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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: StdQSpec.cxx
// Contents: ICommand for file-based queries
// Classes: CMetadataQuerySpec
// History: 30 Jun 1995 AlanW Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "metqspec.hxx"
// Member: CMetadataQuerySpec::CMetadataQuerySpec, public
// Synopsis: Constructor of a CMetadataQuerySpec
// Arguments: [pOuterUnk] - Outer unknown
// [ppMyUnk] - OUT: filled in with pointer to non-delegated
// IUnknown on return
// [eType] - Class of metadata to return
// [pCat] - Content index catalog
// [pMachine]
// History: 08-Feb-96 KyleP Added support for virtual paths
CMetadataQuerySpec::CMetadataQuerySpec (
IUnknown * pOuterUnk,
IUnknown ** ppMyUnk,
CiMetaData eType,
WCHAR const * pCat,
WCHAR const * pMachine )
: CRootQuerySpec(pOuterUnk, ppMyUnk),
_eType( eType ),
// Make a copy of the catalog string for ICommand::Clone
unsigned len = wcslen( pCat ) + 1;
_pCat = new WCHAR[len];
RtlCopyMemory( _pCat, pCat, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
// Make a copy of the machine string for ICommand::Clone
if ( 0 != pMachine )
len = wcslen( pMachine ) + 1;
_pMachine = new WCHAR[len];
RtlCopyMemory( _pMachine, pMachine, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
END_CONSTRUCTION( CMetadataQuerySpec );
// Member: CMetadataQuerySpec::~CMetadataQuerySpec, private
// Synopsis: Destructor of a CMetadataQuerySpec
delete [] _pCat;
delete [] _pMachine;
// Member: CMetadataQuerySpec::QueryInternalQuery, protected
// Synopsis: Instantiates internal query, using current parameters.
// Returns: Pointer to internal query object.
// History: 03-Mar-1997 KyleP Created
PIInternalQuery * CMetadataQuerySpec::QueryInternalQuery()
// get a pointer to the IInternalQuery interface
PIInternalQuery * pQuery = 0;
SCODE sc = EvalMetadataQuery( &pQuery, _eType, _pCat, _pMachine );
if ( FAILED( sc ) )
THROW( CException( sc ) );
return pQuery;
// Member: MakeMetadataICommand
// Synopsis: Evaluate the metadata query
// Arguments: [ppQuery] -- Returns the IUnknown for the command
// [eType] -- Type of metadata (vroot, proot, etc)
// [wcsCat] -- Catalog
// [wcsMachine] -- Machine name for meta query
// [pOuterUnk] -- (optional) outer unknown pointer
// Returns SCODE result
// History: 15-Apr-96 SitaramR Created header
// 29-May-97 EmilyB Added aggregation support, so now
// returns IUnknown ptr and caller
// must now call QI to get ICommand ptr
SCODE MakeMetadataICommand(
IUnknown ** ppQuery,
CiMetaData eType,
WCHAR const * wcsCat,
WCHAR const * wcsMachine,
IUnknown * pOuterUnk )
// Check for invalid parameters
if ( 0 == wcsCat ||
0 == ppQuery ||
( eType != CiVirtualRoots &&
eType != CiPhysicalRoots &&
eType != CiProperties ) )
*ppQuery = 0;
CMetadataQuerySpec * pQuery = 0;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
pQuery = new CMetadataQuerySpec( pOuterUnk, ppQuery, eType,
wcsMachine );
CATCH( CException, e )
Win4Assert(0 == pQuery);
sc = e.GetErrorCode();
return sc;
} //MakeMetadataICommand
// Method: CMetadataQuerySpec::GetProperties, public
// Synopsis: Get rowset properties
// Arguments: [cPropertySetIDs] - number of desired property set IDs or 0
// [rgPropertySetIDs] - array of desired property set IDs or NULL
// [pcPropertySets] - number of property sets returned
// [prgPropertySets] - array of returned property sets
// Returns: SCODE - result code indicating error return status. One of
// other errors are thrown.
// History: 12-Mayr-97 dlee Created
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CMetadataQuerySpec::GetProperties(
ULONG const cPropertySetIDs,
DBPROPIDSET const rgPropertySetIDs[],
ULONG * pcPropertySets,
DBPROPSET ** prgPropertySets)
SCODE scParent = CRootQuerySpec::GetProperties( cPropertySetIDs,
prgPropertySets );
if ( S_OK != scParent )
_DBErrorObj.PostHResult( scParent, IID_ICommandProperties );
return scParent;
} //GetProperties
// Method: CMetadataQuerySpec::SetProperties, public
// Synopsis: Set rowset scope properties
// Arguments: [cPropertySets] - number of property sets
// [rgPropertySets] - array of property sets
// Returns: SCODE - result code indicating error return status. One of
// other errors are thrown.
// History: 12-Mayr-97 dlee Created
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CMetadataQuerySpec::SetProperties(
ULONG cPropertySets,
DBPROPSET rgPropertySets[] )
SCODE scParent = CRootQuerySpec::SetProperties( cPropertySets,
rgPropertySets );
if ( S_OK != scParent )
_DBErrorObj.PostHResult( scParent, IID_ICommandProperties );
return scParent;
} //SetProperties