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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
@echo off
echo Installing Windows NT NNTPSVC Server Performance Counters ....
if "%1" == "quiet" goto Continue
echo Press any key to continue or CTRL-C to exit.
pause >nul
:Evars -------------------------------------------------------------------------
:. Only NT would have this evar set.
if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "" goto ErrProcessor
:Conditions --------------------------------------------------------------------
:. Check if NT is installed properly.
if not exist %SystemRoot%\System32\lodctr.exe goto ErrWinDir
if not exist %SystemRoot%\System32\ntoskrnl.exe goto ErrWinDir
:ChkFiles ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:. Check if the user is in the setup directory.
if not exist nnictrs.bat goto ErrChkFiles
:. Check if all the tools are there.
if not exist nntpctrs.h goto ErrChkFiles
if not exist nntpctrs.ini goto ErrChkFiles
if not exist nntpctrs.reg goto ErrChkFiles
if not exist regini.exe goto ErrChkFiles
:. Check if all deliverables (required files) are there.
if not exist nntpctrs.dll goto ErrChkFiles
:Start Installation ------------------------------------------------------------
:. Install the DLL.
xcopy nntpctrs.dll %SystemRoot%\System32 /d /v
if not exist %SystemRoot%\System32\nntpctrs.dll goto Failure
:. Add the service to the Registry.
regini nntpctrs.reg >nul
if errorlevel 1 goto Failure
lodctr nntpctrs.ini
if errorlevel 1 goto Failure
echo Successfully installed Windows NT NNTPSVC Server Performance Counters.
goto CleanUp
echo ERROR: Unable to install the Windows NT NNTPSVC Server Performance Counters.
goto CleanUp
:. Errors ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo ERROR: One or more files required by this installation is not found
echo in the current directory.
echo Be sure that %0 is started from the installation directory.
echo If installing the debug version, go to WINDEBUG;
echo if installing the release version, go to WINREL.
echo If this error still occurs, you may be missing files.
echo Recopy the setup files from \\eleanm-j\Shuttle,
echo or contact EleanM @x34716. 
goto CleanUp
echo ERROR: The PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE environment variable is not set.
echo Windows NT may not be installed properly.
goto CleanUp
echo ERROR: Unable to find required files in %SystemRoot%\System32.
echo Windows NT may not be installed properly.
goto CleanUp
echo ERROR: Unable to find %SystemRoot%\System32\nntpsvc.dll.
echo The Windows NT NNTPSVC Server may not be installed properly.
goto CleanUp
:CleanUp -----------------------------------------------------------------------
for %%v in (CFGFILE REGFILES) do set %%v=
:End ---------------------------------------------------------------------------