890 lines
26 KiB
890 lines
26 KiB
** Copyright 1991, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "phong.h"
#define __TWO_31 ((__GLfloat) 2147483648.0)
** Most line functions will start off by computing the information
** computed by this routine.
** The excessive number of labels in this routine is partly due
** to the fact that it is used as a model for writing an assembly
** equivalent.
#ifndef NT
void FASTCALL __glInitLineData(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1)
GLint start, end;
__GLfloat x0,y0,x1,y1;
__GLfloat minorStart;
GLint intMinorStart;
__GLfloat dx, dy;
__GLfloat offset;
__GLfloat slope;
__GLlineState *ls = &gc->state.line;
__GLfloat halfWidth;
__GLfloat x0frac, x1frac, y0frac, y1frac, half, totDist;
gc->line.options.v0 = v0;
gc->line.options.v1 = v1;
gc->line.options.width = gc->state.line.aliasedWidth;
halfWidth = (ls->aliasedWidth - 1) * __glHalf;
/* Ugh. This is slow. Bummer. */
x0frac = x0 - ((GLint) x0);
x1frac = x1 - ((GLint) x1);
y0frac = y0 - ((GLint) y0);
y1frac = y1 - ((GLint) y1);
half = __glHalf;
if (dx > __glZero) {
if (dy > __glZero) {
if (dx > dy) { /* dx > dy > 0 */
gc->line.options.yBig = 1;
posxmajor: /* dx > |dy| >= 0 */
gc->line.options.yLittle = 0;
gc->line.options.xBig = 1;
gc->line.options.xLittle = 1;
slope = dy/dx;
start = (GLint) (x0);
end = (GLint) (x1);
y0frac -= half;
if (y0frac < 0) y0frac = -y0frac;
totDist = y0frac + x0frac - half;
if (totDist > half) start++;
y1frac -= half;
if (y1frac < 0) y1frac = -y1frac;
totDist = y1frac + x1frac - half;
if (totDist > half) end++;
offset = start + half - x0;
gc->line.options.length = dx;
gc->line.options.numPixels = end - start;
gc->line.options.axis = __GL_X_MAJOR;
gc->line.options.xStart = start;
gc->line.options.offset = offset;
minorStart = y0 + offset*slope - halfWidth;
intMinorStart = (GLint) minorStart;
minorStart -= intMinorStart;
gc->line.options.yStart = intMinorStart;
gc->line.options.dfraction = (GLint)(slope * __TWO_31);
gc->line.options.fraction = (GLint)(minorStart * __TWO_31);
} else { /* dy >= dx > 0 */
gc->line.options.xBig = 1;
posymajor: /* dy >= |dx| >= 0, dy != 0 */
gc->line.options.xLittle = 0;
gc->line.options.yBig = 1;
gc->line.options.yLittle = 1;
slope = dx/dy;
start = (GLint) (y0);
end = (GLint) (y1);
x0frac -= half;
if (x0frac < 0) x0frac = -x0frac;
totDist = y0frac + x0frac - half;
if (totDist > half) start++;
x1frac -= half;
if (x1frac < 0) x1frac = -x1frac;
totDist = y1frac + x1frac - half;
if (totDist > half) end++;
offset = start + half - y0;
gc->line.options.length = dy;
gc->line.options.numPixels = end - start;
gc->line.options.axis = __GL_Y_MAJOR;
gc->line.options.yStart = start;
gc->line.options.offset = offset;
minorStart = x0 + offset*slope - halfWidth;
intMinorStart = (GLint) minorStart;
minorStart -= intMinorStart;
gc->line.options.xStart = intMinorStart;
gc->line.options.dfraction = (GLint)(slope * __TWO_31);
gc->line.options.fraction = (GLint)(minorStart * __TWO_31);
} else {
if (dx > -dy) { /* dx > -dy >= 0 */
gc->line.options.yBig = -1;
goto posxmajor;
} else { /* -dy >= dx >= 0, dy != 0 */
gc->line.options.xBig = 1;
negymajor: /* -dy >= |dx| >= 0, dy != 0 */
gc->line.options.xLittle = 0;
gc->line.options.yBig = -1;
gc->line.options.yLittle = -1;
slope = dx/-dy;
start = (GLint) (y0);
end = (GLint) (y1);
x0frac -= half;
if (x0frac < 0) x0frac = -x0frac;
totDist = x0frac + half - y0frac;
if (totDist > half) start--;
x1frac -= half;
if (x1frac < 0) x1frac = -x1frac;
totDist = x1frac + half - y1frac;
if (totDist > half) end--;
offset = y0 - (start + half);
gc->line.options.length = -dy;
gc->line.options.numPixels = start - end;
goto ymajorfinish;
} else {
if (dy > __glZero) {
if (-dx > dy) { /* -dx > dy > 0 */
gc->line.options.yBig = 1;
negxmajor: /* -dx > |dy| >= 0 */
gc->line.options.yLittle = 0;
gc->line.options.xBig = -1;
gc->line.options.xLittle = -1;
slope = dy/-dx;
start = (GLint) (x0);
end = (GLint) (x1);
y0frac -= half;
if (y0frac < 0) y0frac = -y0frac;
totDist = y0frac + half - x0frac;
if (totDist > half) start--;
y1frac -= half;
if (y1frac < 0) y1frac = -y1frac;
totDist = y1frac + half - x1frac;
if (totDist > half) end--;
offset = x0 - (start + half);
gc->line.options.length = -dx;
gc->line.options.numPixels = start - end;
goto xmajorfinish;
} else { /* dy >= -dx >= 0, dy != 0 */
gc->line.options.xBig = -1;
goto posymajor;
} else {
if (dx < dy) { /* -dx > -dy >= 0 */
gc->line.options.yBig = -1;
goto negxmajor;
} else { /* -dy >= -dx >= 0 */
#ifdef NT
if (dx == dy && dy == 0) {
gc->line.options.numPixels = 0;
if (dx == dy && dy == 0) return;
gc->line.options.xBig = -1;
goto negymajor;
#ifdef NT
void FASTCALL __glRenderAliasLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1, GLuint flags)
void FASTCALL __glRenderAliasLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1)
__GLlineState *ls = &gc->state.line;
__GLfloat invDelta;
__GLfloat winv, r;
__GLcolor *cp;
__GLfloat offset;
GLuint modeFlags = gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags;
#ifndef NT
__glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1);
if (gc->line.options.numPixels == 0) return;
GLboolean init;
init = (GLboolean)__glInitLineData(gc, v0, v1);
if (!init)
invDelta = gc->line.options.oneOverLength;
offset = gc->line.options.offset;
** Set up increments for any enabled line options.
#ifndef NT
invDelta = __glOne / gc->line.options.length;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_ITER) {
__GLfloat dzdx;
** Calculate window z coordinate increment and starting position.
dzdx = (v1->window.z - v0->window.z) * invDelta;
#ifdef NT
if(( gc->modes.depthBits == 16 ) &&
( gc->depthBuffer.scale <= (GLuint)0xffff )) {
gc->polygon.shader.frag.z =
(__GLzValue)(Z16_SCALE *(v0->window.z + dzdx * offset));
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx = (GLint)(Z16_SCALE * dzdx);
else {
gc->polygon.shader.frag.z =
(__GLzValue)(v0->window.z + dzdx * offset);
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx = (GLint)dzdx;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.z = (__GLzValue)(v0->window.z + dzdx * offset);
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx = (GLint)dzdx;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_LINE_STIPPLE) {
if (!gc->line.notResetStipple) {
gc->line.stipplePosition = 0;
gc->line.repeat = 0;
gc->line.notResetStipple = GL_TRUE;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_COMPUTE_FOG)
__GLfloat f1, f0;
__GLfloat dfdx;
gc->line.options.f0 = f0 = v0->eyeZ;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdx = dfdx =
(v1->eyeZ - v0->eyeZ) * invDelta;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.f = f0 + dfdx * offset;
else if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_INTERP_FOG)
__GLfloat f1, f0;
__GLfloat dfdx;
f0 = v0->fog;
f1 = v1->fog;
gc->line.options.f0 = f0;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdx = dfdx = (f1 - f0) * invDelta;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.f = f0 + dfdx * offset;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_TEXTURE) {
__GLfloat v0QW, v1QW;
__GLfloat dS, dT, dQWdX;
winv = v0->window.w;
** Calculate texture s and t value increments.
v0QW = v0->texture.w * winv;
v1QW = v1->texture.w * v1->window.w;
dS = (v1->texture.x * v1QW - v0->texture.x * v0QW) * invDelta;
dT = (v1->texture.y * v1QW - v0->texture.y * v0QW) * invDelta;
gc->polygon.shader.dsdx = dS;
gc->polygon.shader.dtdx = dT;
gc->polygon.shader.dqwdx = dQWdX = (v1QW - v0QW) * invDelta;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.s = v0->texture.x * winv + dS * offset;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.t = v0->texture.y * winv + dT * offset;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.qw = v0->texture.w * winv + dQWdX * offset;
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_PHONG)
(*gc->procs.phong.InitLineParams) (gc, v0, v1, invDelta);
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
if ((modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH)
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
|| ((modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_PHONG) &&
(gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_COLOR_XPOLATE))
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
) {
__GLcolor *c0 = v0->color;
__GLcolor *c1 = v1->color;
__GLfloat drdx, dgdx, dbdx, dadx;
** Calculate red, green, blue and alpha value increments.
drdx = (c1->r - c0->r) * invDelta;
if (gc->modes.rgbMode) {
dgdx = (c1->g - c0->g) * invDelta;
dbdx = (c1->b - c0->b) * invDelta;
dadx = (c1->a - c0->a) * invDelta;
gc->polygon.shader.dgdx = dgdx;
gc->polygon.shader.dbdx = dbdx;
gc->polygon.shader.dadx = dadx;
gc->polygon.shader.drdx = drdx;
cp = v0->color;
} else {
cp = v1->color;
// Initialize these values to zero even for the flat case
// because there is an optimization in so_prim which will
// turn off smooth shading without repicking, so these need
// to be valid
gc->polygon.shader.drdx = __glZero;
gc->polygon.shader.dgdx = __glZero;
gc->polygon.shader.dbdx = __glZero;
gc->polygon.shader.dadx = __glZero;
r = cp->r;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB) {
__GLfloat g,b,a;
g = cp->g;
b = cp->b;
a = cp->a;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.g = g;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.b = b;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.a = a;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.r = r;
gc->polygon.shader.length = gc->line.options.numPixels;
#ifdef NT
void FASTCALL __glRenderFlatFogLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0,
__GLvertex *v1, GLuint flags)
void FASTCALL __glRenderFlatFogLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0,
__GLvertex *v1)
__GLcolor v0col, v1col;
__GLcolor *v0ocp, *v1ocp;
(*gc->procs.fogColor)(gc, &v0col, v1->color, v0->fog);
(*gc->procs.fogColor)(gc, &v1col, v1->color, v1->fog);
v0ocp = v0->color;
v1ocp = v1->color;
v0->color = &v0col;
v1->color = &v1col;
#ifdef NT
(*gc->procs.renderLine2)(gc, v0, v1, flags);
(*gc->procs.renderLine2)(gc, v0, v1);
v0->color = v0ocp;
v1->color = v1ocp;
** Most line functions will start off by computing the information
** computed by this routine.
** The excessive number of labels in this routine is partly due
** to the fact that it is used as a model for writing an assembly
** equivalent.
void FASTCALL __glInitAALineData(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1)
GLint start;
__GLfloat width;
__GLfloat x0,y0,x1,y1;
__GLfloat minorStart;
GLint intMinorStart;
__GLfloat dx, dy;
__GLfloat offset;
__GLfloat slope;
__GLlineState *ls = &gc->state.line;
__GLfloat halfWidth;
__GLfloat realLength, oneOverRealLength;
__GLfloat dldx, dldy;
__GLfloat dddx, dddy;
gc->line.options.v0 = v0;
gc->line.options.v1 = v1;
realLength = __GL_SQRTF(dx*dx+dy*dy);
oneOverRealLength = realLength == __glZero ? __glZero : __glOne/realLength;
gc->line.options.realLength = realLength;
gc->line.options.dldx = dldx = dx * oneOverRealLength;
gc->line.options.dldy = dldy = dy * oneOverRealLength;
gc->line.options.dddx = dddx = -dldy;
gc->line.options.dddy = dddy = dldx;
if (dx > __glZero) {
if (dy > __glZero) { /* dx > 0, dy > 0 */
gc->line.options.dlBig = dldx + dldy;
gc->line.options.ddBig = dddx + dddy;
if (dx > dy) { /* dx > dy > 0 */
gc->line.options.yBig = 1;
posxmajor: /* dx > |dy| >= 0 */
gc->line.options.yLittle = 0;
gc->line.options.xBig = 1;
gc->line.options.xLittle = 1;
gc->line.options.dlLittle = dldx;
gc->line.options.ddLittle = dddx;
slope = dy/dx;
start = (GLint) x0;
offset = start + __glHalf - x0;
gc->line.options.length = dx;
gc->line.options.numPixels = (GLint)__GL_FAST_CEILF(x1 - x0) + 1;
width = __GL_FAST_CEILF(gc->state.line.smoothWidth *
realLength / dx);
gc->line.options.width = (GLint)width + 1;
halfWidth = width * __glHalf;
gc->line.options.axis = __GL_X_MAJOR;
gc->line.options.xStart = start;
gc->line.options.offset = offset;
minorStart = y0 + offset*slope - halfWidth;
intMinorStart = (GLint) minorStart;
minorStart -= intMinorStart;
gc->line.options.yStart = intMinorStart;
gc->line.options.dfraction = (GLint)(slope * __TWO_31);
gc->line.options.fraction = (GLint)(minorStart * __TWO_31);
} else { /* dy >= dx > 0 */
gc->line.options.xBig = 1;
posymajor: /* dy >= |dx| >= 0, dy != 0 */
gc->line.options.xLittle = 0;
gc->line.options.yBig = 1;
gc->line.options.yLittle = 1;
gc->line.options.dlLittle = dldy;
gc->line.options.ddLittle = dddy;
slope = dx/dy;
start = (GLint) y0;
offset = start + __glHalf - y0;
gc->line.options.length = dy;
gc->line.options.numPixels = (GLint)__GL_FAST_CEILF(y1 - y0) + 1;
width = __GL_FAST_CEILF(gc->state.line.smoothWidth *
realLength / dy);
gc->line.options.width = (GLint)width + 1;
halfWidth = width * __glHalf;
gc->line.options.axis = __GL_Y_MAJOR;
gc->line.options.yStart = start;
gc->line.options.offset = offset;
minorStart = x0 + offset*slope - halfWidth;
intMinorStart = (GLint) minorStart;
minorStart -= intMinorStart;
gc->line.options.xStart = intMinorStart;
gc->line.options.dfraction = (GLint)(slope * __TWO_31);
gc->line.options.fraction = (GLint)(minorStart * __TWO_31);
} else { /* dx > 0, dy <= 0 */
gc->line.options.dlBig = dldx - dldy;
gc->line.options.ddBig = dddx - dddy;
if (dx > -dy) { /* dx > -dy >= 0 */
gc->line.options.yBig = -1;
goto posxmajor;
} else { /* -dy >= dx >= 0, dy != 0 */
gc->line.options.xBig = 1;
negymajor: /* -dy >= |dx| >= 0, dy != 0 */
gc->line.options.xLittle = 0;
gc->line.options.yBig = -1;
gc->line.options.yLittle = -1;
gc->line.options.dlLittle = -dldy;
gc->line.options.ddLittle = -dddy;
slope = dx/-dy;
start = (GLint) y0;
offset = y0 - (start + __glHalf);
gc->line.options.length = -dy;
gc->line.options.numPixels = (GLint)__GL_FAST_CEILF(y0 - y1) + 1;
width = __GL_FAST_CEILF(-gc->state.line.smoothWidth *
realLength / dy);
goto ymajorfinish;
} else {
if (dy > __glZero) { /* dx <= 0, dy > 0 */
gc->line.options.dlBig = dldy - dldx;
gc->line.options.ddBig = dddy - dddx;
if (-dx > dy) { /* -dx > dy > 0 */
gc->line.options.yBig = 1;
negxmajor: /* -dx > |dy| >= 0 */
gc->line.options.yLittle = 0;
gc->line.options.xBig = -1;
gc->line.options.xLittle = -1;
gc->line.options.dlLittle = -dldx;
gc->line.options.ddLittle = -dddx;
slope = dy/-dx;
start = (GLint) x0;
offset = x0 - (start + __glHalf);
gc->line.options.length = -dx;
gc->line.options.numPixels = (GLint)__GL_FAST_CEILF(x0 - x1) + 1;
width = __GL_FAST_CEILF(-gc->state.line.smoothWidth *
realLength / dx);
goto xmajorfinish;
} else { /* dy >= -dx >= 0, dy != 0 */
gc->line.options.xBig = -1;
goto posymajor;
} else { /* dx <= 0, dy <= 0 */
gc->line.options.dlBig = -dldx - dldy;
gc->line.options.ddBig = -dddx - dddy;
if (dx < dy) { /* -dx > -dy >= 0 */
gc->line.options.yBig = -1;
goto negxmajor;
} else { /* -dy >= -dx >= 0 */
if (dx == dy && dy == 0) {
gc->line.options.length = 0;
gc->line.options.xBig = -1;
goto negymajor;
#ifdef NT
void FASTCALL __glRenderAntiAliasLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1, GLuint flags)
void FASTCALL __glRenderAntiAliasLine(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1)
__GLlineState *ls = &gc->state.line;
__GLfloat invDelta;
__GLfloat winv;
__GLcolor *cp;
__GLfloat offset;
GLint lineRep;
GLint x, y, xBig, xLittle, yBig, yLittle;
GLint fraction, dfraction;
__GLfloat dlLittle, dlBig;
__GLfloat ddLittle, ddBig;
__GLfloat length, width;
__GLfloat lineLength;
__GLfloat dx, dy;
GLuint modeFlags = gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags;
__glInitAALineData(gc, v0, v1);
if (gc->line.options.length == 0) return;
offset = gc->line.options.offset;
** Set up increments for any enabled line options.
invDelta = __glOne / gc->line.options.length;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_ITER) {
** Calculate window z coordinate increment and starting position.
#ifdef NT
if(( gc->modes.depthBits == 16 ) &&
( gc->depthBuffer.scale <= (GLuint)0xffff )) {
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx = (GLint)((v1->window.z - v0->window.z) *
invDelta * Z16_SCALE);
gc->polygon.shader.frag.z = (GLint)(Z16_SCALE*v0->window.z +
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx * offset);
else {
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx = (GLint)((v1->window.z - v0->window.z) *
gc->polygon.shader.frag.z = (GLint)(v0->window.z +
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx * offset);
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx = (GLint)((v1->window.z - v0->window.z) *
gc->polygon.shader.frag.z = (GLint)(v0->window.z +
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx * offset);
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_LINE_STIPPLE) {
if (!gc->line.notResetStipple) {
gc->line.stipplePosition = 0;
gc->line.repeat = 0;
gc->line.notResetStipple = GL_TRUE;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_COMPUTE_FOG)
__GLfloat f1, f0;
__GLfloat dfdx;
f0 = v0->eyeZ;
f1 = v1->eyeZ;
gc->line.options.f0 = f0;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdx = dfdx = (f1 - f0) * invDelta;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.f = f0 + dfdx * offset;
else if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_INTERP_FOG)
__GLfloat f1, f0;
__GLfloat dfdx;
f0 = v0->fog;
f1 = v1->fog;
gc->line.options.f0 = f0;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdx = dfdx = (f1 - f0) * invDelta;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.f = f0 + dfdx * offset;
if ((modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_SMOOTH)
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
|| ((modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_PHONG) &&
(gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_COLOR_XPOLATE))
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
__GLcolor *c0 = v0->color;
__GLcolor *c1 = v1->color;
** Calculate red, green, blue and alpha value increments.
gc->polygon.shader.drdx = (c1->r - c0->r) * invDelta;
if (gc->modes.rgbMode) {
gc->polygon.shader.dgdx = (c1->g - c0->g) * invDelta;
gc->polygon.shader.dbdx = (c1->b - c0->b) * invDelta;
gc->polygon.shader.dadx = (c1->a - c0->a) * invDelta;
cp = v0->color;
} else {
cp = v1->color;
// Initialize these values to zero even for the flat case
// because there is an optimization in so_prim which will
// turn off smooth shading without repicking, so these need
// to be valid
gc->polygon.shader.drdx = __glZero;
gc->polygon.shader.dgdx = __glZero;
gc->polygon.shader.dbdx = __glZero;
gc->polygon.shader.dadx = __glZero;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.r = cp->r;
if (gc->modes.rgbMode) {
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.g = cp->g;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.b = cp->b;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.a = cp->a;
if (gc->texture.textureEnabled) {
__GLfloat v0QW, v1QW;
__GLfloat dS, dT;
** Calculate texture s and t value increments.
v0QW = v0->texture.w * v0->window.w;
v1QW = v1->texture.w * v1->window.w;
dS = (v1->texture.x * v1QW - v0->texture.x * v0QW) * invDelta;
dT = (v1->texture.y * v1QW - v0->texture.y * v0QW) * invDelta;
gc->polygon.shader.dsdx = dS;
gc->polygon.shader.dtdx = dT;
gc->polygon.shader.dqwdx = (v1QW - v0QW) * invDelta;
winv = v0->window.w;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.s = v0->texture.x * winv +
gc->polygon.shader.dsdx * offset;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.t = v0->texture.y * winv +
gc->polygon.shader.dtdx * offset;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.qw = v0->texture.w * winv +
gc->polygon.shader.dqwdx * offset;
lineRep = gc->line.options.width;
fraction = gc->line.options.fraction;
dfraction = gc->line.options.dfraction;
x = gc->line.options.xStart;
y = gc->line.options.yStart;
xBig = gc->line.options.xBig;
yBig = gc->line.options.yBig;
xLittle = gc->line.options.xLittle;
yLittle = gc->line.options.yLittle;
dlLittle = gc->line.options.dlLittle;
dlBig = gc->line.options.dlBig;
ddLittle = gc->line.options.ddLittle;
ddBig = gc->line.options.ddBig;
dx = x + __glHalf - v0->window.x;
dy = y + __glHalf - v0->window.y;
length = dx * gc->line.options.dldx +
dy * gc->line.options.dldy;
width = dx * gc->line.options.dddx +
dy * gc->line.options.dddy;
lineLength = gc->line.options.realLength + __glHalf;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_LINE_STIPPLE) {
gc->line.options.stippleOffset =
gc->line.stipplePosition * gc->state.line.stippleRepeat +
gc->line.repeat - __glHalf;
/* XXX Move to a validation routine? */
gc->line.options.oneOverStippleRepeat =
__glOne / gc->state.line.stippleRepeat;
while (--lineRep >= 0) {
/* Trace the line backwards as needed */
while (length > -__glHalf) {
fraction -= dfraction;
if (fraction < 0) {
fraction &= ~0x80000000;
length -= dlBig;
width -= ddBig;
x -= xBig;
y -= yBig;
} else {
length -= dlLittle;
width -= ddLittle;
x -= xLittle;
y -= yLittle;
/* Trace line forwards to correct */
while (length <= -__glHalf) {
fraction += dfraction;
if (fraction < 0) {
fraction &= ~0x80000000;
length += dlBig;
width += ddBig;
x += xBig;
y += yBig;
} else {
length += dlLittle;
width += ddLittle;
x += xLittle;
y += yLittle;
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_PHONG)
(*gc->procs.phong.InitLineParams) (gc, v0, v1, invDelta);
#endif //GL_WIN_phong_shading
/* Save new fraction/dfraction */
gc->line.options.plength = length;
gc->line.options.pwidth = width;
gc->line.options.fraction = fraction;
gc->line.options.dfraction = dfraction;
gc->line.options.xStart = x;
gc->line.options.yStart = y;
gc->polygon.shader.length = gc->line.options.numPixels;
if (gc->line.options.axis == __GL_X_MAJOR) {
length += gc->line.options.dldy;
width += gc->line.options.dddy;
} else {
length += gc->line.options.dldx;
width += gc->line.options.dddx;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_LINE_STIPPLE) {
/* Update stipple. Ugh. */
int increase;
int posInc;
/* Shift stipple by 'increase' bits */
increase = (GLint)__GL_FAST_CEILF(gc->line.options.realLength);
posInc = increase / gc->state.line.stippleRepeat;
gc->line.stipplePosition = (gc->line.stipplePosition + posInc) & 0xf;
gc->line.repeat = (gc->line.repeat + increase) % gc->state.line.stippleRepeat;
#ifdef NT
void FASTCALL __glNopLineBegin(__GLcontext *gc)
void FASTCALL __glNopLineEnd(__GLcontext *gc)
#endif // NT