windows-nt/Source/XPSP1/NT/termsrv/httpproxy/isapi/iis files/tsproxy/connect.asp

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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
<title> Terminal Services Connection to <%Response.Write Request.QueryString("Server")%></title>
<script language="vbscript" >
const FullScreenWarnTxt1 = "Your current security settings do not allow automatically switching to fullscreen mode."
const FullScreenWarnTxt2 = "You can use ctrl-alt-pause to toggle your terminal services session to fullscreen mode"
const FullScreenTitleTxt = "Terminal Services Connection "
Const ErrMsgText = "Error connecting to terminal server: "
sub window_onLoad()
If not "<%Response.Write Request.QueryString("Server")%>" = "" then
srvName = "<%Response.Write Request.QueryString("Server")%>"
srvName = Document.location.hostname
end if
MsTscAx.Server = srvName
MsTscAx.AdvancedSettings.ProxyServer = "<%Response.Write Request.QueryString("ProxyServer")%>"
MsTscAx.AdvancedSettings.ProxyUseHttps = true
Document.all.srvNameField.innerHtml = srvName
MsTscAx.Domain = "<%Response.Write Request.QueryString("Domain")%>"
MsTscAx.UserName = "<%Response.Write Request.QueryString("UserName")%>"
if "<% Response.Write Request.QueryString("FS") %>" = "1" then
if MsTscAx.SecuredSettingsEnabled then
MsTscAx.SecuredSettings.FullScreen = "<% Response.Write Request.QueryString("FS") %>" = "1"
msgbox (FullScreenWarnTxt1 & vbCrLf & FullScreenWarnTxt2 )
end if
end if
// MsTscAx.FullScreenTitle = FullScreenTitleTxt & "(" & "<%Response.Write Request.QueryString("Server")%>" & ")"
end sub
<OBJECT language="vbscript" ID="MsTscAx"
WIDTH=<% resWidth = Request.QueryString("rW")
if resWidth < 200 or resWidth > 1600 then
resWidth = 800
end if
Response.Write resWidth %>
HEIGHT=<% resHeight = Request.QueryString("rH")
if resHeight < 200 or resHeight > 1200 then
resHeight = 600
end if
Response.Write resHeight %>>
<font size="1" color="#000000" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">
You are logged in to <i><span id="srvNameField"></span></i></font><br>
<script language="VBScript">
sub MsTscAx_OnDisconnected(disconnectCode)
if not disconnectCode = 2 then
msgbox ErrMsgText & MsTscAx.Server
end if
'redirect back to login page
end sub