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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
Microsoft Denali
Microsoft Confidential.
Copyright 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Component: Resources
File: Denali.rc
Owner: LeiJin (was AndrewS)
This file contains all resources used by Denali
#include "denevent.rc"
#include "resource.h"
#include "denver.h" // denali version info
Type Librarys
String Table
The format of error strings is:
DefaultMask~ErrorCode~Short Description~LongDescription
NOTE: ~ is not allowed in Short Description and Long Description.
NOTE: DefaultMask, ErrorCode, and ShortDescription should not be empty.
NOTE: For explanation of DefaultMask, please refer to error.h header file.
String with no format should be named as
IDS_String for regular strings.
IDH_String for header.
CONSIDER: rename unformatted string.
NOTE: The NEXT UNUSED ERROR CODE is "ASP 0248". Please use this number
for the next addin of formatted error string, and update the NEXT
UNUSED ERROR CODE accordingly.
// General errors
IDE_OOM "007~ASP 0100~Out of memory~Unable to allocate required memory."
IDE_UNEXPECTED "007~ASP 0101~Unexpected error~The function returned |."
IDE_EXPECTING_STR "007~ASP 0102~Expecting string input~The function expects a string as input."
IDE_EXPECTING_INT "007~ASP 0103~Expecting numeric input~The function expects a number as input."
IDE_NOT_ALLOWED "007~ASP 0104~Operation not Allowed~"
IDE_BAD_ARRAY_INDEX "007~ASP 0105~Index out of range~An array index is out of range."
IDE_TYPE_MISMATCH "007~ASP 0106~Type Mismatch~An unhandled data type was encountered."
IDE_STACK_OVERFLOW "007~ASP 0107~Stack Overflow~The data being processed is over the allowed limit."
// The following string is ONLY ever logged to the NT event log. It never goes to the browser
IDS_COUNINITIALIZE "An active server control or component performed an illegal OLE CoUninitialize call. Components used by Active Server Pages must not do this. Attempting to recover."
// String expansions of boolean True and False
// The Default strings get load into registry.
IDS_DEFAULTMSG_DENIED "Error: Access is Denied."
IDS_DEFAULTMSG_ERROR "An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator."
IDS_DEFAULTMSG_BUSY "The server is under heavy load, please try again later."
IDS_IIS_NOTINSTALLED "Internet Information Server(IIS) is not installed, Active Server Pages requires IIS installed first."
IDS_CACHE_DIR_MISSING "The Disk Cache Directory does not exist or cannot be accessed"
// WARNING: The following string must NOT be localized
// WARNING: The preceding string must NOT be localized
// Error browser template, used in logging to the browser.
// NOTE, use \042 for '\"' in resource file, STRINGTABLE
// NOTE, can not have empty strings, so, " " for BEGIN, END, etc.
//EXTRACT following comments from error.cpp
//The order of ErrTemplate_Index should be exactly the same order as the IDS_BROWSER_TEMPLATE
//in the resource.h, and as the same order we output the template to the browser.
//Implementation will loop through the index and picking the string from the resource file.
//Implementation will also loop through the index and write the string to browser.
//Changing order of IDS_BROWSER_TEMPLATE will affect implementation in error.cpp.
IDS_BROWSER_TEMPLATE_ENGINE_BEGIN "<font face=\042Arial\042 size=2>\n<p>"
IDS_BROWSER_TEMPLATE_ERROR_BEGIN "<font face=\042Arial\042 size=2>error '"
IDS_BROWSER_TEMPLATE_SHORT_BEGIN "\n<p>\n<font face=\042Arial\042 size=2>"
IDS_BROWSER_TEMPLATE_FILE_BEGIN "\n<p>\n<font face=\042Arial\042 size=2>"
IDS_BROWSER_TEMPLATE_LINE_BEGIN "<font face=\042Arial\042 size=2>, line "
IDS_BROWSER_TEMPLATE_LONG_BEGIN "\n<p>\n<font face=\042Arial\042 size=2>"
IDS_DEBUG_APP "Microsoft Active Server Pages"
IDS_LOG_IISLOGFAILED "IIS log failed to write entry, "
IDS_COMPILER "Active Server Pages Compiler"
IDS_ENGINE "Active Server Pages"
IDS_MDOORANGE_FORMAT "Metabase key %d is out of range. Using %d as default."
//IDS_ERROR_PREFIX is used in IIS log only, as the PREFIX to error log.
IDS_RE_REGSVR_ASP "Error while reading default settings. please do regsvr32 asp.dll."
IDS_DEBUGGING_DISABLED " - Application Debugging is Disabled"
IDS_DEFAULTPERSISTDIR "%windir%\\system32\\inetsrv\\ASP Compiled Templates"
//HTTP Header, do not change!
IDH_204_NO_CONTENT "204 No Content"
IDH_403_FORBIDDEN "403 Forbidden"
IDH_404_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND "404 Object Not Found"
IDH_500_SERVER_ERROR "500 Server Error"
IDH_401_3_ACCESS_DENIED "401 Access Denied"
//Encrypted ASP printable file header
IDS_EASP_PRINTABLE_HEADER " *** Encrypted ASP File *** \n\n"
// Script Engine/Manager errors
// Last Resort...CONSIDER, change to IDS, usein ComposeErrorString.
IDE_SCRIPT_CANT_LOAD_OBJ "006~ASP 0108~Create object failed~An error occurred while creating object '%s'."
IDE_SCRIPT_METHOD_NOT_FOUND "006~ASP 0109~Member not found~"
IDE_SCRIPT_UNKNOWN_NAME "006~ASP 0110~Unknown name~"
IDE_SCRIPT_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE "006~ASP 0111~Unknown interface~"
IDE_SCRIPT_MISSING_PARAMETER "006~ASP 0112~Missing parameter~"
IDE_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT "006~ASP 0113~Script timed out~The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools."
IDE_SCRIPT_BAD_SCOPE_MODEL "006~ASP 0114~Object not free threaded~The application object accepts only free threaded objects; object '%s' is not free threaded."
IDE_SCRIPT_GPF "007~ASP 0115~Unexpected error~A trappable error (%X) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running."
IDE_SCRIPT_UNKNOWN "An external object raised an error. No Error Description Available."
// CTemplate errors
IDE_TEMPLATE_ERRMSG_PREFIX "Error in script file '|' on line |: "
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_PSCRIPT "006~ASP 0116~Missing close of script delimiter~The Script block lacks the close of script tag (%>)."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_TSCRIPT "006~ASP 0117~Missing close of script tag~The Script block lacks the close of script tag (</SCRIPT>) or close of tag symbol (>)."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_OBJECT "006~ASP 0118~Missing close of object tag~The Object block lacks the close of object tag (</OBJECT>) or close of tag symbol (>)."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLASSID_PROGID "006~ASP 0119~Missing Classid or Progid attribute~The object instance '|' requires a valid Classid or Progid in the object tag."
IDE_TEMPLATE_RUNAT_NOT_SERVER "006~ASP 0120~Invalid Runat attribute~The Runat attribute of the Script tag or Object tag can only have the value 'Server'."
IDE_TEMPLATE_VALUE_REQUIRED "006~ASP 0238~Missing attribute value~No value was specified for the '|' attribute."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PAGE_OBJECT_SCOPE "006~ASP 0121~Invalid Scope in object tag~The object instance '|' cannot have Application or Session scope. To create the object instance with Session or Application scope, place the Object tag in the Global.asa file."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_GLOBAL_OBJECT_SCOPE "006~ASP 0122~Invalid Scope in object tag~The object instance '|' must have Application or Session scope. This applies to all objects created in a Global.asa file."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_OBJECT_NAME "006~ASP 0123~Missing Id attribute~The required Id attribute of the Object tag is missing."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_ENGINE_NAME "006~ASP 0124~Missing Language attribute~The required Language attribute of the Script tag is missing."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_ATTRIBUTE_DELIMITER "006~ASP 0125~Missing close of attribute~The value of the '|' attribute has no closing delimiter."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_INCLUDE "006~ASP 0126~Include file not found~The include file '|' was not found."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CLOSE_HTML_COMMENT "006~ASP 0127~Missing close of HTML comment~The HTML comment or server-side include lacks the close tag (-->)."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_INCLUDE_NAME "006~ASP 0128~Missing File or Virtual attribute~The Include file name must be specified using either the File or Virtual attribute."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGLANG "006~ASP 0129~Unknown scripting language~The scripting language '|' is not found on the server."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_FILE_TAG "006~ASP 0130~Invalid File attribute~File attribute '|' cannot start with forward slash or back slash."
IDE_TEMPLATE_DISALLOWED_PARENT_PATH "006~ASP 0131~Disallowed Parent Path~The Include file '|' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory."
IDE_TEMPLATE_ERRMSG_GENERIC "006~ASP 0132~Compilation Error~The Active Server Page '|' could not be processed."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_CLASSID "006~ASP 0133~Invalid ClassID attribute~The object tag has an invalid ClassID of '|'."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGID "006~ASP 0134~Invalid ProgID attribute~The object has an invalid ProgID of '|'."
IDE_TEMPLATE_CYCLIC_INCLUDE "006~ASP 0135~Cyclic Include~The file '|' is included by itself (perhaps indirectly). Please check include files for other Include statements."
IDE_TEMPLATE_INVALID_OBJECT_NAME "006~ASP 0136~Invalid object instance name~The object instance '|' is attempting to use a reserved name. This name is used by Active Server Pages intrinsic objects."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_GLOBAL_PSCRIPT "006~ASP 0137~Invalid Global Script~Script blocks must be one of the allowed Global.asa procedures. Script directives within <% ... %> are not allowed within the Global.asa file. The allowed procedure names are Application_OnStart, Application_OnEnd, Session_OnStart, or Session_OnEnd."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NESTED_TSCRIPT "006~ASP 0138~Nested Script Block~A script block cannot be placed inside another script block."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NESTED_OBJECT "006~ASP 0139~Nested Object~An object tag cannot be placed inside another object tag."
IDE_TEMPLATE_PAGE_COMMAND_NOT_FIRST "006~ASP 0140~Page Command Out Of Order~The @ command must be the first command within the Active Server Page."
IDE_TEMPLATE_PAGE_COMMAND_REPEATED "006~ASP 0141~Page Command Repeated~The @ command can only be used once within the Active Server Page."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_PROGLANG_IN_REGISTRY "006~ASP 0201~Invalid Default Script Language~The default script language specified for this application is invalid."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_CODEPAGE "006~ASP 0202~Missing Code Page~The code page attribute is missing."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_CODEPAGE "006~ASP 0203~Invalid Code Page~The specified code page attribute is invalid."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_AT_COMMAND "006~ASP 0221~Invalid @ Command directive~The specified '|' option is unknown or invalid."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_SSI_COMMAND "006~ASP 0234~Invalid include directive~Server side include directives may not be present in script blocks. Please use the SRC= attribute of the <SCRIPT> tag."
IDE_TEMPLATE_METADATA_IN_GLOBAL_ASA "006~ASP 0243~Invalid METADATA tag in Global.asa~Only METADATA TYPE=""TypeLib"" may be used in Global.asa."
// Executor errors
IDE_204_NO_CONTENT "518~0~204 No Content~"
IDE_404_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND "518~0~404 Object Not Found~"
IDE_401_3_ACCESS_DENIED "518~0~401 Error: Access is Denied.~"
// Sessmgr errors
//currently not used.
IDE_ERROR_STRING_403 "Object Not Found"
IDE_ERROR_SCRIPT_NF "Error, Script file '%s' was not found on the server."
IDE_ERROR_SCRIPT_EMPTY "Error, Script file '%s' is empty."
// Initialize browser request errors
// should
IDE_OPEN_THREAD_TOKEN "006~ASP 0142~Thread token error~A thread token failed to open."
IDE_INVALID_APPLICATION "006~ASP 0143~Invalid Application Name~A valid application name was not found."
IDE_INIT_PAGE_LEVEL_OBJ "006~ASP 0144~Initialization Error~The page level objects list failed during initialization."
//IDE_ADD_APPLICATION currently is not used.
IDE_ADD_APPLICATION "006~ASP 0145~New Application Failed~The new Application could not be added."
IDE_ADD_SESSION "006~ASP 0146~New Session Failed~The new Session could not be added"
IDE_500_SERVER_ERROR "006~ASP 0147~500 Server Error~"
IDE_SERVER_TOO_BUSY "006~ASP 0148~Server Too Busy~"
IDE_TOO_MANY_USERS "006~ASP 0246~Too many concurrent users. Please try again later.~"
IDE_GLOBAL_ASA_CHANGED "006~ASP 0149~Application Restarting~The request cannot be processed while the application is being restarted."
IDE_GLOBAL_ASA_FORBIDDEN "006~ASP 0220~Requests for GLOBAL.ASA Not Allowed~Requests with the URL pointing to GLOBAL.ASA are not allowed."
IDE_BAD_CODEPAGE_IN_MB "006~ASP 0246~Invalid Default Code Page~The default code page specified for this application is invalid."
// Application manager errors
//Take care by HandleSysError
IDE_OPEN_APPLN_DIR "006~ASP 0150~Application Directory Error~The Application directory could not be opened."
IDE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION "006~ASP 0151~Change Notification Error~The change notification event could not be created."
// Thread manager errors
IDE_IMPERSONATE_USER "006~ASP 0152~Security Error~An error occurred while processing a user's security credentials."
//CONSIDER: Change to IDS. Only to NTLog.
IDE_CANT_CREATE_THREAD "006~ASP 0153~Thread Error~A new thread request failed."
// Intrinsic errors
IDE_INTRINSIC_OUT_OF_SCOPE "006~ASP 0211~Object out of scope~A built-in ASP object has been referenced, which is no longer valid."
IDE_RESPONSE "Response object"
IDE_RESPONSE_HEADERS_CANT_REACH_CLIENT "006~ASP 0154~Write HTTP Header Error~The HTTP headers could not be written to the client browser."
IDE_RESPONSE_BODY_CANT_REACH_CLIENT "006~ASP 0155~Write Page Content Error~The page content could not be written to the client browser."
IDE_RESPONSE_HEADERS_WRITTEN "006~ASP 0156~Header Error~The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content."
IDE_RESPONSE_CANT_STOP_BUFFER "006~ASP 0157~Buffering On~Buffering cannot be turned off once it is already turned on."
IDE_RESPONSE_NO_URL "006~ASP 0158~Missing URL~A URL is required."
IDE_RESPONSE_BUFFER_NOT_ON "006~ASP 0159~Buffering Off~Buffering must be on."
IDE_RESPONSE_LOG_FAILURE "006~ASP 0160~Logging Failure~Failure to write entry to log."
IDE_RESPONSE_REDIRECT1 "<head><title>Object moved</title></head>\n<body><h1>Object Moved</h1>This object may be found <a HREF=\042"
IDE_RESPONSE_REDIRECT2 "\042>here</a>.</body>\n"
IDE_RESPONSE_UNABLE_TO_CONVERT "006~ASP 0161~Data Type Error~The conversion of a Variant to a String variable failed."
IDE_RESPONSE_MODIFY_SESS_COOKIE "006~ASP 0162~Cannot Modify Cookie~The cookie 'ASPSessionID' cannot be modified. It is a reserved cookie name."
IDE_RESPONSE_COMMAS_NOT_ALLOWED "006~ASP 0163~Invalid Comma Use~Commas cannot be used within a log entry. Please select another delimiter."
IDE_RESPONSE_CLEAR_AFTER_FLUSH_IN_DEBUG "006~ASP 0212~Cannot Clear Buffer~Response.Clear is not allowed after a Response.Flush while Client Debugging is Enabled."
IDE_SESSION "Session object"
IDE_SESSION_INVALID_TIMEOUT "006~ASP 0164~Invalid TimeOut Value~An invalid TimeOut value was specified."
IDE_SESSION_INVALID_CODEPAGE "006~ASP 0204~Invalid CodePage Value~An invalid CodePage value was specified."
IDE_SESSION_MAP_FAILED "006~ASP 0165~SessionID Error~A SessionID string cannot be created."
IDE_SESSION_UNINITIALIZED_OBJ "006~ASP 0166~Uninitialized Object~An attempt was made to access an uninitialized object."
IDE_SESSION_INIT_FAIL "006~ASP 0167~Session Initialization Error~An error occurred while initializing the Session object."
IDE_SESSION_CANT_STORE_INTRINSIC "006~ASP 0168~Disallowed object use~An intrinsic object cannot be stored within the Session object."
IDE_SESSION_CANT_STORE_NO_MODEL "006~ASP 0169~Missing object information~An object with missing information cannot be stored in the Session object. The threading model information for an object is required."
IDE_SESSION_COULD_NOT_DELETE "006~ASP 0170~Delete Session Error~The Session did not delete properly."
IDE_SERVER "Server object"
IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_INVALID_STR "006~ASP 0171~Missing Path~The Path parameter must be specified for the MapPath method."
IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_PHY_STR "006~ASP 0172~Invalid Path~The Path parameter for the MapPath method must be a virtual path. A physical path was used."
IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_INVALID_CHR "006~ASP 0173~Invalid Path Character~An invalid character was specified in the Path parameter for the MapPath method."
IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_INVALID_CHR2 "006~ASP 0174~Invalid Path Character(s)~An invalid '/' or '\\' was found in the Path parameter for the MapPath method. "
IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_INVALID_CHR3 "006~ASP 0175~Disallowed Path Characters~The '..' characters are not allowed in the Path parameter for the MapPath method. "
IDE_SERVER_MAPPATH_FAILED "006~ASP 0176~Path Not Found~The Path parameter for the MapPath method did not correspond to a known path."
IDE_SERVER_EXCEDED_MAX_PATH "006~ASP 0214~Invalid Path parameter~The Path parameter excedes the maximum length allowed."
//Bug Fix 91847 %s is used for concatenating a FormatMessage() based description.
IDE_SERVER_CREATEOBJ_FAILED "006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~%s"
IDE_SERVER_CREATEOBJ_DENIED "006~ASP 0178~Server.CreateObject Access Error~The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object."
IDE_APPLICATION "Application object"
IDE_APPLICATION_FAILED_INIT "006~ASP 0179~Application Initialization Error~An error occurred while initializing the Application object."
IDE_APPLICATION_CANT_STORE_INTRINSIC "006~ASP 0180~Disallowed object use~An intrinsic object cannot be stored within the Application object."
IDE_APPLICATION_CANT_STORE_APT_MODEL "006~ASP 0181~Invalid threading model~An object using the apartment threading model cannot be stored within the Application object."
IDE_APPLICATION_CANT_STORE_NO_MODEL "006~ASP 0182~Missing object information~An object with missing information cannot be stored in the Application object. The threading model information for the object is required."
IDE_COOKIE "Cookies object"
IDE_COOKIE_EMPTY_DICT "006~ASP 0183~Empty Cookie Key~A cookie with an empty key cannot be stored."
IDE_COOKIE_NO_NAME "006~ASP 0184~Missing Cookie Name~A name must be specified for a cookie."
IDE_COOKIE_BAD_EXPIRATION "006~ASP 0200~Out of Range 'Expires' attribute~The date and time given for 'Expires' precedes Jan 1, 1980 or excedes Jan 19, 2038, 3:14:07 GMT."
IDE_REQUEST "Request object"
IDE_UTIL_NO_VALUE "006~ASP 0185~Missing Default Property~A default property was not found for the object."
IDE_COVER "Server object"
IDE_CERTIFICATE "Certificate object"
IDE_CERTIFICATE_BAD_CERT "006~ASP 0186~Error parsing certificate"
// New error messages should go down here so that it is easy to keep the
// error number sequential
IDE_APPLICATION_LOCKED_CANT_STORE_OBJ "006~ASP 0187~Object addition conflict~Could not add object to application. Application was locked down by another request for adding an object."
IDE_SESSION_CANT_STORE_TAG_OBJECT "006~ASP 0188~Disallowed object use~Cannot add objects created using object tags to the session intrinsic."
IDE_APPLICATION_CANT_STORE_TAG_OBJECT "006~ASP 0189~Disallowed object use~Cannot add objects created using object tags to the application intrinsic."
IDE_COVER_DISP_RELEASE_GPF "007~ASP 0190~Unexpected error~A trappable error occurred while releasing an external object."
IDE_COVER_ON_START_PAGE_GPF "007~ASP 0191~Unexpected error~A trappable error occurred in the OnStartPage method of an external object."
IDE_COVER_ON_END_PAGE_GPF "007~ASP 0192~Unexpected error~A trappable error occurred in the OnEndPage method of an external object."
IDE_COVER_ON_START_PAGE_FAILED "007~ASP 0193~OnStartPage Failed~An error occurred in the OnStartPage method of an external object."
IDE_COVER_ON_END_PAGE_FAILED "007~ASP 0194~OnEndPage Failed~An error occurred in the OnEndPage method of an external object."
IDE_SERVER_INVALID_CALL "006~ASP 0195~Invalid Server Method Call~This method of the Server object cannot be called during Session_OnEnd and Application_OnEnd."
IDE_SERVER_CREATEOBJ_NOTINPROC "006~ASP 0196~Cannot launch out of process component~Only InProc server components should be used. If you want to use LocalServer components, you must set the AspAllowOutOfProcComponents metabase setting. Please consult the help file for important considerations."
IDE_APPLICATION_CANT_STORE_OBJECT "006~ASP 0197~Disallowed object use~Cannot add object with apartment model behavior to the application intrinsic object."
IDE_SERVER_SHUTTING_DOWN "006~ASP 0198~Server shutting down~Cannot process request"
IDE_CANT_STORE_JAVASCRIPT_OBJECT "006~ASP 0199~Disallowed object use~Cannot add JScript objects to the session."
IDE_APPLICATION_CREATE_EVENT_FAILED "006~ASP 0205~Change Notification~Failed to create event for change notification."
IDE_REQUEST_BINARYREAD_NA "006~ASP 0206~Cannot call BinaryRead~Cannot call BinaryRead after using Request.Form collection."
IDE_REQUEST_BINREAD_BAD_ARG "006~ASP 0247~Bad Argument to BinaryRead~The argument to BinaryRead must be non-negative."
IDE_REQUEST_FORMCOLLECTION_NA "006~ASP 0207~Cannot use Request.Form~Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead."
IDE_REQUEST_GENERICCOLLECTION_NA "006~ASP 0208~Cannot use generic Request collection~Cannot use the generic Request collection after calling BinaryRead."
IDE_RESPONSE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED "006~ASP 0210~Method not implemented~This method has not yet been implemented."
IDE_TEMPLATE_CANT_ENABLE_SESSIONS "006~ASP 0244~Cannot Enable Session State~Session state cannot be enabled when it has been disabled in the application."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_OBJECT_SCOPE "006~ASP 0217~Invalid Scope in object tag~Object scope must be Page, Session or Application."
IDE_EXECUTOR_DTC_NOT_RUNNING "006~ASP 0216~MSDTC Service not running~Transactional web pages cannot be run if the MSDTC service is not running."
IDE_TEMPLATE_NO_LCID "006~ASP 0218~Missing LCID~The LCID attribute is missing."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_LCID "006~ASP 0219~Invalid LCID~The specified LCID is not available."
IDE_OBJECTCONTEXT "ObjectContext object"
IDE_OBJECTCONTEXT_NOT_TRANSACTED "006~ASP 0220~Script isnt transacted~This ASP file must be transacted in order to use the ObjectContext object."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_TYPELIB_SPEC "006~ASP 0222~Invalid TypeLib Specification~METADATA tag contains an invalid Type Library specification."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_TYPELIB_REG_SPEC "006~ASP 0223~TypeLib Not Found~METADATA tag contains a Type Library specification that does not match any Registry entry."
IDE_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TYPELIB_FAILED "006~ASP 0224~Cannot load TypeLib~Cannot load Type Library specified in the METADATA tag."
IDE_TEMPLATE_WRAP_TYPELIB_FAILED "006~ASP 0225~Cannot wrap TypeLibs~Cannot create a Type Library Wrapper object from the Type Libraries specified in METADATA tags."
IDE_CANT_MOD_STATICOBJECTS "006~ASP 0226~Cannot modify StaticObjects~StaticObjects collection cannot be modified at run time."
IDE_SERVER_EXECUTE_FAILED "006~ASP 0227~Server.Execute Failed~The call to Server.Execute failed"
IDE_SERVER_EXECUTE_CANTLOAD "006~ASP 0228~Server.Execute Error~The call to Server.Execute failed while loading the page."
IDE_SERVER_TRANSFER_FAILED "006~ASP 0229~Server.Transfer Failed~The call to Server.Transfer failed"
IDE_SERVER_TRANSFER_CANTLOAD "006~ASP 0230~Server.Transfer Error~The call to Server.Transfer failed while loading the page."
IDE_SERVER_EXECUTE_INVALID_PATH "006~ASP 0231~Server.Execute Error~Invalid URL form or fully-qualified absolute URL was used. Use relative URLs."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_COOKIE_SPEC "006~ASP 0232~Invalid Cookie Specification~METADATA tag contains an invalid cookie specification."
IDE_TEMPLATE_LOAD_COOKIESCRIPT_FAILED "006~ASP 0233~Cannot load cookie script source~Cannot load cookie script source file specified in the METADATA tag."
IDE_SERVER_TRANSFER_INVALID_PATH "006~ASP 0235~Server.Transfer Error~Invalid URL form or fully-qualified absolute URL was used. Use relative URLs."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_COOKIE_SPEC_SRC "006~ASP 0236~Invalid Cookie Specification~METADATA tag contains an invalid or missing SRC parameter."
IDE_TEMPLATE_BAD_COOKIE_SPEC_NAME "006~ASP 0237~Invalid Cookie Specification~METADATA tag contains an invalid or missing NAME parameter."
IDE_TEMPLATE_UNICODE_NOTSUP "006~ASP 0239~Cannot process file~UNICODE ASP files are not supported."
IDE_SCRIPT_ENGINE_GPF "007~ASP 0240~Script Engine Exception~A ScriptEngine threw exception '%X' in '%s' from '%s'."
IDE_SCRIPT_OBJ_INSTANTIATE_FAILED "007~ASP 0241~CreateObject Exception~The CreateObject of '%s' caused exception %X."
IDE_SCRIPT_OBJ_ONPAGE_QI_FAILED "007~ASP 0242~Query OnStartPage Interface Exception~Querying Object '%s''s OnStartPage or OnEndPage methods caused exception %X."
IDE_REQUEST_STREAMONLY "006~ASP 0243~Cannot use IStream on Request~Cannot use IStream on Request object after using Request.Form collection or Request.BinaryRead."
// This fragment serves as a description when the buffer used for GetSzPatternInserts overflows.
// There is therefore no need for the "nnn~ASP xxxx~" prefix.
IDE_TOOBIG "No further information is available. (Error description is too long; please check for missing end delimiters, such as '%>'.)"