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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
* @doc
* @module _tomfmt.h -- CTxtFont and CTxtPara Classes |
* This class implements the TOM ITextFont and ITextPara interfaces
* Author: <nl>
* Murray Sargent
* Copyright (c) 1995-1998, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _tomformat_H
#define _tomformat_H
#include "_range.h"
extern const BYTE g_rgREtoTOMAlign[];
// CTxtFormat: base class for CTxtFont and CTxtPara
class CTxtFormat
CTxtFormat(CTxtRange *prg);
long _cRefs;
CTxtRange * _prg;
HRESULT CanChange(long *pBool, BOOL fPara);
HRESULT GetParameter (long *pParm, DWORD dwMask, long Type, long *pValue);
HRESULT SetParameter (long *pParm, long Type, long Value);
HRESULT IsTrue (BOOL f, long *pB);
BOOL IsZombie() {return _prg && _prg->IsZombie();}
class CTxtFont : public ITextFont, CTxtFormat
friend CTxtRange;
CCharFormat _CF;
DWORD _dwMask; // CHARFORMAT2 mask
DWORD _dwFlags; // All together now
DWORD _fApplyLater : 1; // Delay call to _prg->CharFormatSetter()
DWORD _fCacheParms : 1; // Update _CF now but not on GetXs
CTxtFont(CTxtRange *prg);
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj);
// IDispatch methods
STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfoCount(UINT * pctinfo);
STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfo(UINT itinfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo ** pptinfo);
STDMETHODIMP GetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, OLECHAR ** rgszNames, UINT cNames,
LCID lcid, DISPID * rgdispid) ;
STDMETHODIMP Invoke(DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags,
DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, VARIANT * pvarResult,
EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, UINT * puArgErr) ;
// ITextFont methods
STDMETHODIMP GetDuplicate(ITextFont **ppFont);
STDMETHODIMP SetDuplicate(ITextFont *pFont);
STDMETHODIMP CanChange(long *pB);
STDMETHODIMP IsEqual(ITextFont *pFont, long *pB);
STDMETHODIMP Reset(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetStyle(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetStyle(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetAllCaps(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetAllCaps(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetAnimation(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetAnimation(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetBackColor(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetBackColor(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetBold(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetBold(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetEmboss(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetEmboss(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetForeColor(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetForeColor(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetHidden(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetHidden(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetEngrave(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetEngrave(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetItalic(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetItalic(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetKerning(float *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetKerning(float Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetLanguageID(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetLanguageID(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetOutline(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetOutline(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetPosition(float *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetPosition(float Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetProtected(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetProtected(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetShadow(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetShadow(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetSize(float *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetSize(float Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetSmallCaps(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetSmallCaps(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetSpacing(float *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetSpacing(float Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetStrikeThrough(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetStrikeThrough(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetSubscript(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetSubscript(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetSuperscript(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetSuperscript(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetUnderline(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetUnderline(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetWeight(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetWeight(long Value);
//@access Private ITextFont helper methods
HRESULT GetParameter (long *pParm, DWORD dwMask, long Type, long *pValue);
HRESULT SetParameter (long *pParm, DWORD dwMask, long Type, long Value);
HRESULT EffectGetter (long *ptomBool, DWORD dwMask);
HRESULT EffectSetter (long Value, DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwEffect);
HRESULT FormatSetter (DWORD dwMask);
HRESULT UpdateFormat ();
class CTxtPara : public ITextPara, CTxtFormat
friend CTxtRange;
CParaFormat _PF;
DWORD _dwMask; // PARAFORMAT2 mask
DWORD _dwFlags; // All together now
DWORD _fApplyLater : 1; // Delay call to _prg->ParaFormatSetter()
DWORD _fCacheParms : 1; // Update _PF now but not on GetXs
LONG _rgxTabs[MAX_TAB_STOPS];// Place to store tabs till committed
CTxtPara(CTxtRange *prg);
// IUnknown methods
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj);
// IDispatch methods
STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfoCount(UINT * pctinfo);
STDMETHODIMP GetTypeInfo(UINT itinfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo ** pptinfo);
STDMETHODIMP GetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, OLECHAR ** rgszNames, UINT cNames,
LCID lcid, DISPID * rgdispid) ;
STDMETHODIMP Invoke(DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags,
DISPPARAMS * pdispparams, VARIANT * pvarResult,
EXCEPINFO * pexcepinfo, UINT * puArgErr) ;
// ITextPara methods
STDMETHODIMP GetDuplicate(ITextPara **ppPara);
STDMETHODIMP SetDuplicate(ITextPara *pPara);
STDMETHODIMP CanChange(long *pB);
STDMETHODIMP IsEqual(ITextPara *pPara, long *pB);
STDMETHODIMP Reset(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetStyle(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetStyle(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetAlignment(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetAlignment(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetHyphenation(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetHyphenation(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetFirstLineIndent(float *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP GetKeepTogether(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetKeepTogether(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetKeepWithNext(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetKeepWithNext(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetLeftIndent(float *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP GetLineSpacing(float *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP GetLineSpacingRule(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP GetListAlignment(long * pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetListAlignment(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetListLevelIndex(long * pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetListLevelIndex(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetListStart(long * pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetListStart(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetListTab(float * pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetListTab(float Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetListType(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetListType(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetNoLineNumber(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetNoLineNumber(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetPageBreakBefore(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetPageBreakBefore(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetRightIndent(float *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetRightIndent(float Value);
STDMETHODIMP SetIndents(float StartIndent, float LeftIndent, float RightIndent);
STDMETHODIMP SetLineSpacing(long LineSpacingRule, float LineSpacing);
STDMETHODIMP GetSpaceAfter(float *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetSpaceAfter(float Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetSpaceBefore(float *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetSpaceBefore(float Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetWidowControl(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP SetWidowControl(long Value);
STDMETHODIMP GetTabCount(long *pValue);
STDMETHODIMP AddTab(float tpPos, long tbAlign, long tbLeader);
STDMETHODIMP DeleteTab(float tbPos);
STDMETHODIMP GetTab(long iTab, float *ptbPos, long *ptbAlign, long *ptbLeader);
HRESULT FormatSetter (DWORD dwMask);
//@access Private ITextPara helper methods
HRESULT GetParameter (long *pParm, DWORD dwMask, long Type, long *pValue);
HRESULT SetParameter (long *pParm, DWORD dwMask, long Type, long Value);
HRESULT EffectGetter (long * ptomBool, DWORD dwMask);
HRESULT EffectSetter (long Value, DWORD dwMask);
HRESULT UpdateFormat ();
void CheckTabsAddRef();