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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
Name : DIS.C
Comment : Collection if DIS/DCS/DTC and CSI/TSI/CIG mangling routines.
They manipulate the DIS struct whose members correspond to the bits
of the T30 DIS/DCS/DTC frames.
Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corp.
Revision Log
Date Name Description
-------- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------
#include "prep.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "glbproto.h"
#define faxTlog(m) DEBUGMSG(ZONE_DIS, m)
#ifdef DEBUG
# define ST_DIS(x) if(ZONE_DIS) { x; }
# define ST_DIS(x) { }
///////// switched from RES-->AWRES values. Table no longer valid /////////
// #define fsim_ILLEGAL 255
// // converts from RES_ #defines to
// // DIS bits. Some values have no conversions
// BYTE F24S_fsim[16] =
// {
// /* Converts RES_FINE, RES_200, RES_400, RES_SUPER_SUPER to
// * ResFine_200, Res16x15_400, ResInchBased, ResMetricBased
// */
// /* F24S fsim */
// /* 0000 --> 0000 */ 0,
// /* 0001 --> 0101 */ 5,
// /* 0010 --> 0110 */ 6,
// /* 0011 --> 0111 */ 7,
// /* 0100 --> 1010 */ 10,
// /* 0101 --> XXXX */ fsim_ILLEGAL,
// /* 0110 --> 1110 */ 14,
// /* 0111 --> XXXX */ fsim_ILLEGAL,
// /* 1000 --> 1001 */ 8, /*9,*/ // vanilla Fine mode. No need for metric bit
// /* 1001 --> 1101 */ 13,
// /* 1010 --> XXXX */ fsim_ILLEGAL,
// /* 1011 --> XXXX */ fsim_ILLEGAL,
// /* 1100 --> 1011 */ 11,
// /* 1101 --> XXXX */ fsim_ILLEGAL,
// /* 1110 --> XXXX */ fsim_ILLEGAL,
// /* 1111 --> 1111 */ 15
// };
// return length of DIS
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "In SetOurDIS: baud=0x%02x min=0x%02x res=0x%02x code=0x%02x wide=0x%02x len=0x%02x\r\n",
npll->Baud, npll->MinScan, (WORD)npbcFax->AwRes, npbcFax->Encoding, npbcFax->PageWidth, npbcFax->PageLength));
BG_CHK((npll->MinScan & ~MINSCAN_MASK) == 0);
BG_CHK((npbcFax->AwRes & ~AWRES_ALLT30) == 0);
BG_CHK((npbcFax->Encoding & ~(MH_DATA|MR_DATA|MMR_DATA)) == 0);
BG_CHK((npbcFax->PageWidth & ~WIDTH_MASK) == 0);
BG_CHK((npbcFax->PageLength & ~LENGTH_MASK) == 0);
BG_CHK(npbcFax->fPublicPoll==0 || npbcFax->fPublicPoll==1);
BG_CHK(fECM==0 || fECM==1);
BG_CHK(f64==0 || f64==1);
BG_CHK(!(fECM==0 && f64!=0));
_fmemset(npdis, 0, sizeof(DIS));
// npdis->G1stuff = 0;
// npdis->G2stuff = 0;
npdis->G3Rx = 1; // always ON for DIS & DCS. Indicates T.4 recv Cap/Mode
npdis->G3Tx = (BYTE) (npbcFax->fPublicPoll);
// This must be 0 for a DCS frame. The Omnifax G77 and GT choke on it!
npdis->Baud = npll->Baud;
npdis->MR_2D = ((npbcFax->Encoding & MR_DATA) != 0);
npdis->MMR = ((npbcFax->Encoding & MMR_DATA) != 0);
// npdis->MR_2D = 0;
// npdis->MMR = 0;
npdis->PageWidth = (BYTE) (npbcFax->PageWidth);
npdis->PageLength = (BYTE) (npbcFax->PageLength);
npdis->MinScanCode = npll->MinScan;
// npdis->Uncompressed = npdis->ELM = 0;
npdis->ECM = fECM != FALSE;
npdis->SmallFrame = f64 != FALSE;
if(npbcFax->PageWidth > WIDTH_MAX)
npdis->WidthInvalid = TRUE;
npdis->Width2 = (npbcFax->PageWidth>>WIDTH_SHIFT);
// doesn't hold for SendParams (why??)
// BG_CHK(npbcFax->AwRes & AWRES_mm080_038);
npdis->Res_300 = 0; // RSL ((npbcFax->AwRes & AWRES_300_300) != 0);
npdis->Res8x15 = ((npbcFax->AwRes & AWRES_mm080_154) != 0);
if (! pTG->SrcHiRes) {
npdis->ResFine_200 = 0;
else {
npdis->ResFine_200 = ((npbcFax->AwRes & (AWRES_mm080_077|AWRES_200_200)) != 0);
npdis->Res16x15_400 = ((npbcFax->AwRes & (AWRES_mm160_154|AWRES_400_400)) != 0);
npdis->ResInchBased = ((npbcFax->AwRes & (AWRES_200_200|AWRES_400_400)) != 0);
npdis->ResMetricBased = ((npbcFax->AwRes & AWRES_mm160_154) ||
((npbcFax->AwRes & AWRES_mm080_077) && npdis->ResInchBased));
/**** switched RES-->AWRES. Table no longer valid *******
fsim = F24S_fsim[npbcFax->AwRes & 0x0F];
BG_CHK(fsim != fsim_ILLEGAL);
npdis->ResFine_200 = ((fsim & 0x08) != 0); // f
npdis->Res16x15_400 = ((fsim & 0x04) != 0); // s
npdis->ResInchBased = ((fsim & 0x02) != 0); // i
npdis->ResMetricBased = ((fsim & 0x01) != 0); // m
**** switched RES-->AWRES. Table no longer valid *******/
npdis->MinScanSuperHalf = ((npll->MinScan & MINSCAN_SUPER_HALF) != 0);
if(!fECM) goto done; // can't have file transfer stuff w/o ECM
BG_CHK(npll->fNonEfaxBFT==0 || npll->fNonEfaxBFT==1);
BG_CHK(npll->fNonEfaxSUB==0 || npll->fNonEfaxSUB==1);
BG_CHK(npll->fNonEfaxSEP==0 || npll->fNonEfaxSEP==1);
BG_CHK(npll->fNonEfaxPWD==0 || npll->fNonEfaxPWD==1);
npdis->SEPcap = npll->fNonEfaxSEP;
npdis->SUBcap = npll->fNonEfaxSUB;
npdis->PWDcap = npll->fNonEfaxPWD;
npdis->BFTcap = npdis->CanEmitDataFile = npll->fNonEfaxBFT;
npdis->DTMcap = npll->fNonEfaxDTM;
npdis->EDIcap = npll->fNonEfaxEDI;
npdis->CanEmitCharFile = npdis->CharMode = npll->fNonEfaxCharMode;
// npdis->Extend24 = npdis->Extend32 = npdis->Extend40 = 0;
// npdis->Extend48 = npdis->Extend56 = npdis->Extend64 = 0;
// npdis->Reserved1 = npdis->Reserved2 = npdis->Reserved3 = 0;
// npdis->Reserved4 = npdis->Reserved5 = 0;
npdis->Extend24 = npdis->Extend32 = npdis->Extend40 = 0;
uLen = 3;
#if 0
for(p = ((NPSTR)npdis)+sizeof(DIS)-1; p>(NPSTR)npdis+2 && *p==0; p--)
// (MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "t SetOurDIS: Loop p=0x%08lx\r\n", (LPSTR)p))
// p points to last non-zero or to npdis+2 (i.e. 3rd byte)
for(q = ((NPSTR)npdis)+2; q<p; (*q) |= 0x80, q++)
// (MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "t SetOurDIS: Loop p=0x%08lx q=0x%08lx\r\n", (LPSTR)p, (LPSTR)q));
// turn high (extend) bit on for all bytes from 3rd (i.e. p+2
// until the last but one non-zero byte
// ST_DIS(D_HexPrint((LPSTR)npdis, 8));
// CHANGE: NEC reports that NTTFAX T31 cannot accept the extra trailing 0
// so we should stop sending it!!!
// // return one more byte in DIS len so that we'll always one extra 0 byte
// // at the end of each DIS/DCS/DTC. Most fax machines do this, so there must
// // be some compatibility reason for this
// // uLen = ((p+1-(NPSTR)npdis) + 1); // size of DIS to send
uLen = (p+1-(NPSTR)npdis); // size of DIS to send
if(uLen > sizeof(DIS))
uLen = sizeof(DIS); // no extra byte if we have reached end of DIS!
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "DIS len = %d\r\n", uLen));
return uLen;
///////// switched from RES-->AWRES values. Table no longer valid /////////
// #define F24S_ILLEGAL 255
// // converts from DIS bits to RES_ #defines
// Some values have no conversions
// BYTE fsim_F24S[16] =
// {
// /* Converts ResFine_200, Res16x15_400, ResInchBased, ResMetricBased to
// * AWRES_mm080_077, AWRES_200_200, AWRES_400_400, AWRES_mm160_154
// */
// /* fsim F24S */
// /* 0000 --> 0000 */ 0,
// /* 0001 --> XXXX */ F24S_ILLEGAL,
// /* 0010 --> XXXX */ F24S_ILLEGAL,
// /* 0011 --> XXXX */ F24S_ILLEGAL,
// /* 0100 --> XXXX */ 1, /*F24S_ILLEGAL,*/ // try and make sense of it anyway
// /* 0101 --> 0001 */ 1,
// /* 0110 --> 0010 */ 2,
// /* 0111 --> 0011 */ 3,
// /* 1000 --> 1000 */ 8,
// /* 1001 --> 1000 */ 8,
// /* 1010 --> 0100 */ 4,
// /* 1011 --> 1100 */ 12,
// /* 1100 --> XXXX */ 9, /*F24S_ILLEGAL,*/ // assume metric preferred
// /* 1101 --> 1001 */ 9,
// /* 1110 --> 0110 */ 6,
// /* 1111 --> 1111 */ 15
// };
///////// switched from RES-->AWRES values. Table no longer valid /////////
void ParseDISorDCSorDTC(PThrdGlbl pTG, NPDIS npDIS, NPBCFAX npbcFax, NPLLPARAMS npll, BOOL fParams)
// Prepare to get trash (upto 2 bytes) at end of every frame //
// BYTE fsim, F24S;
NPBYTE npb, npbLim;
// first make sure DIS is clean. We may have picked up some trailing CRCs
// trailing-trash removed by reading the Extend bits
npb = npbLim = (NPBYTE)npDIS;
npbLim += sizeof(DIS);
for(npb+=2; npb<npbLim && (*npb & 0x80); npb++)
// exits when npb points past end of structure or
// points to the first byte with the high bit NOT set
// i.e. the last VALID byte
for(npb++; npb<npbLim; npb++)
*npb = 0;
// starting with the byte AFTER the last valid byte, until end
// of the structure, zap all bytes to zero
// parse high level params into NPI
memset(npbcFax, 0, sizeof(BCFAX));
npbcFax->AwRes = 0;
npbcFax->Encoding = 0;
// Resolution
if(npDIS->Res8x15) npbcFax->AwRes |= AWRES_mm080_154;
if(npDIS->Res_300) npbcFax->AwRes |= AWRES_300_300;
if(npDIS->ResFine_200) npbcFax->AwRes |= AWRES_200_200;
if(npDIS->Res16x15_400) npbcFax->AwRes |= AWRES_400_400;
if(npDIS->ResMetricBased || !npDIS->ResInchBased)
if(npDIS->ResFine_200) npbcFax->AwRes |= AWRES_mm080_077;
if(npDIS->Res16x15_400) npbcFax->AwRes |= AWRES_mm160_154;
/***** switched from RES-->AWRES values. Table no longer valid *****
fsim = 0;
if(npDIS->ResFine_200) fsim |= 0x08; // f
if(npDIS->Res16x15_400) fsim |= 0x04; // s
if(npDIS->ResInchBased) fsim |= 0x02; // i
if(npDIS->ResMetricBased) fsim |= 0x01; // m
F24S = fsim_F24S[fsim];
if(F24S != F24S_ILLEGAL)
npbcFax->AwRes |= F24S;
// must be prepared to receive any garbage
***** switched from RES-->AWRES values. Table no longer valid *****/
// Encoding (MMR only if ECM also supported)
if(npDIS->MR_2D) npbcFax->Encoding |= MR_DATA;
if(npDIS->MMR && npDIS->ECM) npbcFax->Encoding |= MMR_DATA;
// setting up capabilities -- add the "always present" caps
npbcFax->AwRes |= AWRES_mm080_038;
npbcFax->Encoding |= MH_DATA;
// setting up params -- set the defaults if none otehr specified
if(!npbcFax->AwRes) npbcFax->AwRes = AWRES_mm080_038;
if(!npbcFax->Encoding) npbcFax->Encoding = MH_DATA;
// if both MR & MMR are set (this happens with Ricoh's fax simulator!)
// then set just MMR. MH doesnt have an explicit bit, so we set MH
// here only if nothing else is set. So the only multiple-setting case
// (for encodings) that we can encounter is (MR|MMR). BUG#6950
if(npbcFax->Encoding == (MR_DATA|MMR_DATA))
npbcFax->Encoding = MMR_DATA;
// PageWidth and Length
npbcFax->PageWidth = npDIS->PageWidth;
// IFAX Bug#8152: Hack for interpreting invalid value (1,1) as
// A3, because some fax machines do that. This is
// as per Note 7 of Table 2/T.30 of ITU-T.30 (1992, page 40).
#define WIDTH_ILLEGAL_A3 0x3
if (!fParams && npbcFax->PageWidth==WIDTH_ILLEGAL_A3)
npbcFax->PageLength = npDIS->PageLength;
// has G3 file available for polling
npbcFax->fPublicPoll = npDIS->G3Tx;
// This must be 0 for DCS frames! However if it's not let it pass anyway
BG_CHK(fParams ? (npDIS->G3Tx==0) : TRUE);
/**** Can't deal with narrow widths yet. Just pretend they're 1728 ****
npbcFax->PageWidth = (npdis->PageWidth2 << WIDTH_SHIFT);
// Now low level params LLPARAMS
// Baudrate, ECM, ECM frame size, and MinScan. That's it!
npll->Baud = npDIS->Baud;
npll->fECM = npDIS->ECM;
npll->fECM64 = npDIS->SmallFrame;
npll->MinScan = npDIS->MinScanCode;
npll->MinScan |= MINSCAN_SUPER_HALF;
if(!npll->fECM) goto done; // can't have file transfer stuff w/o ECM
npll->fNonEfaxSUB = npdis->SUBcap;
npll->fNonEfaxSEP = npdis->SEPcap;
npll->fNonEfaxPWD = npdis->PWDcap;
npll->fNonEfaxBFT = npdis->BFTcap;
npll->fNonEfaxDTM = npdis->DTMcap;
npll->fNonEfaxEDI = npdis->EDIcap;
npll->fNonEfaxCharMode = npdis->CharMode;
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "Ex ParseDIS_DCS: baud=0x%02x min=0x%02x res=0x%02x code=0x%02x wide=0x%02x len=0x%02x\r\n",
npll->Baud, npll->MinScan, (WORD)npbcFax->AwRes, npbcFax->Encoding, npbcFax->PageWidth, npbcFax->PageLength));
/* Converts the code for a speed to the speed in BPS */
UWORD CodeToBPS[16] =
/* V27_2400 0 */ 2400,
/* V29_9600 1 */ 9600,
/* V27_4800 2 */ 4800,
/* V29_7200 3 */ 7200,
/* V33_14400 4 */ 14400,
/* V33_12000 6 */ 12000,
/* V17_14400 8 */ 14400,
/* V17_9600 9 */ 9600,
/* V17_12000 10 */ 12000,
/* V17_7200 11 */ 7200,
#define msBAD 255
/* Converts a DCS min-scan field code into millisecs */
BYTE msPerLine[8] = { 20, 5, 10, msBAD, 40, msBAD, msBAD, 0 };
USHORT MinScanToBytesPerLine(PThrdGlbl pTG, BYTE MinScan, BYTE Baud)
USHORT uStuff;
BYTE ms;
uStuff = CodeToBPS[Baud];
ms = msPerLine[MinScan];
BG_CHK(ms != msBAD);
uStuff /= 100; // StuffBytes = (BPS * ms)/8000
uStuff *= ms; // take care not to use longs
uStuff /= 80; // or overflow WORD or lose precision
uStuff += 1; // Rough fix for truncation problems
return uStuff;
#define ms40 4
#define ms20 0
#define ms10 2
#define ms5 1
#define ms0 7
/* first index is a DIS min-scan capability. 2nd is 0 for normal
* 1 for fine (1/2) and 2 for super-fine (if 1/2 yet again).
* Output is the Code to stick in the DCS.
BYTE MinScanTab[8][3] =
ms20, ms20, ms10,
ms5, ms5, ms5,
ms10, ms10, ms5,
ms20, ms10, ms5,
ms40, ms40, ms20,
ms40, ms20, ms10,
ms10, ms5, ms5,
ms0, ms0, ms0
#define V_ILLEGAL 255
#define V27_2400 0
#define V27_4800 2
#define V29_9600 1
#define V29_7200 3
#define V33_14400 4
#define V33_12000 6
#define V17_14400 8
#define V17_12000 10
#define V17_9600 9
#define V17_7200 11
#define V27_SLOW 0
#define V27_ONLY 2
#define V29_ONLY 1
#define V33_ONLY 4
#define V17_ONLY 8
#define V27_V29 3
#define V27_V29_V33 7
#define V27_V29_V33_V17 11
#define V_ALL 15
/* Converts a capability into the best speed it offers.
* index will usually be the & of both DIS's Baud rate fields
* (both having first been "adjusted", i.e. 11 changed to 15)
* Output is the Code to stick in the DCS.
BYTE BaudNegTab[16] =
/* V27_SLOW 0 --> 0 */ V27_2400,
/* V29_ONLY 1 --> 1 */ V29_9600,
/* V27_ONLY 2 --> 2 */ V27_4800,
/* V27_V29 3 --> 1 */ V29_9600,
/* V27_V29_V33 7 --> 4 */ V33_14400,
/* V27_V29_V33_V17 11 --> 8 */ V17_14400,
/* V_ALL 15 --> 8 */ V17_14400
Name : NegotiateLowLevelParams
Purpose : Takes a received DIS and optionally MS NSF,
our HW caps and
picks highest common baud rate, ECM is picked if both have it
ECM frame size is 256 unless remote DIS has that bit set to 1
or we want small frames (compiled-in option).
The MinScan time is set to the max.
(i.e. highest/slowest) of both.
Fill results in Negot section of npProt
CalledFrom: NegotiateLowLevelParams is called by the sender when a DIS
and/or NSF is received.
void NegotiateLowLevelParams(PThrdGlbl pTG, NPLLPARAMS npllRecv, NPLLPARAMS npllSend,
USHORT Baud, Baud1, Baud2;
USHORT MinScanCode, col;
////// negotiate Baudrate, ECM, ECM frame size, and MinScan. That's it!
Baud1 = npllRecv->Baud;
Baud2 = npllSend->Baud;
if(Baud1 == 11) Baud1=15;
if(Baud2 == 11) Baud2=15;
Baud = Baud1 & Baud2;
npllNegot->Baud = BaudNegTab[Baud];
BG_CHK(npllNegot->Baud != V_ILLEGAL);
// there is always some common baud rate (i.e. at least 2400 mandatory)
// ECM. On if both have it. Frame size is small if either
// party want it so. (though using this bit in the DIS is
// contrary to the T.30 spec). But we will come to no harm
// treating it so
if((uEnc==MH_DATA || uEnc==MR_DATA) && (pTG->ProtParams.EnableG3SendECM==0))
npllNegot->fECM = 0;
npllNegot->fECM64 = 0;
// gotta be TRUE otherwise we've negotiated
// ourselves into a hole here....
BG_CHK(npllRecv->fECM && npllSend->fECM);
npllNegot->fECM = 0; // RSL BUGBUG (npllRecv->fECM && npllSend->fECM);
// 64 bytes if receiver request it & we support it
// npllNegot->fECM64 = (npllRecv->fECM64 && npllSend->fECM64);
// Exercise sender's prerogative--64 bytes if we have that selected
// npllNegot->fECM64 = npllSend->fECM64;
// Use if either want it (i.e. sender selected it or receiver prefers it)
npllNegot->fECM64 = 0; // RSL BUGBUG (npllRecv->fECM64 || npllSend->fECM64);
/* Minimum Scan line times. Only Receiver's pref matters.
* Use teh table above to convert from Receiver's DIS to the
* required DCS. Col 1 is used if vertical res. is normal (100dpi)
* Col2 if VR is 200 or 300dpi, (OR if VR is 400dpi, but Bit 46
* is not set), and Col3 is used if VR is 400dpi *and* Bit 46
* (MinScanSuperHalf) is set
npllNegot->MinScan = ms0;
MinScanCode = (npllRecv->MinScan & 0x07); // low 3 bits
if(AwRes & (AWRES_mm080_154|AWRES_mm160_154|AWRES_400_400))
if(npllRecv->MinScan & MINSCAN_SUPER_HALF)
col = 2;
col = 1;
// T30 says scan time for 300dpi & 200dpi is the same
else if(AwRes & (AWRES_300_300|AWRES_mm080_077|AWRES_200_200))
col = 1;
col = 0;
npllNegot->MinScan = MinScanTab[MinScanCode][col];
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "In NegotiateLL: baud=0x%02x min=0x%02x ECM=%d small=%d\r\n",
npllNegot->Baud, npllNegot->MinScan, npllNegot->fECM, npllNegot->fECM64));
USHORT GetStupidReversedFIFs(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPSTR lpstr1, LPSTR lpstr2)
/** Both args always 20 bytes long. Throws away leading & trailing
blanks, then copies what's left *reversed* into lpstr[].
Terminates with 0.
int i, j, k;
BG_CHK(lpstr2 && lpstr1);
// (MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "In GetReverseFIF: lpstr1=0x%08lx lpstr2=0x%08lx lpstr2=%20s\r\n",
// (LPSTR)lpstr1, lpstr2, lpstr2));
for(k=0; k<IDFIFSIZE && lpstr2[k]==' '; k++) // k==first nonblank or 20
for(j=IDFIFSIZE-1; j>=k && lpstr2[j]==' '; j--) // j==last nonblank or -1
// RSL 10/30/96 Leave FIF alone: just remove leading/trailing blanks and reverse bytes.
#if 0
// added to convert single leading space to +. See bug#771 & comments
// under CreateIdFrame routine. Since lpstr2 is reversed, leading==
// trailing
if(j == IDFIFSIZE-2) // single leading blank only
lpstr1[0] = '+';
i = 1;
i = 0;
i = 0;
for( ; i<IDFIFSIZE && j>=k; i++, j--)
lpstr1[i] = lpstr2[j];
lpstr1[i] = 0;
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "GetFIF: Got<%s> produced<%s>\r\n", (LPSTR)lpstr2, (LPSTR)lpstr1));
// (MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "Ex GetReverseFIF: lpstr1=0x%08lx lpstr2=0x%08lx lpstr1=%20s lpstr2=%20s\r\n",
// (LPSTR)lpstr1, lpstr2, (LPSTR)lpstr1, lpstr2));
return (USHORT)i;
void CreateStupidReversedFIFs(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPSTR lpstr1, LPSTR lpstr2)
/** Both args always 20 bytes long. Copies LPSTR *reversed* into
the end of lpstr1[], then pads rest with blank.
Terminates with a 0
int i, j;
BG_CHK(lpstr2 && lpstr1);
// (MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "In CreateReverseFIF: lpstr1=0x%08lx lpstr2=0x%08lx lpstr2=%20s\r\n",
// lpstr1, lpstr2, lpstr2));
for(i=0, j=IDFIFSIZE-1; lpstr2[i] && j>=0; i++, j--)
lpstr1[j] = lpstr2[i];
_fmemset(lpstr1, ' ', j+1);
lpstr1[IDFIFSIZE] = 0;
// (MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "Ex CreateReverseFIF: lpstr1=0x%08lx lpstr2=0x%08lx lpstr1=%20s lpstr2=%20s\r\n",
// lpstr1, lpstr2, lpstr1, lpstr2));
/* Converts a the code for a speed to the code fro the next
* best (lower) speed. order is
(V17: 144-120-96-72-V27_2400) (V33: 144 120 V29: 96 72 V27: 48 24)
// NOTE: FRANCE defines the fallback sequence to go from V17_7200 to V27_4800
BYTE DropBaudTab[16] =
/* V27_2400 --> X 0 --> X */ V_ILLEGAL,
/* V29_9600 --> V29_7200 1 --> 3 */ V29_7200,
/* V27_4800 --> V27_2400 2 --> 0 */ V27_2400,
/* V29_7200 --> V27_4800 3 --> 2 */ V27_4800,
/* V33_14400 -> V33_12000 4 --> 6 */ V33_12000,
/* V33_12000 -> V29_9600 6 --> 1 */ V29_9600,
/* V17_14400 -> V17_12000 8 -> 10 */ V17_12000,
/* V17_9600 --> V17_7200 9 -> 11 */ V17_7200,
/* V17_12000 -> V17_9600 10 -> 9 */ V17_9600,
/* V17_7200 --> V29_9600 11 -> 1
or V29_7200 11 -> 3
USE THIS---> or V27_4800 11 -> 2
or V27_2400 11 -> 0 */ V27_4800,
BOOL DropSendSpeed(PThrdGlbl pTG)
USHORT uSpeed;
// enforce LowestSendSpeed
if( ((uSpeed=DropBaudTab[pTG->ProtInst.llNegot.Baud]) == V_ILLEGAL) ||
((pTG->ProtInst.LowestSendSpeed <= 14400) &&
(CodeToBPS[uSpeed] < pTG->ProtInst.LowestSendSpeed)) )
BG_CHK(pTG->ProtInst.llNegot.Baud==V27_2400 ||
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "DropSpeed--Can't drop (0x%02x)\r\n", pTG->ProtInst.llNegot.Baud));
return FALSE;
// speed remains same as before if lowest speed
// return FALSE to hangup
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "DropSpeed--Now at 0x%02x\r\n", uSpeed));
pTG->ProtInst.llNegot.Baud = (BYTE) uSpeed;
return TRUE;
void EnforceMaxSpeed(PThrdGlbl pTG)
// enforce HighestSendSpeed setting
BG_CHK(!pTG->ProtInst.HighestSendSpeed || (pTG->ProtInst.HighestSendSpeed>=2400 &&
pTG->ProtInst.HighestSendSpeed >= pTG->ProtInst.LowestSendSpeed));
if( pTG->ProtInst.HighestSendSpeed && pTG->ProtInst.HighestSendSpeed >= 2400 &&
pTG->ProtInst.HighestSendSpeed >= pTG->ProtInst.LowestSendSpeed)
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "MaxSend=%d. Baud=%x BPS=%d, dropping\r\n",
pTG->ProtInst.HighestSendSpeed, pTG->ProtInst.llNegot.Baud, CodeToBPS[pTG->ProtInst.llNegot.Baud]));
while(CodeToBPS[pTG->ProtInst.llNegot.Baud] > pTG->ProtInst.HighestSendSpeed)
(MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "Done---MaxSend=%d. Baud=%x BPS=%d\r\n",
pTG->ProtInst.HighestSendSpeed, pTG->ProtInst.llNegot.Baud, CodeToBPS[pTG->ProtInst.llNegot.Baud]));
USHORT CopyFrame(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPBYTE lpbDst, LPFR lpfr, USHORT uSize)
// Prepare to get trash (upto 2 bytes) at end of every frame //
uDstLen = min(uSize, lpfr->cb);
_fmemset(lpbDst, 0, uSize);
_fmemcpy(lpbDst, lpfr->fif, uDstLen);
return uDstLen;
void CopyRevIDFrame(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPBYTE lpbDst, LPFR lpfr)
// Prepare to get trash (upto 2 bytes) at end of every frame //
char szTemp[IDFIFSIZE+2];
uDstLen = min(IDFIFSIZE, lpfr->cb);
_fmemset(szTemp, ' ', IDFIFSIZE); // fill spaces (reqd by GetReverse)
_fmemcpy(szTemp, lpfr->fif, uDstLen);
szTemp[IDFIFSIZE] = 0; // zero-terminate
GetStupidReversedFIFs(pTG, lpbDst, szTemp);
MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "<<ERROR>> Bad ID frame\r\n" );