kbdgr 0x72800000 0x00100000
kbdic 0x72900000 0x00100000
kbdit 0x72A00000 0x00100000
kbdla 0x72B00000 0x00100000
kbdne 0x72C00000 0x00100000
kbdno 0x72D00000 0x00100000
kbdpo 0x72E00000 0x00100000
kbdsf 0x72F00000 0x00100000
kbdsg 0x73000000 0x00100000
kbdsp 0x73100000 0x00100000
kbduk 0x73200000 0x00100000
kbdus 0x73300000 0x00100000
kbdusx 0x73400000 0x00100000
; The following is not currently used until we switch to the new image
; format with the new section headers.
executive 0xD0020000 0x18000000
; The following are the Mep extensions
tglcase 0x09080000 0x00100000
pmatch 0x09090000 0x00100000
justify 0x090a0000 0x00100000
ulcase 0x090b0000 0x00100000
filter 0x090c0000 0x00100000
mhelp 0x090d0000 0x00100000
mepparty 0x090e0000 0x00100000
srmep 0x090f0000 0x00100000
mshelp 0x09100000 0x00100000
mbrowse 0x09110000 0x00100000
; The following are for the utilities
ulib 0x09800000 0x00200000
uhpfs 0x09a10000 0x00100000
ufat 0x09b20000 0x00100000
untfs 0x09c30000 0x00100000
ifsutil 0x09d40000 0x00100000
cufat 0x09e50000 0x00100000
cuhpfs 0x09f60000 0x00100000
fmifs 0x0a070000 0x00100000
uspifs 0x0a180000 0x00100000
; The following are for the net error messages
netmsg 0x09600000 0x00080000
neth 0x09680000 0x00080000
netevent 0x09700000 0x00080000
; The following is the I/O error log messages.
iologmsg 0x09700000 0x00080000
; The following is for the 16-bit loader for the OS/2 subsystem
loader 0x20000000 0x01000000
; The following is for the Streams/Sockets dll's
winsock 0x75000000 0x00200000
winstrm 0x75200000 0x00100000
sockutil 0x75300000 0x00100000
resolver 0x75400000 0x00100000
inetmib1 0x75500000 0x00100000
lmmib2 0x75600000 0x00100000
tcpipsvc 0x75700000 0x00100000
nbtsvc 0x75800000 0x00100000
; The following are for the windowed debugger (windbg)
eecan 0x40000000 0x00200000
em 0x48000000 0x00200000
shcoff 0x50000000 0x00200000
shcv 0x58000000 0x00200000
tlloc 0x60000000 0x00200000
; The following are for the NetUI components.
acledit 0x76000000 0x00100000
mprmain 0x76100000 0x00100000
ntlanman 0x76200000 0x00100000
srvmgr 0x76300000 0x00100000
ncpa 0x76400000 0x00100000
; The following are for OFS Utilities (CONVERT and REPART)
ofsutil 0x76600000 0x00400000
fmtmnofs 0x77000000 0x00200000
cfrtulib 0x77200000 0x00100000
; User object property pages.
user_ui 0x73000000 0x00400000