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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "returnstrategy.h"
#include "fusionhashstring.h"
#include "fusionstring.h"
enum StringComparisonResult {
// This is not the base of all possible CharTraits, but it is the base of the ones
// we have so far. There are pieces of this you can imagine changing.
// StringLength could be strlen/wcslen (msvcrt/Rtl/ntoskrnl)
// CompareStrings could be stricmp/wcsicmp or like unilib and do all the work itself
// WideCharToMultiByte / MultiByteToWideChar could use Rtl.
// more
template <typename Char, typename OtherChar>
class CCharTraitsBase
typedef CCharTraitsBase<Char, OtherChar> TThis;
typedef Char TChar;
typedef Char* TMutableString;
typedef const Char* TConstantString;
// MFC 7.0 templatized CString makes some good use of this idea; we do not yet.
typedef OtherChar TOtherChar;
typedef OtherChar* TOtherString;
typedef const OtherChar* TOtherConstantString;
inline static TChar NullCharacter() { return 0; }
inline static bool IsNullCharacter(TChar ch)
{ return ch == NullCharacter(); }
inline static TConstantString PreferredPathSeparatorString()
const static TChar Result[] = { '\\', 0 };
return Result;
inline static TChar PreferredPathSeparator()
{ return '\\'; }
inline static bool IsPathSeparator(TChar ch)
{ return ((ch == '\\') || (ch == '/')); }
inline static TConstantString PathSeparators()
const static TChar Result[] = { '\\', '/', 0 };
return Result;
inline static TChar DotChar()
{ return '.'; }
// copy into buffer from TChar to TChar
template <typename ReturnStrategy>
inline static ReturnStrategy::ReturnType
ReturnStrategy &returnStrategy,
TChar rgchBuffer[],
SIZE_T cchBuffer,
TConstantString szString,
SIZE_T cchIn
if (cchBuffer != 0)
if (szString != NULL)
SIZE_T cchToCopy = cchIn;
if (cchToCopy >= cchBuffer)
cchToCopy = cchBuffer - 1;
memcpy(rgchBuffer, szString, cchToCopy * sizeof(TChar));
rgchBuffer[cchToCopy] = NullCharacter();
rgchBuffer[0] = NullCharacter();
return returnStrategy.Return();
// copy into buffer from TChar to TChar
inline static HRESULT CopyIntoBuffer(TChar rgchBuffer[], SIZE_T cchBuffer, TConstantString szString, SIZE_T cchIn)
CReturnStrategyHresult hr;
return TThis::CopyIntoBuffer(hr, rgchBuffer, cchBuffer, szString, cchIn);
// copy into buffer from TChar to TChar
inline static BOOL Win32CopyIntoBuffer(TChar rgchBuffer[], SIZE_T cchBuffer, TConstantString szString, SIZE_T cchIn)
CReturnStrategyBoolLastError f;
return TThis::CopyIntoBuffer(f, rgchBuffer, cchBuffer, szString, cchIn);
// copy into buffer from TChar to TChar
template <typename ReturnStrategy>
inline static ReturnStrategy::ReturnType
ReturnStrategy &returnStrategy,
TMutableString &rBuffer,
SIZE_T &cchBuffer,
TConstantString szString,
SIZE_T cchIn
ASSERT((cchBuffer != 0) || (cchIn == 0));
ASSERT((szString != NULL) || (cchIn == 0));
if (cchBuffer != 0)
if (szString != NULL)
SIZE_T cchToCopy = static_cast<SIZE_T>(cchIn);
// Someone should have stopped this before we got this far.
ASSERT(cchToCopy <= cchBuffer);
// You should not include the null character in the count in
ASSERT((cchToCopy == NULL) || (szString[cchToCopy-1] != NullCharacter()));
if (cchToCopy > cchBuffer)
cchToCopy = cchBuffer;
memcpy(rBuffer, szString, cchToCopy * sizeof(TChar));
rBuffer += cchToCopy;
cchBuffer -= cchToCopy;
return returnStrategy.Return();
inline static BOOL Win32HashString(TConstantString szString, SIZE_T cchIn, ULONG &rulPseudoKey, bool fCaseInsensitive)
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::FusionpHashUnicodeString(szString, cchIn, &rulPseudoKey, fCaseInsensitive));
fSuccess = TRUE;
return fSuccess;
// copy into buffer from TChar to TChar
inline static BOOL Win32CopyIntoBufferAndAdvanceCursor(TMutableString &rBuffer, SIZE_T &cchBuffer, TConstantString szString, SIZE_T cchIn)
CReturnStrategyBoolLastError f;
return CopyIntoBufferAndAdvanceCursor(f, rBuffer, cchBuffer, szString, cchIn);
// copy into buffer from TChar to TChar
inline static HRESULT ComCopyIntoBufferAndAdvanceCursor(TMutableString &rBuffer, SIZE_T &cchBuffer, TConstantString szString, SIZE_T cchIn)
CReturnStrategyHresult hr;
return CopyIntoBufferAndAdvanceCursor(hr, rBuffer, cchBuffer, szString, cchIn);
// determine characters required for matching type (TChar)
// like strlen but checks for null and optionally can be told the length
template <typename ReturnStrategy>
inline static ReturnStrategy::ReturnType
ReturnStrategy &returnStrategy,
TConstantString /* sz */,
SIZE_T cchIn,
SIZE_T &rcch
rcch = cchIn + 1;
return returnStrategy.Return();
// determine characters required for matching type (TChar)
inline static HRESULT DetermineRequiredCharacters(TConstantString sz, SIZE_T cchIn, SIZE_T &rcch)
CReturnStrategyHresult returnStrategy;
return DetermineRequiredCharacters(returnStrategy, sz, cchIn, rcch);
// determine characters required for matching type (TChar)
inline static BOOL Win32DetermineRequiredCharacters(TConstantString sz, SIZE_T cchIn, SIZE_T &rcch)
CReturnStrategyBoolLastError returnStrategy;
return DetermineRequiredCharacters(returnStrategy, sz, cchIn, rcch);
inline static BOOL Win32EqualStrings(bool &rfMatches, PCWSTR psz1, SIZE_T cch1, PCWSTR psz2, SIZE_T cch2, bool fCaseInsensitive)
rfMatches = (::FusionpCompareStrings(psz1, cch1, psz2, cch2, fCaseInsensitive) == 0);
return TRUE;
inline static BOOL Win32EqualStrings(bool &rfMatches, PCSTR psz1, SIZE_T cch1, PCSTR psz2, SIZE_T cch2, bool fCaseInsensitive)
rfMatches = (::FusionpCompareStrings(psz1, cch1, psz2, cch2, fCaseInsensitive) == 0);
return TRUE;
inline static BOOL Win32CompareStrings(StringComparisonResult &rscr, PCWSTR psz1, SIZE_T cch1, PCWSTR psz2, SIZE_T cch2, bool fCaseInsensitive)
int i = ::FusionpCompareStrings(psz1, cch1, psz2, cch2, fCaseInsensitive);
if (i == 0)
rscr = eEquals;
else if (i < 0)
rscr = eLessThan;
rscr = eGreaterThan;
return TRUE;
inline static BOOL Win32CompareStrings(StringComparisonResult &rscr, PCSTR psz1, SIZE_T cch1, PCSTR psz2, SIZE_T cch2, bool fCaseInsensitive)
int i = ::FusionpCompareStrings(psz1, cch1, psz2, cch2, fCaseInsensitive);
if (i == 0)
rscr = eEquals;
else if (i < 0)
rscr = eLessThan;
rscr = eGreaterThan;
return TRUE;
inline static int CompareStrings(LCID lcid, DWORD dwCmpFlags, PCWSTR psz1, int cch1, PCWSTR psz2, int cch2)
return ::CompareStringW(lcid, dwCmpFlags, psz1, cch1, psz2, cch2);
inline static int CompareStrings(LCID lcid, DWORD dwCmpFlags, PCSTR psz1, int cch1, PCSTR psz2, int cch2)
return ::CompareStringA(lcid, dwCmpFlags, psz1, cch1, psz2, cch2);
inline static int FormatV(PSTR pszBuffer, SIZE_T nBufferSize, PCSTR pszFormat, va_list args)
return _vsnprintf(pszBuffer, nBufferSize, pszFormat, args);
inline static int FormatV(PWSTR pszBuffer, SIZE_T nBufferSize, PCWSTR pszFormat, va_list args)
return _vsnwprintf(pszBuffer, nBufferSize, pszFormat, args);
#if 0
inline static BOOL Win32GetRequiredBufferSizeInCharsForFormatV(PCWSTR pszFormat, va_list args, SIZE_T& rcch)
INT i = 0;
rcch = 0;
if ((i = _vscwprintf(pszFormat, args)) < 0)
rcch = static_cast<SIZE_T>(i);
inline static BOOL Win32GetRequiredBufferSizeInCharsForFormatV(PCSTR pszFormat, va_list args, SIZE_T& rcch)
INT i = 0;
rcch = 0;
if ((i = _vscprintf(pszFormat, args)) < 0)
rcch = static_cast<SIZE_T>(i);
class CUnicodeCharTraits : public CCharTraitsBase<WCHAR, CHAR>
typedef CUnicodeCharTraits TThis;
typedef CCharTraitsBase<WCHAR, CHAR> Base;
// without using, we end up hiding these by providing equally named functions
using Base::DetermineRequiredCharacters;
using Base::Win32DetermineRequiredCharacters;
using Base::CopyIntoBuffer;
using Base::Win32CopyIntoBuffer;
inline static PCWSTR DotString() { return L"."; }
inline static SIZE_T DotStringCch() { return 1; }
// determine characters required for mismatched type (CHAR -> WCHAR)
template <typename ReturnStrategy>
inline static ReturnStrategy::ReturnType
ReturnStrategy &returnStrategy,
SIZE_T cchIn,
SIZE_T &rcch,
if (sz != NULL)
// For 64-bit, clamp the maximum size passed in to the largest that the INT
// parameter to MultiByteToWideChar() can take.
ASSERT2(cchIn <= INT_MAX, "large parameter clamped");
if (cchIn > INT_MAX)
cchIn = INT_MAX;
INT cch = ::MultiByteToWideChar(cp, dwFlags, sz, static_cast<INT>(cchIn), NULL, 0);
if ((cch == 0) && (cchIn > 0))
goto Exit;
rcch = static_cast<SIZE_T>(cch) + 1;
rcch = 1;
return returnStrategy.Return();
inline static BOOL FindCharacter(PCWSTR sz, SIZE_T cch, WCHAR ch, BOOL *pfFound, SIZE_T *pich)
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
// There doesn't seem to be a builtin to do this...
if (pfFound != NULL)
*pfFound = FALSE;
if (pich != NULL)
*pich = 0;
PARAMETER_CHECK((pfFound != NULL) && (pich != NULL));
for (i=0; i<cch; i++)
if (sz[i] == ch)
*pich = i;
*pfFound = TRUE;
fSuccess = TRUE;
return fSuccess;
inline static bool ContainsCharacter(PCWSTR sz, SIZE_T cch, WCHAR ch)
for (i=0; i<cch; i++)
if (sz[i] == ch)
return true;
return false;
inline static BOOL Win32ToLower(WCHAR wchToConvert, WCHAR &rwchConverted)
rwchConverted = ::FusionpRtlDowncaseUnicodeChar(wchToConvert);
return TRUE;
inline static BOOL Win32ToUpper(WCHAR wchToConvert, WCHAR &rwchConverted)
rwchConverted = ::FusionpRtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(wchToConvert);
return TRUE;
inline static BOOL Win32ReverseFind(PCWSTR &rpchFound, PCWSTR psz, SIZE_T cch, WCHAR wchToFind, bool fCaseInsensitive)
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
SIZE_T i = 0;
rpchFound = NULL;
if (fCaseInsensitive)
// Map the character to its lower case equivalent...
if (!TThis::Win32ToLower(wchToFind, wchToFind))
goto Exit;
for (i=cch; i>0; i--)
bool fMatch;
if (!TThis::Win32CompareLowerCaseCharacterToCharCaseInsensitively(fMatch, wchToFind, psz[i - 1]))
goto Exit;
if (fMatch)
for (i=cch; i>0; i--)
if (psz[i - 1] == wchToFind)
if (i != 0)
rpchFound = &psz[i - 1];
fSuccess = TRUE;
return fSuccess;
inline static BOOL Win32CompareLowerCaseCharacterToCharCaseInsensitively(bool &rfMatch, WCHAR wchLowerCase, WCHAR wchCandidate)
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
rfMatch = false;
if (!TThis::Win32ToLower(wchCandidate, wchCandidate))
goto Exit;
if (wchCandidate == wchLowerCase)
rfMatch = true;
fSuccess = TRUE;
return fSuccess;
// determine characters required for mismatched type (CHAR -> WCHAR)
inline static HRESULT DetermineRequiredCharacters(PCSTR sz, SIZE_T cchIn, SIZE_T &rcch, UINT cp = CP_THREAD_ACP, DWORD dwFlags = MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS)
CReturnStrategyHresult hr;
return DetermineRequiredCharacters(hr, sz, cchIn, rcch, cp, dwFlags);
// determine characters required for mismatched type (CHAR -> WCHAR)
inline static BOOL Win32DetermineRequiredCharacters(PCSTR sz, SIZE_T cchIn, SIZE_T &rcch, UINT cp = CP_THREAD_ACP, DWORD dwFlags = MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS)
CReturnStrategyBoolLastError f;
return DetermineRequiredCharacters(f, sz, cchIn, rcch, cp, dwFlags);
inline static SIZE_T NullTerminatedStringLength(PCWSTR sz) { return (sz != NULL) ? ::wcslen(sz) : 0; }
// copy into buffer from CHAR to WCHAR
template <typename ReturnStrategy>
inline static ReturnStrategy::ReturnType
ReturnStrategy &returnStrategy,
WCHAR rgchBuffer[],
SIZE_T cchBuffer,
PCSTR szString,
SIZE_T cchIn,
// The caller must be on drugs if they (think that they) have a buffer larger than 2gb, but
// let's at least clamp it so that we don't get a negative int value passed in
// to ::MultiByteToWideChar().
ASSERT2(cchBuffer <= INT_MAX, "large parameter clamped");
if (cchBuffer > INT_MAX)
cchBuffer = INT_MAX;
if (cchBuffer != 0)
if (szString != NULL)
// It would seem that you could just pass the -1 into MultiByteToWideChar(), but
// you get some errors on the boundary conditions, because -1 implies that you
// want to consider the null termination on the input string, and the output
// string will be null terminated also. Consider the degenerate case of a 2
// character output buffer and an input string that's a single non-null
// character followed by a null character. We're going to trim the size of
// cchBuffer by 1 so that we manually null-terminate in case the input string
// was not null-terminated, so MultiByteToWideChar() just writes a single
// null character to the output buffer since it thinks it must write a null-
// terminated string.
// Instead, we'll just always pass in an exact length, not including the null character
// in the input, and we'll always put the null in place after the conversion succeeds.
// (this comment is mostly outdated - 11/24/2000 - but the discussion of how the
// MultiByteToWideChar() API works is worth keeping -mgrier)
// Since MultiByteToWideChar() takes an "int" length, clamp the maximum
// value we pass in to 2gb.
ASSERT2(cchIn <= INT_MAX, "large parameter clamped");
if (cchIn > INT_MAX)
cchIn = INT_MAX;
INT cch = ::MultiByteToWideChar(cp, dwFlags, szString, static_cast<INT>(cchIn), rgchBuffer, static_cast<INT>(cchBuffer) - 1);
if ((cch == 0) && (cchBuffer > 1))
goto Exit;
rgchBuffer[cch] = NullCharacter();
rgchBuffer[0] = NullCharacter();
return returnStrategy.Return();
// copy into buffer from CHAR to WCHAR
inline static BOOL Win32CopyIntoBuffer(WCHAR rgchBuffer[], SIZE_T cchBuffer, PCSTR szString, SIZE_T cchIn, UINT cp = CP_THREAD_ACP, DWORD dwFlags = MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS)
CReturnStrategyBoolLastError f;
return CopyIntoBuffer(f, rgchBuffer, cchBuffer, szString, cchIn, cp, dwFlags);
// copy into buffer from CHAR to WCHAR
inline static HRESULT CopyIntoBuffer(WCHAR rgchBuffer[], SIZE_T cchBuffer, PCSTR szString, SIZE_T cchIn, UINT cp = CP_THREAD_ACP, DWORD dwFlags = MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS)
CReturnStrategyHresult hr;
return CopyIntoBuffer(hr, rgchBuffer, cchBuffer, szString, cchIn, cp, dwFlags);
inline static SIZE_T Cch(PCWSTR psz) { return (psz != NULL) ? ::wcslen(psz) : 0; }
template <UINT cp = CP_THREAD_ACP> class CMBCSCharTraits : public CCharTraitsBase<CHAR, WCHAR>
typedef CCharTraitsBase<CHAR, WCHAR> Base;
typedef CHAR TChar;
typedef LPSTR TMutableString;
typedef PCSTR TConstantString;
typedef CUnicodeCharTraits TOtherTraits;
typedef TOtherTraits::TOtherChar TOtherChar;
typedef TOtherTraits::TOtherString TOtherString;
typedef TOtherTraits::TConstantString TOtherConstantString;
inline static PCSTR DotString() { return "."; }
inline static SIZE_T DotStringCch() { return 1; }
// without using, we end up hiding these by providing equally named functions
using Base::DetermineRequiredCharacters;
using Base::Win32DetermineRequiredCharacters;
using Base::CopyIntoBuffer;
using Base::Win32CopyIntoBuffer;
// determine characters required for mismatched type (WCHAR -> CHAR)
template <typename ReturnStrategy>
inline static ReturnStrategy::ReturnType
ReturnStrategy &returnStrategy,
SIZE_T cchIn,
SIZE_T &rcch,
DWORD dwFlags = 0,
PCSTR pszDefaultChar = NULL,
LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar = NULL
if (sz != NULL)
ASSERT2(cchIn <= INT_MAX, "large parameter clamped");
if (cchIn > INT_MAX)
cchIn = INT_MAX;
INT cch = ::WideCharToMultiByte(cp, dwFlags, sz, static_cast<INT>(cchIn), NULL, 0, pszDefaultChar, lpUsedDefaultChar);
if ((cch == 0) && (cchIn > 0))
goto Exit;
rcch = static_cast<SIZE_T>(cch) + 1;
} else
rcch = 1;
return returnStrategy.Return();
inline static SIZE_T NullTerminatedStringLength(PCSTR sz) { return ::strlen(sz); }
// determine characters required for mismatched type (WCHAR -> CHAR)
inline static BOOL Win32DetermineRequiredCharacters(PCWSTR sz, SIZE_T cchIn, SIZE_T &rcch, DWORD dwFlags = 0, PCSTR pszDefaultChar = NULL, LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar = NULL)
CReturnStrategyBoolLastError f;
return DetermineRequiredCharacters(f, sz, cchIn, rcch, dwFlags, pszDefaultChar, lpUsedDefaultChar);
// determine characters required for mismatched type (WCHAR -> CHAR)
inline static HRESULT DetermineRequiredCharacters(PCWSTR sz, SIZE_T cchIn, SIZE_T &rcch, DWORD dwFlags = 0, PCSTR pszDefaultChar = NULL, LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar = NULL)
CReturnStrategyHresult hr;
return DetermineRequiredCharacters(hr, sz, cchIn, rcch, dwFlags, pszDefaultChar, lpUsedDefaultChar);
// copy into buffer from WCHAR to CHAR
template <typename ReturnStrategy>
inline static ReturnStrategy::ReturnType
ReturnStrategy &returnStrategy,
CHAR rgchBuffer[],
SIZE_T cchBuffer,
PCWSTR szString,
SIZE_T cchIn,
DWORD dwFlags = 0,
PCSTR pszDefaultChar = NULL,
LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar = NULL
if (cchBuffer != 0)
// Clamp the maximum buffer size to maxint, since the buffer size passed in to
// WideCharToMultiByte() is an INT rather than a SIZE_T or INT_PTR etc.
// After all, who's really going to have a buffer size > 2gb? The caller
// probably just messed up.
ASSERT2(cchBuffer <= INT_MAX, "large parameter clamped");
if (cchBuffer > INT_MAX)
cchBuffer = INT_MAX;
if (szString != NULL)
// It would seem that you could just pass the -1 into MultiByteToWideChar(), but
// you get some errors on the boundary conditions, because -1 implies that you
// want to consider the null termination on the input string, and the output
// string will be null terminated also. Consider the degenerate case of a 2
// character output buffer and an input string that's a single non-null
// character followed by a null character. We're going to trim the size of
// cchBuffer by 1 so that we manually null-terminate in case the input string
// was not null-terminated, so MultiByteToWideChar() just writes a single
// null character to the output buffer since it thinks it must write a null-
// terminated string.
// Instead, we'll just always pass in an exact length, not including the null character
// in the input, and we'll always put the null in place after the conversion succeeds.
ASSERT2(cchIn <= INT_MAX, "large parameter clamped");
if (cchIn > INT_MAX)
cchIn = INT_MAX;
INT cch = ::WideCharToMultiByte(cp, dwFlags, szString, static_cast<INT>(cchIn), rgchBuffer, static_cast<INT>(cchBuffer - 1), pszDefaultChar, lpUsedDefaultChar);
if ((cch == 0) && (cchBuffer > 1))
goto Exit;
rgchBuffer[cch] = NullCharacter();
rgchBuffer[0] = NullCharacter();
return returnStrategy.Return();
// copy into buffer from WCHAR to CHAR
inline static HRESULT CopyIntoBuffer(CHAR rgchBuffer[], SIZE_T cchBuffer, PCWSTR szString, SIZE_T cchIn, DWORD dwFlags = 0, PCSTR pszDefaultChar = NULL, LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar = NULL)
CReturnStrategyHresult hr;
return CopyIntoBuffer(hr, rgchBuffer, cchBuffer, szString, cchIn, dwFlags, pszDefaultChar, lpUsedDefaultChar);
// copy into buffer from WCHAR to CHAR
inline static BOOL Win32CopyIntoBuffer(CHAR rgchBuffer[], SIZE_T cchBuffer, PCWSTR szString, SIZE_T cchIn, DWORD dwFlags = 0, PCSTR pszDefaultChar = NULL, LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar = NULL)
CReturnStrategyBoolLastError f;
return CopyIntoBuffer(f, rgchBuffer, cchBuffer, szString, cchIn, dwFlags, pszDefaultChar, lpUsedDefaultChar);
inline static SIZE_T Cch(PCSTR psz) { return ::strlen(psz); }
typedef CMBCSCharTraits<CP_THREAD_ACP> CANSICharTraits;