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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
Dialog_ Control Type X Y Width Height Attributes Property Text Control_Next Help
s72 s50 s20 i2 i2 i2 i2 I4 S50 L0 S50 L50
Control Dialog_ Control
ActionDialog ActionData Text 12 30 456 12 131075
ActionDialog ActionProgress95 ProgressBar 12 50 350 20 65537 Progress done
ActionDialog ActionText Text 12 10 456 12 131075
ActionDialog Billboard Billboard 0 110 480 130 1 billboard control|
ActionDialog Cancel PushButton 378 50 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel
ActionDialog TimeRemaining Text 12 80 456 12 3
AdminInstallBrowse Cancel PushButton 380 210 90 20 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel ComboText
AdminInstallBrowse Combo DirectoryCombo 110 10 300 80 458755 TARGETDIR Up
AdminInstallBrowse ComboText Text 10 10 90 20 3 &Location of folder: Combo
AdminInstallBrowse List DirectoryList 10 40 460 110 7 TARGETDIR TailText
AdminInstallBrowse NewFolder PushButton 450 10 20 20 3670019 New List create new folder|
AdminInstallBrowse OK PushButton 380 160 90 20 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK Cancel
AdminInstallBrowse Tail PathEdit 110 160 260 20 3 TARGETDIR OK
AdminInstallBrowse TailText Text 10 160 90 20 3 &Selected path: Tail
AdminInstallBrowse Up PushButton 420 10 20 20 3670019 Up NewFolder go to parent folder|
AdminInstallPoint Back PushButton 204 270 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}< &Back Next
AdminInstallPoint Bitmap Bitmap 10 10 106 244 1 Welcome picture of a CD|
AdminInstallPoint Browse PushButton 306 120 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}B&rowse Cancel
AdminInstallPoint Cancel PushButton 102 270 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Back
AdminInstallPoint Edit PathEdit 130 90 266 20 3 TARGETDIR Browse
AdminInstallPoint EditQ Text 130 70 270 18 3 Network &installation point: Edit
AdminInstallPoint Next PushButton 306 270 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next > EditQ
AdminInstallPoint Text Text 130 40 270 18 3 Where would you like to create your install?
Browse Cancel PushButton 380 210 90 20 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel ComboText
Browse Combo DirectoryCombo 80 10 330 80 983051 _BrowseProperty Up
Browse ComboText Text 10 10 90 20 3 &Look in: Combo
Browse List DirectoryList 10 40 460 135 15 _BrowseProperty List of directories TailText
Browse NewFolder PushButton 450 10 20 20 3670019 New List create new folder|
Browse OK PushButton 380 185 90 20 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK Cancel
Browse Tail PathEdit 80 185 295 20 11 _BrowseProperty OK
Browse TailText Text 10 190 70 20 3 &Folder name: Tail
Browse Up PushButton 420 10 20 20 3670019 Up NewFolder go to parent folder|
Cancel No PushButton 84 90 60 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&No Yes
Cancel Text Text 12 12 216 12 3 Are you sure you want to cancel?
Cancel Yes PushButton 12 90 60 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Yes No
CCPDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel OK
CCPDialog Drive VolumeSelectCombo 12 136 200 100 2621443 CCP_DRIVE Cancel
CCPDialog DriveText Text 12 110 100 18 3 Drive: Drive
CCPDialog OK PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next>> DriveText
CCPDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous
CCPDialog Text Text 12 24 400 80 3 Setup failed to locate a qualifying product on your hard drive(s). Please select the drive that contains the qualifying product.
CCPFail OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 Exit
CCPFail Text Text 12 12 400 80 3 Setup has failed to locate a qualifying product.
CustomCompleteDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
CustomCompleteDialog CompleteText Text 20 120 400 80 2 This selection will install all the components of the product.
CustomCompleteDialog CustomText Text 20 120 400 80 2 This selection will give you complete control over what components will be installed.
CustomCompleteDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> SomethingElse
CustomCompleteDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
CustomCompleteDialog SomethingElse RadioButtonGroup 20 20 400 80 3 InstallMode Cancel
CustomCompleteDialog TypicalText Text 20 120 400 80 2 This selection will install the most frequently used components.
DiskCost List VolumeCostList 12 70 450 100 393219 {160}{100}{100}{100}{100}List of volumes
DiskCost OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 OK
DiskCost Text Text 12 12 400 40 3 The current selections require the following amount of disk space on the different volumes. The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features.
ErrorDialog A PushButton 100 90 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel
ErrorDialog C PushButton 100 90 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel
ErrorDialog ErrorIcon Icon 15 15 24 24 5242881 Info Information icon|
ErrorDialog ErrorText Text 54 15 225 70 3 {&Times9}Information text
ErrorDialog I PushButton 100 90 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Ignore
ErrorDialog N PushButton 100 90 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&No
ErrorDialog O PushButton 100 90 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK
ErrorDialog R PushButton 100 90 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Retry
ErrorDialog Y PushButton 100 90 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Yes
ExitDialog OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}OK
ExitDialog Text Text 110 40 360 12 3 Install has completed successfully.
FastMaintenanceDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel InstallNow
FastMaintenanceDialog InstallNow PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Install Now Cancel
FastMaintenanceDialog Text Text 10 10 400 18 3 Are you ready to install?
FastMaintenanceDialog Text2 Text 10 10 400 18 3 Are you ready to complete your suspended installation?
FatalError OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK
FatalError Text Text 100 40 370 50 3 Installation ended prematurely because of an error.
FilesInUse Exit PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Exit Retry
FilesInUse Ignore PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Ignore Text
FilesInUse List ListBox 12 70 450 100 3 FileInUseProcess Exit
FilesInUse Retry PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Retry Ignore
FilesInUse Text Text 12 12 460 18 3 The &following applications should be closed before continuing the install: List
FirstInstallDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Next
FirstInstallDialog Line Line 12 80 456 1 1
FirstInstallDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> Cancel
FirstInstallDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous
FirstInstallDialog Text Text 12 12 400 60 3 ProductName Welcome to [ProductName].
FirstMaintenanceDialog AddRemove PushButton 20 20 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Add/Remove RemoveAll
FirstMaintenanceDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
FirstMaintenanceDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> AddRemove
FirstMaintenanceDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
FirstMaintenanceDialog Reinstall PushButton 20 100 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}R&einstall ReinstallMode
FirstMaintenanceDialog ReinstallMode PushButton 120 100 150 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Select reinstall mode Cancel
FirstMaintenanceDialog RemoveAll PushButton 20 60 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Remove All Reinstall
FirstRun Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
FirstRun NameE Edit 100 12 300 20 3 USERNAME {47} OrgQ
FirstRun NameQ Text 12 12 80 18 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}N&ame: NameE
FirstRun Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> NameQ
FirstRun OrgE Edit 100 40 300 20 3 COMPANYNAME {53} PIDQ
FirstRun OrgQ Text 12 40 80 18 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}&Organization: OrgE
FirstRun PIDE MaskedEdit 12 90 450 15 3 PIDKEY [PIDTemplate] Cancel
FirstRun PIDQ Text 12 70 450 20 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}Please, enter the product &ID found on your CD box. PIDE
FirstRun Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 1 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
FirstRun2 Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
FirstRun2 Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK Cancel
FirstRun2 PIDNumber Text 20 80 440 25 3 {\TimesRed16}[ProductID]
FirstRun2 PIDText Text 20 20 440 40 3 This is your product ID number:
FirstRun2 Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
IdentityDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
IdentityDialog NameE Edit 100 12 300 20 3 USERNAME {47} OrgQ
IdentityDialog NameQ Text 12 12 80 18 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}N&ame: NameE
IdentityDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> NameQ
IdentityDialog OrgE Edit 100 40 300 20 3 COMPANYNAME {53} PIDQ
IdentityDialog OrgQ Text 12 40 80 18 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}&Organization: OrgE
IdentityDialog PIDE MaskedEdit 12 90 450 15 3 PIDKEY [PIDTemplate] Cancel
IdentityDialog PIDQ Text 12 70 450 20 3 {\TimesItalicBlue10}Please, enter the product &ID found on your CD box. PIDE
IdentityDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
LicenseDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
LicenseDialog Group RadioButtonGroup 10 160 460 40 3 Accept Reset
LicenseDialog License ScrollableText 10 10 460 150 7 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang1033\horzdoc{\*\fchars }{\*\lchars }\pard\plain\f0\fs20 <Your license agreement should go here.>\par } Group
LicenseDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next>> License
LicenseDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
LicenseDialog Reset PushButton 10 210 50 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Reset Cancel
OutOfDisk List VolumeCostList 12 70 450 100 3 List of volumes
OutOfDisk OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}OK
OutOfDisk Text Text 12 12 400 40 3 Out of disk space. The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the selected features.
OutOfRbDisk Cont PushButton 225 220 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Continue Prev
OutOfRbDisk List VolumeCostList 12 100 450 100 3 List of volumes
OutOfRbDisk Prev PushButton 125 220 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Cont
OutOfRbDisk Text Text 12 8 450 90 3 The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features, unless the Installer's rollback capability is turned off. However, if you elect to continue with rollback turned off, the Installer will not be able to return your system to its previous state should an error occur, or should you decide to cancel while the install is in progress. Click 'Previous' to return to the previous dialog, or click 'Continue' to proceed with the install with rollback disabled.
PIDDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
PIDDialog Next PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> Cancel
PIDDialog PIDNumber Text 20 80 440 25 3 {\TimesRed16}[ProductID]
PIDDialog PIDText Text 20 20 440 40 3 This is your product ID number:
PIDDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
PreActionDialog ActionData Text 12 50 456 12 3
PreActionDialog ActionText Text 12 30 456 30 3 Please, wait while we prepare for the installation.
PreActionDialog Cancel PushButton 378 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel
Reinstall Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
Reinstall Complete PushButton 20 100 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}C&omplete Cancel
Reinstall CompleteText Text 125 100 260 25 3 {\Times9}Replace all files, rewrite all registry entries, fix up all shortcuts
Reinstall Minimal PushButton 20 20 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Minimal Normal
Reinstall MinimalText Text 125 20 260 25 3 {\Times9}Replace only missing files, rewrite machine registry entries
Reinstall Normal PushButton 20 60 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Normal Complete
Reinstall NormalText Text 125 60 260 25 3 {\Times9}Replace all files whose versions don't match exactly, rewrite all registry entries
Reinstall Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Minimal
ReinstallMode Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel OK
ReinstallMode OK PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK ReinstallRepair
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileChecksum CheckBox 20 110 400 18 3 ReinstallFileChecksum Reinstall if exe or dll has an invalid checksum ReinstallFileForce
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileEqualVersion CheckBox 20 70 400 18 3 ReinstallFileEqualVersion Reinstall if file is missing, or an older or equal version exists ReinstallFileExact
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileExact CheckBox 20 90 400 18 3 ReinstallFileDifferingVersion Reinstall if existing file has a different version ReinstallFileChecksum
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileForce CheckBox 20 130 400 18 3 ReinstallFileForceAll &Force all files to be reinstalled, regardless of checksum or version ReinstallUserData
ReinstallMode ReinstallFileOlderVersion CheckBox 20 50 400 18 3 ReinstallFileOlderVersion Reinstall if file is missing, or an older version exists ReinstallFileEqualVersion
ReinstallMode ReinstallFilePresent CheckBox 20 30 400 18 3 ReinstallFilePresent Reinstall only if file is missing ReinstallFileOlderVersion
ReinstallMode ReinstallMachineData CheckBox 20 170 400 18 3 ReinstallMachineData Verify that required local &machine registry entries are present ReinstallShortcut
ReinstallMode ReinstallRepair CheckBox 20 10 400 18 3 ReinstallRepair &Repair all detected reinstall problems ReinstallFilePresent
ReinstallMode ReinstallShortcut CheckBox 20 190 400 18 3 ReinstallShortcut Validate shortcuts Cancel
ReinstallMode ReinstallUserData CheckBox 20 150 400 18 3 ReinstallUserData Verify that required &user registry entries are present ReinstallMachineData
SelectionDialog ActionDescription Text 255 80 210 25 3 {&Times9}Description of the currently selected action xxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
SelectionDialog Browse PushButton 400 172 69 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Browse Reset
SelectionDialog Cancel PushButton 72 211 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
SelectionDialog DiskCost PushButton 378 211 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Disk Cost Tree
SelectionDialog ItemDescription Text 255 25 210 50 3 Multiline description of the currently selected item xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xx xxxxx xxxxx x
SelectionDialog LocationFrame GroupBox 5 150 470 83 1
SelectionDialog LocationPath Text 12 177 80 31 1179651 Path
SelectionDialog LocationText Text 12 160 80 18 3 Current location:
SelectionDialog Next PushButton 276 211 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Next >> DiskCost
SelectionDialog Previous PushButton 174 211 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous Next
SelectionDialog Reset PushButton 10 211 50 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Reset Cancel
SelectionDialog SelectionFrame GroupBox 250 10 225 140 1
SelectionDialog Size Text 255 105 210 40 3 {&Times9}The size of the current selection xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx
SelectionDialog Tree SelectionTree 5 17 230 132 3 _BrowseProperty Tree of selections Browse
UserExit OK PushButton 200 180 80 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&OK
UserExit Text Text 100 40 370 50 3 Test Install was interrupted before your new software was fully installed. You can run Install at another time.
VerifyReadyAdmin Back PushButton 204 270 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Back InstallNow
VerifyReadyAdmin Bitmap Bitmap 10 10 106 244 1 Welcome picture of a CD|
VerifyReadyAdmin Cancel PushButton 102 270 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Back
VerifyReadyAdmin InstallNow PushButton 306 270 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Install Now Cancel
VerifyReadyAdmin Text Text 130 10 270 60 3 Are you ready to install?
VerifyReadyDialog Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
VerifyReadyDialog InstallNow PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Install Now Cancel
VerifyReadyDialog Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous InstallNow
VerifyReadyDialog SpaceAvail Text 105 95 90 20 524291 [PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable]
VerifyReadyDialog SpaceAvailDesc Text 12 95 90 20 3 Space available:
VerifyReadyDialog SpaceRemaining Text 105 145 90 20 524291 [PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining]
VerifyReadyDialog SpaceRemainingDesc Text 12 145 90 20 3 Space remaining:
VerifyReadyDialog SpaceRequired Text 105 120 90 20 524291 [PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired]
VerifyReadyDialog SpaceRequiredDesc Text 12 120 90 20 3 Space required:
VerifyReadyDialog TargetVol Text 105 70 90 20 3 [PrimaryVolumePath]
VerifyReadyDialog TargetVolDesc Text 12 70 90 20 3 TargetVolume:
VerifyReadyDialog Text Text 10 10 400 18 3 Are you ready to install?
VerifyReadyDialog Text2 Text 10 10 400 18 3 Are you ready to complete your suspended installation?
VerifyRemoveAll Cancel PushButton 72 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Cancel Previous
VerifyRemoveAll Previous PushButton 174 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}<< &Previous RemoveNow
VerifyRemoveAll RemoveNow PushButton 276 210 90 18 3 {\Tahoma10}&Remove Now Cancel
VerifyRemoveAll Text Text 10 10 400 18 3 Are you sure you want to remove everything?
WaitForCosting Cancel PushButton 110 90 60 18 3 &Cancel
WaitForCosting TextMessage Text 12 12 216 50 3 {\Tahoma10}Please wait while the Installer finishes determining your disk space requirements...