213 lines
4.6 KiB
213 lines
4.6 KiB
@ECHO off
if defined _echo echo on
if defined verbose echo on
REM raise the remote if not a tsclient
set script_name=%0
if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\%computername%.ini" goto :EOF
for /f "tokens=1,2* delims== " %%f in ('type "%USERPROFILE%\%computername%.ini"') do (
if /i "%%f" equ "set" (
set %%g=%%h
if not defined __NTDRIVE set __NTDRIVE=d:
if not defined RemoteStartUpJob set RemoteStartUpJob=@echo.
set platform=
set frechk=
set TSClient=
set default_temp=%tmp:~-1%
set /a default_temp_bak=%default_temp%+0
if "%default_temp%" equ "%default_temp_bak%" set TSClient=1
call :Free free
REM Create UserDefine Remote with UserDefined Arguments
for /L %%a in (0,1,10) do (
if defined UserDefined_%%a (
call :RemoteCreator !UserDefined_%%a!
REM Create Remote console
for %%a in (%ntroot%) do (
for %%b in (%platforms%) do (
call :Win64 %%b
for %%c in (%frechks%) do (
call :Free %%c
for %%d in (%consoles%) do (
call :RemoteCreator %%a %%a_%%b_%%c_%%d %%b %RemoteStartUpJob%
goto end
REM Function: RemoteCreator(__NTROOT __ConsoleName __Platform[ __Dosomething1[+__Dosomething2])
REM Parameter:
REM __NTROOT - the nt's sdxroot
REM __ConsoleName - the console name for we create the window
REM __Platform - x86 or ia64
REM __DoSomething - Do something inside the remote we created
REM Return:
REM none
if "%3"=="" goto :EOF
set consoleexist=
set __NTROOT=%1
set __ConsoleName=%2
set __Platform=%3
set __DoSomething=%4
shift /4
if "%4" neq "" (
set __DoSomething=!__DoSomething! %4
goto :AddParameter
set __DoSomething=%__DoSomething:+=^&^&%
set CreateResult=
set __RemotePath=%__NTDRIVE%\%__NTROOT%\tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\remote.exe
call :CheckConsole %__ConsoleName%
if not defined __DoSomething set __DoSomething=@echo.
if not defined consoleexist (
if not defined TSClient (
start /I /min %__RemotePath% /s "cmd /k %__NTDRIVE%\%__NTROOT%\tools\razzle.cmd !platform! !frechk! binaries_dir=d:\%__NTROOT%.binaries postbld_dir=d:\%__NTROOT%.relbins temp=d:\%__NTROOT%.temp.%__Platform% no_title ^&^& title %__ConsoleName% - Remote /c %computername% %__ConsoleName% ^&^& %__DoSomething%" %__ConsoleName% /V /F lyellow /B cyan %Permission%
set CreateResult=ServerCreated
) else (
start /I /min %__RemotePath% /c %computername% %__ConsoleName% /F lyellow /B cyan
sleep 10
set CreateResult=ClientCreated
call :CheckConsole %__ConsoleName%
) else (
set CreateResult=RemoteExist
if not defined consoleexist (
if "%CreateResult%" equ "ServerCreated" (
set CreateResult=ServerFatalError
echo Server Remote does not create successfully....
sleep 10
if "%CreateResult%" equ "ClientCreated" (
set CreateResult=ServerRemoteUnavailable
echo Server Remote is not available in this moment....
call :submitprocess %script_name%
sleep 10
if "%CreateResult%" equ "RemoteExist" (
REM Retry, because the origional is exist...
goto :RemoteCreator
set __DoSomething=
goto :EOF
REM Function: Win64(platformname)
REM Parameter:
REM %1 - ia64, x86, ...
REM Return:
REM set platform to win64 if %1 is ia64 or undef if others.
if /i "%1"=="ia64" (
set platform=Win64
) else (
set platform=
goto :EOF
REM Function: Free(frechk)
REM Parameter:
REM %1 - fre or chk
REM Return:
REM set frechk to "free" if is %1 is fre, or undef if is chk.
if /i "%1"=="fre" (
set frechk=free
) else (
set frechk=
goto :EOF
REM Function: CheckConsole(ConsoleName)
REM Parameter:
REM ConsoleName - The Title of the cmd console, we can use it to find in tlist.
REM Return:
REM consoleexist - set to 1 if exist, or undef if not.
set ConsoleName=%1
set Consoleexist=
for /f "tokens=1 delims=#" %%k in ('tlist') do (
set TestValue=%%k
if "!TestValue:%ConsoleName%=!" neq "!TestValue!" (
set consoleexist=1
echo Console %ConsoleName% exist....
if not defined consoleexist echo Console %ConsoleName% not found ...
goto :EOF
REM Function: SubmitProcess(ProgramName)
REM Parameter:
REM ProgramName - the program we would like to call after 3 minutes in the server
REM Return:
REM none
set ProgramName=%1
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:." %%k in ('echo %time%') do (
set myhour=%%k
set /A mymin=%%l + 3
if !mymin! gtr 59 (
set /A mymin-=60
set /A myhour+=1
if !myhour! gtr 23 (
set /A myhour-=24
echo Submit remote %1 into server. Should be available at %myhour%:%mymin%.
AT %myhour%:%mymin% /interactive ""%1""
goto :EOF