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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
;--------------------------------------Localizable Strings Section-------------------------------
; User-visible strings
FAXTopDesc = "Microsoft Fax" ;Text displayed in Listbox during Setup
FAXDesc = "Slu<6C>ba Microsoft Fax"
FAXTip = "Umo<6D><6F>uje odes<65>l<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> a p<><70>j<EFBFBD>m<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> fax<61>."
FAXViewDesc = "Prohl<68><6C>e<EFBFBD> Microsoft Fax" ;Text displayed in Listbox during Setup
; and in the profile messaging services listbox
FAXViewTip = "Umo<6D><6F>uje prohl<68><6C>en<65> soubor<6F> programu Microsoft Fax."
; Program Groups
FAXApps_DESC = "P<><50>slu<6C>enstv<74>\Fax"
FaxPrograms = "Programy" ; The Programs Group
SendTo_DESC = "SendTo" ; Name of SendTo folder in the Windows dir
FaxStartMenu = "NabStart" ; Name of the Start Menu Folder MUST USE 8.3 PATH NAME
; Group Item Names
SendToFax_DESC = "P<><50>jemce faxu" ;
FAXVIEW_Link_Desc = "Prohl<68><6C>e<EFBFBD> fax<61>" ; Not used
FAXCOVER_Link_Desc = "Editor tituln<6C>ch str<74>nek"
CallaFaxService = "<22><>dost o fax"
ShowFaxQueue = "Zobrazit frontu faxov<6F>ch zpr<70>v"
SendNewFax = "Vytvo<76>it nov<6F> fax"
; 8.3 name of the equivelent items above.... Have fun...
FaxPoll = "Request"
Newfax = "NewFax"
FaxCover = "FaxCover"
Sendfax = "SendFax"
; OLE Verb Names (Localized]
PRINT = "&Tisk"
OPEN = "&Otev<65><76>t"
EDIT = "&Upravit"
; The name of the Spool directory in c:\windows
SPOOL_DIR = "spool"
; Registry item names -- Must match what is in resource of program
VIEWER_DOC = "Dokument prohl<68><6C>e<EFBFBD>e fax<61>"
CPE_DOC = "Dokument editoru tituln<6C> str<74>nky"
; Mapi provider names
FAXAB = "Adres<65><73>"
FAXXP = "Transport"
FAXMS = "Slu<6C>ba zas<61>l<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> zpr<70>v"
; Cover page Sample LFN's
CPE_1desc = "D<>v<EFBFBD>rn<72>!"
CPE_2desc = "Pro va<76>i informaci"
CPE_4desc = "Nal<61>hav<61>!"
CPE_5desc = "Obecn<63>"
OLD_CPE_5desc = "Obecn<63> <20><>ely"
; for NON-US BUILD this STRING should be "NotUsed"
; no need to localize this anymore. This is handled in the code.
;rgMessageInTheBottle = "Received" ; USA builds ONLY
;rgMessageInTheBottle = "NotUsed" ; NON-USA BUILDS
; This is the 8.3 name of the OLD General Purpose CPE file
; We Had to make a short File name so we would have correct defaults
; even on non-Long File name systems. This name is used to delete the
; old "General Purpose.CPE" file
General83name = "GENERA~1.CPE"
; Old names need for deleting links left over from previous installs
Old_CallaFaxService = "Na<4E><61>st soubor"
Old_ShowFaxQueue = "Zobrazit frontu faxov<6F>ch zpr<70>v"
Old_SendNewFax = "Odeslat nov<6F> fax"
Old_FAXCOVER_Link_Desc = "Editor tituln<6C>ch str<74>nek faxov<6F>ch zpr<70>v"
;;; These strings should not localized -- Must not change
TransportReg = "Software\Microsoft\At Work Fax\Transport Service Provider"
FaxViewCLSID = "02B01C80-E03D-101A-B294-00DD010F2BF9"