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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
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<TITLE>out of box experience</TITLE>
<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="oobestyl.css">
<BODY style="background-Color: transparent; background-repeat: no-repeat;" TABINDEX=-1
<TABLE valign="middle" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100%">
<TD id="leftmargincell" width="7%">
<!-- leftmargincell -->
<TD id="maincell" valign="middle" class="text-primary">
<SPAN class="title">
<ID id="UserName_TitleText">Personalize your copy of Windows</ID>
<SPAN id="spnUserName_Primary1" class="text-primary" style="display:none">
<ID id="txtUserName01">Type your first and last names below so that Windows will recognize you when you're logged on.</ID>
<SPAN id="spnUserName_Primary2" class="text-primary" style="display:none">
<ID id="txtUserName02">Type your last and first names below so that Windows will recognize you when you're logged on.</ID>
<SPAN id="spnUserName_Primary3" class="text-primary" style="display:none">
<ID id="txtUserName03">Type your full name below so that Windows will recognize you when you're logged on.</ID>
<TABLE ID=MainPageCell border=0>
<TD valign=top>
<TABLE ID=FieldTable border=0>
<TD vAlign=center width=1></TD>
<TD vAlign=center width=100 id=lblUserFirstName nowrap>
<SPAN id="EnterUserFirstName_1" class="text-primary">
<u>F</u>irst name:
<TD vAlign=center width=220>
<INPUT type="text" accesskey="F" class="user-name-box" id="txtUserFirstName" size=27 maxlength="25" TABINDEX="1">
<TD vAlign=center>
<SPAN id=UserName_IspAccountNameF class="text-primary" style="display:none"></SPAN>
<TR ID=LastNameRow>
<TD vAlign=center></TD>
<TD valign=center id=lblUserLastName nowrap>
<SPAN id="EnterUserLastName_1" class="text-primary">
<u>L</u>ast name:
<TD vAlign=center>
<INPUT type="text" accesskey="L" class="user-name-box" id="txtUserLastName" size=27 maxlength="24" TABINDEX="2">
<TD vAlign=center>
<SPAN id=UserName_IspAccountNameL class="text-primary" style="display:none"></SPAN>
<span id="username_spn_errortx1" style="display:none;" class="text-error">
<ID id="txtUsername_err1a">You must enter your first name and last name, and the first name</ID>
<li><ID id="txtUsername_err1c">must not contain the characters " * + , / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] |</ID>
<li><ID id="txtUsername_err1d">must not just be all spaces and periods</ID>
<li><ID id="txtUsername_err1e">must not be "Administrator" or "Guest"</ID>
<span id="username_spn_errortx2" style="display:none;" class="text-error">
<ID id="txtUsername_err2a">You must enter your last name and first name, and the last name</ID>
<li><ID id="txtUsername_err2c">must not contain the characters " * + , / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] |</ID>
<li><ID id="txtUsername_err2d">must not just be all spaces and periods</ID>
<li><ID id="txtUsername_err2e">must not be "Administrator" or "Guest"</ID>
<span id="username_spn_errortx3" style="display:none;" class="text-error">
<ID id="txtUsername_err1a">You must enter your full name, and it</ID>
<li><ID id="txtUsername_err3c">must not contain the characters " * + , / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] |</ID>
<li><ID id="txtUsername_err3d">must not just be all spaces and periods</ID>
<li><ID id="txtUsername_err3e">must not be "Administrator" or "Guest"</ID>
<table border=0 class="newbuttonposition">
<td width=10>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td><BUTTON ID="btnBack" class="newbuttonsBack" TABINDEX=3 ACCESSKEY="B" style="visibility:visible;"></BUTTON></td>
<td nowrap valign=middle class="text-primary"><span id="BackBtnLocalText" style="visibility:visible;"><label for=btnBack><id id="LocalBtnBack_Text"><u>B</u>ack</id></label></span></td>
<td width=99%>&nbsp;</td>
<td nowrap valign=middle class="text-primary"><span id="SkipBtnLocalText" style="visibility:hidden;"><label for=btnSkip><id id="LocalBtnSkip_Text"><u>S</u>kip</id></label></span></td>
<td><BUTTON ID="btnSkip" class="newbuttonsSkip" TABINDEX=4 ACCESSKEY="S" style="visibility:hidden;"></BUTTON></td>
<td width=10>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td nowrap valign=middle class="text-primary"><span id="NextBtnLocalText" style="visibility:visible;"><label for=btnNext><id id="LocalBtnNext_Text"><u>N</u>ext</id></label></span></td>
<td><BUTTON ID="btnNext" class="newbuttonsNext" TABINDEX=5 ACCESSKEY="N" style="visibility:visible;"></BUTTON></td>