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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1998.
// File: WrapStor.hxx
// Contents: Persistent property store (external to docfile)
// Classes: CPropertyStoreWrapper
// History: 17-Mar-97 KrishnaN Created
#pragma once
#include <prcstob.hxx>
#include <phystr.hxx>
#include <proplock.hxx>
#include <rcstxact.hxx>
#include <cistore.hxx>
#include <prpstmgr.hxx>
#include <fsciexps.hxx>
class COnDiskPropertyRecord;
class CBorrowed;
class CCompositePropRecord;
class CPropertyStoreWids;
class CLockRecordForRead;
class CLockRecordForWrite;
class CPropertyStoreRecovery;
class CPropertyIterWrapper;
// Class: CPropertyStoreWrapper
// Purpose: Persistent property store
// History: 17-Mar-97 KrishnaN Created
// 01-Nov-98 KLam Removed class wrapper stuff
// Added cbDiskSpaceToLeave to constructor
class CPropertyStoreWrapper : public PPropertyStore
CPropertyStoreWrapper ( ICiCAdviseStatus *pAdviseStatus,
ULONG ulMaxPropStoreMappedCachePrimary,
ULONG ulMaxPropStoreMappedCacheSecondary,
ULONG cbDiskSpaceToLeave );
// FastInit will create a CiStorage internally in the specified directory
SCODE FastInit( WCHAR const * pwszDirectory);
SCODE LongInit( BOOL & fWasDirty,
ULONG & cInconsistencies,
T_UpdateDoc pfnUpdateCallback,
void const *pUserData );
inline SCODE IsDirty( BOOL &fIsDirty ) const;
SCODE Empty();
// Schema manipulation
inline SCODE CanStore( PROPID pid, BOOL &fCanStore );
SCODE Size( PROPID pid, unsigned * pusSize );
SCODE Type( PROPID pid, PULONG pulType );
SCODE BeginTransaction( PULONG_PTR pulReturn);
SCODE Setup( PROPID pid, ULONG vt, DWORD cbMaxLen,
ULONG_PTR ulToken, BOOL fCanBeModified = TRUE,
SCODE EndTransaction( ULONG_PTR ulToken, BOOL fCommit,
PROPID pidFixedPrimary,
PROPID pidFixedSecondary );
// Property storage/retrieval.
SCODE WriteProperty( WORKID wid, PROPID pid,
CStorageVariant const & var,
BOOL &fExists);
inline SCODE WritePropertyInNewRecord( PROPID pid, CStorageVariant const & var, WORKID *pwid );
SCODE ReadProperty( WORKID wid, PROPID pid,
PROPVARIANT * pbData, unsigned * pcb,
BOOL &fExists);
SCODE ReadProperty( WORKID wid, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT & var,
BYTE * pbExtra, unsigned * pcbExtra,
BOOL &fExists);
SCODE ReadProperty( HPropRecord, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT & var,
BYTE * pbExtra, unsigned * pcbExtra, BOOL &fExists );
SCODE ReadProperty( HPropRecord, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT * pbData,
unsigned * pcb, BOOL &fExists);
SCODE ReadProperty( WORKID wid, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT & var,
BOOL &fExists);
SCODE OpenRecord( WORKID wid, BYTE * pb, HPropRecord &hRec);
SCODE CloseRecord( HPropRecord hRec );
// Special path/wid support
inline SCODE MaxWorkId(WORKID &wid);
SCODE DeleteRecord( WORKID wid );
inline SCODE CountRecordsInUse(ULONG &ulRecInUse) const;
SCODE Shutdown();
SCODE Flush();
// Save/Load
SCODE Save( WCHAR const * pwszDirectory,
IProgressNotify * pProgressNotify,
ICiEnumWorkids * pEnumWorkids,
BOOL * pfAbort,
IEnumString ** ppFileList);
SCODE Load( WCHAR const * pwszDestDir, // dest dir
IEnumString * pFileList, // list of files to copy
IProgressNotify * pProgressNotify,
BOOL fCallerOwnsFiles,
BOOL * pfAbort );
// Get/Set of parameters.
SCODE GetParameter(VARIANT &var, DWORD eParamType);
SCODE SetParameter(VARIANT var, DWORD eParamType);
// Miscellaneous
SCODE GetTotalSizeInKB(ULONG * pSize);
// Facilitate destruction
ULONG AddRef();
ULONG Release();
virtual ~CPropertyStoreWrapper ();
friend CPropertyIterWrapper;
friend SCODE CreatePropertyStoreIter( PPropertyStore * pPropStore,
PPropertyStoreIter ** ppPropStoreIter );
CPropStoreManager * _GetCPropertyStore() { return _pPropStoreMgr; };
CiStorage * _pStorage;
CPropStoreManager * _pPropStoreMgr;
XInterface<ICiCAdviseStatus> _xAdviseStatus;
LONG _lRefCount;