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156 lines
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// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// DMSStObj.h : Declaration of the CSegState
#include "dmusici.h"
#include "TrkList.h"
#include "alist.h"
#include "audpath.h"
class CPerformance;
class CSegState;
class CGraph;
// Control flags, placed in track->m_dwInternalFlags by ManageControllingTracks().
#define CONTROL_PLAY_IS_DISABLED 0x1 // Indicates the track is already disabled.
#define CONTROL_PLAY_WAS_DISABLED 0x2 // Indicates the track was previously disabled.
#define CONTROL_PLAY_REFRESH 0x4 // Indicates it has been reenabled and needs to be refreshed.
#define CONTROL_PLAY_DEFAULT_DISABLED 0x8 // Indicates it was disabled for playback anyway.
#define CONTROL_PLAY_DEFAULT_ENABLED 0x10 // Indicates it was enabled for playback.
#define CONTROL_NTFY_IS_DISABLED 0x20 // Indicates the track is already disabled for notifications.
#define CONTROL_NTFY_DEFAULT_DISABLED 0x40 // Indicates it was disabled for notifications anyway.
#define CONTROL_NTFY_DEFAULT_ENABLED 0x80 // Indicates it was enabled for notifications.
DEFINE_GUID(IID_CSegState,0xb06c0c26, 0xd3c7, 0x11d3, 0x9b, 0xd1, 0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x0, 0x0);
// CSegState
class CSegState :
public IDirectMusicSegmentState8,
public IDirectMusicGraph,
public AListItem
friend class CSegment;
friend class CAudioPath;
friend class CPerformance;
// IUnknown
virtual STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(const IID &iid, void **ppv);
virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef();
virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release();
// IDirectMusicSegmentState
STDMETHODIMP GetRepeats(DWORD *pdwRepeats);
STDMETHODIMP GetSegment(IDirectMusicSegment **ppSegment);
STDMETHODIMP Play(MUSIC_TIME mtAmount,MUSIC_TIME *pmtPlayed); // No longer supported.
// IDirectMusicSegmentState8
STDMETHODIMP SetTrackConfig( REFGUID rguidTrackClassID,DWORD dwGroup, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwFlagsOn, DWORD dwFlagsOff) ;
STDMETHODIMP GetObjectInPath( DWORD dwPChannel,DWORD dwStage,DWORD dwBuffer, REFGUID guidObject,
DWORD dwIndex,REFGUID iidInterface, void ** ppObject);
// IDirectMusicGraph
STDMETHODIMP InsertTool(IDirectMusicTool *pTool,DWORD *pdwPChannels,DWORD cPChannels,LONG lIndex);
STDMETHODIMP GetTool(DWORD,IDirectMusicTool**);
STDMETHODIMP RemoveTool(IDirectMusicTool*);
// Methods used by performance to access SegmentState.
HRESULT PrivateInit(CSegment *pParentSegment,CPerformance *pPerformance);
HRESULT InitRoute(IDirectMusicAudioPath *pAudioPath);
HRESULT ShutDown(void); // called from ~SEGSTNODE in dmperf.h
HRESULT GetTrackList(void** ppTrackList);
HRESULT SetSeek(MUSIC_TIME mtSeek,DWORD dwPlayFlags);
HRESULT SetInvalidate(MUSIC_TIME mtTime);
MUSIC_TIME GetEndTime(MUSIC_TIME mtStartTime);
HRESULT ConvertToSegTime(MUSIC_TIME* pmtTime, MUSIC_TIME* pmtOffset, DWORD* pdwRepeat);
HRESULT AbortPlay( MUSIC_TIME mtTime, BOOL fLeaveNotesOn ); // called when the segstate is stopped prematurely
HRESULT CheckPlay( MUSIC_TIME mtAmount, MUSIC_TIME* pmtResult );
HRESULT GetParam( CPerformance *pPerf,REFGUID rguidType,DWORD dwGroupBits,
DWORD dwIndex,MUSIC_TIME mtTime,MUSIC_TIME* pmtNext,void* pParam);
CSegState* GetNext() { return (CSegState*)AListItem::GetNext();}
CTrack *GetTrackByParam(CTrack * pCTrack,REFGUID rguidType,DWORD dwGroupBits,DWORD dwIndex);
CTrack *GetTrack(REFCLSID rType,DWORD dwGroupBits,DWORD dwIndex);
void GenerateNotification( DWORD dwNotification, MUSIC_TIME mtTime );
void SendDirtyPMsg( MUSIC_TIME mtTime );
// Attributes
CRITICAL_SECTION m_CriticalSection;
IUnknown* m_pUnkDispatch; // holds the controlling unknown of the scripting object that implements IDispatch
CPerformance* m_pPerformance;
CSegment* m_pSegment; // Holds the parent segment pointer, weak reference, for convenience
CAudioPath* m_pAudioPath; // Maps vchannels to pchannels, if requested.
CGraph* m_pGraph; // Temp graph is a copy of the segment's graph.
CTrackList m_TrackList; // list of Tracks held in this SegmentState
MUSIC_TIME m_mtLoopStart; // Loop start point.
MUSIC_TIME m_mtLoopEnd; // Loop end point.
DWORD m_dwRepeats; // The original repeat setting (before countdown)
MUSIC_TIME m_mtLength; // Length of segment.
DWORD m_dwPlayTrackFlags;// Track playback controlflags.
DWORD m_dwPlaySegFlags;// Segment playback control flags.
DWORD m_dwSegFlags; // New Segment Flags from file.
MUSIC_TIME m_mtResolvedStart;// Start time resolved to desired resolution
MUSIC_TIME m_mtEndTime; // End time that the segment should play to if not stopped.
MUSIC_TIME m_mtOffset; // Start time of the segment in absolute time, as if it were started from the beginning.
MUSIC_TIME m_mtLastPlayed; // the last played absolute time
MUSIC_TIME m_mtStopTime; // Used to stop play at a specific time. Ignored when 0.
MUSIC_TIME m_mtSeek; // How far into the segment we are.
MUSIC_TIME m_mtStartPoint; // Point in the segment where playback started
MUSIC_TIME m_mtAbortTime; // Time a sudden stop occured.
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtGivenStart; // Start time given in PlaySegment, unquantized
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtLastPlayed; // Clock time version of the last played absolute time
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtStartPoint; // Clock time version of point in the segment where playback started
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtOffset; // Clock time version of start time of the segment in absolute time, as if it were started from the beginning.
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtEndTime; // Clock time version of full length.
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtSeek; // Clock time version of how far into the segment we are.
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtLength; // Clock time length, read from file. If 0, ignore.
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtFirstLoopStart; // The clock time for the loop start when it starts looping the VERY FIRST time
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtCurLoopStart;// The clock time for the loop start for the current loop repetition
REFERENCE_TIME m_rtCurLoopEnd; // The clock time for the loop end in the current loop repetition
DWORD m_dwRepeatsLeft;// Current repeats left.
BOOL m_fStartedPlay; // indicates if the segstate has started to play yet
DWORD m_dwVersion; // Which release does the app think it is using - 6, 7, or 8..
DWORD m_dwFirstTrackID;// Virtual ID of first track in segstate.
DWORD m_dwLastTrackID;// Last track's virtual id.
BOOL m_fPrepped; // Used to track whether PrepSegToPlay has been called.
BOOL m_fSongMode; // True if part of a playing song. If so, this should queue the next segment when done.
BOOL m_fCanStop; // If false, Stop() should ignore this segment (it was just queued to play by PlaySegmentEx().)
BOOL m_fInPlay; // Segmentstate is currently playing.
BOOL m_fDelayShutDown;
CSegState * m_pSongSegState;// Used to track the starting segstate in a song.
long m_cRef; // COM reference counter.
class CSegStateList : public AList
void AddHead(CSegState* pSegState) { AList::AddHead((AListItem*)pSegState);}
void Insert(CSegState* pSegState);
CSegState* GetHead(){return (CSegState*)AList::GetHead();}
CSegState* GetItem(LONG lIndex){return (CSegState*)AList::GetItem(lIndex);}
CSegState* RemoveHead() {return (CSegState *) AList::RemoveHead();}
void Remove(CSegState* pSegState){AList::Remove((AListItem*)pSegState);}
void AddTail(CSegState* pSegState){AList::AddTail((AListItem*)pSegState);}
CSegState* GetTail(){ return (CSegState*)AList::GetTail();}
void SetID(DWORD dwID) { m_dwID = dwID; }
DWORD GetID() { return m_dwID; }
DWORD m_dwID; // Identifies which segstate list this is.