54 lines
1.7 KiB
54 lines
1.7 KiB
Update server configuration
QueryString : upd=[flt,list,sort,name,dbsource]*
Form : if upd specifies flt, array of dbname,relop,cnt,andor
+ fltexp
if upd specifies list, fieldlist
if upd specifies sort, fieldsort
if upd specifies name, savename
if upd specifies dbsource, dbsource
Dim iT,jj
if InStr(1,Request.QueryString("upd"),"flt") then
Dim FltArray()
iT = 0
Redim Preserve FltArray(Request.Form("dbname").Count-1,3)
For jj = 1 to Request.Form("dbname").Count
if Request.Form("dbname")(jj) <> "" then
FltArray(iT,0) = Request.Form("dbname")(jj)
FltArray(iT,1) = Request.Form("relop")(jj)
FltArray(iT,2) = Request.Form("cnt")(jj)
FltArray(iT,3) = Request.Form("andor")(jj)
iT = iT + 1
end if
Session("FltArray") = FltArray
Session("Filter") = Request.Form("fltexp")
end if
if InStr(1,Request.QueryString("upd"),"dbsource") then
Session("DBSOURCE") = CInt(Request.Form("dbsource"))
Session("DSN") = Application("BASESOURCE") & Application("dbConn")(Session("DBSOURCE"))
end if
if InStr(1,Request.QueryString("upd"),"list") then
Session("FieldList") = Request.Form("fieldlist")
end if
if InStr(1,Request.QueryString("upd"),"sort") then
Session("FieldSort") = Request.Form("fieldsort")
end if
if InStr(1,Request.QueryString("upd"),"name") then
Session("Config") = Request.Form("savename")
end if