
3680 lines
121 KiB
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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Bug Reporting Page
Bug reporting channel for Millennium beta
Internal Version : 1.000
1999-09-10 : Cleaned up formatting of HTML and made syntax clean
1999-09-20 : Cleaning up code
1999-09-21 : Bugs P1 99969, 102646, 102645, 102740, 102196 (102811?)
1999-09-22 : Cleaned up formatting, added removing from a list and
made localization easier
1999-09-23 : Made printing easier with expanding text areas
1999-09-27 : Removed leading spaces from filenames in AddFile
BetaID field accepts only 0-9 values
Error message if XML files are missing (broken install)
1999-09-28 : Fixed alignment of text areas to top
Fixed focus related bug in text areas
Fixed to be more localization friendly (Bug 103361)
Removed config.sys and autoexec.bat from collected file list
1999-09-29 : Added user.dat, system.dat and classes.dat to default file list
1999-09-30 : Added DirectX data collection
Added system drive path instead of \..\ convention
Added option to handle data collection failures
1999-10-01 : Added ActiveX object to collect build and language info
Register ActiveX object on script load (brp_sysinfo.dll)
Added tracking number after data upload
Moved thankyou into a SPAN to display tracking after upload
1999-10-05 : Adding IEINFO5.MOF to cab and using MOFCOMP to compile this
Collecting IE info along with machine data
Forced extension of saved file to be CAB (bug 102973)
1999-10-06 : Changed directx diag running mode to 1
Disabled DirectX data collection
1999-10-11 : Changed max sizes of text-areas to 2000
Changed to use bugrep.css
1999-10-12 : Added xml files to list of collected files
1999-10-13 : Fixed IE realted break
1999-10-13 : Added min space image
1999-10-16 : When no info checked direct CAB creating skipping DC
Registry files collected only for Area = Setup
CollecOk related bugs fixed
Restructed flow to have Save and Submit check boxes
Report bytes transmitted in upload
Changed CAB file name to preserve all .'s in filename
Behaviour changed to hide all input field when saving
or submitting bug so that no fields can be changed
After finishing all fields are restored
Upload bug reporting page version in incident XML
Changed cursor to busy when uploading/saving bug
Disabled controls during submit
Added record of incidents using SAF framework for
saved and submitted incidents in a \incidents
1999-10-18 : Set focus to beta id on page load
Set focus to missing entry when validating form
Removed .'s from BetaID
Declared all objects locally/globally
Order of error checking consistent with screen order
Fix for MOF command not returning after finishing
1999-10-19 : Changed Confirm to have title
Added link to winbeta site
Added bug page version
If failure then do not get streams
Changed Run commands to use short path name for IEINFO
Changed Run commands to use short path name for SYSINFO
1999-10-23 : Changed checking of stream to JS code to work around VB problem
1999-10-24 : Added collecting hcupdate.log
Added collecting WMI logs
Added dc_onComplete function
1999-10-25 : Find build number and do proper RecordIncident
1999-10-26 : Changed occured to occurred
Added width for space.gif image for localization
1999-10-27 : Updated xml files to handle changes to dataspec.xml
1999-10-28 : Text boxes on incident view have scroll bars but no edit/cut/paste
Fixed . in file name to be at end
Changed Done to Submit
1999-10-28 : Fixed to initialize only once (brp_init.ini)
Save incident data in csv files
Added resume.txt
Fixed build break
1999-10-30 : Added presisting betaid and other options
Added DrWatson log collection
Added display for cabbit and directX
Extensive validation of filenames
Auto filling of filename from title
Set default folder to millennium bugs
Requires following files
<HEAD><TITLE>File a bug report</TITLE>
<META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type>
<LINK ID=Stylesheet_Ref href="bugrep.css" rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css>
<META content=/scripts/PostInfo.asp name=postinfo>
<OBJECT ID=pchealth classid=CLSID:FC7D9E02-3F9E-11d3-93C0-00C04F72DAF7></OBJECT>
<SCRIPT ID="ErrCodesList" LANGUAGE=VBScript SRC="ErrCodes.vbs"></SCRIPT>
' Make sure all variables are declared explicitly and to make typos easier
' to find (in in the current code)
'option explicit
' ProductName (should be equal to product name field in SAF1.XML)
const L_BRP_Version = "4.90.00."
const L_BRPBuild_Version = "2415"
' ProductName (should be equal to product name field in SAF1.XML)
const L_ProductName_Version = "Microsoft Millennium Beta"
' Vendor directory under which all files are stored on the client
const L_VendorChannel_Address = "CN=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US"
' Title for all dialog message boxes
const L_MsgBoxTitle_Message = "Bug Reporting"
' Server name for uploading bugs
const L_ServerName_Address = ""
'const L_ServerNameTest_Address = "http://pchts1/pchealth_esc/UpLoadServer.dll"
const L_ServerNameTest_Address = "http://spoofweb/pchealth_esc/UpLoadServer.dll"
' Testing flag, set to 0 for release code, 1 for testing code and using the
' test server
const BRP_DebugFlag = 0
' Main code, only localization changes to be made after this section
const UL_HISTORY_LOG = 1
const UL_ABORTED = 4
const UL_ACTIVE = 1
const UL_COMPLETED = 6
const UL_DELETED = 7
const UL_FAILED = 5
const UL_NOTACTIVE = 0
const UL_SUSPENDED = 2
const DC_NOTACTIVE = 0
const DC_FAILED = 2
const DC_COMPLETED = 3
' g_oDc Data collection object
' g_oUpl Upload object
' g_oCab Cab creation object
Dim g_oDc, g_oUpl, g_oCab, g_nInProgress, g_bSaveIncident, g_bSubmitIncident
Dim g_bFormValid
Dim g_nCurrentBuild
Dim g_SettingsBetaId
Dim g_SettingsLastPath
Dim g_SettingsShareInfo
Dim g_SettingsSubmitNow
Dim g_SettingsSaveToDisk
Dim g_CrashDumpFile
Dim g_KernelCrash
Dim g_CrashApp
Dim g_DeleteCrashDump
Set g_oDc = Nothing
Set g_oUpl = Nothing
Set g_oCab = Nothing
g_nCurrentBuild = 0
g_nInProgress = 0
g_bSaveIncident = False
g_bSubmitIncident= False
g_bFormValid = False
' Validate form before submitting report
sub ValidateForm()
const L_MissingField_ErrorMessage = "Missing required field: "
const L_FormField_FIELDNAME_BetaID_TEXT = "Beta ID"
const L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Title_TEXT = "Problem title"
const L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Description_TEXT = "Describe the problem"
const L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Expected_TEXT = "What did you expect to happen"
const L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Repro_TEXT = "Enter the steps required to reproduce the problem"
const L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Severity_TEXT = "Problem type"
const L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Area_TEXT = "Area"
const L_BetaIDBadRange_ErrorMessage = "Your Beta ID must be a number between 0 and 2147483647."
Dim misc_fields, colon, bang, field, description, BetaIDValue
' Override the default behavior so we can control where we go.
window.event.cancelBubble = true
window.event.returnValue = false
'Format of misc-fields is a colon-separated list. Each entry
'consists of the field name to check, optionally followed by a
'bang and a human-readable description of that field.
misc_fields = "BetaID!" & L_FormField_FIELDNAME_BetaID_TEXT & _
":Title!" & L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Title_TEXT
while misc_fields <> ""
colon = instr(misc_fields, ":")
if colon <> 0 then
field = left(misc_fields, colon-1)
misc_fields = right(misc_fields, len(misc_fields) - colon)
field = misc_fields
misc_fields = ""
end if
bang = instr(field, "!")
if bang <> 0 then
description = right(field, len(field) - bang)
field = left(field, bang-1)
description = field
end if
if IsNull(document.all(field)) or len(document.all(field).value) = 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_MissingField_ErrorMessage & description)
g_bFormValid = False
' Set focus to missing field
exit sub
end if
if document.all.Severity.value = "N" then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_MissingField_ErrorMessage & L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Severity_TEXT)
g_bFormValid = False
exit sub
end if
if document.all.Area.value = "NA" then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_MissingField_ErrorMessage & L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Area_TEXT)
g_bFormValid = False
exit sub
end if
'Format of misc-fields is a colon-separated list. Each entry
'consists of the field name to check, optionally followed by a
'bang and a human-readable description of that field.
misc_fields = "Description!" & L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Description_TEXT & _
":ExpectedBehavior!" & L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Expected_TEXT & _
":StepsToRepro!" & L_FormField_FIELDNAME_Repro_TEXT
while misc_fields <> ""
colon = instr(misc_fields, ":")
if colon <> 0 then
field = left(misc_fields, colon-1)
misc_fields = right(misc_fields, len(misc_fields) - colon)
field = misc_fields
misc_fields = ""
end if
bang = instr(field, "!")
if bang <> 0 then
description = right(field, len(field) - bang)
field = left(field, bang-1)
description = field
end if
if IsNull(document.all(field)) or len(document.all(field).value) = 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_MissingField_ErrorMessage & description)
g_bFormValid = False
' Set focus to missing field
exit sub
end if
on error resume next
BetaIDvalue = CLng(document.all.BetaID.value)
if BetaIDvalue < 0 OR BetaIDvalue > 2147483647 OR Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_BetaIDBadRange_ErrorMessage)
g_bFormValid = False
exit sub
end if
' Return validity flag in a global variable
g_bFormValid = True
end sub
sub ValidateTextLength(limit)
const L_TooLong1_ErrorMessage = "This text field is too long. It is limited to "
const L_TooLong2_ErrorMessage = " characters. The entry has been truncated."
if len(window.event.srcElement.value) > limit then
BRP_MessageBox L_TooLong1_ErrorMessage & CStr(limit) & L_TooLong2_ErrorMessage
window.event.srcElement.value = left(window.event.srcElement.value, limit)
end if
end sub
' Message box with OK and special title
sub BRP_MessageBox(msg)
Call MsgBox(msg,vbOKOnly,L_MsgBoxTitle_Message)
end sub
function BRP_Confirm(msg)
BRP_Confirm = MsgBox(msg,vbYesNo,L_MsgBoxTitle_Message)
end function
sub BRP_TraceMessage(msg)
if BRP_DebugFlag >= 2 then
Call MsgBox(msg,vbOKOnly,L_MsgBoxTitle_Message)
end if
end sub
function GetVendorPath()
Dim oChannel
Set oChannel= pchealth.CreateObject_Channel(L_VendorChannel_Address, L_ProductName_Version)
GetVendorPath = oChannel.VendorDirectory
end function
function GetWinPath()
Dim oFS
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
GetWinPath = oFS.GetSpecialFolder(0)
end function
function GetWinSystemPath()
Dim oFS
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
GetWinSystemPath = oFS.GetSpecialFolder(1)
end function
function GetTempPath()
Dim oFS
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
GetTempPath = oFS.GetSpecialFolder(2)
end function
function GetSystemDrivePath()
Dim oWshShell, szWinBootDir
Dim slash
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
szWinBootDir = oWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WINBOOTDIR%")
slash = instr(szWinBootDir,"\")
if slash <> 0 then
GetSystemDrivePath = left(szWinBootDir,slash-1)
GetSystemDrivePath = "C:"
end if
end function
function RunExternalApplicationDxDiag()
Dim oFS
Dim oWshShell
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
szAppName = GetWinSystemPath & "\dxdiag.exe " & GetTempPath & "\dxdiag.txt"
Call BRP_TraceMessage(szAppName)
' Activate the window and display in minimum size
RunExternalApplicationDxDiag = oWshShell.Run(szAppName, 1, True)
end function
function RegisterBrpSysInfo()
Dim oFS
Dim oFile
Dim oWshShell
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
szFileName = GetVendorPath & "\brp_sysinfo.dll"
if oFS.FileExists( szFileName ) then
Set oFile = oFS.GetFile(szFileName)
szAppName = GetWinSystemPath & "\regsvr32.exe /s " & oFile.ShortPath
Call BRP_TraceMessage(szAppName)
' Activate the window and display in minimum size
RegisterBrpSysInfo = oWshShell.Run(szAppName, 2, True)
RegisterBrpSysInfo = True
end if
end function
function RegisterIEInfoMOF()
Dim oFS
Dim oFile
Dim oWshShell
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
szFileName = GetVendorPath & "\ieinfo5.mof"
if oFS.FileExists( szFileName ) then
Set oFile = oFS.GetFile(szFileName)
szAppName = "command /c " & GetWinSystemPath & "\wbem\mofcomp " & oFile.ShortPath
Call BRP_TraceMessage(szAppName)
' Activate the window and display in minimum size
RegisterIEInfoMOF = oWshShell.Run(szAppName, 2, True)
RegisterIEInfoMOF = True
end if
end function
' Get build number from string of type X.XX.XXXX xxxx, assumes 4 digit build
' number and sets g_nCurrentBuild
sub BRP_SetOSBuild(szVer)
Dim period, szVer1, szVer2, szVer3
period = instr(szVer,".")
if period <> 0 then
szVer1 = right(szVer,len(szVer)-period)
period = instr(szVer1,".")
if period <> 0 then
szVer2 = right(szVer1,len(szVer1)-period)
szVer3 = left(szVer2,4)
nVer = CInt(szVer3)
g_nCurrentBuild = nVer
end if
end if
end sub
sub BRP_SetStatusMessage(msg)
document.all.Status.innerHTML = msg
end sub
sub BRP_SetProgressMessage(msg)
document.all.Status.innerHTML = msg
end sub
sub BRP_AppendProgressMessage(msg)
document.all.Status.innerHTML = document.all.Status.innerHTML & msg
end sub
sub SetProgress(percent)
L_PctDone_Message = "% done"
Call BRP_SetProgressMessage(percent & L_PctDone_Message)
end sub
sub dc_onProgress(DataCollectionPtr, done, total)
Dim PercentDone
if total = 0 then
' Avoid divide-by-zero errors.
total = 100
end if
PercentDone = Round(done / total * 90)
Call SetProgress(PercentDone)
end sub
sub dc_onStatusChange(DataCollectionPtr, status)
const L_DataCollection_STATUS_Collecting_Message = "Collecting data"
Dim szDCStatus
select case status
case DC_COLLECTING szDCStatus=L_DataCollection_STATUS_Collecting_Message
end select
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(szDCStatus)
end sub
sub dc_onComplete(DataCollectionPtr, hresult)
const L_DataCollection_STATUS_NotActive_Message = "Not active"
const L_DataCollection_STATUS_Failed_ErrorMessage = "Failed data collection"
const L_DataCollection_STATUS_Completed_Message = "Creating CAB file"
const L_CollectError_ErrorMessage = "The following error occurred during data collection: "
const L_CollectErrorNoErrNum_ErrorMessage = "There was an error collecting data about your machine. "
const L_UploadOnlyFiles_Message = "Do you want to continue by submitting system files from your machine"
const L_SaveOnlyFiles_Message = "Do you want to continue by saving system files from your machine"
Dim status
Dim szDCStatus, szErrorMessage
status = g_oDc.status
status = CInt(status)
select case status
case DC_NOTACTIVE szDCStatus=L_DataCollection_STATUS_NotActive_Message
case DC_FAILED szDCStatus=L_DataCollection_STATUS_Failed_ErrorMessage
case DC_COMPLETED szDCStatus=L_DataCollection_STATUS_Completed_Message
end select
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(szDCStatus)
if status = DC_FAILED or status = DC_COMPLETED then
if status = DC_COMPLETED then
if Err.number <> 0 then
szErrorMessage = L_CollectError_ErrorMessage & Err.description & " (" & Err.number & "). "
szErrorMessage = L_CollectErrorNoErrNum_ErrorMessage
end if
if g_bSubmitIncident = True then
if BRP_Confirm( szErrorMessage & vbCrLf & L_UploadOnlyFiles_Message ) = vbYes then
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload
end if
if g_bSaveIncident = True then
if BRP_Confirm( szErrorMessage & vbCrLf & L_SaveOnlyFiles_Message ) = vbYes then
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end sub
sub cab_onComplete(g_oCab, hr)
const L_CabError_ErrorMessage = "Couldn't create cab file due to error #"
const L_CabErrorStatus_ErrorMessage = "Error creating cab file"
if g_oCab.Status <> 2 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_CabError_ErrorMessage & Hex(hr))
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(L_CabErrorStatus_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
End if
Call SetProgress(100)
' Save incident if required
Call ContinueSaveIncident()
' Upload incident if required
Call ContinueUploadIncident()
end sub
sub CollectData()
const L_DCFailed_ErrorMessage = "Data collection cannot be carried as the parameter files are missing"
const L_CabStartStatus_Message = "Creating CAB file"
Dim oFS
Dim iSpecNotFound
Dim szUploadXMLFileName
on error resume next
Set g_oDc = pchealth.CreateObject_DataCollection
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
iSpecNotFound = FALSE
if document.all.CollectOk.checked then
if g_nCurrentBuild < 2408 then
szUploadXMLFileName = "\bug_upload_collect_2408.XML"
szUploadXMLFileName = "\bug_upload_collect.XML"
end if
if oFS.FileExists( GetVendorPath & szUploadXMLFileName ) then
g_oDc.MachineData_Dataspec = GetVendorPath & szUploadXMLFileName
' If history file exists then use this else just upload regular files
if oFS.FileExists( GetWinPath & "\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Config\DataSpec.XML" ) then
g_oDc.History_Dataspec = GetWinPath & "\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Config\DataSpec.XML"
g_oDc.History_MaxDeltas = 5
iSpecNotFound = TRUE
end if
iSpecNotFound = TRUE
end if
' if a user unchecks data collection, we will not touch any data collection portion,
' and pretend a data collection failure; server side should check CollectOk flag
' before read into DCStatus
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(L_CabStartStatus_Message)
Call CreateCab(TRUE)
exit sub
end if
if ( iSpecNotFound ) then
BRP_MessageBox L_DCFailed_ErrorMessage
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload
end if
end sub
function CreateIncident(oInc, iDCFailed)
' oInc Incident object
' iDCFailed False if data collection was OK
' True if data collection failed
const L_GetDataFailedSS_ErrorMessage = "Failed to get collected machine snapshot data"
const L_GetDataFailedHS_ErrorMessage = "Failed to get collected machine history data"
const L_IncCollectError_ErrorMessage = "The following error occurred during data collection: "
Dim oTmpStream, oDict, oSysInfo
Dim misc_fields, field, colon
Dim fDataValid, fHistoryValid
' Colon-separated list of fields to be stored in the data dictionary
misc_fields = "BetaID:Title:Severity:Area:Reproducibility:ExpectedBehavior:StepsToRepro"
Set oInc = pchealth.CreateObject_Incident()
oInc.UserName = document.all.BetaID.value
oInc.ProductID = "Millennium Beta Bug"
oInc.ProductName = "Millennium"
oInc.ProblemDescription = document.all.Description.value
' Get data stream if data collection did not fail
on error resume next
if iDCFailed = False then
' If incident stream exists then get MachineSnapshot else do not
' and just continue as data collection has already failed and we
' have to just continue
fDataValid = IsMachineDataValid(g_oDc)
fHistoryValid = IsHistoryDataValid(g_oDc)
if fDataValid then
oInc.MachineSnapshot = g_oDc.MachineData_GetStream
if document.all.CollectOk.checked then
if fHistoryValid then
oInc.MachineHistory = g_oDc.History_GetStream
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(L_GetDataFailedHS_ErrorMessage)
iDCFailed = True
end if
end if
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(L_GetDataFailedSS_ErrorMessage)
iDCFailed = True
end if
end if
oInc.UploadType = 0
Set oDict = oInc.Misc
while misc_fields <> ""
colon = instr(misc_fields, ":")
if (colon <> 0) then
field = left(misc_fields, colon-1)
misc_fields = right(misc_fields, len(misc_fields) - colon)
field = misc_fields
misc_fields = ""
end if
if len(field) > 0 then
oDict.add field, document.all(field).value
end if
' Change for CollectOk flag
if document.all.CollectOk.checked then
oDict.add "CollectOK", "on"
oDict.add "CollectOK", "off"
end if
oDict.add "AdditionalFiles_Number", document.all.AdditionalFiles_List.length
oDict.add "MachineID", g_oUpl.Sig
if document.all.CollectOk.checked then
oDict.add "DCStatus", iDCFailed
oDict.add "DCStatus", "0"
end if
Set oSysInfo = CreateObject("PCHealth.BugRepSysInfo")
if Err.number <> 0 then
oDict.add "OSBuildNumber", "Unknown"
oDict.add "OSLanguage", "0"
oDict.add "OSBuildNumber", oSysInfo.GetOSVersionString
oDict.add "OSLanguage", oSysInfo.GetLanguageID
end if
' Add bug reporting page version
oDict.add "BRP_Version", L_BRP_Version & L_BRPBuild_Version
CreateIncident = true
end function
sub upl_onProgressChange(UploadJobPtr, currentSize, totalSize)
const L_BytesSent1_Text = " ( "
const L_BytesSent2_Text = " bytes of "
const L_BytesSent3_Text = " bytes sent )"
if totalSize = 0 then
' Avoid divide-by-zero errors.
totalSize = 100
end if
Call SetProgress(Round(currentSize / totalSize * 100))
Call BRP_AppendProgressMessage(L_BytesSent1_Text & currentSize & _
L_BytesSent2_Text & totalSize & _
end sub
sub upl_onStatusChange(UploadJobPtr, status)
Dim stat_str, szTrackingNo, szTrackingTime
const L_Upload_STATUS_NotActive_Message = "Not active"
const L_Upload_STATUS_Active_Message = "Active"
const L_Upload_STATUS_Suspended_Message = "Suspended"
const L_Upload_STATUS_Transmitting_Message = "Transmitting"
const L_Upload_STATUS_Aborted_ErrorMessage = "Retrying upload"
const L_Upload_STATUS_Failed_ErrorMessage = "Failed due to server error"
const L_Upload_STATUS_Completed_Message = "Completed upload"
const L_Upload_STATUS_Deleted_Message = "Deleted"
const L_UploadError_ErrorMessage = "The following error occurred during upload: "
const L_UploadErrorCode_ErrorMessage = "Error : "
const L_UploadErrorNoErrNum_ErrorMessage = "There was an error uploading your bug report."
const L_SubmitToRety_ErrorMessage = "Click submit to retry."
select case status
case UL_NOTACTIVE stat_str=L_Upload_STATUS_NotActive_Message
case UL_ACTIVE stat_str=L_Upload_STATUS_Active_Message
case UL_SUSPENDED stat_str=L_Upload_STATUS_Suspended_Message
case UL_TRANSMITTING stat_str=L_Upload_STATUS_Transmitting_Message
case UL_ABORTED stat_str=L_Upload_STATUS_Aborted_ErrorMessage
case UL_FAILED stat_str=L_Upload_STATUS_Failed_ErrorMessage
case UL_COMPLETED stat_str=L_Upload_STATUS_Completed_Message
case UL_DELETED stat_str=L_Upload_STATUS_Deleted_Message
end select
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(stat_str)
if status = UL_FAILED or status = UL_COMPLETED then
Call UnregisterUPLHandlers()
if status = UL_COMPLETED then
' No cleanup requird here as a seperate thankyou DIV is being
' displayed and users cannot navigate back to the page, a
' cleanup here adds some flicker before the thankyou page
szTrackingNo = g_oUpl.Sig & "_" & g_oUpl.JobID
szTrackingTime = g_oUpl.CompleteTime
Call BRP_TraceMessage(szTrackingTime)
Call BRP_TraceMessage(szTrackingNo)
' Make a record of the incident
Call RecordIncident(szTrackingTime,szTrackingNo)
' Store valid options
Call BRP_WriteIniFile()
document.all.BRP_IncidentTime.innerHTML = szTrackingTime
document.all.BRP_TrackingNo.innerHTML = szTrackingNo
Call BRP_CleanCrashDump()
end if
' Cleanup
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload
' Delete the upload object
' Move to thank you page, must remove the InProgess before this
' or the unload handlers will kick in so above code order is
' important
if status = UL_COMPLETED then = "none" = ""
exit sub
end if
' Changed to print error code string
if g_oUpl.ErrorCode <> 0 then
lErrCode = CLng(g_oUpl.Errorcode)
szError = ERR_GetJobErrorCodeString(lErrCode)
BRP_MessageBox L_UploadError_ErrorMessage & vbCrLf & _
L_UploadErrorCode_ErrorMessage & _
szError & _
vbCrLf & _
BRP_MessageBox L_UploadErrorNoErrNum_ErrorMessage & _
end if
end if
end sub
sub ResetUpload()
On Error Resume Next
Set g_oUpl = Nothing
Set g_oDc = Nothing
' if g_nCurrentBuild > 2408 then
' g_oCab.Abort
' Set g_oCab = Nothing
' end if
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload()
end sub
sub CancelUpload()
const L_UserCancel_Message = "Cancelled by user"
if g_nInProgress then
Call UnregisterDCHandlers()
Call UnregisterUPLHandlers()
Call UnregisterCabHandler()
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(L_UserCancel_Message)
Call ResetUpload()
Call SetProgress(0)
end if
end sub
sub CreateCab(iDCFailed)
const L_UploadObjectMissing_ErrorMessage = "An error occurred when trying to create the upload data object"
const L_FailedIncident_ErrorMessage = "Failed generating incident"
const L_CantGenerateIncident_ErrorMessage = "There was an error trying to save the incident information."
const L_CabCompression_ErrorMessage = "An error occurred when trying to compress the CAB file before upload"
const L_CompressingCab_Message = "Compressing CAB file"
Dim oInc, oTmpObj, oFS, oFileSelected, oFolder, oFiles, oFile, oLastLogFile
Dim FileList(), FileListIndex, AddFilesIndex
Dim iFileCount, AddFilesCount
Dim iStart
Dim nCount, dCurDate, dMaxDate, fIsLog
Dim iMaxWinFiles, szWinFileName()
Dim iMaxSysDriveFiles, szSysDriveFileName()
ReDim FileList(500)
ReDim szWinFileName(20)
ReDim szSysDriveFileName(20)
AddFilesCount = 0
Call BRP_TraceMessage("CreateCAB")
on error resume next
Set oTmpObj = CreateObject("UploadManager.MPCUpload")
' Error handler for bad MPCUpload object (missing config.xml)
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_UploadObjectMissing_ErrorMessage)
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload()
exit sub
end if
Set g_oUpl = oTmpObj.CreateJob
g_oUpl.Sig = ""
if NOT CreateIncident(oInc, iDCFailed) then
exit sub
end if
oInc.GetXML GetTempPath & "\Incident.XML"
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(L_FailedIncident_ErrorMessage)
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_CantGenerateIncident_ErrorMessage)
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload()
end if
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
iFileCount = 0
if oFS.FileExists( GetTempPath & "\Incident.XML" ) then
FileList(iFileCount) = GetTempPath & "\Incident.XML"
iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
end if
' Collect hcupdate.log
if oFS.FileExists( GetTempPath & "\hcupdate.log" ) then
FileList(iFileCount) = GetTempPath & "\hcupdate.log"
iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
end if
' Add XML files to upload
if oFS.FileExists( GetVendorPath & "\bug_upload_collect.XML" ) then
FileList(iFileCount) = GetVendorPath & "\bug_upload_collect.XML"
iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
end if
if oFS.FileExists( GetVendorPath & "\bug_upload_collect_2408.XML" ) then
FileList(iFileCount) = GetVendorPath & "\bug_upload_collect_2408.XML"
iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
end if
if oFS.FileExists( GetVendorPath & "\bug_upload_nocollect.XML" ) then
FileList(iFileCount) = GetVendorPath & "\bug_upload_nocollect.XML"
iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
end if
' Get files from the WINDIR directory
szWinFileName(00) = "\classes.dat"
szWinFileName(01) = "\system.dat"
szWinFileName(02) = "\user.dat"
szWinFileName(03) = "\ios.log"
szWinFileName(04) = "\ppplog.txt"
szWinFileName(05) = "\susfail.txt"
szWinFileName(06) = "\system.ini"
szWinFileName(07) = "\win.ini"
szWinFileName(08) = "\wulog.txt"
szWinFileName(09) = "\emi\errlog.dat"
szWinFileName(10) = "\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Config\DataSpec.XML"
szWinFileName(11) = "\system\sfp\sfplog.txt"
szWinFileName(12) = "\resume.txt"
iMaxWinFiles = 13
' only setup needs three registry files
iStart = 3
if document.all.Area.value = "Setup" then
iStart = 0
end if
for iCount = iStart to iMaxWinFiles-1
if oFS.FileExists( GetWinPath & szWinFileName(iCount) ) then
FileList(iFileCount) = GetWinPath & szWinFileName(iCount)
iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
end if
' Get files from the SYSTEMDRIVE directory
szSysDriveFileName(00) = "\asd.log"
szSysDriveFileName(01) = "\bootlog.prv"
szSysDriveFileName(02) = "\bootlog.txt"
szSysDriveFileName(03) = "\detlog.txt"
szSysDriveFileName(04) = "\netlog.txt"
szSysDriveFileName(05) = "\setuplog.old"
szSysDriveFileName(06) = "\setuplog.txt"
iMaxSysDriveFiles = 7
for iCount = 0 to iMaxSysDriveFiles-1
if oFS.FileExists( GetSystemDrivePath & szSysDriveFileName(iCount) ) then
FileList(iFileCount) = GetSystemDrivePath & szSysDriveFileName(iCount)
iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
end if
' Get files from the WMI LOG directory log files
if oFS.FolderExists(GetWinSystemPath & "\wbem\logs") then
Set oFolder = oFS.GetFolder(GetWinSystemPath & "\wbem\logs")
Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
for Each oFile in oFiles
fIsLog = instrrev(lcase(, ".log")
if fIsLog <> 0 then
if oFS.FileExists( oFile.Path ) then
FileList(iFileCount) = oFile.Path
iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
end if
end if
end if
' Get last log file from the DrWatson LOG directory log files (if crash or hang)
if document.all.Severity.value = 1 then
if oFS.FolderExists(GetWinPath & "\drwatson") then
Set oFolder = oFS.GetFolder(GetWinPath & "\drwatson")
Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
nCount = 0
for Each oFile in oFiles
fIsLog = instrrev(lcase(, ".wlg")
if fIsLog <> 0 then
dCurDate = oFile.DateLastModified
if dCurDate > dMaxDate OR nCount = 0 then
Set oLastLogFile = oFile
dMaxDate = dCurDate
end if
nCount = nCount + 1
end if
if nCount > 0 then
if oFS.FileExists( oLastLogFile.Path ) then
FileList(iFileCount) = oLastLogFile.Path
iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
end if
end if
end if
end if
' Run DirectX diagnostic utility and collect this information
'Call RunExternalApplicationDxDiag()
'if oFS.FileExists( GetTempPath & "\dxdiag.txt" ) then
' FileList(iFileCount) = GetTempPath & "\dxdiag.txt"
' iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
'end if
FileListIndex = iFileCount
' Find number of selected files and add them to the list
' they exist at the time of selection so not re-checking them
Set oFileSelected = document.all.AdditionalFiles_List
AddFilesCount = oFileSelected.length
ReDim Preserve FileList(FileListIndex + AddFilesCount - 1)
for AddFilesIndex = 0 to (AddFilesCount - 1)
FileList(FileListIndex) = oFileSelected.Options(AddFilesIndex).text
FileListIndex = FileListIndex + 1
Set g_oCab = pchealth.CreateObject_Cabinet
for AddFilesIndex = 0 to (FileListIndex-1)
g_oCab.AddFile FileList(AddFilesIndex)
document.all.ProgressText.innerHTML = "Collecting " & FileList(AddFilesIndex)
document.all.ProgressText.innerHTML = "&nbsp;"
' Register cab completion call back
Call BRP_TraceMessage("Compressing cab")
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(L_CompressingCab_Message)
g_oCab.Compress GetTempPath & "\Upload.CAB"
' Error trapping for problems during compression
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call UnregisterCabHandler()
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_CabCompression_ErrorMessage)
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload()
exit sub
end if
end sub
sub ContinueSaveIncident()
const L_SavingIncident_Message = "Saving incident to "
const L_IncidentSaved_Message = "Incident saved to "
const L_SaveFailed_ErrorMessage = "Couldn't save incident to "
const L_CantSaveFile_ErrorMessage = "Can't save incident. Make sure the path is valid and there is free space on the drive."
const L_SavingFinished_Message = " - File saved"
Dim oTmpObj, oFS
Dim szCabFileName
Call BRP_TraceMessage("ContinueSaveIncident")
if g_bSaveIncident = False then
exit sub
end if
if g_bSubmitIncident = False then
end if
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(L_SavingIncident_Message & document.all.IncidentFilename.value)
if g_bSubmitIncident = False then
Call SetProgress(0)
end if
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
on error resume next
szCabFileName = document.all.IncidentFilename.value
oFS.CopyFile GetTempPath & "\Upload.CAB", szCabFileName
if err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(L_SaveFailed_ErrorMessage & document.all.IncidentFilename.value)
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_CantSaveFile_ErrorMessage)
' If submitting is not going to happen after this, clean up the buttons
if g_bSubmitIncident = False then
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload()
end if
exit sub
end if
Call BRP_SetStatusMessage(L_IncidentSaved_Message & document.all.IncidentFilename.value)
' If submitting is not going to happen after this, clean up the buttons
if g_bSubmitIncident = False then
Call SetProgress(100)
Call BRP_AppendProgressMessage(L_SavingFinished_Message)
Call BRP_CleanCrashDump()
' Make a record of the incident
Call RecordIncident(Now(),"-")
' Store valid options
Call BRP_WriteIniFile()
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload()
end if
end sub
sub ContinueUploadIncident()
const L_UploadCab_ErrorMessage = "An error occurred when trying to use the upload CAB file"
const L_UploadStart_ErrorMessage = "An error occurred when trying to start upload"
Dim oTmpObj, oInc, oFS
' Alway trap all errors in the code
on error resume next
Call BRP_TraceMessage("ContinueUploadIncident")
if g_bSubmitIncident = False then
exit sub
end if
if BRP_DebugFlag >= 1 then
g_oUpl.Server = L_ServerNameTest_Address
g_oUpl.Server = L_ServerName_Address
end if
g_oUpl.ProviderID = "ESC"
g_oUpl.PersistToDisk = False
' CAB file is already in a compressed state so further compression
' is not required (Fixes Bug 102646)
g_oUpl.Compressed = False
g_oUpl.History = UL_HISTORY_NONE
' We need to zero out the progress indicator, since the Upload object
' doesn't always do this (for example, if it aborts immediatly).
upl_onProgressChange g_oUpl, 0, 100
Call RegisterUPLHandlers()
Call BRP_TraceMessage("Get Data from Upload.CAB file")
g_oUpl.GetDataFromFile GetTempPath & "\Upload.CAB"
' Error trapping for invalid parameters has to be carried out here
' with proper error code message
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_UploadCab_ErrorMessage )
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload()
exit sub
end if
Call BRP_TraceMessage("Start uploading")
' Error trapping for invalid parameters has to be carried out here
' with proper error code message
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_UploadStart_ErrorMessage)
Call BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload()
exit sub
end if
end sub
Function ReadAllTextFile(szFileName)
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Dim oFS, oFile
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFile = oFS.OpenTextFile(szFileName, ForReading)
ReadAllTextFile = oFile.ReadAll
End Function
sub RecordIncident(szTrackingTime,szTrackingNo)
const L_IncidentDir_FileName = "\incidents"
const L_IncHead_FileName = "\inc_head.htm"
const L_IncTail_FileName = "\inc_tail.htm"
const L_Saved_Message = "Saved"
const L_Submitted_Message = "Submitted"
const L_BugReport_Message = "Bug Report"
const L_ActionsTaken_Message = "Actions taken"
const L_AddFiles_Message = "Additional Files"
const L_SubmitTime_Message = "Submit Time"
const L_TrackingNumber_Message = "Tracking Number"
const L_SavedFile_Message = "Saved File"
const L_CSVFileName_Message = "CSV File"
const L_RecordIncident_ErrorMessage = "An error occurred when recording the incident on the computer"
Dim oFS, oChannel, oDataFile
Dim bFileOK
Dim nAddFiles
on error resume next
Err.number = 0
bFileOK = True
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_RecordIncident_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
end if
' Create an incidents folder
if ( oFS.FolderExists( GetVendorPath & L_IncidentDir_FileName )) then
oFS.CreateFolder( GetVendorPath & L_IncidentDir_FileName )
end if
' Find a unique file name based on number for the HTML file
nCount = 1
NewFile = False
szFile = nCount & ".htm"
szFileName = GetVendorPath & L_IncidentDir_FileName & "\" & szFile
szCSV_File = nCount & ".csv"
szCSV_FileName = GetVendorPath & L_IncidentDir_FileName & "\" & szCSV_File
if oFS.FileExists(szFileName) OR oFS.FileExists(szCSV_FileName) then
nCount = nCount + 1
NewFile = True
end if
Loop While NewFile = False
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_RecordIncident_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
end if
szIncidentAction = " "
if g_bSaveIncident = True then
szIncidentAction = szIncidentAction & L_Saved_Message
end if
if g_bSubmitIncident = True then
szIncidentAction = szIncidentAction & L_Submitted_Message
end if
' Create CSV data file
Set oDataFile = oFS.CreateTextFile(szCSV_FileName, False)
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_RecordIncident_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
end if
szEscaped = replaceQuotes(Cstr(szTrackingTime))
oDataFile.Write chr(34) & szEscaped & chr(34) & ","
szEscaped = replaceQuotes(szTrackingNo)
oDataFile.Write chr(34) & szEscaped & chr(34) & ","
if g_bSaveIncident = True then
szEscaped = replaceQuotes(document.all.IncidentFilename.value)
oDataFile.Write chr(34) & szEscaped & chr(34) & ","
end if
szEscaped = replaceQuotes(szCSV_FileName)
oDataFile.Write chr(34) & szEscaped & chr(34) & ","
szEscaped = replaceQuotes(szIncidentAction)
oDataFile.Write chr(34) & szEscaped & chr(34) & ","
misc_fields = "BetaID:Title:Severity:Area:Reproducibility:Description:ExpectedBehavior:StepsToRepro"
while misc_fields <> ""
colon = instr(misc_fields, ":")
if (colon <> 0) then
field = left(misc_fields, colon-1)
misc_fields = right(misc_fields, len(misc_fields) - colon)
field = misc_fields
misc_fields = ""
end if
if len(field) > 0 then
szEscaped = replaceQuotes(document.all(field).value)
oDataFile.Write chr(34) & szEscaped & chr(34) & ","
end if
nAddFiles = document.all.AdditionalFiles_List.length
szEscaped = replaceQuotes(Cstr(nAddFiles))
oDataFile.Write chr(34) & szEscaped & chr(34)
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_RecordIncident_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
end if
' Create HTML data file
Set oDataFile = oFS.CreateTextFile(szFileName, False)
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_RecordIncident_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
end if
if ( oFS.FileExists( GetVendorPath & L_IncHead_FileName )) then
szHeadString = ReadAllTextFile( GetVendorPath & L_IncHead_FileName )
oDataFile.Write szHeadString
end if
oDataFile.Write "<TR>"
oDataFile.Write "<TD>"
oDataFile.Write "<TABLE border=0>"
oDataFile.Write "<TBODY>"
oDataFile.Write " <TR>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD valign=top><B>" & L_SubmitTime_Message & "</B></TD>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD>" & szTrackingTime & "</TD>"
oDataFile.Write " </TR>"
oDataFile.Write " <TR>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD valign=top><B>" & L_TrackingNumber_Message & "</B></TD>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD>" & szTrackingNo & "</TD>"
oDataFile.Write " </TR>"
if g_bSaveIncident = True then
oDataFile.Write " <TR>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD valign=top><B>" & L_SavedFile_Message & "</B></TD>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD>" & document.all.IncidentFilename.value & "</TD>"
oDataFile.Write " </TR>"
end if
oDataFile.Write " <TR>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD valign=top><B>" & L_CSVFileName_Message & "</B></TD>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD>" & szCSV_FileName & "</TD>"
oDataFile.Write " </TR>"
szIncidentAction = " "
if g_bSaveIncident = True then
szIncidentAction = szIncidentAction & "&nbsp;" & L_Saved_Message & "&nbsp;"
end if
if g_bSubmitIncident = True then
szIncidentAction = szIncidentAction & "&nbsp;" & L_Submitted_Message & "&nbsp;"
end if
oDataFile.Write " <TR>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD valign=top><B>" & L_ActionsTaken_Message & "</B></TD>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD>" & szIncidentAction & "</TD>"
oDataFile.Write " </TR>"
misc_fields = "BetaID:Title:Severity:Area:Reproducibility"
while misc_fields <> ""
colon = instr(misc_fields, ":")
if (colon <> 0) then
field = left(misc_fields, colon-1)
misc_fields = right(misc_fields, len(misc_fields) - colon)
field = misc_fields
misc_fields = ""
end if
if len(field) > 0 then
oDataFile.Write " <TR>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD valign=top><B>" & field & "</B></TD>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD>" & document.all(field).value & "</TD>"
oDataFile.Write " </TR>"
end if
misc_fields = "Description:ExpectedBehavior:StepsToRepro"
while misc_fields <> ""
colon = instr(misc_fields, ":")
if (colon <> 0) then
field = left(misc_fields, colon-1)
misc_fields = right(misc_fields, len(misc_fields) - colon)
field = misc_fields
misc_fields = ""
end if
if len(field) > 0 then
oDataFile.Write " <TR>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD valign=top><B>" & field & "</B></TD>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD><TEXTAREA cols=60 wrap=virtual rows=6 " & _
" ONKEYPRESS=" & chr(34) & "event.returnValue=false;" & chr(34) & _
" ONCUT=" & chr(34) & "event.returnValue=false;" & chr(34) & _
" ONPASTE=" & chr(34) & "event.returnValue=false;" & chr(34) & _
" >" & document.all(field).value & "</TEXTAREA></TD>"
oDataFile.Write " </TR>"
end if
' Find number of selected files and add them to the list
' they exist at the time of selection so not re-checking them
nAddFiles = document.all.AdditionalFiles_List.length
if nAddFiles > 0 then
szFileList = " "
for nCount = 0 to (nAddFiles - 1)
szFileList = szFileList & document.all.AdditionalFiles_List.Options(nCount).text & "<BR>"
oDataFile.Write " <TR>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD valign=top><B>" & L_AddFiles_Message & "</B></TD>"
oDataFile.Write " <TD>" & szFileList & "</TD>"
oDataFile.Write " </TR>"
end if
oDataFile.Write " </TBODY>"
oDataFile.Write" </TABLE>"
oDataFile.Write" </TD>"
oDataFile.Write" </TR>"
oDataFile.Write" </TBODY>"
if ( oFS.FileExists( GetVendorPath & L_IncTail_FileName )) then
szHeadString = ReadAllTextFile( GetVendorPath & L_IncTail_FileName )
oDataFile.Write szHeadString
end if
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_RecordIncident_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
end if
if bFileOK = True then
Err.number = 0
Set oChannel = pchealth.CreateObject_Channel(L_VendorChannel_Address, L_ProductName_Version)
szIncidentPath = "hcp://" & L_VendorChannel_Address & L_IncidentDir_FileName & "\" & szFile
if err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_RecordIncident_ErrorMessage)
if g_bSubmitIncident = True then
szIName = "&nbsp;" & L_BugReport_Message & "&nbsp;" & ":&nbsp;" & document.all.Title.value & "&nbsp;(" & L_Submitted_Message & ")"
szIName = "&nbsp;" & L_BugReport_Message & "&nbsp;" & ":&nbsp;" & document.all.Title.value & "&nbsp;(" & L_Saved_Message & ")"
end if
' Number of parameters changed in new RecordIncident
if g_nCurrentBuild < 2399 then
oChannel.RecordIncident szIName, szIncidentPath
oChannel.RecordIncident szIName, szIncidentPath, "", ""
end if
end if
end if
end sub
const L_NeedFilename_ErrorMessage = "You must specify a filename."
sub StartProcessing()
const L_OverwriteFile_TEXT = "The file already exists. Do you want to replace the existing file?"
const L_SingleSubmit_ErrorMessage = "Only one bug may be submitted at a time."
const L_NeedAction_ErrorMessage = "Select the option to Submit and/or Save the bug report"
const L_NoFolder1_ErrorMessage = "The folder "
const L_NoFolder2_ErrorMessage = " does not exist. Do you want to create it ?"
const L_NoCreateFolder_ErrorMessage = "Could not create the folder. Please select a different folder for the bug report"
Dim oFS ' File System Object
Dim szCabFileName, szTemp
Dim slash
g_bSaveIncident = False
g_bSubmitIncident = False
g_bFormValid = False
on error resume next
if document.all.SaveIncidentNow.checked = False AND document.all.SubmitIncidentNow.checked = False then
BRP_MessageBox L_NeedAction_ErrorMessage
exit sub
end if
Call ValidateForm()
' Form invalid then exit
if g_bFormValid = False then
exit sub
end if
' If we have to save the form do checking for valid file now
if document.all.SaveIncidentNow.checked then
if document.all.IncidentFilename.value = "" Then
BRP_MessageBox L_NeedFilename_ErrorMessage
exit sub
end if
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Check if the folder exists else create it
szTemp = document.all.IncidentFilename.value
slash = instrrev(szTemp,"\")
if slash <> 0 then
szTemp = left(szTemp,slash-1)
if NOT oFS.FolderExists( szTemp ) then
if BRP_Confirm(L_NoFolder1_ErrorMessage & szTemp & L_NoFolder2_ErrorMessage) = vbNo then
exit sub
end if
oFS.CreateFolder( szTemp )
if Err.number <> 0 then
BRP_MessageBox L_NoCreateFolder_ErrorMessage
exit sub
end if
end if
end if
szCabFileName = document.all.IncidentFilename.value
if oFS.FileExists(szCabFileName) then
if BRP_Confirm(L_OverwriteFile_TEXT) = vbNo then
exit sub
end if
end if
g_bSaveIncident = True
end if
if document.all.SubmitIncidentNow.checked then
g_bSubmitIncident = True
end if
' Form is validated, so call UploadIncident
if g_nInProgress then
BRP_MessageBox L_SingleSubmit_ErrorMessage
exit sub
g_nInProgress = 1
document.all.Submit.disabled = 1
document.all.Cancel.disabled = 0
end if
' Disable all fields so they cannot be changed
' = "none" = "wait" = "wait"
document.all.IncidentFilename.disabled = True
document.all.SubmitIncidentNow.disabled = True
document.all.SaveIncidentNow.disabled = True
' Start data collection
Call CollectData()
end sub
sub BRP_CleanupAfterCancelUpload()
g_nInProgress = 0
document.all.Submit.disabled = 0
document.all.Cancel.disabled = 1
' Enable all fields so they cannot be changed
' = "" = "auto" = "auto"
document.all.IncidentFilename.disabled = False
document.all.SubmitIncidentNow.disabled = False
document.all.SaveIncidentNow.disabled = False
end sub
function BRP_Working()
if g_nInProgress then
BRP_Working = True
BRP_Working = False
end if
end function
' Add a file to the list
sub BRP_ListAddFileForUpload()
Dim oFS ' File System Object
Dim szFileName
Dim AddFilesIndex
const L_FileDoesntExist_ErrorMessage = "That file does not exist."
' If a file is selected add this to the list
if document.all.AdditionalFile.value = "" Then
BRP_MessageBox L_NeedFilename_ErrorMessage
exit sub
end if
' Remove leading/trailing spaces
szFileName = removeLeadingSpace(document.all.AdditionalFile.value)
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If NOT oFS.FileExists(szFileName) Then
BRP_MessageBox L_FileDoesntExist_ErrorMessage & _
"(" & szFileName & ")"
exit sub
end if
Call addListElement(document.all.AdditionalFiles_List, _
szFileName , _
szFileName )
end sub
sub BRP_ListRemoveFileForUpload()
const L_RemoveSelectFile_ErrorMessage = "Please select a file to be removed"
const L_NoFilesToRemove_ErrorMessage = "There are no files that can be removed"
if document.all.AdditionalFiles_List.options.length = 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_NoFilesToRemove_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
end if
Call delListElement(document.all.AdditionalFiles_List.options,L_RemoveSelectFile_ErrorMessage)
end sub
sub CorrectBetaID()
Dim szName, period
' Remove anything after a .
period = instr(window.event.srcElement.value,".")
if period <> 0 then
szName = left(window.event.srcElement.value, period-1)
window.event.srcElement.value = left(window.event.srcElement.value, period-1)
end if
end sub
function CreateNameCABInternal(szName)
Dim szName1, szName2
' Clean title
szName = removeLeadingSpace(szName)
szName = removeTrailingSpace(szName)
szName = validateFilename(szName,"_")
szName = g_SettingsLastPath & "\" & szName & ".cab"
document.all.IncidentFilename.value = szName
CreateNameCABInternal = TRUE
end function
sub CreateNameCAB()
end sub
sub CorrectNameCAB()
Dim szName, szFileName, period, slash
' Remove leading/trailing spaces
szFileName = window.event.srcElement.value
szFileName = removeLeadingSpace(window.event.srcElement.value)
szFileName = removeTrailingSpace(szFileName)
' Add the .cab extension and only use the last period
period = instrrev(szFileName,".")
if period <> 0 then
szName = left(szFileName, period-1)
szNameR = right(szFileName, len(szFileName)-period)
if szName = "" then
window.event.srcElement.value = ""
if szNameR = "cab" then
' Its OK for now
szFileName = szFileName & ".cab"
end if
end if
if szFileName = "" then
szFileName = "bugdata" & ".cab"
slash = instrrev(szFileName,"\")
if slash <> 0 then
szNameR = right(szFileName, len(szFileName)-slash)
if szNameR = "" then
szFileName = szFileName & ""
szFileName = szFileName & ".cab"
end if
szFileName = szFileName & ".cab"
end if
end if
end if
' validate filename and append validated file name
slash = instrrev(szFileName,"\")
if slash <> 0 then
szNameR = right(szFileName, len(szFileName)-slash)
szNameR = validateFileName(szNameR,"_")
szFileName = left(szFileName,slash-1)
szFileName = szFileName & "\" & szNameR
szFileName = validateFileName(szFileName,"_")
end if
window.event.srcElement.value = szFileName
end sub
sub BRP_InitializeAll()
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
const L_InitializeAll_ErrorMessage = "An error occurred when initializing bug reporting on your computer"
const L_InitFile_FileName = "brp_init.ini"
Dim oFS, oDataFile
Dim fInitialize
fInitialize = True
on error resume next
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_InitializeAll_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
end if
if ( oFS.FileExists( GetVendorPath & "\" & L_InitFile_FileName )) then
' Read current version from ini file and if older then do init
Set oDataFile = oFS.OpenTextFile((GetVendorPath & "\" & L_InitFile_FileName), ForReading)
szIniVersion = oDataFile.ReadLine
nBrpVer = CInt(L_BRPBuild_Version)
nIniVer = CInt(szIniVersion)
' If bug reporting and ini file have same version then its OK
' else just initialize
if nBrpVer = nIniVer then
fInitialize = False
fInitialize = True
end if
end if
if fInitialize = True then
' Register dll for collecting system information
RetVal1 = RegisterBrpSysInfo()
' Register ieinfo5.mof by running this through the MOF comp
RetVal2 = RegisterIEInfoMOF()
' If codes returned by any of the provides are not fully success,
' delete initializing file
if RetVal1 <> 0 OR RetVal2 <> 0 then
if ( oFS.FileExists( GetVendorPath & "\" & L_InitFile_FileName )) then
oFS.DeleteFile((GetVendorPath & "\" & L_InitFile_FileName))
end if
' Write current version to bug reporting ini file
Set oDataFile = oFS.CreateTextFile((GetVendorPath & "\" & L_InitFile_FileName), True)
oDataFile.Write L_BRPBuild_Version
end if
end if
end sub
sub BRP_SetInterfaceBasedOnDefaults()
Dim oFS ' File System Object
const L_DataFile_FileName = "\"
const L_Kernel_Message = "Kernel"
const L_SomeApp_Message = "Some Application"
const L_Crashed_Message = " Crashed"
const L_Description_Message = " crashed."
const L_Expected_Message = " should not crash."
const L_CrashDumpFileMissing_ErrorMessage = "CrashDumpFile is missing"
on error resume next
' Set defaults which are stored
document.all.BetaID.value = g_SettingsBetaId
document.all.IncidentFilename.value = g_SettingsLastPath & L_DataFile_FileName
document.all.CollectOk.checked = g_SettingsShareInfo
document.all.SubmitIncidentNow.checked = g_SettingsSubmitNow
document.all.SaveIncidentNow.checked = g_SettingsSaveToDisk
if Len(g_CrashDumpFile) > 0 then
' we are invoked by a fault handler
document.all.Severity.value = "1" 'we need to add one more type for BSOD
if Len(g_CrashApp) <= 0 then
' in case g_CrashApp is blank
if g_KernelCrash then
g_CrashApp = L_Kernel_Message
g_CrashApp = L_SomeApp_Message
end if
end if
document.all.Title.value = g_CrashApp & L_Crashed_Message
Call CreateNameCABInternal(document.all.Title.value)
document.all.Description.value = g_CrashApp & L_Description_Message
document.all.ExpectedBehavior.value = g_CrashApp & L_Expected_Message
' add file to the attachment list
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_InitializeAll_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
end if
if oFS.FileExists( g_CrashDumpFile ) then
Call addListElement(document.all.AdditionalFiles_List, _
g_CrashDumpFile, _
' for debugging only. Will take it out once fault handler is code complete
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_CrashDumpFileMissing_ErrorMessage & ": " & g_CrashDumpFile)
end if
'for debugging only
'Call BRP_MessageBox("crashdump: " & g_CrashDumpFile & " crashapp: " & g_Crashapp & " bsod:" & cint(g_kernelcrash) & " deldump: " & cint(g_deletecrashdump))
end if
end sub
sub BRP_WriteIniFile()
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
const L_InitializeIni_ErrorMessage = "An error occurred when initializing bug reporting on your computer"
const L_WIniFile_FileName = "brp_settings.ini"
Dim oFS, oDataFile
Dim szTemp, nTemp, slash
on error resume next
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Err.number <> 0 then
exit sub
end if
' Create ini file
Set oDataFile = oFS.CreateTextFile((GetVendorPath & "\" & L_WIniFile_FileName), True)
oDataFile.Write document.all.BetaID.value & vbCrLf
szTemp = document.all.IncidentFilename.value
slash = instrrev(szTemp,"\")
if slash <> 0 then
szTemp = left(szTemp,slash-1)
oDataFile.Write szTemp & vbCrLf
oDataFile.Write GetSystemDrivePath() & vbCrLf
end if
nTemp = 0
if document.all.CollectOk.checked then
nTemp = 1
end if
oDataFile.Write nTemp & vbCrLf
nTemp = 0
if document.all.SubmitIncidentNow.checked then
nTemp = 1
end if
oDataFile.Write nTemp & vbCrLf
nTemp = 0
if document.all.SaveIncidentNow.checked then
nTemp = 1
end if
oDataFile.Write nTemp & vbCrLf
' Close file
end sub
sub BRP_CleanCrashDump()
Dim oFS
On Error Resume Next
if Len(g_CrashDumpFile) > 0 AND g_DeleteCrashDump then
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_MessageBox(L_InitializeAll_ErrorMessage)
exit sub
end if
call oFS.DeleteFile(g_CrashDumpFile, TRUE)
' end of bug filing, reset the global variable
end if
g_DeleteCrashDump = FALSE
g_CrashDumpFile = ""
g_CrashApp = ""
g_KernelCrash = FALSE
end sub
sub BRP_ReadIniFile()
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
const L_IniFile_FileName = "brp_settings.ini"
const L_BugReport_FileName = "millennium_bugs"
Dim oFS, oDataFile
Dim szTemp, nTemp
Dim szHRef
Dim nQueryStr, nQueryStart
Dim QueryStrings
on error resume next
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Err.number <> 0 then
exit sub
end if
g_SettingsBetaId = ""
g_SettingsLastPath = GetSystemDrivePath() & "\" & L_BugReport_FileName
g_SettingsShareInfo = True
g_SettingsSubmitNow = False
g_SettingsSaveToDisk = True
Call BRP_SetInterfaceBasedOnDefaults()
if ( oFS.FileExists( GetVendorPath & "\" & L_IniFile_FileName )) then
' Read current version from ini file and if older then do init
Set oDataFile = oFS.OpenTextFile((GetVendorPath & "\" & L_IniFile_FileName), ForReading)
if Err.number <> 0 then
exit sub
end if
' Read beta id
szTemp = oDataFile.ReadLine
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_SetInterfaceBasedOnDefaults()
exit sub
end if
g_SettingsBetaId = CDbl(szTemp)
if g_SettingsBetaId < 0 OR g_SettingsBetaId > 2147483647 then
g_SettingsBetaId = ""
end if
' Read last path
szTemp = oDataFile.ReadLine
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_SetInterfaceBasedOnDefaults()
exit sub
end if
if oFS.FolderExists( szTemp ) then
g_SettingsLastPath = szTemp
end if
' Read share info
szTemp = oDataFile.ReadLine
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_SetInterfaceBasedOnDefaults()
exit sub
end if
g_SettingsShareInfo = CBool(szTemp)
' Read submit now
szTemp = oDataFile.ReadLine
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_SetInterfaceBasedOnDefaults()
exit sub
end if
g_SettingsSubmitNow = CBool(szTemp)
' Read save to disk
szTemp = oDataFile.ReadLine
if Err.number <> 0 then
Call BRP_SetInterfaceBasedOnDefaults()
exit sub
end if
g_SettingsSaveToDisk = CBool(szTemp)
' Close file
end if
g_CrashApp = ""
g_KernelCrash = FALSE
g_CrashDumpFile = ""
g_DeleteCrashDump = FALSE
' when the bug reporting page is invoked as:
' hcp://CN=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US/bugrep.htm?_
' CrashApp=Microsoft Word&DumpFile=d:\temp\common files\t.dmp&bsod=1&deldump=1
' href contains:
' hcp://CN=Microsoft%20Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US/bugrep.htm?_
' CrashApp=Microsoft%20Word&DumpFile=d:\temp\common%20files\t.dmp&bsod=1&deldump=1
szHRef = LCase(window.location.href)
nQueryStart = InStr(1, szHRef, "?", 1)
if (nQueryStart > 1) then
szHRef = Mid(szHRef, nQueryStart + 1)
QueryStrings = Split(szHRef, "&", -1, 1)
' check the query strings
for each QueryStr in QueryStrings
nQueryStr = InStr(1, QueryStr, "dumpfile=", 1)
if (nQueryStr >= 1) then
' found DumpFile
nQueryStr = nQueryStr + len("dumpfile=")
g_CrashDumpFile = createUnEscapedString(Mid(QueryStr, nQueryStr))
nQueryStr = InStr(1, QueryStr, "crashapp=", 1)
if (nQueryStr >= 1) then
' found CrashApp
nQueryStr = nQueryStr + len("crashapp=")
g_CrashApp = createUnEscapedString(Mid(QueryStr, nQueryStr))
nQueryStr = InStr(1, QueryStr, "bsod=", 1)
if (nQueryStr >= 1) then
' found BSOD
nQueryStr = nQueryStr + len("bsod=")
if ("1" = Mid(QueryStr, nQueryStr)) then
g_KernelCrash = TRUE
g_kernelCrash = FALSE
end if
nQueryStr = InStr(1, QueryStr, "deldump=", 1)
if (nQueryStr >= 1) then
' found deldump
nQueryStr = nQueryStr + len("deldump=")
if ("1" = Mid(QueryStr, nQueryStr)) then
g_DeleteCrashDump = TRUE
g_DeleteCrashDump = FALSE
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
Call BRP_SetInterfaceBasedOnDefaults()
end sub
sub BRP_OnProblemTypeChange()
Dim szArea
on error resume next
szArea = Cstr(document.all.Severity.value)
Select Case szArea
case "1" = ""
case Else = "none"
end select
end sub
sub BRP_OnAreaChange()
Dim szArea
on error resume next
szArea = document.all.Area.value
Select Case szArea
case "App Compat", "Display", "PNP", "Multimedia" = ""
case Else = "none"
end select
Select Case szArea
case "PC Health" = ""
case Else = "none"
end select
end sub
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" FOR=window EVENT=onload>
on error resume next
' Set page version
document.all.BRP_VersionText.innerHTML = "Bug Reporting Page Version " & L_BRP_Version & L_BRPBuild_Version
' Initialize all
Call BRP_InitializeAll()
Set oSysInfo = CreateObject("PCHealth.BugRepSysInfo")
if Err.number = 0 then
document.all.OS_Name.innerHTML = "Windows Millennium"
document.all.OS_Version.innerHTML = oSysInfo.GetOSVersionString
document.all.OS_Language.innerHTML = oSysInfo.GetLanguageID
Call BRP_SetOSBuild(oSysInfo.GetOSVersionString)
end if
' Read initialization file
Call BRP_ReadIniFile()
' Set focus to betaid after page load
<script language=JavaScript>
// UPL - Upload handler
// DC - Data collection handler
// CAB - Cab file creation handler
var DCHandlerEnabled = 0;
var UPLHandlerEnabled = 0;
var CabHandlerEnabled = 0;
// Check if machine data stream is not NULL given a data collection object
function IsMachineDataValid(ptrDc)
var stream = ptrDc.MachineData_GetStream() ;
if ( stream != null ) {
return true ;
return false ;
// Check if machine history data stream is not NULL given a data collection object
function IsHistoryDataValid(ptrDc)
var stream = ptrDc.History_GetStream() ;
if ( stream != null ) {
return true ;
return false ;
// Create escaped string
function createEscapedString(str)
return escape(str);
// Create unescaped string
function createUnEscapedString(str)
return unescape(str);
function dc_onStatusChangeJS(DataCollectionPtr, status)
if (DCHandlerEnabled == 1) {
dc_onStatusChange(DataCollectionPtr, status);
function dc_onProgressJS(DataCollectionPtr, done, total)
if (DCHandlerEnabled == 1) {
dc_onProgress(DataCollectionPtr, done, total);
function dc_onCompleteJS(DataCollectionPtr, hresult)
if (DCHandlerEnabled == 1) {
dc_onComplete(DataCollectionPtr, hresult);
function RegisterDCHandlers()
DCHandlerEnabled = 1;
g_oDc.onStatusChange = dc_onStatusChangeJS;
g_oDc.onProgress = dc_onProgressJS;
g_oDc.onComplete = dc_onCompleteJS;
function UnregisterDCHandlers()
DCHandlerEnabled = 0;
function upl_onStatusChangeJS(UploadJobPtr, status)
if (UPLHandlerEnabled == 1) {
upl_onStatusChange(UploadJobPtr, status);
function upl_onProgressChangeJS(UploadJobPtr, currentSize, totalSize)
if (UPLHandlerEnabled == 1) {
upl_onProgressChange(UploadJobPtr, currentSize, totalSize);
function RegisterUPLHandlers()
UPLHandlerEnabled = 1;
g_oUpl.onStatusChange = upl_onStatusChangeJS;
g_oUpl.onProgressChange = upl_onProgressChangeJS;
function UnregisterUPLHandlers()
UPLHandlerEnabled = 0;
function cab_onCompleteJS(CabPtr, hresult)
if (CabHandlerEnabled == 1) {
cab_onComplete(CabPtr, hresult)
function RegisterCabHandler()
CabHandlerEnabled = 1;
g_oCab.onComplete = cab_onCompleteJS;
function UnregisterCabHandler()
CabHandlerEnabled = 0;
function UnloadHandler()
function UnloadHandlerMsg()
var L_CancelUpload1_Message = "Currently collecing and uploading bug report information.\n";
var L_CancelUpload2_Message = "Navigating away will cancel the current collection/upload.";
if ( BRP_Working() ) {
return ( L_CancelUpload1_Message + L_CancelUpload2_Message) ;
return ;
New stuff in bug reporting page
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
COLOR: blue;
CURSOR: hand ;
FONT: bold 10pt Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, arial
FONT: bold 8pt Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, arial
// Generic display code for collapsing outlines
function outliner() {
// Get Child element.
var child =
// If the child element exists, expand or collapse it.
if (null != child)
child.className = child.className == "styleCollapsed" ?
"styleExpanded" : "styleCollapsed";
// Add an element to the list box with origin being the
// starting select element in the DOM
function addListElement(origin,text,value)
var el = document.createElement("OPTION");
el.text = text
el.value = value
// Delete an element from a single select list and if no
// element found then show the error message, if multiple
// items are selected the code exists after the first instance
function delListElement(origin,errmsg)
var iRemove = 0 ;
var iFound = false ;
if ( origin.length == 0 ) {
return ;
for ( var iLoop = 0 ; iLoop < origin.length ; iLoop++ ) {
if ( origin[iLoop].selected ) {
iRemove = iLoop ;
iFound = true ;
break ;
if ( iFound ) {
else {
// Generic display code for expanding text area sizes
function increaseRows() {
// Get Child element.
var expand_child =
// If the expand_child element exists, expand or collapse it.
if (null != expand_child) {
expand_child.rows = Math.min(expand_child.rows_max,
(expand_child.rows + 3 ));
// Generic display code for expanding text area sizes
function decreaseRows() {
// Get Child element.
var expand_child =
// If the expand_child element exists, expand or collapse it.
if (null != expand_child) {
expand_child.rows = Math.max(expand_child.rows_min,
(expand_child.rows - 3 ));
// strip leading spaces
function removeLeadingSpace(str)
var text = str.replace(/^\s*/,"");
return text;
// strip leading spaces
function removeTrailingSpace(str)
var text = str.replace(/\s*$/,"");
return text;
// change quotations to single quotes (LocStudio has problems with this)
function replaceQuotes(str)
var text = str.replace(/\"/gi,"'"); // "
return text;
// return valid filename
function validateFilename(str,rep)
var st1 = str.replace(/:|>|<|\||\?|\*|\\|\/|\"/g,rep); // : < > | ? * \ / "
return st1;
Body of the document for bug reporting page
<BODY aLink="#000080" bgColor="#ffffff" leftMargin=0 link="#000080" topMargin=0 vLink="#000080"
LANGUAGE="JavaScript" OnClick="outliner();" OnUnload="UnloadHandler();" OnBeforeUnload="return UnloadHandlerMsg();" >
Bug reporting span of the page
<DIV id="spanEnterBug">
<FORM action=probrep.asp method=post id=form1 name=form1>
<TABLE border=0 borderColor=#ff0000 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width=600>
<TD id="Millennium_Logo_Cell" align=left valign=center>
<IMG id="IMG_Millennium_Logo" src="banner_sm64.jpg" alt="Millennium logo">
<TD id="Heading_Data_Cell" align=left vAlign=top>
<TABLE id="BugReportingHeadingTable" border=0>
<P id="Page_Heading_Paragraph1" align="left">
<DIV id="Page_Heading_Text" class="PageHeading">
Report a bug to the Windows Millennium Beta team.
<DIV id="Welcome_Instructions_Text" class="Instructions">
Welcome to the Millennium Bug Report page. Submitting good bug reports is
a vital part of testing Windows Millennium. Good bug reports are clear,
concise, and descriptive. Be sure to read the Beta Guide for full
instructions on how to create a bug report.
<DIV id="Welcome_BRP_Updates">
To download updates for the bug reporting application visit
<a href=""></a>.
<P id="Page_Heading_Paragraph2" align="left">
<div id="Welcome_ThankYou_Text" class="Instructions">
Thanks for your feedback!
<div id="Welcome_Closing_Text" class="Instructions">
&nbsp;- The Windows Millennium Beta Team
</p><p id="BetaID_Paragraph" valign=center align=right>
<TABLE id="BugReportingInputFieldsTable" border=0>
Section I
<TD id="Space_Cell" align=left valign=center>
<IMG id="SpaceImage" src="space.gif" alt="Space" border=0 width=150>
<TD colSpan=2>
<TABLE border=0>
<TD><IMG id="IMG_Star_Bullet1" alt="Star graphic" border=0 src="star.gif"></TD>
<TD id="Section1_Heading" class="StepHeading">Section I: Contact Information</TD>
<td id="BetaID_Cell" valign=center align=right>
<div id="BetaID_Label" class="ItemHeadingSmall">Beta ID :</div>
<INPUT maxLength=250 name=BetaID id=BetaID_Input size=40 class="PlainTextSmall"
LANGUAGE="JavaScript" ONKEYPRESS="if ((event.keyCode < 48 || event.keyCode > 57)) event.returnValue=false;"
ONBLUR="CorrectBetaID()" >
Section II
<TD colSpan=2 >
<TABLE border=0>
<TD><IMG id="IMG_Star_Bullet2" alt="Star graphic" border=0 src="star.gif"></TD>
<TD id="Section2_Heading" class="StepHeading">Section II: Issue Information</TD>
<TD id="Title_Paragraph" align=right ><div id="Title_Label" class="ItemHeadingSmall">Problem Title:</div></TD>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=255 name=Title id=Title_Input size=60 class="PlainTextSmall" ONBLUR="CreateNameCAB()"></TD>
<TD id="Title_Example_Spacer" align=right ></TD>
<TD bgcolor="#ffffd0"><div id="Title_Example" class="PlainTextSmall"><ID id="fooExample1"><B>Example:</B></ID>
<ID id="fooExampleString1">"Script error instead of printer properties"</ID></div>
<TD id="Severity_Cell" align=right ><div id="Severity_Label" class="ItemHeadingSmall">Problem Type:</div></TD>
<TD><SELECT name=Severity class="PlainTextSmall" ONCHANGE="BRP_OnProblemTypeChange()">
<OPTION id="Severity_SelectOne" selected value=N>=== Select One ===</OPTION>
<OPTION id="Severity_CrashHang" value=1>Crash or Hang</OPTION>
<OPTION id="Severity_FuncImpaired" value=2>Functionality Impaired</OPTION>
<OPTION id="Severity_Cosmetic" value=3>Minor / Cosmetic</OPTION>
<OPTION id="Severity_Trivial" value=4>Trivial</OPTION>
<TD id="Area_Cell" align=right ><div id="Area_Label" class="ItemHeadingSmall">Area:</div></TD>
<SELECT name=Area type="ListBox" class="PlainTextSmall" ONCHANGE="BRP_OnAreaChange()">
<OPTION id="Area_SelectOne" selected value=NA>=== Select One ===</OPTION>
<option id="Area_Applets" value="APPLETS">Applets/Disk Tools</option>
<option id="Area_AppCompat" value="App Compat">Application Compatibility</option>
<option id="Area_BPC" value="BPC">Broadcast Architecture</option>
<option id="Area_Comm" value="Comm">Communications/ISDN/Fax/Infrared</option>
<option id="Area_Display" value="Display">Display/Multi-Monitor</option>
<option id="Area_PNP" value="PNP">Hardware/Drivers/Plug &amp; Play/USB/Device Bay</option>
<option id="Area_InternetApps" value="Internet Apps">Internet Explorer/Netmeeting/Internet Connection</option>
<option id="Area_InternetSharing" value="Internet Sharing">Internet Connection Sharing</option>
<option id="Area_Messagine" value="Messaging">Messaging/Outlook Express/Mail/Exchange</option>
<option id="Area_Multimedia" value="Multimedia">Multimedia/DirectX/DVD/Still Image</option>
<option id="Area_NetClient" value="Net Client">Networking</option>
<option id="Area_PowerManagement" value="Power Management">Power Management/ACPI</option>
<option id="Area_Printing" value="Printing">Printing</option>
<option id="Area_Setup" value="Setup">Setup</option>
<option id="Area_Shell" value="Shell">Shell</option>
<option id="Area_PSSTools" value="PSS Tools">Support Tools/Registry</option>
<option id="Area_PCHealth" value="PC Health">System Restore/System File Protection</option>
<option id="Area_PCHealth2" value="PC Health">Bug Reporting Tools</option>
<option id="Area_Other" value="Other">Other</option>
<TD id="Reproducibility_Cell" align=right >
<div id="Reproducibility_Label" class="ItemHeadingSmall">This Problem: </div>
<TD><SELECT name=Reproducibility type="ListBox" class="PlainTextSmall">
<OPTION id="Reproducibility_Always" selected value=Always>Always Happens</OPTION>
<OPTION id="Reproducibility_Sometimes" value=Sometimes>Sometimes Happens</OPTION>
<OPTION id="Reproducibility_Once" value=Once>Happened Once</OPTION></SELECT>
<TD id="Description_Cell" align=right valign=top >
<div id="Description_Label" class="ItemHeadingSmall">Describe the problem:</div>
<TD valign=top>
<TD valign=top>
<TEXTAREA cols=60 id="Description_TextArea" name=Description rows=6
class="PlainTextSmall" wrap=virtual onblur="ValidateTextLength(2000)" rows_min=6 rows_max=500></TEXTAREA>
<TD valign=top>
<IMG id="Description_ContractButton" alt="Size down" border=0 OnClick="decreaseRows()"
expand_child="Description_TextArea" src="size_down.gif">
<IMG id="Description_ExpandButton" alt="Size up" border=0 OnClick="increaseRows()"
expand_child="Description_TextArea" src="size_up.gif">
<TD id="Filler_Cell1" >&nbsp;</TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffffd0 ><div id="Description_Example" class="PlainTextSmall"><ID id="fooExample2"><B>Example:</B></ID>
<ID id="fooExampleString2">"I tried to right-click a printer in the Printers folder and got a script error."</ID>
<TD id="ExpectedBehavior_Cell" align=right valign=top >
<div id="ExpectedBehavior_Label" class="ItemHeadingSmall">What did you expect to
<TD valign=top>
<TD valign=top>
<TEXTAREA cols=60 id="ExpectedBehavior_TextArea" name=ExpectedBehavior rows=6
class="PlainTextSmall" wrap=virtual onblur="ValidateTextLength(2000)" rows_min=6 rows_max=500></TEXTAREA>
<TD valign=top>
<IMG id="ExpectedBehavior_ContractButton" alt="Size down" border=0 OnClick="decreaseRows()"
expand_child="ExpectedBehavior_TextArea" src="size_down.gif">
<IMG id="ExpectedBehavior_ExpandButton" alt="Size up" border=0 OnClick="increaseRows()"
expand_child="ExpectedBehavior_TextArea" src="size_up.gif">
<TD id="Filler_Cell2" >&nbsp;</TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffffd0 ><div id="ExpectedBehavior_Example" class="PlainTextSmall"><ID id="fooExample3"><B>Example:</B></ID>
<ID id="fooExampleString3">"The context menu should have been displayed."</ID></div>
<TD id="StepsToRepro_Cell" align=right valign=top >
<div id="StepsToRepro_Label" class="ItemHeadingSmall">Enter the steps required to reproduce the problem: </div>
<TD valign=top>
<TD valign=top>
<TEXTAREA id="StepsToRepro_TextArea" cols=60 name=StepsToRepro rows=6
class="PlainTextSmall" wrap=virtual onblur="ValidateTextLength(2000)" rows_min=6 rows_max=500></TEXTAREA>
<TD valign=top>
<IMG id="StepsToRepro_ContractButton" alt="Size down" border=0 OnClick="decreaseRows()"
expand_child="StepsToRepro_TextArea" src="size_down.gif">
<IMG id="StepsToRepro_ExpandButton" alt="Size up" border=0 OnClick="increaseRows()"
expand_child="StepsToRepro_TextArea" src="size_up.gif">
<TD id="Filler_Cell3" >&nbsp;</TD>
<TD bgColor=#ffffd0 ><div id="StepsToRepro_Example" class="PlainTextSmall"><ID id="fooExample4"><B>Example:</B></ID>
<ID id="fooExampleString4">"1: From Start menu, choose Settings 2: Choose Printers folder, 3: Right-click on a printer"</ID>
Section III
<TD colSpan=2 >
<TABLE border=0>
<TD><IMG id="IMG_Star_Bullet3" alt="Star graphic" border=0 src="star.gif"></TD>
<TD id="Section3_Heading" class="StepHeading">Section III: System Information</TD>
<TABLE border=0>
<TD id="OS_NameText" class="PlainTextSmall" >OS Name</TD>
<TD id="OS_Name" class="PlainTextSmall" >&nbsp;</TD>
<TD id="OS_VersionText" class="PlainTextSmall" >OS Version</TD>
<TD id="OS_Version" class="PlainTextSmall" >&nbsp;</TD>
<TD id="OS_LanguageText" class="PlainTextSmall" >OS Language Code</TD>
<TD id="OS_Language" class="PlainTextSmall" >&nbsp;</TD>
<div id="CollectOk_Text" class="Instructions">
When you click <b>Submit</b>, detailed information about your system will be collected
to help us reproduce your problem.
Data for list of files shown as an expandable link
<div id="CollectedFiles_ExpandLink" class="styleExpandable" child="CollectedFiles_List">List of files collected</div>
<div id="CollectedFiles_List" class="styleCollapsed" STYLE="margin-left:30pt" >
WMI Logs<br>
<div id="CollectOk_Input" class="Instructions">
<TD valign=top><input type=checkbox id=CollectOk name=CollectOk checked></TD>
<TD><LABEL STYLE="CURSOR : Hand" id="CollectOk_Label" FOR="CollectOk">Share this information with Microsoft.</LABEL>
<DIV id="MS_Privacy">
(See Microsoft's <a href="">privacy policy</a>.)
<div id="NoCollect_FileList">
If the above box is unchecked system information is not collected but a few files are uploaded with
the bug incident.
<div id="NoCollectedFiles_ExpandLink" class="styleExpandable" child="NoCollectedFiles_List">
List of files collected if system information is not collected
<div id="NoCollectedFiles_List" class="styleCollapsed" STYLE="margin-left:30pt">
WMI Logs<br>
<TABLE id="ExtraFiles_Cell" border=0 cellpadding=10 width="600px" align=center><TBODY><TR><TD bgcolor="#d0d0d0">
DrWatson section
<div id="DrWatsonInfo" class="Instructions" STYLE="display:none;margin-left:15px">
<div id="dwTitle"><b><id id="dwfoo">DrWatson Information</id></b></div>
<div id="DrWatsonInfoP1" class="Instructions" STYLE="margin-left:30px">
Crash data is collected via the Dr. Watson tool. This tool is not loaded by default in order to improve
boot time performance, and it must be loaded prior to a crash in order to collect useful data. In order
to provide more data for easier resolution of bugs please add the DrWatson.exe application in the Windows
directory to your startup menu.
DirectX team section
<div id="DirectXInfo" class="Instructions" STYLE="display:none;margin-left:15px">
<div id="dxTitle"><b><id id="dxfoo">DirectX Diagnostics</id></b></div>
<div id="DirectXInfoP1" class="Instructions" STYLE="margin-left:30px">
In order to help identify and resolve the problem we need to collect some additional information using
the DirectX Diagnostics tool.
<div id="DirectXInfoP2" class="Instructions" STYLE="margin-left:30px">
To execute this tool please choose "Run" from the start menu and type "DXDiag". Once the DirectX Diagnostic
Tool is running, choose "Save All Information". Save the file to a filename <b>dxdiag.log</b> in a location that
you can find.
<div id="DirectXInfoP3" class="Instructions" STYLE="margin-left:30px">
Then in the <b>Additional files to collect</b> area of the bug report, please browse to that directory and
select this file to add. This file will now be uploaded along with the bug report.
<div id="DirectXInfoP4" class="Instructions" STYLE="margin-left:30px">
Thanks - The DirectX Team
System Restore team section
<div id="SystemRestoreInfo" class="Instructions" STYLE="display:none;margin-left:15px">
<div id="srTitle"><b><id id="srfoo">System Restore Diagnostics</id></b></div>
<div id="srInfoP1" class="Instructions" STYLE="margin-left:30px">
In order to get more information to help identify and resolve the problem please go to the %windir%/system/restore
directory (%windir% is your windows directory) and execute the Cabbit tool with the following syntax:
<pre id="cabbitCommand" STYLE="margin-left:30px">cabbit</pre>
<div id="srInfoP2" class="Instructions" STYLE="margin-left:30px">
cabbit.exe will generate a cabfile containing system restore log files and name it
<div id="srInfoP3" class="Instructions" STYLE="margin-left:30px">
Then in the <b>Additional files to collect</b> area of the bug report, please browse to the %windir%/system/restore
directory and select this file to add. This file will now be uploaded along with the bug report.
<div id="srInfoP4" class="Instructions" STYLE="margin-left:30px">
Thanks - The PC Health Team
<div id="AdditionalFilesInfo" class="Instructions">
Additional files to be submitted with the bug report can be selected using the <B>Browse</B> button and added
to the list of files submitted using the <B>Add File</B> button.
Additional files to collect
<TD id="AdditionalFiles_Cell3" valign=top align=right >
<div id="AdditionalFiles_Text" class="ItemHeadingSmall">Additional files to collect:</div>
<INPUT STYLE="width:300pt" TYPE=file name="AdditionalFile" id="AdditionalFile" class="PlainTextSmall" size=50>
<SELECT STYLE="width:300pt" id="AdditionalFiles_List" class="PlainTextSmall" SIZE=5>
<BUTTON name=AddFile id=AddFile onclick="BRP_ListAddFileForUpload()" accesskey="A"><U>A</U>dd File</BUTTON>
<BUTTON name=RemoveFile id=RemoveFile onclick="BRP_ListRemoveFileForUpload()" accesskey="R"><U>R</U>emove File</BUTTON><br>
Section IV
<TABLE id="BugReportingSubmittingTable" border=0>
<TD colSpan=2 >
<TABLE border=0>
<TD><IMG id="IMG_Star_Bullet5" alt="Star graphic" border=0 src="star.gif"></TD>
<TD id="Section5_Heading" class="StepHeading">Section IV: Submitting Bug Report</TD>
<div id="SubmitInstructions_Text" class="Instructions">
When you click <b>Submit</b> and <B>Submit to Microsoft now</B> is checked, the bug information will be
uploaded to Microsoft's servers. To cancel the bug report click <b>Cancel</b> anytime during the submission
process. To keep a local copy of the files on your disk select the
option to <B>Save copy to disk</B> and specify a filename.<br>
Please make sure you are connected to the internet before submitting
a bug report to Microsoft.<br>
<TABLE border=0>
<TD><IMG id="IMG_Star_Bullet4" alt="Star graphic" border=0 src="star.gif"></TD>
<TD id="Section4_Heading" class="ItemHeadingSmall">Current Status:</TD>
<DIV name="Status" id=Status class="ItemHeadingSmall">&nbsp;</DIV>
<TD WIDTH="20%" name="Progress" id=Progress class="ItemHeadingSmall">
<TD name="ProgressText" id=ProgressText class="ItemHeadingSmall">
<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=10>
<TD id="SubmitButton_Cell" valign=top>
<BUTTON name=Submit id=Submit class="stlButtonBig" onclick="StartProcessing()" accesskey="S"><U>S</U>ubmit</BUTTON>
<BUTTON name=Cancel id=Cancel class="stlButtonBig" onclick="CancelUpload()" accesskey="C" disabled><U>C</U>ancel</BUTTON>
<TD valign=top>
<input type=checkbox id=SubmitIncidentNow name=SubmitIncidentNow checked>
<LABEL STYLE="CURSOR : Hand" id="SubmitNow_Label" FOR="SubmitIncidentNow">Submit to Microsoft now</LABEL>
<input type=checkbox id=SaveIncidentNow name=SaveIncidentNow>
<LABEL STYLE="CURSOR : Hand" id="SaveNow_Label" FOR="SaveIncidentNow">Save copy to disk</LABEL>
<TABLE id="SaveToDiskTable"><TBODY>
<TD id="FileNameLocal_Cell" valign=top align=right>
<DIV id="Section5_SaveInfoText" class="ItemHeadingSmall">
Filename :
<TD id="FileNameLocalName_Cell" valign=top>
<DIV id="Section5_SaveInfoFile" class="ItemHeadingSmall">
<INPUT type=text size=50 name=IncidentFilename id=IncidentFilename class="PlainTextSmall"
The thank you part of the bug reporting page after a bug has been reported
<DIV id="spanThankYou" STYLE="DISPLAY: none">
<TABLE border=0 borderColor=#ff0000 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="600">
<TD id="ThankYou_Millennium_Logo_Cell" align=left valign=center>
<IMG id="ThankYou_IMG_Millennium_Logo" src="banner_sm64.jpg" alt="Millennium logo">
<p id="ThankYou_Paragraph" class="PlainText">
Thank you for submitting a bug report. For future reference to this bug please
store the tracking number listed below.</p>
<TABLE border=0>
<TD id="BRP_IncidentTimeText" class="PlainTextSmall" >Submit Time</TD>
<TD id="BRP_IncidentTime" class="PlainTextSmall" >&nbsp;</TD>
<TD id="BRP_TrackingNoText" class="PlainTextSmall" >Tracking Number</TD>
<TD id="BRP_TrackingNo" class="PlainTextSmall" >&nbsp;</TD>
<p id="Helpcenter_Return_Link"><a href="hcp://system/Mars_Contents.htm">
Return to the main helpcenter page</a></p>
<div id="BRP_VersionText" class="PlainTextSmall">
<div id="Copyright_Notice" class="PlainTextSmall">&copy;
<a href="">
1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.
End of document