533 lines
22 KiB
533 lines
22 KiB
* *
* Filename: h245fsm.h *
* Module: H245 Finite State Machine Subsystem *
* *
* INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information *
* *
* This listing is supplied under the terms of a license agreement *
* with INTEL Corporation and may not be copied nor disclosed except *
* in accordance with the terms of that agreement. *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1996 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *
* *
* $Workfile: H245FSM.H $
* $Revision: 1.6 $
* $Modtime: 09 Dec 1996 13:40:40 $
* Rev 1.6 09 Dec 1996 13:40:52 EHOWARDX
* Updated copyright notice.
* Rev 1.5 29 Jul 1996 16:57:14 EHOWARDX
* Added H.223 Annex A Reconfiguration events.
* Rev 1.4 01 Jul 1996 22:08:32 EHOWARDX
* Updated stateless events.
* Rev 1.3 30 May 1996 23:38:20 EHOWARDX
* Cleanup.
* Rev 1.2 29 May 1996 15:21:34 EHOWARDX
* Change to use HRESULT.
* Rev 1.1 28 May 1996 14:10:04 EHOWARDX
* Tel Aviv update.
* Rev 1.0 09 May 1996 21:04:50 EHOWARDX
* Initial revision.
* Rev 09 May 1996 19:43:58 EHOWARDX
* Eliminated two events for B-LCSE gratuitous state and changed
* 2 macros.
* Rev 15 Apr 1996 10:43:34 EHOWARDX
* Update.
* Rev 10 Apr 1996 21:06:10 EHOWARDX
* Added 5 new state entitys.
* Rev 05 Apr 1996 11:47:14 EHOWARDX
* Branched.
* *
#ifndef H245FSM_H
#define H245FSM_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fsmexpor.h"
#include "sr_api.h"
#define MAXSTATES 4
#define SUCCESS 0
#define FAIL -1
#define BAD (Output_t) -1
#ifdef IGNORE
#undef IGNORE
#define IGNORE (Output_t) NUM_OUTPUTS
typedef MltmdSystmCntrlMssg PDU_t;
// Signalling Entity definitions
typedef unsigned char Entity_t;
// Per-channel Signalling Entities
#define LCSE_OUT (Entity_t) 0 // Uni-directional Logical Channel signalling Signalling Entity - Out-going
#define LCSE_IN (Entity_t) 1 // Uni-directional Logical Channel signalling Signalling Entity - In-coming
#define BLCSE_OUT (Entity_t) 2 // Bi-directional Logical Channel signalling Signalling Entity - Out-going
#define BLCSE_IN (Entity_t) 3 // Bi-directional Logical Channel signalling Signalling Entity - In-coming
#define CLCSE_OUT (Entity_t) 4 // Close Logical Channel signalling Signalling Entity - Out-going
#define CLCSE_IN (Entity_t) 5 // Close Logical Channel signalling Signalling Entity - In-coming
// Per H.245 Instance Signalling Entities
#define CESE_OUT (Entity_t) 6 // Capability Exchange Signalling Entity - Out-going
#define CESE_IN (Entity_t) 7 // Capability Exchange Signalling Entity - In-coming
#define MTSE_OUT (Entity_t) 8 // Multiplex Table Signalling Entity - Out-going
#define MTSE_IN (Entity_t) 9 // Multiplex Table Signalling Entity - In-coming
#define RMESE_OUT (Entity_t)10 // Request Multiplex Entry Signalling Entity - Out-going
#define RMESE_IN (Entity_t)11 // Request Multiplex Entry Signalling Entity - In-coming
#define MRSE_OUT (Entity_t)12 // Mode Request Signalling Entity - Out-going
#define MRSE_IN (Entity_t)13 // Mode Request Signalling Entity - In-coming
#define MLSE_OUT (Entity_t)14 // Maintenance Loop Signalling Entity - Out-going
#define MLSE_IN (Entity_t)15 // Maintenance Loop Signalling Entity - In-coming
#define MSDSE (Entity_t)16 // Master Slave Determination Signalling Entity
#define RTDSE (Entity_t)17 // Round Trip Delay Signalling Entity
#define STATELESS (Entity_t)18 // No state machine associated with PDU
#define NUM_ENTITYS 19
// Event definitions
typedef unsigned int Event_t;
// Out-going Uni-directional Logical Channel (LCSE_OUT) events
#define ReqUEstablish (Event_t) 0
#define OpenUChAckPDU (Event_t) 1
#define OpenUChRejectPDU (Event_t) 2
#define CloseUChAckPDU (Event_t) 3
#define ReqURelease (Event_t) 4
#define T103Expiry (Event_t) 5
// In-coming Uni-directional Logical Channel (LCSE_IN) events
#define OpenUChPDU (Event_t) 6
#define CloseUChPDU (Event_t) 7
#define ResponseUEstablish (Event_t) 8
#define EstablishUReject (Event_t) 9
// Out-going Bi-directional Logical Channel (BLCSE_OUT) events
#define ReqBEstablish (Event_t) 10
#define OpenBChAckPDU (Event_t) 11
#define OpenBChRejectPDU (Event_t) 12
#define CloseBChAckPDU (Event_t) 13
#define ReqClsBLCSE (Event_t) 14
#define RspConfirmBLCSE (Event_t) 15
#define T103OutExpiry (Event_t) 16
// In-coming Bi-directional Logical Channel (BLCSE_IN) events
#define OpenBChPDU (Event_t) 17
#define CloseBChPDU (Event_t) 18
#define ResponseBEstablish (Event_t) 19
#define OpenBChConfirmPDU (Event_t) 20
#define OpenRejectBLCSE (Event_t) 21
#define T103InExpiry (Event_t) 22
// Out-going Request Close Logical Channel (CLCSE_OUT) events
#define ReqClose (Event_t) 23
#define ReqChCloseAckPDU (Event_t) 24
#define ReqChCloseRejectPDU (Event_t) 25
#define T108Expiry (Event_t) 26
// In-coming Request Close Logical Channel (CLCSE_IN) events
#define ReqChClosePDU (Event_t) 27
#define ReqChCloseReleasePDU (Event_t) 28
#define CLCSE_CLOSE_response (Event_t) 29
#define CLCSE_REJECT_request (Event_t) 30
// Out-going Terminal Capablity Exchange (CESE_OUT) events
#define TransferCapRequest (Event_t) 31
#define TermCapSetAckPDU (Event_t) 32
#define TermCapSetRejectPDU (Event_t) 33
#define T101Expiry (Event_t) 34
// In-coming Terminal Capablity Exchange (CESE_IN) events
#define TermCapSetPDU (Event_t) 35
#define TermCapSetReleasePDU (Event_t) 36
#define CESE_TRANSFER_response (Event_t) 37
#define CESE_REJECT_request (Event_t) 38
// Out-going Multiplex Table (MTSE_OUT) events
#define MTSE_TRANSFER_request (Event_t) 39
#define MultiplexEntrySendAckPDU (Event_t) 40
#define MultiplexEntrySendRejectPDU (Event_t) 41
#define T104Expiry (Event_t) 42
// In-coming Multiplex Table (MTSE_IN) events
#define MultiplexEntrySendPDU (Event_t) 43
#define MultiplexEntrySendReleasePDU (Event_t) 44
#define MTSE_TRANSFER_response (Event_t) 45
#define MTSE_REJECT_request (Event_t) 46
// Out-going Request Multiplex Entry (RMESE_OUT) events
#define RMESE_SEND_request (Event_t) 47
#define RequestMultiplexEntryAckPDU (Event_t) 48
#define RequestMultiplexEntryRejectPDU (Event_t) 49
#define T107Expiry (Event_t) 50
// In-coming Request Multiplex Entry (RMESE_IN) events
#define RequestMultiplexEntryPDU (Event_t) 51
#define RequestMultiplexEntryReleasePDU (Event_t) 52
#define RMESE_SEND_response (Event_t) 53
#define RMESE_REJECT_request (Event_t) 54
// Out-going Mode Request (MRSE_OUT) events
#define MRSE_TRANSFER_request (Event_t) 55
#define RequestModeAckPDU (Event_t) 56
#define RequestModeRejectPDU (Event_t) 57
#define T109Expiry (Event_t) 58
// In-coming Mode Request (MRSE_IN) events
#define RequestModePDU (Event_t) 59
#define RequestModeReleasePDU (Event_t) 60
#define MRSE_TRANSFER_response (Event_t) 61
#define MRSE_REJECT_request (Event_t) 62
// Out-going Maintenance Loop (MLSE_OUT) events
#define MLSE_LOOP_request (Event_t) 63
#define MLSE_OUT_RELEASE_request (Event_t) 64
#define MaintenanceLoopAckPDU (Event_t) 65
#define MaintenanceLoopRejectPDU (Event_t) 66
#define T102Expiry (Event_t) 67
// In-coming Maintenance Loop (MLSE_IN) events
#define MaintenanceLoopRequestPDU (Event_t) 68
#define MaintenanceLoopOffCommandPDU (Event_t) 69
#define MLSE_LOOP_response (Event_t) 70
#define MLSE_IN_RELEASE_request (Event_t) 71
// Master Slave Determination (MSDSE) events
#define MSDetReq (Event_t) 72
#define MSDetPDU (Event_t) 73
#define MSDetAckPDU (Event_t) 74
#define MSDetRejectPDU (Event_t) 75
#define MSDetReleasePDU (Event_t) 76
#define T106Expiry (Event_t) 77
// Round Trip Delay Delay (RTDSE) events
#define RTDSE_TRANSFER_request (Event_t) 78
#define RoundTripDelayRequestPDU (Event_t) 79
#define RoundTripDelayResponsePDU (Event_t) 80
#define T105Expiry (Event_t) 81
// Events with no associated state entity
#define NonStandardRequestPDU (Event_t) 82
#define NonStandardResponsePDU (Event_t) 83
#define NonStandardCommandPDU (Event_t) 84
#define NonStandardIndicationPDU (Event_t) 85
#define MiscellaneousCommandPDU (Event_t) 86
#define MiscellaneousIndicationPDU (Event_t) 87
#define CommunicationModeRequestPDU (Event_t) 88
#define CommunicationModeResponsePDU (Event_t) 89
#define CommunicationModeCommandPDU (Event_t) 90
#define ConferenceRequestPDU (Event_t) 91
#define ConferenceResponsePDU (Event_t) 92
#define ConferenceCommandPDU (Event_t) 93
#define ConferenceIndicationPDU (Event_t) 94
#define SendTerminalCapabilitySetPDU (Event_t) 95
#define EncryptionCommandPDU (Event_t) 96
#define FlowControlCommandPDU (Event_t) 97
#define EndSessionCommandPDU (Event_t) 98
#define FunctionNotUnderstoodPDU (Event_t) 99
#define JitterIndicationPDU (Event_t)100
#define H223SkewIndicationPDU (Event_t)101
#define NewATMVCIndicationPDU (Event_t)102
#define UserInputIndicationPDU (Event_t)103
#define H2250MaximumSkewIndicationPDU (Event_t)104
#define MCLocationIndicationPDU (Event_t)105
#define VendorIdentificationPDU (Event_t) 106
#define FunctionNotSupportedPDU (Event_t) 107
#define H223ReconfigPDU (Event_t)108
#define H223ReconfigAckPDU (Event_t)109
#define H223ReconfigRejectPDU (Event_t)110
#define NUM_EVENTS 111
// Output function definitions
typedef unsigned char Output_t;
// Out-going Open Uni-directional Logical Channel (LCSE_OUT) state functions
#define EstablishReleased (Output_t) 0
#define OpenAckAwaitingE (Output_t) 1
#define OpenRejAwaitingE (Output_t) 2
#define ReleaseAwaitingE (Output_t) 3
#define T103AwaitingE (Output_t) 4
#define ReleaseEstablished (Output_t) 5
#define OpenRejEstablished (Output_t) 6
#define CloseAckEstablished (Output_t) 7
#define CloseAckAwaitingR (Output_t) 8
#define OpenRejAwaitingR (Output_t) 9
#define T103AwaitingR (Output_t) 10
#define EstablishAwaitingR (Output_t) 11
// In-coming Open Uni-directional Logical Channel (LCSE_IN) state functions
#define OpenReleased (Output_t) 12
#define CloseReleased (Output_t) 13
#define ResponseAwaiting (Output_t) 14
#define ReleaseAwaiting (Output_t) 15
#define CloseAwaiting (Output_t) 16
#define OpenAwaiting (Output_t) 17
#define CloseEstablished (Output_t) 18
#define OpenEstablished (Output_t) 19
// Out-going Open Bi-directional Logical Channel (BLCSE_OUT) state functions
#define EstablishReqBReleased (Output_t) 20
#define OpenChannelAckBAwaitingE (Output_t) 21
#define OpenChannelRejBAwaitingE (Output_t) 22
#define ReleaseReqBOutAwaitingE (Output_t) 23
#define T103ExpiryBAwaitingE (Output_t) 24
#define ReleaseReqBEstablished (Output_t) 25
#define OpenChannelRejBEstablished (Output_t) 26
#define CloseChannelAckBEstablished (Output_t) 27
#define CloseChannelAckAwaitingR (Output_t) 28
#define OpenChannelRejBAwaitingR (Output_t) 29
#define T103ExpiryBAwaitingR (Output_t) 30
#define EstablishReqAwaitingR (Output_t) 31
// In-coming Open Bi-directional Logical Channel (BLCSE_IN) state functions
#define OpenChannelBReleased (Output_t) 32
#define CloseChannelBReleased (Output_t) 33
#define EstablishResBAwaitingE (Output_t) 34
#define ReleaseReqBInAwaitingE (Output_t) 35
#define CloseChannelBAwaitingE (Output_t) 36
#define OpenChannelBAwaitingE (Output_t) 37
#define OpenChannelConfirmBAwaitingE (Output_t) 38
#define T103ExpiryBAwaitingC (Output_t) 39
#define OpenChannelConfirmBAwaitingC (Output_t) 40
#define CloseChannelBAwaitingC (Output_t) 41
#define OpenChannelBAwaitingC (Output_t) 42
#define CloseChannelBEstablished (Output_t) 43
#define OpenChannelBEstablished (Output_t) 44
// Out-going Request Close Logical Channel (CLCSE_OUT) state functions
#define CloseRequestIdle (Output_t) 45
#define RequestCloseAckAwaitingR (Output_t) 46
#define RequestCloseRejAwaitingR (Output_t) 47
#define T108ExpiryAwaitingR (Output_t) 48
// In-coming Request Close Logical Channel (CLCSE_IN) state functions
#define RequestCloseIdle (Output_t) 49
#define CloseResponseAwaitingR (Output_t) 50
#define RejectRequestAwaitingR (Output_t) 51
#define RequestCloseReleaseAwaitingR (Output_t) 52
#define RequestCloseAwaitingR (Output_t) 53
// Out-going Terminal Capability Exchange (CESE_OUT) state functions
#define RequestCapIdle (Output_t) 54
#define TermCapAckAwaiting (Output_t) 55
#define TermCapRejAwaiting (Output_t) 56
#define T101ExpiryAwaiting (Output_t) 57
// In-coming Terminal Capability Exchange (CESE_IN) state functions
#define TermCapSetIdle (Output_t) 58
#define ResponseCapAwaiting (Output_t) 59
#define RejectCapAwaiting (Output_t) 60
#define TermCapReleaseAwaiting (Output_t) 61
#define TermCapSetAwaiting (Output_t) 62
// Out-going Multiplex Table (MTSE_OUT) state functions
#define MTSE0_TRANSFER_request (Output_t) 63
#define MTSE1_TRANSFER_request (Output_t) 64
#define MTSE1_MultiplexEntrySendAck (Output_t) 65
#define MTSE1_MultiplexEntrySendRej (Output_t) 66
#define MTSE1_T104Expiry (Output_t) 67
// In-coming Multiplex Table (MTSE_IN) state functions
#define MTSE0_MultiplexEntrySend (Output_t) 68
#define MTSE1_MultiplexEntrySend (Output_t) 69
#define MTSE1_MultiplexEntrySendRelease (Output_t) 70
#define MTSE1_TRANSFER_response (Output_t) 71
#define MTSE1_REJECT_request (Output_t) 72
// Out-going Request Multiplex Entry (RMESE_OUT) state functions
#define RMESE0_SEND_request (Output_t) 73
#define RMESE1_SEND_request (Output_t) 74
#define RMESE1_RequestMuxEntryAck (Output_t) 75
#define RMESE1_RequestMuxEntryRej (Output_t) 76
#define RMESE1_T107Expiry (Output_t) 77
// In-coming Request Multiplex Entry (RMESE_IN) state functions
#define RMESE0_RequestMuxEntry (Output_t) 78
#define RMESE1_RequestMuxEntry (Output_t) 79
#define RMESE1_RequestMuxEntryRelease (Output_t) 80
#define RMESE1_SEND_response (Output_t) 81
#define RMESE1_REJECT_request (Output_t) 82
// Out-going Request Mode (MRSE_OUT) state functions
#define MRSE0_TRANSFER_request (Output_t) 83
#define MRSE1_TRANSFER_request (Output_t) 84
#define MRSE1_RequestModeAck (Output_t) 85
#define MRSE1_RequestModeRej (Output_t) 86
#define MRSE1_T109Expiry (Output_t) 87
// In-coming Request Mode (MRSE_OUT) state functions
#define MRSE0_RequestMode (Output_t) 88
#define MRSE1_RequestMode (Output_t) 89
#define MRSE1_RequestModeRelease (Output_t) 90
#define MRSE1_TRANSFER_response (Output_t) 91
#define MRSE1_REJECT_request (Output_t) 92
// Out-going Request Mode (MLSE_OUT) state functions
#define MLSE0_LOOP_request (Output_t) 93
#define MLSE1_MaintenanceLoopAck (Output_t) 94
#define MLSE1_MaintenanceLoopRej (Output_t) 95
#define MLSE1_OUT_RELEASE_request (Output_t) 96
#define MLSE1_T102Expiry (Output_t) 97
#define MLSE2_MaintenanceLoopRej (Output_t) 98
#define MLSE2_OUT_RELEASE_request (Output_t) 99
// In-coming Request Mode (MLSE_IN) state functions
#define MLSE0_MaintenanceLoopRequest (Output_t)100
#define MLSE1_MaintenanceLoopRequest (Output_t)101
#define MLSE1_MaintenanceLoopOffCommand (Output_t)102
#define MLSE1_LOOP_response (Output_t)103
#define MLSE1_IN_RELEASE_request (Output_t)104
#define MLSE2_MaintenanceLoopRequest (Output_t)105
#define MLSE2_MaintenanceLoopOffCommand (Output_t)106
// Master Slave Determination (MSDSE) state functions
#define DetRequestIdle (Output_t)107
#define MSDetIdle (Output_t)108
#define MSDetAckOutgoing (Output_t)109
#define MSDetOutgoing (Output_t)110
#define MSDetRejOutgoing (Output_t)111
#define MSDetReleaseOutgoing (Output_t)112
#define T106ExpiryOutgoing (Output_t)113
#define MSDetAckIncoming (Output_t)114
#define MSDetIncoming (Output_t)115
#define MSDetRejIncoming (Output_t)116
#define MSDetReleaseIncoming (Output_t)117
#define T106ExpiryIncoming (Output_t)118
// Round Trip Delay (RTDSE) state functions
#define RTDSE0_TRANSFER_request (Output_t)119
#define RTDSE0_RoundTripDelayRequest (Output_t)120
#define RTDSE1_TRANSFER_request (Output_t)121
#define RTDSE1_RoundTripDelayRequest (Output_t)122
#define RTDSE1_RoundTripDelayResponse (Output_t)123
#define RTDSE1_T105Expiry (Output_t)124
#define NUM_OUTPUTS 125
// State definitions
typedef unsigned char State_t;
// Lookup Key definition
typedef unsigned long Key_t;
typedef enum
} MS_Status_t;
typedef struct Object_tag
struct Object_tag *pNext; // Linked list pointer
struct InstanceStruct *pInstance; // H.245 instance structure pointer
DWORD dwInst; // H.245 instance identifier
unsigned int uNestLevel; // StateMachine recursive calls
DWORD_PTR dwTransId; // Transaction Id from API
DWORD_PTR dwTimerId; // Associated timer id
Key_t Key; // Lookup key, e.g. channel number
Entity_t Entity; // State Entity type, e.g. LCSE_OUT
State_t State; // Current Entity state
unsigned char byInSequence; // In-coming sequence number
unsigned short wLoopType;
} mlse;
unsigned int sv_SDNUM;
unsigned int sv_NCOUNT;
} msdse;
MultiplexEntrySendRelease mtse;
RequestMultiplexEntryRelease rmese;
} u; // Entity-specific data
} Object_t;
/* an instance will carry a table of object pointers */
/* to be allocated in fsminit by calloc. */
/* Each dwInst passed from API or SRP should invoke the */
/* appropriate instance that contain the object table of */
/* the protocol entities for this H.245 instance */
typedef struct Fsm_Struct_tag
Object_t * Object_tbl[NUM_ENTITYS];// H.245 Signalling Entities
DWORD dwInst; // H.245 Instance Identifier
MS_Status_t sv_STATUS; // MSDSE Status
unsigned char sv_TT; // MSDSE Terminal Type
unsigned char byCeseOutSequence; // CESE_OUT sequence number
unsigned char byMtseOutSequence; // MTSE_OUT sequence number
unsigned char byMrseOutSequence; // MRSE_OUT sequence number
unsigned char byRtdseSequence; // RTDSE sequence number
} Fsm_Struct_t;
/* FSM function prototypes */
PduParseOutgoing(struct InstanceStruct *pInstance, PDU_t *pPdu,
Entity_t *pEntity, Event_t *pEvent, Key_t *pKey, int *pbCreate);
PduParseIncoming(struct InstanceStruct *pInstance, PDU_t *pPdu,
Entity_t *pEntity, Event_t *pEvent, Key_t *pKey, int *pbCreate);
ObjectDestroy (Object_t *pObject);
Object_t *
ObjectFind(struct InstanceStruct *pInstance, Entity_t Entity, Key_t Key);
StateMachine (Object_t *pObject, PDU_t *pPdu, Event_t Event);
FsmTimerEvent(struct InstanceStruct *pInstance, DWORD_PTR dwTimerId, Object_t *pObject, Event_t Event);
#define FsmStartTimer(pObject,pfnCallback,uTicks) \
{ASSERT((pObject)->dwTimerId == 0); \
#define FsmStopTimer(pObject) \
{H245StopTimer((pObject)->pInstance,(pObject)->dwTimerId); (pObject)->dwTimerId = 0;}
#endif // H245FSM_H