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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
*wait.c - wait for child process to terminate
* Copyright (c) 1989-2001, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* defines _wait() - wait for child process to terminate
*Revision History:
* 06-08-89 PHG Module created, based on asm version
* 03-08-90 GJF Made calling type _CALLTYPE2 (for now), added #include
* <cruntime.h> and fixed the copyright. Also, cleaned up
* the formatting a bit.
* 04-02-90 GJF Now _CALLTYPE1.
* 07-24-90 SBM Removed '32' from API names
* 09-27-90 GJF New-style function declarators.
* 12-04-90 SRW Changed to include <oscalls.h> instead of <doscalls.h>
* 12-06-90 SRW Added _CRUISER_ and _WIN32 conditionals.
* 01-17-91 GJF ANSI naming
* 02-18-91 SRW Fixed code to close process handle. [_WIN32_]
* 04-26-91 SRW Removed level 3 warnings [_WIN32_]
* 12-17-91 GJF Fixed _cwait for Win32. However, _wait is still
* broken [_WIN32_].
* 07-21-92 GJF Removed _wait for Win32, not implemented and no good
* way to implement.
* 12-14-92 GJF For Win32, map ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE to ECHILD.
* 04-06-93 SKS Replace _CRTAPI* with __cdecl
* 09-06-94 CFW Remove Cruiser support.
* 02-06-98 GJF Changes for Win64: changed return and an arg type to
* intptr_t.
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <oscalls.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <internal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
*int _cwait(stat_loc, process_id, action_code) - wait for specific child
* process
* The function _cwait() suspends the calling-process until the specified
* child-process terminates. If the specifed child-process terminated
* prior to the call to _cwait(), return is immediate.
* int *stat_loc - pointer to where status is stored or NULL
* process_id - specific process id to be interrogated (0 means any)
* action_code - specific action to perform on process ID
* process ID of terminated child or -1 on error
* *stat_loc is updated to contain the following:
* Normal termination: lo-byte = 0, hi-byte = child exit code
* Abnormal termination: lo-byte = term status, hi-byte = 0
intptr_t __cdecl _cwait (
int *stat_loc,
intptr_t process_id,
int action_code
intptr_t retval;
int retstatus;
unsigned long oserror;
/* Explicitly check for process_id being -1 or -2. In Windows NT,
* -1 is a handle on the current process, -2 is a handle on the
* current thread, and it is perfectly legal to to wait (forever)
* on either */
if ( (process_id == -1) || (process_id == -2) ) {
errno = ECHILD;
return -1;
/* wait for child process, then fetch its exit code */
if ( (WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)process_id, (DWORD)(-1L)) == 0) &&
GetExitCodeProcess((HANDLE)process_id, (LPDWORD)&retstatus) ) {
retval = process_id;
else {
/* one of the API calls failed. map the error and set up to
return failure. note the invalid handle error is mapped in-
line to ECHILD */
if ( (oserror = GetLastError()) == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ) {
errno = ECHILD;
_doserrno = oserror;
retval = -1;
retstatus = -1;
if (stat_loc != NULL)
*stat_loc = retstatus;
return retval;