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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// xrcreslts.c
// James A. Pittman
// Jan 7, 1999
// A container object to hold the results of recognition.
// This is currently used by Inferno, MadCow, and Famine.
#ifndef _XRCRESLTS_
#define _XRCRESLTS_
#define MAXMAXALT 32
// Spped Accuracy tradeof values
#define HWX_MIN_SPEED 0
#define HWX_MAX_SPEED 100
#ifdef UNDER_CE
#define NOT_RECOGNIZED "\a"
#define BASELIMIT 700 // scale ink to this guide hgt if we have a guide
#define MAX_SCALE 10 // We will not scale more than this.
#define MAX_SEG 5 // maximum number of segmentations to resolve among
#define MAX_SEG_WORD 5 // maximum number of wordmaps in a segmentation
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
typedef struct tagWORDMAP WORDMAP;
typedef struct tagLATINLAYOUT
// the first 4 fields are y-values for 4 lines relative to the bounding rect of ink
// see the functions AbsoluteToLatinLayout() and LatinLayoutToAbsolute() for details
short iBaseLine;
short iMidLine;
short iAscenderLine;
short iDescenderLine;
// the next 4 fields indicate which of the previous 4 are computed
unsigned char bBaseLineSet;
unsigned char bMidLineSet;
unsigned char bAscenderLineSet;
unsigned char bDescenderLineSet;
// The XRCRESULT object describes a single alternative interpretation of the ink.
// There are 2 types: phrase and word. Both have a string and a cost.
// Word XRCRESULT objects have a 0 cWords and a NULL pMap.
// Phrase XRCRESULT objects have pMap pointing to an array of word mappings,
// with the count of mappings in cWords. The PenWin API represents this
// with an HRCRESULT.
typedef struct tagXRCRESULT
unsigned char *szWord; // we use malloc for this string/phrase
int cost; // 0 for perfect match, intmax for no match, neg numbers meaningless
unsigned int cWords; // 0 in word mode, count of space delimited words in panel mode
DWORD iLMcomponent; // Portion of LM generating this result
WORDMAP *pMap; // NULL in word mode, valid in panel mode.
void *pXRC; // Pointer to the xrc.
// The ALTERNATES object represents a set of alternative results for the
// same ink. It has a count of alternates, and an array of XRCRESULT objects.
// The array is in-line, with a length of MAXMAXALT. The alternates stay sorted
// in increasing cost order. This is not represented in the PenWin API.
// The users code, an implementation of HRC, should probably include an ALTERNATES
// object in-line. On initialization the field cAlt should be zeroed.
// Use RCRESALTInsert() to insert answers into the list of alternates.
typedef struct tagALTERNATES
unsigned int cAlt; // how many (up to 10) actual answers do we have
unsigned int cAltMax; // I can use this to say "I only want 4". !!! should be in xrc
XRCRESULT aAlt[MAXMAXALT]; // The array of XRCRESULT structures
LATINLAYOUT all[MAXMAXALT]; // baseline stuff for each alternate
int iConfidence; //Contains the confidence level
// The WORDMAP contains a description of a word within the phrase
// (the start index and the length), and a ALTERNATES to hold the alternative
// results for this word. This is not represented in the PenWin API.
typedef struct tagWORDMAP
unsigned short start; // start of the word in the phrase
unsigned short len; // len of word in the phrase
int cStrokes; // Count of strokes in this word
int *piStrokeIndex; // Stroke indexes for this word
ALTERNATES alt; // alternates for the word (only)
// The XINKSET is the struct pointed to by an HINKSET.
// It contains a counted array of INTERVALs, describing a (sub)set
// of the ink in an HRC. The INTERVAL struct is defined in penwin.h
typedef struct tagXINKSET
unsigned int count;
INTERVAL interval[1];
// Verifies that the count of alternates is between 0 and 10 (inclusive).
// Verifies that each live alternate has a non-NULL szWord.
typedef struct tagANSWER_SET
ALTERNATES *pAlternates;
int capSegments;
int cAnsSets;
// place holders for segmentation and SegCol structures
// structure representing a single word alternate
typedef struct tagWORD_ALT
unsigned char *pszStr; // CP1252 string
int iCost; // cost assigned to the string by the recognizer
// structure representing a single word alternate list
typedef struct tagWORD_ALT_LIST
int cAlt; // number of alternates
WORD_ALT *pAlt; // list of alternates
// structure describing the set of features for a word map
typedef struct tagWORD_FEAT
RECT rect;
int cSeg;
int iInfernoScore; // score inferno assign to Top1 of wordmap
int iInfernoUnigram; // unigram value for Inferno's Top1 of wordmap
int bInfTop1Supported; // Is inferno's Top1 word supported
int iInfCharCost;
int iInfAspect;
int iInfHeight;
int iInfMidLine;
int iInfRelUni;
int iInfRelBi;
int iBearScore; // score Bear assign to Top1 of wordmap
int iBearUnigram; // unigram value for Bear's Top1 of wordmap
int bBearTop1Supported; // Is Bear's Top1 word supported
int iBearCharCost;
int iBearAspect;
int iBearHeight;
int iBearMidLine;
int iBearRelUni;
int iBearRelBi;
int bIdentical; // are Inferno and Bear's output identical
// structure representing a single word map (an ink chunk hypothesized to be a word)
typedef struct tagWORD_MAP
int cStroke; // number of strokes
int *piStrokeIndex; // list of stroke IDs (Frame IDs)
WORD_ALT_LIST *pInfernoAltList; // alt list produced by inferno
WORD_ALT_LIST *pBearAltList; // alt list produced by bear
WORD_ALT_LIST *pFinalAltList; // final alt list
int iConfidence; // confidence value assigned to this word
WORD_FEAT *pFeat; // word map features used for segmentation
// structure describing the set of features for a segmentation.
typedef struct tagSEG_FEAT
BOOL bInfernoTop1; // is this Inferno 's Top1 segmentation
BOOL bBearTop1; // is this Bear 's Top1 segmentation
int iSort1; // Sort criteria 1, currently for USA = cWord
int iSort2; // Sort criteria 2, currently for USA = Avg. Inferno score
// structure describing a particular segmentation of a chunk of ink into word_map(s)
typedef struct tagSEGMENTATION
int cWord; // # of word maps
WORD_MAP **ppWord; // list of wordmaps
int iScore; // score assigned to this segmentation by
// the segmentation classifier. Ranges from 0-0xFFFF
SEG_FEAT *pFeat; // Segmentation feature vector
SEG_COLLECTION *pSegCol; // the SegCol that this segmentation belongs to
// structure describing all the possible segmentations of a chunk of ink referred to as a
// segmentation set
typedef struct tagSEG_COLLECTION
int cSeg; // # of possible segmenatations
SEGMENTATION **ppSeg; // list of possible segmentations
// structure describing a whole piece of ink as a number of seg_set (s)
typedef struct tagLINE_SEGMENTATION
int iyDev; // yDev for the whole ink line
int cSegCol; // # of SegCols
SEG_COLLECTION **ppSegCol; // list of SegCols
int cWord; // # of wordmaps constiuting the seg_set segmentations
WORD_MAP **ppWord; // list of word maps constiuting the seg_set segmentations
// structure used in Word breaking; similar to wordmap but got rid of unused entries.
typedef struct tagWORDINFO
int cStrokes; // Count of strokes in this word
int *piStrokeIndex; // Stroke indexes for this word
// line structure
typedef struct tagINKLINE
DWORD dwCheckSum;
BOOL bRecognized;
RECT rect;
int cStroke;
int cPt;
POINT **ppPt;
int *pcPt;
GLYPH *pGlyph;
__int64 Mean;
__int64 SD;
// line breaking structure
typedef struct tagLINEBRK
int cLine;
RECT Rect;
#ifndef NDEBUG
extern void ValidateALTERNATES(ALTERNATES *pAlt);
// Inserts a new word and its cost into the set of alternates.
// The alternates remain in sorted order.
extern int InsertALTERNATES(ALTERNATES *pAlt, int cost, unsigned char *word, void *pxrc);
// Initializes a XRCRESULT object to represent a phrase.
// The caller passes in a vector of pointers to ALTERNATES, representing
// the sequence of words and their alternates. We steal them into
// a vector of WORDMAP structs, and set up an XRCRESULT object
// to own that vector of maps.
// If an ALTERNATES object contains 0 answers, we insert "???" into the
// phrase string, and in the word map we set the start and len fields
// to refer to the "???".
// We assume the caller passes at least 1 ALTERNATES, even though
// it might have 0 answers.
// Should the symbol be something special for "???".
// Currently this version handles isolated periods and commas
// correctly (they do not get a space before them). This is
// to accomodate the current MadCow, which handles periods and
// commas separately.
// This should probably change to init (rather than malloc) an alt set
// to have 1 result.
extern int RCRESULTInitPhrase(XRCRESULT *pRes, ALTERNATES **ppWords, unsigned int cWords, int cost);
// Sets the backpointers in all XRCRESULT objects within and ALTERNATES object,
// including any contained within word mappings.
//extern void SetXRCALTERNATES(ALTERNATES *pAlt, void *pxrc);
// A destruction function that should only be used by an HRC destroying
// the result objects that it owns. The PenWin function DestroyHRCRESULT()
// is a no-op, since the result objects are internal to larger data structures.
extern void ClearALTERNATES(ALTERNATES *pAlt);
// Truncates the alt list to cAltmax, From cAltMax onwards: Does what ClearALTERNATES
// Only intended for WORD ALTERNATES
extern void TruncateWordALTERNATES(ALTERNATES *pAlt, unsigned int cAltMax);
// Frees the stroke index array associated with a wordmap.
// Add a stroke to the wordmap checking for duplicates and maintaining the a sorted list
extern void AddThisStroke(WORDMAP *pMap, int iInsertStroke);
// Locates WORDMAP under a specified result phrase based on the word position and length.
extern WORDMAP *findWORDMAP(XRCRESULT *pRes, unsigned int iWord, unsigned int cWord);
// Locates WORDMAP under a specified phrase result that contains a specified word result.
extern WORDMAP *findResultInWORDMAP(XRCRESULT *pPhrase, XRCRESULT *pWord);
extern WORDMAP *findResultAndIndexInWORDMAP(XRCRESULT *pPhrase, XRCRESULT *pWord, int *pindex);
// Copy word maps into an xrCresult
extern BOOL XRCRESULTcopyWordMaps(XRCRESULT *pRes, int cWord, WORDMAP *pMap);
// Returns an array of RES pointers, one for each alternative interpretation of the
// same word. The word is designated by RES object, start index, and letter count.
// We return the pointers in ppRes, and return the count.
// We only do whole words, so if the caller requests a substring that is not a word,
// we return 0. If the word is the special marker "???" meaning the recognizer could
// not produce interpretations, we return 0.
extern int RCRESULTWords(XRCRESULT *pRes, unsigned int iWord, unsigned int cWord, XRCRESULT **ppRes, unsigned int cRes);
// Returns (in a buffer provided by the caller) the "symbols" of the
// word or phrase represented by pRes. Symbols are 32 bit codes.
// Here the null byte at the end of a string is part of the string and
// is copied into the symbol value array if there is room.
// Returns the number of symbols inserted.
extern int RCRESULTSymbols(XRCRESULT *pRes, unsigned int iSyv, int *pSyv, unsigned int cSyv);
// Translates an array of symbols into an ANSI (codepage 1252) string.
// This and SymbolToUnicode() below both translate until either cSyv is
// exhausted or until they hit a NULL symbol or a NULL character.
// The both return the count of symbols translated in *pCount.
// Both return 1 if successful, or 0 if they encountered something
// that could not be translated.
extern int SymbolToANSI(unsigned char *sz, int *pSyv, int cSyv, int *pCount);
// Translates an array of symbols into a Unicode string.
extern int SymbolToUnicode(WCHAR *wsz, int *pSyv, int cSyv, int *pCount);
// Backward compatibility.
// These 2 functions exist to support the old API.
extern int ALTERNATESString(ALTERNATES *pAlt, char *buffer, int buflen, int max);
extern int ALTERNATESCosts(ALTERNATES *pAlt, int max, int *pCost);
// Creates an InkSet to represent the part of pGlyph included within
// a specified WORDMAP.
extern XINKSET *mkInkSetWORDMAP(GLYPH *pGlyph, WORDMAP *pMap);
// Creates an InkSet to represent the part of pGlyph included
// within a specified word within a phrase.
extern XINKSET *mkInkSetPhrase(GLYPH *pGlyph, XRCRESULT *pRes, unsigned int iWord, unsigned int cWord);
// given a main glyph and a wordmap,
// this function returns a pointer to glyph representing the word only
extern GLYPH *GlyphFromWordMap (GLYPH *pMainGlyph, WORDMAP *pMap);
extern GLYPH *GlyphFromNewWordMap (GLYPH *pMainGlyph, WORD_MAP *pMap);
// given a main glyph and set of strokes,
// this function returns a pointer to glyph representing only those strokes
extern GLYPH *GlyphFromStrokes(GLYPH *pMainGlyph, int cStroke, int *piStrokeIndex);
// Frees a word alt
void FreeWordAlt (WORD_ALT *pAlt);
// Frees a word alt list
void FreeWordAltList (WORD_ALT_LIST *pAltList);
// Frees a word map
void FreeWordMap (WORD_MAP *pWordMap);
// Frees a specific segmentation
void FreeSegmentation (SEGMENTATION *pSeg);
// frees the word maps in a segmentation
void FreeSegmentationWordMaps (SEGMENTATION *pSeg);
// Frees a segmentation set
void FreeSegCol (SEG_COLLECTION *pSegCol);
// Frees an ink line segmentation
void FreeLineSegm (LINE_SEGMENTATION *pLineSegm);
// compares the stroke contents of two word maps
BOOL IsEqualWordMap (WORD_MAP *pMap1, WORD_MAP *pMap2);
// compares the stroke contents of two word maps
BOOL IsEqualOldWordMap (WORDMAP *pMap1, WORDMAP *pMap2);
// compares two segmentations
BOOL IsEqualSegmentation (SEGMENTATION *pSeg1, SEGMENTATION *pSeg2);
// clones a wordmap, only copies the stroke part
WORD_MAP *CloneWordMap (WORD_MAP *pOldWordMap);
// finds a word_map in pool or wordmaps
// returns the pointer to the word map if found
// if the bAdd parameter is TRUE: adds the new word map if not found a return a pointer
// other wise returns false
WORD_MAP *FindWordMap (LINE_SEGMENTATION *pLineSegm, WORD_MAP *pWordMap, BOOL bAdd);
// adds a new SegCol to a line segmentation
// adds a new segmentation to a SegCol if it is a new one
// returns TRUE: if the segmentation is added to the SegCol (new words are also added to
// the word map pool in the line segmentation).
// return FALSE: if no addition was made, TRUE otherwise
BOOL AddNewSegmentation ( LINE_SEGMENTATION *pLineSegm,
BOOL bCheckForDuplicates
// adds a new word_map to a segmentation
// appends the wordmaps of one segmentation to another
BOOL AppendSegmentation ( SEGMENTATION *pSrcSeg,
int iStWrd,
int iEndWrd,
// adds a new stroke to a wordmap
BOOL AddNewStroke (WORD_MAP *pWordMap, int iStrk);
// reverses the order of words maps with a segmentation
void ReverseSegmentationWords (SEGMENTATION *pSeg);
// determines the min & max value for a strokeID in a wordmap
int GetMinMaxStrokeID (WORD_MAP *pWord, int *piMin, int *piMax);
BOOL InsertNewAlternate (WORD_ALT_LIST *pAltList, int iCost, unsigned char *pszWord);
// This function finds the range on wordmaps in the search segmentation that
// use exactly the same strokes in the specified wordmap map range in the matching
// segmentation
// The passed bEnd flag specified whether piEndWordMap has to be the last wordmap
// of the search segmentation or not.
// The return value will be FALSE if no wordmap range with the required specification
// is found
BOOL GetMatchingWordMapRange ( SEGMENTATION *pMatchSeg,
int iStartWordMap,
int iEndWordMap,
int *piStartWordMap,
int *piEndWordMap,
BOOL bBegin,
BOOL WordMapNew2Old (WORD_MAP *pNewWordMap, WORDMAP *pWordMap, BOOL bClone);
BOOL AltListOld2New (ALTERNATES *pOldAltList, WORD_ALT_LIST *pAltList, BOOL bClone);
BOOL AltListNew2Old ( HRC hrc,
WORD_MAP *pNewWordMap,
BOOL bClone
void FreeLines (LINEBRK *pLineBrk);
BOOL AddNewStroke2Line (int cPt, POINT *pPt, FRAME *pFrame, INKLINE *pLine);
short AbsoluteToLatinLayout(int y, RECT *pRect);
int LatinLayoutToAbsolute(short y, RECT *pRect);
#ifdef __cplusplus