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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
@echo off
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
REM movefiles.cmd
REM Rearrange and collect files in preparation for PRS signing.
REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
REM Version: < 1.0 > 04/09/2001 Suemiao Rossignol
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
perl -x "%~f0" %*
goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use Logmsg;
use ParseArgs;
use File::Basename;
use GetIniSetting;
use comlib;
#use HashText;
use cksku;
my $scriptname = basename( $0 );
sub Usage {
Rearrange and collect files in preparation for PRS signing.
$scriptname: -l:<language> [-d:<Aggregate Path>] [-n:<Build name>] [-undo] [-final]
-l Language.
Default is "usa".
-d Aggregate path.
A path to conglomerate PRS files at before submitting to the prslab.
-n Build name.
The name of the service pack or QFE being built.
Undo the signing steps.
Default is doing signing steps.
Sign the finished binary, instead of the internal cats, etc.
-? Display Usage.
$scriptname -l:ger -d:\\prs
my ( $lang, $aggDir, $undo, $final );
my ( @tableHash, $rootCatDir, $rootHashDir, $rootBackupDir );
my ( @prodSkus,%skusDirName, @realSignFiles, @workDir );
my ( $dash, $cmdLine );
my ( $name, $buildName, %certLog, %certFileList, %certPath, %certReqID );
exit(1) if( !&GetParams() );
timemsg( "Start [$scriptname]" );
exit(1) if( !&InitVars() );
if( $undo )
exit(1) if ( !&CopySignFiles );
exit(1) if ( !&BackupRollbackTestSign );
if( !$final ) {
exit(1) if ( !&BackupRollbackTestSign );
exit(1) if ( !&CopyRealSign );
exit(1) if ( !&FixCatalogs );
exit(1) if ( !&CopySignFiles );
exit(1) if( !&ErrorCheck );
timemsg( "Complete [$scriptname]\n$dash" );
sub GetParams
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'd:' => \$aggDir, 'n:' => \$name, 'undo' => \$undo , 'final' => \$final);
$lang = $ENV{lang};
if( !$aggDir )
if( !$undo )
#####Retrieve Build name
if( ! ( $buildName = build_name() ))
#errmsg( "[$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\buildname.txt] not found, exit." );
return 0;
chomp( $buildName );
#####Define submit log
if( !$final )
%certLog =( "prs" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_prs.log",
"fusion" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_fusion.log" );
} else {
%certLog =( "external" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_ext.log" );
#####Define Share location
$aggDir = &comlib::ParsePrsSubmitLog( $certLog{prs}, "Aggregation Path - " );
if( !$name )
$name = "sp1";
return 1;
sub InitVars
#####Defind PRS file aggregation path
%certPath = ();
$certPath{"prs"} = "$aggDir\\prs" if !$final;
$certPath{"fusion"} = "$aggDir\\fusion" if !$final;
$certPath{"external"} = "$aggDir\\pack" if $final;
if( !$buildName )
#####Retrieve Build name
if( ! ($buildName = build_name() ))
errmsg( "[$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\buildname.txt] not found, exit." );
return 0;
chomp( $buildName );
#####Define submit log
system( "md \"$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\" ") if( !( -e "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName" ) );
if( !$final )
%certLog =( "prs" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_prs.log",
"fusion" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_fusion.log" );
} else {
%certLog =( "external" => "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\build_logs\\$buildName\\submit_ext.log" );
#####Log to the file for future reference
for my $theCert( keys %certPath)
if( !open( OUT, ">$certLog{$theCert}" ) )
errmsg( "Fail on opening [$certLog{$theCert}] for write." );
return 0;
print OUT "$dash\n";
print OUT "Aggregation Path - $aggDir\n";
print OUT "$dash\n";
close( OUT );
####Define list text files for Prs cert and fusion cert
if( !$final )
%certFileList = ( "prs" => "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\sp\\prs\\fullprslist\.txt",
"fusion" => "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\sp\\prs\\fusionlist\.txt" );
} else {
%certFileList = ( "external" => "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\sp\\prs\\finallist\.txt" );
for my $theCert ( keys %certFileList )
if( !(-e $certFileList{$theCert} ) )
errmsg( "[$certFileList{$theCert}] not found, exit." );
return 0;
#####Misc Init
$dash = '-' x 60;
$rootCatDir = $ENV{_ntpostbld};
$rootHashDir = "$ENV{razzletoolpath}\\sp\\data\\catalog\\$ENV{lang}\\$ENV{_BuildArch}$ENV{_BuildType}";
$rootBackupDir = "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\congeal_scripts";
#####Set Product Skus
%skusDirName=( "pro" => ".", "per" => "perinf");
if ( $ENV{_BuildArch} =~ /x86/i ) {
else {
# my %validSkus = &cksku::GetSkus( $lang, $ENV{_BuildArch} );
# @prodSkus = keys %validSkus;
#####Set Real Sign Files
@realSignFiles = ( "layout.inf", "dosnet.inf", "txtsetup.sif" );
#####Set Working directories
push( @workDir, "." );
logmsg( "Language ................[$lang]" );
logmsg( "Build Name ..............[$buildName\]" );
logmsg( "PRS Share Name...........[$aggDir]" );
logmsg( "Is Undo signing..........[$undo]" );
for my $theCert ( keys %certFileList )
logmsg( "$theCert File Path ......[$certPath{$theCert}]" );
logmsg( "$theCert File List ......[$certFileList{$theCert}]" );
logmsg( "Product Skus.............[@prodSkus]" );
logmsg( "Real Sign Files..........[@realSignFiles]" );
logmsg( "Working Directories......[@workDir]" );
logmsg( "Root Catalog Directories.[$rootCatDir]" );
logmsg( "Root Hash Directories....[$rootHashDir]" );
logmsg( "Root Backup Directories..[$rootBackupDir]" );
logmsg( "Log file ................[$ENV{LOGFILE}]" );
logmsg( "Error file ..............[$ENV{ERRFILE}]" );
return 1;
sub BackupRollbackTestSign
my ( $catDir, $hashDir, $backupDir );
my ( $rtChk, $srcDir, $destDir, $to, $from );
logmsg( $dash );
if( !$undo )
logmsg( "-----Backing up the test sign files-----\n" );
logmsg( "-----Rolling back the test sign files-----\n" );
$rtChk = &CheckSigningType;
#####No files need to be backed up
if( $rtChk == 0)
logmsg( "Found no test or real sign files. No backups needed." );
return 1;
#####mixed type with test and real sign files both exist
if( $rtChk == 3)
errmsg( "Found mixed realsign and testsign files, exit." );
return 0;
#####All files are real sign
if( $rtChk == 2 && !$undo )
logmsg( "Found realsign files in place, skip backing up test sign files" );
return 1;
####Return 1.All files are test sign
if( $rtChk == 1 && $undo )
logmsg( "Found Testsign files in place, skip rolling back test sign files" );
return 1;
for my $wDir ( @workDir )
if( $wDir ne "." )
$catDir = "$rootCatDir\\$wDir";
$hashDir = "$rootHashDir\\$wDir";
$backupDir = "$rootBackupDir\\$wDir";
$catDir = $rootCatDir;
$hashDir = $rootHashDir;
$backupDir = $rootBackupDir;
for my $skus ( @prodSkus )
#####Set Source and Target path
$srcDir = "$catDir\\$skusDirName{ $skus }";
$destDir = "$backupDir\\$skusDirName{ $skus }\\PRSbackups";
#####Flip between do and undo
if( $undo )
$from = $destDir;
$from = $srcDir;
$to = $destDir;
if( -e $to )
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "rd /s /q $to" ) );
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "md $to" ) );
#####Backup/rollback and test sign file
push( @realSignFiles, "" );
for my $file( @realSignFiles )
next if( !( -e "$from\\$file" ) );
$cmdLine = "copy /Y /V $from\\$file $to\\$file";
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine ) );
if ( $undo )
# In an undo, need to touch the files to make sure they get
# compressed, as they are likely older than the real-sign files
return 0 if ( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "touch $to\\$file" ) );
splice( @realSignFiles, $#realSignFiles, 1);
# #####Backup/rollback nt5inf.hash
# $srcDir = "$hashDir\\$skusDirName{ $skus }";
# if( $undo )
# {
# $from = $destDir;
# $to=$srcDir;
# }
# else
# {
# $from = $srcDir;
# $to = $destDir;
# }
# next if( !( -e "$from\\nt5inf.hash" ) );
# $cmdLine = "copy /Y /V $from\\nt5inf.hash $to\\nt5inf.hash";
# return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine) );
return 1;
sub CopyRealSign
my ( $srcDir, $destDir );
logmsg( $dash );
logmsg( "-----Copying Real Sign Files in place-----\n" );
for my $skus ( @prodSkus )
$srcDir = "$ENV{_NtPostBld}\\$skusDirName{ $skus }\\realsign";
$destDir = "$ENV{_NtPostBld}\\$skusDirName{ $skus }";
for my $file( @realSignFiles )
next if ( !(-e "$destDir\\$file") );
system( "touch $srcDir\\$file" );
$cmdLine = "copy /y $srcDir\\$file $destDir\\$file";
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine ) );
return 1;
sub FixCatalogs
logmsg( $dash );
logmsg( "Refresh Catalog file with right hash value.............\n" );
my ( @mFields, $tmp, @hashValue, $newHashStr, $tmpValue );
my ( $catDir, $hashDir, $fileName );
my ( $srcDir, $hashFile, $catFile, $oldHashStr, $hashLine, $newHashStr);
my $oldHash = "$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\build_logs\\oldHash.tmp";
my $newHash = "$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\build_logs\\newHash.tmp";
$tmp = "$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\build_logs\\tmpfile";
for my $wDir ( @workDir )
if( $wDir ne "." )
$catDir = "$rootCatDir\\$wDir";
$hashDir = "$rootHashDir\\$wDir";
$catDir = $rootCatDir;
$hashDir = $rootHashDir;
for my $skus ( @prodSkus )
$catFile = "$catDir\\$skusDirName{ $skus }\\";
$hashFile = "$hashDir\\$skusDirName{ $skus }\\nt5inf.hash";
next if !-e $catFile;
for my $file( @realSignFiles )
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "del /f $oldHash" ) if ( -e $oldHash );
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "del /f $newHash" ) if ( -e $newHash );
if( $skus ne "pro" )
$fileName = "$ENV{_NtPostBld}\\$skusDirName{ $skus }\\$file";
$fileName = "$ENV{_NtPostBld}\\$file";
next if( !( -e $fileName ) );
#####Find old hash value
my $fileName_base = basename($fileName);
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "findstr /iC:$fileName_base $hashFile > $oldHash" ) );
my @file= &comlib::ReadFile( $oldHash );
@mFields = split( /\s+/, $file[0]);
$oldHashStr = $mFields[2];
#####Update cat file with Old hash value
if (-e $catFile) {
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem("updcat.exe $catFile -a $fileName >NUL 2>NUL") );
#####Update SP cat file with Old hash value
if (-e "$catDir\\$") {
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem("updcat.exe $catDir\\ -a $fileName >NUL 2>NUL") );
#####Calculate new hash value & put in the $newhash file
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "calchash.exe $fileName >$tmp") );
@file= &comlib::ReadFile( $tmp );
@hashValue = split( /\s+/, $file[0]);
unlink( $tmp );
$newHashStr = "";
for my $tmpValue ( @hashValue ){$newHashStr .= $tmpValue };
if( !open( TMP, ">$newHash" ) )
errmsg( "Fail on opening $newHash" );
return 0;
print TMP "$fileName - $newHashStr\n";
close ( TMP );
#####Replace old hash with new hash in the hash file
# return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem("$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\postbuildscripts\\hashrep.cmd $newHash $hashFile" ) );
#####Sign the Cat file
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem("$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\ntsign.cmd -n -f $catFile") );
return 1;
sub CheckSigningType
my ( $chkFile );
my ( $chkValue ) =0;
for my $sku ( @prodSkus )
for my $file ( @realSignFiles )
$chkFile = "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\$skusDirName{ $sku}\\$file";
next if ( !(-e $chkFile) );
###Test sign
if( !system ( "findstr /i /l testroot $chkFile >NUL 2>NUL" ) )
$chkValue |= 1;
$chkValue |= 2;
return $chkValue;
sub CopySignFiles
my ( $src, $dest, $from, $to, $newFileName );
my $name2 = $name;
$name2 = "xp$name2" if $final and $name2 !~ /^q/i;
for my $theCert( keys %certPath)
logmsg( $dash );
@tableHash = &comlib::ParsePrsListFile( $lang, $ENV{_buildArch}, $ENV{_buildType}, $certFileList{$theCert} );
if( !$undo )
logmsg( "-----Copying files to [$certPath{$theCert}] for $theCert----------\n" );
logmsg( "-----Rolling back files from [$certPath{$theCert}] for $theCert-----\n" );
for (my $inx=0; $inx< @tableHash; $inx++)
$src = "$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\$tableHash[$inx]->{ Filename }";
$newFileName = "$ENV{_buildArch}$ENV{_buildType}.$lang.$tableHash[$inx]->{ AltName }";
$dest = "$certPath{$theCert}\\$newFileName";
$src =~ s/\%name\%/$name2/ig;
$newFileName =~ s/\%name\%/$name2/ig;
$dest =~ s/\%name\%/$name2/ig;
if( !$undo )
$from = $src;
$to = $dest;
$from = $dest;
$to = $src;
if( lc $theCert eq "prs" && lc $tableHash[$inx]->{DisplayName} ne "default" && !$undo)
&WriteListTxtFile( $tableHash[$inx]->{Filename}, $tableHash[$inx]->{DisplayName} );
next if( !( -e $from ) );
if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "copy /y $from $to" ) )
errmsg( "Fail on copy $from to $to." );
if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "touch /c $certPath{$theCert}\\..\\$theCert.$ENV{_buildArch}$ENV{_buildType}.$lang.txt" ) ) {
errmsg( "Unable to mark the copy operation as complete." );
return 0;
return 1;
sub WriteListTxtFile
my ( $pNewFileName, $pDisplayName ) = @_;
my $listFile = "$ENV{temp}\\displayname.$ENV{_BUILDARCH}$ENV{_BUILDTYPE}.txt";
if( -e $listFile )
if( !open( LISTFILE, ">>$listFile" ))
errmsg( "Fail on open [$listFile] for append." );
return 0;
if( !open( LISTFILE, ">$listFile" ))
errmsg( "Fail on open [$listFile] for write." );
return 0;
print LISTFILE "$pNewFileName $pDisplayName\n";
close( LISTFILE );
sub ErrorCheck
#####Check error logs
if( -e $ENV{errfile} && !(-z $ENV{errfile}) )
$ENV{errfile} =~ /(.*)\.tmp$/;
errmsg( $dash );
errmsg("Please check error at $1");
return 0;
return 1;
sub build_name
return $name if $name =~ /^q/i;
my $buildPath="$ENV{_ntpostbld}\\congeal_scripts";
my $buildFileName="__qfenum__";
if (-e "$buildPath\\$buildFileName") {
open F,"$buildPath\\$buildFileName" or die "unable to ipen $buildPath\\$buildFileName ";
my $buildNumber=<F>;
if ( $buildNumber=~/^QFEBUILDNUMBER=(\d*)$/ ){
return $1;
wrnmsg "$buildPath\\$buildFileName format is not correct. Defaulting to 9999";
return 9999;
close F;
else {
wrnmsg "$buildPath\\$buildFileName not found. Defaulting to 9999";
return 9999;