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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Verdana;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue0;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\tx576\tx1152\tx1728\expndtw-10\kerning22\b\f0\fs18 Microsoft Windows XP Support Tools\par\par\pard\nowidctlpar\tx240\expndtw-25\kerning42 END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT \par\par\expndtw-10\kerning22\b0 IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY\b : This End-User License Agreement (\ldblquote EULA\rdblquote ) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Microsoft Corporation for the Microsoft software product identified above, which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, \ldblquote online\rdblquote or electronic documentation, and Internet-based services (\ldblquote Product\rdblquote ). An amendment or addendum to this EULA may accompany the Product. \b0 YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS EULA BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE PRODUCT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE PRODUCT.\par\expndtw-5\kerning16\b\caps\par\pard\nowidctlpar\kerning0\b0\caps0 1. \b GRANT OF LICENSE.\b0 Microsoft grants you the following rights provided that you comply with all terms and conditions of this EULA:\par\expndtw0\par\pard{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf1\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\nowidctlpar\fi-720\li720\b Installation and use. \b0 You may install and use copies of the Product on computers, such as workstations, terminals or other devices (\ldblquote Workstation Computers\rdblquote ) that are running a validly licensed copy of Microsoft Windows XP Professional. \par\b{\pntext\f1\'B7\tab}Reservation of Rights\b0 . Microsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this EULA.\par\pard\nowidctlpar\par 2.\b UPGRADES\b0 . To use a Product identified as an upgrade, you must first be licensed for the product identified by Microsoft as eligible for the upgrade. After upgrading, you may no longer use the product that formed the basis for your upgrade eligibility.\par\pard\nowidctlpar\tx720 3. \b ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE/SERVICES. \b0 This EULA applies to updates, supplements, add-on components, or Internet-based services components, of the Product that Microsoft may provide to you or make available to you after the date you obtain your initial copy of the Product, unless we provide other terms along with the update, supplement, add-on component, or Internet-based services component. Microsoft reserves the right to discontinue any Internet-based services provided to you or made available to you through the use of the Product. \par\pard\nowidctlpar 4.\b TRANSFER-\i Internal\b0\i0 . You may move the Product to a different Workstation Computer. After the transfer, you must completely remove the Product from the former Workstation Computer. \b\i Transfer to Third Party\b0\i0 . The initial user of the Product may make a one-time transfer of the Product to another end user. The transfer has to include all component parts, media, printed materials, this EULA, and if applicable, the Certificate of Authenticity. The transfer may not be an indirect transfer, such as a consignment. Prior to the transfer, the end user receiving the transferred Product must agree to all the EULA terms\b\i . No Rental\b0\i0 . You may not rent, lease, lend or provide commercial hosting services to third parties with the Product. \par 5.\b LIMITATION ON REVERSE ENGINEERING, DECOMPILATION, AND DISASSEMBLY\b0 . You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Product, except and only to the extent that it is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. \par 6. \b TERMINATION\b0 . Without prejudice to any other rights, Microsoft may cancel this EULA if you do not abide by the terms and conditions of this EULA, in which case you must destroy all copies of the Product and all of its component parts.\par\pard\nowidctlpar\tx270 7. \b SUPPORT SERVICES\b0 . No technical support will be provided for the Product. \p