184 lines
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184 lines
6.4 KiB
* This file was automatically generated by Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0
* using the file %TEMPLATEDIR%\nethood.htt.
<link rel=stylesheet href="%TEMPLATEDIR%\webview.css" title="Windows">
<script language="JavaScript">
var L_Intro_Text = "This folder contains network connections " +
"on this computer.<br><br>To activate a " +
"connection, double-click it.<br><br>To access " +
"networking components and other properties " +
"of a connection, right-click it and click " +
var L_Multiple_Text = " items selected.";
var L_Wizard_Friendly_Text = "Make New Connection";
var L_Wizard_Help_Text = "Choose this icon to create a connection to another computer or network.";
var L_Type_Suffix_Text = " Connection";
var L_Network_Ident_Text = "Network Identification";
var L_NetId_Cmd_Text = "NetworkIdent";
function FixSize() {
// this function handles fixed panel sizing and collapsing when the window resizes
var threshold = 400;
var miniHeight = 32;
var ch = document.body.clientHeight;
var cw = document.body.clientWidth;
if (cw < threshold) {
document.all.Panel.style.visibility = "hidden";
document.all.MiniBanner.style.visibility = "visible";
document.all.FileList.style.top = miniHeight;
document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft = 0;
} else {
document.all.MiniBanner.style.visibility = "hidden";
document.all.Panel.style.visibility = "visible";
document.all.FileList.style.top = 0;
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document.all.FileList.style.pixelWidth = cw - document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft;
document.all.FileList.style.pixelHeight = ch - document.all.FileList.style.pixelTop;
function Network_Identification() {
function Init() {
// call our FixSize() function whenever the window gets resized
window.onresize = FixSize;
Info.innerHTML = L_Intro_Text;
<script language="JavaScript" for="FileList" event="SelectionChanged">
// this script updates the left info panel when you select icons
var fldr = FileList.Folder;
var items;
var name;
var data;
var title;
var text;
var type;
var status;
var device_name;
var owner;
var i;
data = FileList.SelectedItems().Count;
if (data == 0) {
// nothing selected?
Info.innerHTML = L_Intro_Text;
else if (data > 1) {
// more than one item selected?
text = data + L_Multiple_Text + "<br>";
if (data <= 16)
for (i = 0; i < data; i++)
text += "<br>" + FileList.SelectedItems().Item(i).Name;
Info.innerHTML = text;
items = FileList.SelectedItems().Item(0);
// Get the name. If it's the wizard, then use a friendly (proper)
// version of the name + the help text. If not, then just use the
// name itself + the other details fields.
name = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 0);
if (name == L_Wizard_Friendly_Text)
text = "<b>" + L_Wizard_Friendly_Text + "</b>";
text += "<br><br>" + L_Wizard_Help_Text;
text = "<b>" + name + "</b>";
// get device type
type = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 1);
if (type)
text += "<br>" + type + L_Type_Suffix_Text + "<br>";
// get connection status
title = fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, 2);
status = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 2);
if (title && status)
text += "<br>" + title + ": " + status;
// get device name
title = fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, 3);
device_name = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 3);
if (title && device_name)
text += "<br>" + title + ": " + device_name;
// get owner
title = fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, 4);
owner = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 4);
if (title && owner)
text += "<br>" + title + ": " + owner;
// add the network ID link
text += "<br><br><b>";
text += L_Network_Ident_Text.link("JavaScript:onClick=Network_Identification()");
text += "</b>";
// replace Info with the new text
Info.innerHTML = text;
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<p class=Title style="margin-top: 0">
<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan alt="<B><I>Web View Folder Title</I></B> " -->
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<p class=LogoLine>
<img src="%TEMPLATEDIR%\wvline.gif" width=100% height=1px>
<!-- the initial prompt in this span gets replaced by script -->
<span id=Info>
<!-- end left info panel -->
<!-- this is the standard file list control -->
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