
292 lines
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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
@echo off
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
REM <<template_script.cmd>>
REM <<purpose of this script>>
REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
perl -x "%~f0" %*
goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
use Logmsg;
use ParseTable;
# Global vars
# Command line parameters
my ($qfenum, $quality, $arch, $debug);
# Shares text file
my $f_spshares = "$ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}\\sp\\spshares.txt";
# Shares hash
my @ah_shares;
# Error return
my $errorcode;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
sharesp.cmd -n:qfenum -q:quality -a:arch -d:debug [-l:lang] [-?]
-n:qfenum Service pack number ie. 1000
-q:quality bvt, tst, del
-a:arch x86, ia64
-d:debug fre, chk
-l:lang Language
parseargs('?' => \&Usage,
'n:' => \$qfenum,
'q:' => \$quality,
'a:' => \$arch,
'd:' => \$debug
# Main
# Main entry point. Runs all functions.
sub main
#Only run if offical build machine
unless ( $errorcode = &IsOfficial() )
logmsg ( "This script only runs on OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE's." );
logmsg ( "Exiting..." );
#Load and parse shares data file
unless ( @ah_shares = &ParseSharesData( ($ENV{"RazzleToolPath"} . "\\sp\\spshares.txt"), \@ah_shares) )
logmsg ( "Could not parse spshares.txt." );
logmsg ( "Exiting..." );
# Sub variables in hash
unless ( @ah_shares = &FilterHash( $qfenum, $arch, $debug, $ENV{LANG}, \@ah_shares ) )
logmsg ( "Could not filter shares hash." );
logmsg ( "Exiting..." );
#Share out the shares
unless ( &NetShare( $quality, \@ah_shares ) )
logmsg ( "Could not create local shares." );
logmsg ( "Exiting..." );
# Function: Check if local machine is OFFICIAL
# return: 1 if true; undef if false
sub IsOfficial
return 1;
# Function: Read spshares.txt and return a hash
# return: %
sub ParseSharesData
my ($input_file, $ah_shares) = @_;
my (@ah_shares);
logmsg ("#### Parsing spshares.txt ####");
ParseTable::parse_table_file($input_file, \@ah_shares);
return @ah_shares;
# Function: Sub variables in hash for real values.
# return: %
sub FilterHash
my ($qfenum, $arch, $debug, $lang, $ah_shares) = @_;
logmsg ("#### Parse shares table w/variables ####");
# Log filter values
logmsg ("Qfenum: $qfenum");
logmsg ("Architecure: $arch");
logmsg ("Debug: $debug");
logmsg ("Lang: $lang");
my $share;
my @ah_shares = @$ah_shares;
for $share (@ah_shares)
# Make share name variable substitutions
$share->{ShareName} =~ s/<qfenum>/$qfenum/ig;
$share->{ShareName} =~ s/<arch>/$arch/ig;
$share->{ShareName} =~ s/<debug>/$debug/ig;
$share->{ShareName} =~ s/<lang>/$lang/ig;
# Make share path variable substitutions
$share->{SharePath} =~ s/<_NTDRIVE>/$ENV{_NTDRIVE}/ig;
$share->{SharePath} =~ s/<qfenum>/$qfenum/ig;
$share->{SharePath} =~ s/<arch>/$arch/ig;
$share->{SharePath} =~ s/<debug>/$debug/ig;
$share->{SharePath} =~ s/<lang>/$lang/ig;
# Make share group variable substitutions
$share->{ShareGroup} =~ s/<userdomain>/$ENV{USERDOMAIN}/ig;
$share->{ShareGroup} =~ s/<username>/$ENV{USERNAME}/ig;
$share->{ShareGroup} =~ s/^/ \/GRANT /ig;
$share->{ShareGroup} =~ s/;/ \/GRANT /ig;
return @ah_shares = @$ah_shares;
# Function: Create the shares using rmtshare.exe
# return:
sub NetShare
my ($quality, $ah_shares) = @_;
# Use default share setting if quality is undefined
if ($quality !~ m/(tst|bvt|all|del)/i )
# Local vars
my $share;
my @ah_shares = @$ah_shares;
my $cmdLine;
my @cmdOutput;
logmsg ("#### Creating the shares ####");
for $share ( @ah_shares )
if ( $quality =~ /del/i )
#Remove shares for "quality" condition
logmsg ("Remove the share if it exists...");
$cmdLine = "rmtshare \\\\$ENV{COMPUTERNAME}";
$cmdLine .= "\\$share->{ShareName}";
$cmdLine .= " /DELETE";
logmsg ("Running: $cmdLine");
@cmdOutput = `$cmdLine`;
logmsg ("@cmdOutput");
if ( $share->{Condition} =~ $quality )
#Remove shares for "quality" condition
logmsg ("Remove the share if it exists...");
$cmdLine = "rmtshare \\\\$ENV{COMPUTERNAME}";
$cmdLine .= "\\$share->{ShareName}";
$cmdLine .= " /DELETE";
logmsg ("Running: $cmdLine");
@cmdOutput = `$cmdLine`;
logmsg ("@cmdOutput");
} elsif ( $share->{Condition} =~ m/all/i )
# Remove shares for "All" condition
logmsg ("Remove the share if it exists...");
$cmdLine = "rmtshare \\\\$ENV{COMPUTERNAME}";
$cmdLine .= "\\$share->{ShareName}";
$cmdLine .= " /DELETE";
logmsg ("Running: $cmdLine");
@cmdOutput = `$cmdLine`;
logmsg ("@cmdOutput");
for $share ( @ah_shares )
if ( $share->{Condition} =~ $quality )
#Create shares for "quality" condition
logmsg ("Create the new share...");
$cmdLine = "rmtshare \\\\$ENV{COMPUTERNAME}";
$cmdLine .= "\\$share->{ShareName}=";
$cmdLine .= "$share->{SharePath}";
$cmdLine .= " $share->{ShareGroup}";
#Create shares for owner
logmsg ("Running: $cmdLine");
@cmdOutput = `$cmdLine`;
logmsg ("@cmdOutput");
} elsif ( $share->{Condition} =~ m/all/i )
# Create shares for "All" condition
logmsg ("Create the new share...");
$cmdLine = "rmtshare \\\\$ENV{COMPUTERNAME}";
$cmdLine .= "\\$share->{ShareName}=";
$cmdLine .= "$share->{SharePath}";
$cmdLine .= " $share->{ShareGroup}";
logmsg ("Running: $cmdLine");
@cmdOutput = `$cmdLine`;
logmsg ("@cmdOutput");
return 1;
sub DumpHash
my ($ah_shares) = @_;
my $share;
my @ah_shares = @$ah_shares;
logmsg ("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^");
for $share (@ah_shares)
logmsg ("***************************************");
logmsg ("ShareName: $share->{ShareName}");
logmsg ("SharePath: $share->{SharePath}");
logmsg ("ShareGroup: $share->{ShareGroup}");
logmsg ("Condition: $share->{Condition}");
logmsg ("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^");
return 1;