3957 lines
133 KiB
3957 lines
133 KiB
* Module Name: so_phong.c
* Routines to draw primitives
* Created: 10-16-1995
* Author: Hock San Lee [hockl]
* Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <fixed.h>
#include <glmath.h>
#ifdef GL_WIN_phong_shading
#ifdef _X86_
#include <gli386.h>
#define __FASTEST
// Macros
#define DOT(m,a,b) m = (a)->x*(b)->x + (a)->y*(b)->y + (a)->z*(b)->z
#define MAGN2(m,v) DOT(m,v,v)
#if _X86_
#define SHADER __GLcontext.polygon.shader
#define GET_HALF_AREA(gc, a, b, c)\
__asm{ mov eax, a };\
__asm{ mov ecx, c };\
__asm{ mov ebx, b };\
__asm{ mov edx, gc };\
__asm{ fld DWORD PTR [OFFSET(__GLvertex.window.x)][eax] };\
__asm{ fsub DWORD PTR [OFFSET(__GLvertex.window.x)][ecx] /* dxAC */ };\
__asm{ fld DWORD PTR [OFFSET(__GLvertex.window.y)][ebx] };\
__asm{ fsub DWORD PTR [OFFSET(__GLvertex.window.y)][ecx] /* dyBC dxAC */ };\
__asm{ fld DWORD PTR [OFFSET(__GLvertex.window.x)][ebx] };\
__asm{ fsub DWORD PTR [OFFSET(__GLvertex.window.x)][ecx] /* dxBC dyBC dxAC */ };\
__asm{ fld DWORD PTR [OFFSET(__GLvertex.window.y)][eax] };\
__asm{ fsub DWORD PTR [OFFSET(__GLvertex.window.y)][ecx] /* dyAC dxBC dyBC dxAC */ };\
__asm{ fxch ST(2) /* dyBC dxBC dyAC dxAC */ };\
__asm{ fst DWORD PTR [OFFSET(SHADER.dyBC)][edx] };\
__asm{ fmul ST, ST(3) /* dxACdyBC dxBC dyAC dxAC */ };\
__asm{ fxch ST(2) /* dyAC dxBC dxACdyBC dxAC */ };\
__asm{ fst DWORD PTR [OFFSET(SHADER.dyAC)][edx] };\
__asm{ fmul ST, ST(1) /* dxBCdyAC dxBC dxACdyBC dxAC */};\
__asm{ fxch ST(1) /* dxBC dxBCdyAC dxACdyBC dxAC */};\
__asm{ fstp DWORD PTR [OFFSET(SHADER.dxBC)][edx] /* dxBCdyAC dxACdyBC dxAC */ };\
__asm{ fsubp ST(1), ST /* +1*/ /* area dxAC */ };\
__asm{ fxch ST(1) /* dxAC area */ };\
__asm{ fstp DWORD PTR [OFFSET(SHADER.dxAC)][edx] /* area */ };\
__asm{ fstp DWORD PTR [OFFSET(SHADER.area)][edx] /* +1*/ /* (empty) */ };
#define GET_HALF_AREA(gc, a, b, c)\
/* Compute signed half-area of the triangle */ \
dxAC = a->window.x - c->window.x; \
dxBC = b->window.x - c->window.x; \
dyAC = a->window.y - c->window.y; \
dyBC = b->window.y - c->window.y; \
gc->polygon.shader.area = dxAC * dyBC - dxBC * dyAC;
gc->polygon.shader.dxAC = dxAC; \
gc->polygon.shader.dxBC = dxBC; \
gc->polygon.shader.dyAC = dyAC; \
gc->polygon.shader.dyBC = dyBC;
#if 0
#define ACCUM_MAT_CHANGE(dst,src) \
if ((src)->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT) \
(dst).ambient = (src)->ambient; \
if ((src)->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE) \
(dst).diffuse = (src)->diffuse; \
if ((src)->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR) \
(dst).specular = (src)->specular; \
if ((src)->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_EMISSIVE) \
(dst).emissive = (src)->emissive; \
if ((src)->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_SHININESS) \
(dst).shininess = (src)->shininess; \
if ((src)->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_COLORINDEXES) \
{ \
(dst).cmapa = (src)->cmapa; \
(dst).cmapd = (src)->cmapd; \
(dst).cmaps = (src)->cmaps; \
} \
(dst).dirtyBits |= (src)->dirtyBits;
#define SORT_AND_CULL_FACE(a, b, c, face, ccw)\
/* \
** Sort vertices in y. Keep track if a reversal of the winding \
** occurs in direction (0 means no reversal, 1 means reversal). \
** Save old vertex pointers in case we end up not doing a fill. \
*/ \
reversed = 0; \
if (__GL_VERTEX_COMPARE(a->window.y, <, b->window.y)) { \
if (__GL_VERTEX_COMPARE(b->window.y, <, c->window.y)) { \
/* Already sorted */ \
} else { \
if (__GL_VERTEX_COMPARE(a->window.y, <, c->window.y)) { \
temp=b; b=c; c=temp; \
reversed = 1; \
} else { \
temp=a; a=c; c=b; b=temp; \
} \
} \
} else { \
if (__GL_VERTEX_COMPARE(b->window.y, <, c->window.y)) { \
if (__GL_VERTEX_COMPARE(a->window.y, <, c->window.y)) { \
temp=a; a=b; b=temp; \
reversed = 1; \
} else { \
temp=a; a=b; b=c; c=temp; \
} \
} else { \
temp=a; a=c; c=temp; \
reversed = 1; \
} \
} \
GET_HALF_AREA(gc, a, b, c); \
ccw = !__GL_FLOAT_LTZ(gc->polygon.shader.area); \
/* \
** Figure out if face is culled or not. The face check needs to be \
** based on the vertex winding before sorting. This code uses the \
** reversed flag to invert the sense of ccw - an xor accomplishes \
** this conversion without an if test. \
** \
** ccw reversed xor \
** --- -------- --- \
** 0 0 0 (remain !ccw) \
** 1 0 1 (remain ccw) \
** 0 1 1 (become ccw) \
** 1 1 0 (become cw) \
*/ \
face = gc->polygon.face[ccw ^ reversed]; \
if (face == gc->polygon.cullFace) { \
/* Culled */ \
return; \
} \
//*************** Local functions *******************
void SnapXLeft(__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat xLeft, __GLfloat dxdyLeft);
void SnapXRight(__GLshade *sh, __GLfloat xRight, __GLfloat dxdyRight);
void InitLineParamsVan (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1,
__GLfloat invDelta);
void InitLineParamsAccel (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1,
__GLfloat invDelta);
static void SetInitialPhongParameters(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLcoord *an, __GLcolor *ac,
__GLfloat aFog,
__GLfloat dx, __GLfloat dy);
void FASTCALL FillPhongSubTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, GLint iyBottom,
GLint iyTop);
void InitSpanInterpolationAccel (__GLcontext *gc);
void InitSpanNEInterpolationVan (__GLcontext *gc);
void InitSpanNInterpolationVan (__GLcontext *gc);
void UpdateParamsAlongSpanAccel (__GLcontext *gc);
void UpdateNAlongSpanVan (__GLcontext *gc);
void UpdateNEAlongSpanVan (__GLcontext *gc);
void ComputeRGBColorVanZippy (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor);
void ComputeRGBColorVanFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor);
void ComputeRGBColorVanSlow (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor);
void ComputeRGBColorAccelZippy (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor);
void ComputeRGBColorAccelFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor);
// Not implemented yet. This is to accelerate Slow Lights
void ComputeRGBColorAccelSlow (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor);
// No Zippy versions for CI color
// since there is no Color material for CI
void ComputeCIColorVanFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor);
void ComputeCIColorVanSlow (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor);
void ComputeCIColorAccelFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor);
void ComputePhongInvarientRGBColor (__GLcontext *gc);
void __glCalcForwardDifferences( GLint w, __GLfloat p0, __GLfloat p1,
__GLfloat p2, __GLfloat *d1, __GLfloat *d2 );
#ifdef GL_WIN_specular_fog
__GLfloat ComputeSpecValue (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx);
#endif //GL_WIN_specular_fog
/********************* Code **************************************/
#ifdef GL_WIN_specular_fog
__GLfloat ComputeSpecValue (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *vx)
__GLfloat nxi, nyi, nzi;
__GLfloat zero;
__GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLlightSourceState *lss;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
GLboolean eyeWIsZero, localViewer;
static __GLcoord Pe = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
__GLcoord n, e;
__GLfloat fog = 0;
__GLfloat msm_threshold, msm_scale, *msm_specTable;
zero = __glZero;
n = vx->normal;
e.x = vx->eyeX;
e.y = vx->eyeY;
e.z = vx->eyeZ;
e.w = vx->eyeW;
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
__glNormalize(&n.x, &n.x);
msm = &gc->light.front;
nxi = n.x;
nyi = n.y;
nzi = n.z;
msm_scale = msm->scale;
msm_threshold = msm->threshold;
msm_specTable = msm->specTable;
localViewer = gc->state.light.model.localViewer;
eyeWIsZero = __GL_FLOAT_EQZ(vx->eyeW);
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
__GLfloat n1, n2;
lss = lsm->state;
lspmm = &lsm->front;
if (lsm->slowPath || eyeWIsZero)
__GLcoord hHat, vPli, vPliHat, vPeHat;
__GLfloat att, attSpot;
__GLfloat hv[3];
/* Compute unit h[i] */
__glVecSub4(&vPli, &e, &lsm->position);
__glNormalize(&vPliHat.x, &vPli.x);
if (localViewer)
__glVecSub4(&vPeHat, &e, &Pe);
__glNormalize(&vPeHat.x, &vPeHat.x);
hv[0] = vPliHat.x + vPeHat.x;
hv[1] = vPliHat.y + vPeHat.y;
hv[2] = vPliHat.z + vPeHat.z;
hv[0] = vPliHat.x;
hv[1] = vPliHat.y;
hv[2] = vPliHat.z + __glOne;
__glNormalize(&hHat.x, hv);
/* Compute attenuation */
if (__GL_FLOAT_NEZ(lsm->position.w))
__GLfloat k0, k1, k2, dist;
k0 = lsm->constantAttenuation;
k1 = lsm->linearAttenuation;
k2 = lsm->quadraticAttenuation;
if (__GL_FLOAT_EQZ(k1) && __GL_FLOAT_EQZ(k2))
/* Use pre-computed 1/k0 */
att = lsm->attenuation;
__GLfloat den;
dist = __GL_SQRTF(vPli.x*vPli.x + vPli.y*vPli.y
+ vPli.z*vPli.z);
den = k0 + k1 * dist + k2 * dist * dist;
att = __GL_FLOAT_EQZ(den) ? __glOne : __glOne / den;
att = __glOne;
/* Compute spot effect if light is a spot light */
attSpot = att;
if (lsm->isSpot)
__GLfloat dot, px, py, pz;
px = -vPliHat.x;
py = -vPliHat.y;
pz = -vPliHat.z;
dot = px * lsm->direction.x + py * lsm->direction.y
+ pz * lsm->direction.z;
if ((dot >= lsm->threshold) && (dot >= lsm->cosCutOffAngle))
GLint ix = (GLint)((dot - lsm->threshold) * lsm->scale
+ __glHalf);
attSpot = att * lsm->spotTable[ix];
attSpot = zero;
/* Add in remaining effect of light, if any */
if (attSpot)
__GLfloat n1, n2;
__GLcolor sum;
n1 = nxi * vPliHat.x + nyi * vPliHat.y + nzi * vPliHat.z;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2 = nxi * hHat.x + nyi * hHat.y + nzi * hHat.z;
n2 -= msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
fog += n2;
__GLfloat n1, n2;
/* Add in specular and diffuse effect of light, if any */
n1 = nxi * lsm->unitVPpli.x + nyi * lsm->unitVPpli.y +
nzi * lsm->unitVPpli.z;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2= nxi * lsm->hHat.x + nyi * lsm->hHat.y + nzi * lsm->hHat.z;
n2 -= msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
fog += n2;
fog = 1.0 - fog;
if (__GL_FLOAT_LTZ (fog)) fog = __glZero;
return fog;
#endif //GL_WIN_specular_fog
static void AccumMatChange (__GLmatChange *dst, __GLmatChange *src)
if (src->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT)
dst->ambient = src->ambient;
if (src->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE)
dst->diffuse = src->diffuse;
if (src->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR)
dst->specular = src->specular;
if (src->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_EMISSIVE)
dst->emissive = src->emissive;
if (src->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_SHININESS)
dst->shininess = src->shininess;
if (src->dirtyBits & __GL_MATERIAL_COLORINDEXES)
dst->cmapa = src->cmapa;
dst->cmapd = src->cmapd;
dst->cmaps = src->cmaps;
dst->dirtyBits |= src->dirtyBits;
// Propagate the valid Normals through the vertex buffer.
// IN: color, normal (front)
// OUT: color, normal (front) (all vertices are updated)
void FASTCALL PolyArrayPhongPropagateColorNormal(__GLcontext *gc,
GLuint paNeeds;
GLboolean doFrontColor, doBackColor;
__GLphongMaterialData *pmdata = NULL;
paNeeds = gc->vertex.paNeeds;
doFrontColor = paNeeds & PANEEDS_FRONT_COLOR;
doBackColor = paNeeds & PANEEDS_BACK_COLOR;
if (gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE)
"Eye coordinate should be available now\n");
// If color is not needed, fill in the colors field
// with default.
/////?????????!!!!!!!!!!! Look again!!!
if (doFrontColor) (*gc->procs.paCalcColorSkip)(gc, pa, 0);
if (doBackColor) (*gc->procs.paCalcColorSkip)(gc, pa, 1);
return ;
pdLast = pa->pdNextVertex-1;
// Check is there are any glMaterial calls that were made
// immediately after glBegin, the ones made after the first
// glVertex call are ignored.
//DbgPrint ("Has the costly material change\n");
pmdata = (__GLphongMaterialData *)
GCALLOC(gc, sizeof(__GLphongMaterialData));
if (pmdata == NULL)
pmdata->flags = 0;
pmdata->matChange[__GL_PHONG_FRONT_FIRST].dirtyBits = 0;
pmdata->matChange[__GL_PHONG_BACK_FIRST].dirtyBits = 0;
pmdata->matChange[__GL_PHONG_FRONT_TRAIL].dirtyBits = 0;
pmdata->matChange[__GL_PHONG_BACK_TRAIL].dirtyBits = 0;
if (pa->pd0->flags & POLYARRAY_MATERIAL_BACK)
AccumMatChange (&(pmdata->matChange[__GL_PHONG_BACK_FIRST]),
*(&pm->pdMaterial0[pa->pd0 - pa->pdBuffer0].front
pmdata->flags |= __GL_PHONG_BACK_FIRST_VALID;
if (pa->pd0->flags & POLYARRAY_MATERIAL_FRONT)
AccumMatChange (&(pmdata->matChange[__GL_PHONG_FRONT_FIRST]),
*(&pm->pdMaterial0[pa->pd0 - pa->pdBuffer0].front));
pmdata->flags |= __GL_PHONG_FRONT_FIRST_VALID;
// Accumulate the remaining material changes to be applied later
for (pd = pa->pd0 + 1; pd <= pdLast; pd++)
AccumMatChange (&(pmdata->matChange[__GL_PHONG_BACK_TRAIL]),
*(&pm->pdMaterial0[pd - pa->pdBuffer0].front+1));
pmdata->flags |= __GL_PHONG_BACK_TRAIL_VALID;
AccumMatChange (&(pmdata->matChange[__GL_PHONG_FRONT_TRAIL]),
*(&pm->pdMaterial0[pd - pa->pdBuffer0].front));
pmdata->flags |= __GL_PHONG_FRONT_TRAIL_VALID;
pa->phong = pmdata;
for (pd = pa->pd0; pd <= pdLast; pd++)
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_ENABLE)
if (!(pd->flags & POLYDATA_COLOR_VALID))
// If color has not changed for this vertex,
// use the previously computed color.
ASSERTOPENGL(pd != pa->pd0, "no initial color\n");
if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode)
pd->colors[0].r = (pd-1)->colors[0].r;
pd->colors[0].r = (pd-1)->colors[0].r;
pd->colors[0].g = (pd-1)->colors[0].g;
pd->colors[0].b = (pd-1)->colors[0].b;
pd->colors[0].a = (pd-1)->colors[0].a;
else if (pa->flags & POLYARRAY_CLAMP_COLOR)
if (gc->modes.colorIndexMode)
__GL_CLAMP_CI(pd->colors[0].r, gc, pd->colors[0].r);
__GL_CLAMP_R(pd->colors[0].r, gc, pd->colors[0].r);
__GL_CLAMP_G(pd->colors[0].g, gc, pd->colors[0].g);
__GL_CLAMP_B(pd->colors[0].b, gc, pd->colors[0].b);
__GL_CLAMP_A(pd->colors[0].a, gc, pd->colors[0].a);
if (!(pd->flags & POLYDATA_NORMAL_VALID))
// If the normal has not changed for this vertex,
// use the previously computed normal.
ASSERTOPENGL(pd != pa->pd0, "no initial normal\n");
pd->normal = (pd-1)->normal;
if (gc->vertex.paNeeds & PANEEDS_NORMAL)
(*gc->mInv->xf3)(&pd->normal, &pd->normal.x, gc->mInv);
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
__glNormalize(&pd->normal.x, &pd->normal.x);
gc->vertex.paNeeds &= ~PANEEDS_NORMAL;
__glRenderPhongTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLvertex *b, __GLvertex *c)
GLuint needs, modeFlags;
GLint ccw, colorFace, reversed, face;
__GLfloat dxAC, dxBC, dyAC, dyBC;
__GLvertex *temp;
//Assert that Lighting is on for Phong-shading to take place
ASSERTOPENGL(gc->state.enables.general & __GL_LIGHTING_ENABLE,
"No lighting. Should be smooth-shaded\n");
SORT_AND_CULL_FACE(a, b, c, face, ccw);
if (__GL_FLOAT_EQZ(gc->polygon.shader.area))
** Pick face to use for coloring
modeFlags = gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_TWOSIDED && face == __GL_BACKFACE)
gc->polygon.shader.phong.face = __GL_BACKFACE;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.face = __GL_FRONTFACE;
(*gc->procs.fillTriangle) (gc, a, b, c, (GLboolean) ccw);;
__glFillPhongTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a, __GLvertex *b,
__GLvertex *c, GLboolean ccw)
__GLfloat oneOverArea, t1, t2, t3, t4;
__GLfloat dxAC, dxBC, dyAC, dyBC;
__GLfloat aFog, bFog;
__GLfloat dxAB, dyAB;
__GLfloat dx, dy, dxdyLeft, dxdyRight;
__GLcolor *ac, *bc;
__GLcoord *an, *bn;
__GLcoord ae, be, ce;
GLint aIY, bIY, cIY;
GLuint modeFlags;
__GLfloat dxdyAC;
__GLcoord dnAC, dnBC, *cn;
__GLcoord deAC, deBC;
__GLphongShader *phong = &gc->polygon.shader.phong;
GLuint flags = 0, msm_colorMaterialChange;
GLboolean needColor;
/* Pre-compute one over polygon area */
__GL_FLOAT_BEGIN_DIVIDE(__glOne, gc->polygon.shader.area, &oneOverArea);
modeFlags = gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags;
if (gc->polygon.shader.phong.face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
msm_colorMaterialChange = gc->light.front.colorMaterialChange;
msm_colorMaterialChange = gc->light.back.colorMaterialChange;
if ((gc->state.enables.general & __GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_ENABLE) &&
msm_colorMaterialChange && (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB))
needColor = GL_TRUE;
//!!! Compute Invariant color if possible !!!!!!!!
//!!! Use Otto's optimizations here !!!!!!!!
if (((!(flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_COLOR_XPOLATE) ||
!(msm_colorMaterialChange & (__GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT |
(modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB)) &&
!(phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE))
ComputePhongInvarientRGBColor (gc);
//Store the flags
phong->flags |= flags;
/* Fetch some stuff we are going to reuse */
modeFlags = gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags;
dxAC = gc->polygon.shader.dxAC;
dxBC = gc->polygon.shader.dxBC;
dyAC = gc->polygon.shader.dyAC;
dyBC = gc->polygon.shader.dyBC;
ac = a->color;
bc = b->color;
an = &(a->normal);
bn = &(b->normal);
ae.x = a->eyeX; ae.y = a->eyeY; ae.z = a->eyeZ; ae.w = a->eyeW;
be.x = b->eyeX; be.y = b->eyeY; be.z = b->eyeZ; be.w = b->eyeW;
** Compute delta values for unit changes in x or y for each
** parameter.
t1 = dyAC * oneOverArea;
t2 = dyBC * oneOverArea;
t3 = dxAC * oneOverArea;
t4 = dxBC * oneOverArea;
/* Normals */
cn = &(c->normal);
dnAC.x = an->x - cn->x;
dnAC.y = an->y - cn->y;
dnAC.z = an->z - cn->z;
dnBC.x = bn->x - cn->x;
dnBC.y = bn->y - cn->y;
dnBC.z = bn->z - cn->z;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dndx.x = dnAC.x * t2 - dnBC.x * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dndy.x = dnBC.x * t3 - dnAC.x * t4;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dndx.y = dnAC.y * t2 - dnBC.y * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dndy.y = dnBC.y * t3 - dnAC.y * t4;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dndx.z = dnAC.z * t2 - dnBC.z * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dndy.z = dnBC.z * t3 - dnAC.z * t4;
if (phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE)
ce.x = c->eyeX; ce.y = c->eyeY; ce.z = c->eyeZ; ce.w = c->eyeW;
deAC.x = ae.x - ce.x;
deAC.y = ae.y - ce.y;
deAC.z = ae.z - ce.z;
deAC.w = ae.w - ce.w;
deBC.x = be.x - ce.x;
deBC.y = be.y - ce.y;
deBC.z = be.z - ce.z;
deBC.w = be.w - ce.w;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dedx.x = deAC.x * t2 - deBC.x * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dedy.x = deBC.x * t3 - deAC.x * t4;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dedx.y = deAC.y * t2 - deBC.y * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dedy.y = deBC.y * t3 - deAC.y * t4;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dedx.z = deAC.z * t2 - deBC.z * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dedy.z = deBC.z * t3 - deAC.z * t4;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dedx.w = deAC.w * t2 - deBC.w * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.dedy.w = deBC.w * t3 - deAC.w * t4;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB)
__GLfloat drAC, dgAC, dbAC, daAC;
__GLfloat drBC, dgBC, dbBC, daBC;
__GLcolor *cc;
/* Colors */
if (needColor)
cc = c->color;
drAC = ac->r - cc->r;
drBC = bc->r - cc->r;
dgAC = ac->g - cc->g;
dgBC = bc->g - cc->g;
dbAC = ac->b - cc->b;
dbBC = bc->b - cc->b;
daAC = ac->a - cc->a;
daBC = bc->a - cc->a;
gc->polygon.shader.drdx = drAC * t2 - drBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.drdy = drBC * t3 - drAC * t4;
gc->polygon.shader.dgdx = dgAC * t2 - dgBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dgdy = dgBC * t3 - dgAC * t4;
gc->polygon.shader.dbdx = dbAC * t2 - dbBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dbdy = dbBC * t3 - dbAC * t4;
gc->polygon.shader.dadx = daAC * t2 - daBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dady = daBC * t3 - daAC * t4;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_TEXTURE)
__GLfloat awinv, bwinv, cwinv, scwinv, tcwinv, qwcwinv;
__GLfloat dsAC, dsBC, dtAC, dtBC, dqwAC, dqwBC;
awinv = a->window.w;
bwinv = b->window.w;
cwinv = c->window.w;
scwinv = c->texture.x * cwinv;
tcwinv = c->texture.y * cwinv;
qwcwinv = c->texture.w * cwinv;
dsAC = a->texture.x * awinv - scwinv;
dsBC = b->texture.x * bwinv - scwinv;
dtAC = a->texture.y * awinv - tcwinv;
dtBC = b->texture.y * bwinv - tcwinv;
dqwAC = a->texture.w * awinv - qwcwinv;
dqwBC = b->texture.w * bwinv - qwcwinv;
gc->polygon.shader.dsdx = dsAC * t2 - dsBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dsdy = dsBC * t3 - dsAC * t4;
gc->polygon.shader.dtdx = dtAC * t2 - dtBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dtdy = dtBC * t3 - dtAC * t4;
gc->polygon.shader.dqwdx = dqwAC * t2 - dqwBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dqwdy = dqwBC * t3 - dqwAC * t4;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_ITER)
__GLfloat dzAC, dzBC;
dzAC = a->window.z - c->window.z;
dzBC = b->window.z - c->window.z;
gc->polygon.shader.dzdxf = dzAC * t2 - dzBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dzdyf = dzBC * t3 - dzAC * t4;
if(( gc->modes.depthBits == 16 ) &&
( gc->depthBuffer.scale <= (GLuint)0xffff )) {
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx =
else {
gc->polygon.shader.dzdx = FTOL(gc->polygon.shader.dzdxf);
#ifdef GL_WIN_specular_fog
if (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_COMPUTE_FOG)
__GLfloat dfAC, dfBC, cFog;
/* Use eyeZ for interpolation value */
aFog = a->eyeZ;
bFog = b->eyeZ;
cFog = c->eyeZ;
dfAC = aFog - cFog;
dfBC = bFog - cFog;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdx = dfAC * t2 - dfBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdy = dfBC * t3 - dfAC * t4;
else if (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_INTERP_FOG)
__GLfloat dfAC, dfBC, cFog;
aFog = bFog = cFog = 1.0f;
if (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_SPEC_FOG)
aFog = ComputeSpecValue (gc, a);
bFog = ComputeSpecValue (gc, b);
cFog = ComputeSpecValue (gc, c);
if (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_SLOW_FOG)
aFog *= a->fog;
bFog *= b->fog;
cFog *= c->fog;
dfAC = aFog - cFog;
dfBC = bFog - cFog;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdx = dfAC * t2 - dfBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdy = dfBC * t3 - dfAC * t4;
#else //GL_WIN_specular_fog
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_COMPUTE_FOG)
__GLfloat dfAC, dfBC, cFog;
/* Use eyeZ for interpolation value */
aFog = a->eyeZ;
bFog = b->eyeZ;
cFog = c->eyeZ;
dfAC = aFog - cFog;
dfBC = bFog - cFog;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdx = dfAC * t2 - dfBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdy = dfBC * t3 - dfAC * t4;
else if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_INTERP_FOG)
/* Use fog for interpolation value */
aFog = a->fog;
bFog = b->fog;
cFog = c->fog;
dfAC = aFog - cFog;
dfBC = bFog - cFog;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdx = dfAC * t2 - dfBC * t1;
gc->polygon.shader.dfdy = dfBC * t3 - dfAC * t4;
#endif //GL_WIN_specular_fog
/* Snap each y coordinate to its pixel center */
#ifdef __DBG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("aIY=%d, bIY=%d, cIY=%d\n", aIY, bIY, cIY);
** This algorithim always fills from bottom to top, left to right.
** Because of this, ccw triangles are inherently faster because
** the parameter values need not be recomputed.
dxAB = a->window.x - b->window.x;
dyAB = a->window.y - b->window.y;
if (ccw) {
dy = (aIY + __glHalf) - a->window.y;
SnapXLeft(gc, a->window.x + dy*dxdyAC, dxdyAC);
dx = (gc->polygon.shader.ixLeft + __glHalf) - a->window.x;
SetInitialPhongParameters(gc, a, an, ac, aFog, dx, dy);
if (aIY != bIY) {
dxdyRight = dxAB / dyAB;
SnapXRight(&gc->polygon.shader, a->window.x + dy*dxdyRight,
#ifdef __DBG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("dxdyRight = %f\n", dxdyRight);
FillPhongSubTriangle(gc, aIY, bIY);
if (bIY != cIY) {
dxdyRight = dxBC / dyBC;
dy = (bIY + __glHalf) - b->window.y;
SnapXRight(&gc->polygon.shader, b->window.x + dy*dxdyRight,
#ifdef __DBG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("dxdyRight = %f\n", dxdyRight);
FillPhongSubTriangle(gc, bIY, cIY);
} else {
dy = (aIY + __glHalf) - a->window.y;
SnapXRight(&gc->polygon.shader, a->window.x + dy*dxdyAC, dxdyAC);
#ifdef __DBG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("dxdyRight = %f\n", dxdyAC);
if (aIY != bIY) {
dxdyLeft = dxAB / dyAB;
SnapXLeft(gc, a->window.x + dy*dxdyLeft, dxdyLeft);
dx = (gc->polygon.shader.ixLeft + __glHalf) - a->window.x;
SetInitialPhongParameters(gc, a, an, ac, aFog, dx, dy);
FillPhongSubTriangle(gc, aIY, bIY);
if (bIY != cIY) {
dxdyLeft = dxBC / dyBC;
dy = (bIY + __glHalf) - b->window.y;
SnapXLeft(gc, b->window.x + dy*dxdyLeft, dxdyLeft);
dx = (gc->polygon.shader.ixLeft + __glHalf) - b->window.x;
SetInitialPhongParameters(gc, b, bn, bc, bFog, dx, dy);
FillPhongSubTriangle(gc, bIY, cIY);
static void SetInitialPhongParameters(__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLcoord *an, __GLcolor *ac,
__GLfloat aFog, __GLfloat dx,
__GLfloat dy)
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLshade *sh = &gc->polygon.shader;
__GLphongShader *phong = &gc->polygon.shader.phong;
__GLfloat little = sh->dxLeftLittle;
__GLfloat big = sh->dxLeftBig;
GLuint modeFlags = sh->modeFlags;
GLboolean needColor = (gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags &
#define bPolygonOffset \
(gc->state.enables.general & __GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL_ENABLE )
/* Set parameters for the shader */
phong->nCur.x = an->x + dx*phong->dndx.x + dy*phong->dndy.x;
phong->nCur.y = an->y + dx*phong->dndx.y + dy*phong->dndy.y;
phong->nCur.z = an->z + dx*phong->dndx.z + dy*phong->dndy.z;
phong->nLittle.x = phong->dndy.x + little * phong->dndx.x;
phong->nLittle.y = phong->dndy.y + little * phong->dndx.y;
phong->nLittle.z = phong->dndy.z + little * phong->dndx.z;
if (big > little)
phong->nBig.x = phong->nLittle.x + phong->dndx.x;
phong->nBig.y = phong->nLittle.y + phong->dndx.y;
phong->nBig.z = phong->nLittle.z + phong->dndx.z;
phong->nBig.x = phong->nLittle.x - phong->dndx.x;
phong->nBig.y = phong->nLittle.y - phong->dndx.y;
phong->nBig.z = phong->nLittle.z - phong->dndx.z;
if (phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE)
phong->eCur.x = a->eyeX + dx*phong->dedx.x + dy*phong->dedy.x;
phong->eCur.y = a->eyeY + dx*phong->dedx.y + dy*phong->dedy.y;
phong->eCur.z = a->eyeZ + dx*phong->dedx.z + dy*phong->dedy.z;
phong->eCur.w = a->eyeW + dx*phong->dedx.w + dy*phong->dedy.w;
phong->eLittle.x = phong->dedy.x + little * phong->dedx.x;
phong->eLittle.y = phong->dedy.y + little * phong->dedx.y;
phong->eLittle.z = phong->dedy.z + little * phong->dedx.z;
phong->eLittle.w = phong->dedy.w + little * phong->dedx.w;
if (big > little)
phong->eBig.x = phong->eLittle.x + phong->dedx.x;
phong->eBig.y = phong->eLittle.y + phong->dedx.y;
phong->eBig.z = phong->eLittle.z + phong->dedx.z;
phong->eBig.w = phong->eLittle.w + phong->dedx.w;
phong->eBig.x = phong->eLittle.x - phong->dedx.x;
phong->eBig.y = phong->eLittle.y - phong->dedx.y;
phong->eBig.z = phong->eLittle.z - phong->dedx.z;
phong->eBig.w = phong->eLittle.w - phong->dedx.w;
if (big > little)
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB)
if (needColor)
sh->frag.color.r = ac->r + dx*sh->drdx + dy*sh->drdy;
sh->rLittle = sh->drdy + little * sh->drdx;
sh->rBig = sh->rLittle + sh->drdx;
sh->frag.color.g = ac->g + dx*sh->dgdx + dy*sh->dgdy;
sh->gLittle = sh->dgdy + little * sh->dgdx;
sh->gBig = sh->gLittle + sh->dgdx;
sh->frag.color.b = ac->b + dx*sh->dbdx + dy*sh->dbdy;
sh->bLittle = sh->dbdy + little * sh->dbdx;
sh->bBig = sh->bLittle + sh->dbdx;
sh->frag.color.a = ac->a + dx*sh->dadx + dy*sh->dady;
sh->aLittle = sh->dady + little * sh->dadx;
sh->aBig =sh->aLittle + sh->dadx;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_TEXTURE)
__GLfloat oneOverW = a->window.w;
sh->frag.s = a->texture.x * oneOverW + dx*sh->dsdx
+ dy*sh->dsdy;
sh->sLittle = sh->dsdy + little * sh->dsdx;
sh->sBig = sh->sLittle + sh->dsdx;
sh->frag.t = a->texture.y * oneOverW + dx*sh->dtdx
+ dy*sh->dtdy;
sh->tLittle = sh->dtdy + little * sh->dtdx;
sh->tBig = sh->tLittle + sh->dtdx;
sh->frag.qw = a->texture.w * oneOverW + dx*sh->dqwdx
+ dy*sh->dqwdy;
sh->qwLittle = sh->dqwdy + little * sh->dqwdx;
sh->qwBig = sh->qwLittle + sh->dqwdx;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_ITER)
__GLfloat zLittle, zOffset;
zOffset = bPolygonOffset ? __glPolygonOffsetZ(gc) : 0.0f;
if (gc->modes.depthBits == 16)
sh->frag.z = (__GLzValue)
FLT_TO_Z16_SCALE(a->window.z + dx*sh->dzdxf + dy*sh->dzdyf
+ zOffset );
zLittle = sh->dzdyf + little * sh->dzdxf;
sh->zLittle = FLT_TO_Z16_SCALE(zLittle);
sh->zBig = FLT_TO_Z16_SCALE(zLittle + sh->dzdxf);
sh->frag.z = (__GLzValue)
FTOL(a->window.z + dx*sh->dzdxf + dy*sh->dzdyf +
zOffset );
zLittle = sh->dzdyf + little * sh->dzdxf;
sh->zLittle = FTOL(zLittle);
sh->zBig = FTOL(zLittle + sh->dzdxf);
sh->frag.f = aFog + dx*sh->dfdx + dy*sh->dfdy;
sh->fLittle = sh->dfdy + little * sh->dfdx;
sh->fBig = sh->fLittle + sh->dfdx;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB)
if (needColor)
sh->frag.color.r = ac->r + dx*sh->drdx + dy*sh->drdy;
sh->rLittle = sh->drdy + little * sh->drdx;
sh->rBig = sh->rLittle - sh->drdx;
sh->frag.color.g = ac->g + dx*sh->dgdx + dy*sh->dgdy;
sh->gLittle = sh->dgdy + little * sh->dgdx;
sh->gBig = sh->gLittle - sh->dgdx;
sh->frag.color.b = ac->b + dx*sh->dbdx + dy*sh->dbdy;
sh->bLittle = sh->dbdy + little * sh->dbdx;
sh->bBig = sh->bLittle - sh->dbdx;
sh->frag.color.a = ac->a + dx*sh->dadx + dy*sh->dady;
sh->aLittle = sh->dady + little * sh->dadx;
sh->aBig =sh->aLittle - sh->dadx;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_TEXTURE)
__GLfloat oneOverW = a->window.w;
sh->frag.s = a->texture.x * oneOverW + dx*sh->dsdx
+ dy*sh->dsdy;
sh->sLittle = sh->dsdy + little * sh->dsdx;
sh->sBig = sh->sLittle - sh->dsdx;
sh->frag.t = a->texture.y * oneOverW + dx*sh->dtdx
+ dy*sh->dtdy;
sh->tLittle = sh->dtdy + little * sh->dtdx;
sh->tBig = sh->tLittle - sh->dtdx;
sh->frag.qw = a->texture.w * oneOverW + dx*sh->dqwdx
+ dy*sh->dqwdy;
sh->qwLittle = sh->dqwdy + little * sh->dqwdx;
sh->qwBig = sh->qwLittle - sh->dqwdx;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_ITER)
__GLfloat zLittle, zOffset;
zOffset = bPolygonOffset ? __glPolygonOffsetZ(gc) : 0.0f;
if(( gc->modes.depthBits == 16 ) &&
( gc->depthBuffer.scale <= (GLuint)0xffff ))
sh->frag.z = (__GLzValue)
FLT_TO_Z16_SCALE(a->window.z + dx*sh->dzdxf + dy*sh->dzdyf
+ zOffset );
zLittle = sh->dzdyf + little * sh->dzdxf;
sh->zLittle = FLT_TO_Z16_SCALE(zLittle);
sh->zBig = FLT_TO_Z16_SCALE(zLittle - sh->dzdxf);
sh->frag.z = (__GLzValue)
FTOL( a->window.z + dx*sh->dzdxf + dy*sh->dzdyf+ zOffset );
zLittle = sh->dzdyf + little * sh->dzdxf;
sh->zLittle = FTOL(zLittle);
sh->zBig = FTOL(zLittle - sh->dzdxf);
sh->frag.f = aFog + dx*sh->dfdx + dy*sh->dfdy;
sh->fLittle = sh->dfdy + little * sh->dfdx;
sh->fBig = sh->fLittle - sh->dfdx;
/* This routine sets gc->polygon.shader.cfb to gc->drawBuffer */
static void FASTCALL FillPhongSubTriangle(__GLcontext *gc, GLint iyBottom, GLint iyTop)
GLint ixLeft, ixRight;
GLint ixLeftFrac, ixRightFrac;
GLint dxLeftFrac, dxRightFrac;
GLint dxLeftLittle, dxRightLittle;
GLint dxLeftBig, dxRightBig;
GLint spanWidth, clipY0, clipY1;
GLuint modeFlags;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
GLboolean needColor = (phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_COLOR_XPOLATE);
__GLstippleWord stackWords[__GL_MAX_STACK_STIPPLE_WORDS];
__GLstippleWord *words;
__GLcolor colors[__GL_MAX_STACKED_COLORS>>1];
__GLcolor fbcolors[__GL_MAX_STACKED_COLORS>>1];
__GLcolor *vColors, *vFbcolors;
int iMaxWidth, iDy, dxLeft, dxRight;
ixLeft = gc->polygon.shader.ixLeft;
dxLeft = (gc->polygon.shader.dxLeftBig < gc->polygon.shader.dxLeftLittle) ?
gc->polygon.shader.dxLeftBig : gc->polygon.shader.dxLeftLittle;
ixRight = gc->polygon.shader.ixRight;
dxRight = (gc->polygon.shader.dxRightBig > gc->polygon.shader.dxRightLittle) ?
gc->polygon.shader.dxRightBig : gc->polygon.shader.dxRightLittle;
iMaxWidth = ixRight - ixLeft;
iDy = iyTop - iyBottom - 1;
ixRight += dxRight * iDy;
ixLeft += dxLeft * iDy;
iMaxWidth = (iMaxWidth < (ixRight - ixLeft)) ? ixRight - ixLeft :
words = gcTempAlloc(gc, (iMaxWidth+__GL_STIPPLE_BITS-1)/8);
if (words == NULL)
words = stackWords;
if (iMaxWidth > (__GL_MAX_STACKED_COLORS>>1))
vColors = (__GLcolor *) gcTempAlloc(gc,
iMaxWidth * sizeof(__GLcolor));
if (NULL == vColors)
gcTempFree(gc, words);
vFbcolors = (__GLcolor *) gcTempAlloc(gc,
iMaxWidth * sizeof(__GLcolor));
if (NULL == vFbcolors) {
gcTempFree(gc, words);
gcTempFree(gc, vColors);
vColors = colors;
vFbcolors = fbcolors;
ixLeft = gc->polygon.shader.ixLeft;
ixLeftFrac = gc->polygon.shader.ixLeftFrac;
ixRight = gc->polygon.shader.ixRight;
ixRightFrac = gc->polygon.shader.ixRightFrac;
clipY0 = gc->transform.clipY0;
clipY1 = gc->transform.clipY1;
dxLeftFrac = gc->polygon.shader.dxLeftFrac;
dxLeftBig = gc->polygon.shader.dxLeftBig;
dxLeftLittle = gc->polygon.shader.dxLeftLittle;
dxRightFrac = gc->polygon.shader.dxRightFrac;
dxRightBig = gc->polygon.shader.dxRightBig;
dxRightLittle = gc->polygon.shader.dxRightLittle;
modeFlags = gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags;
gc->polygon.shader.colors = vColors;
gc->polygon.shader.fbcolors = vFbcolors;
gc->polygon.shader.stipplePat = words;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_STENCIL_TEST) {
gc->polygon.shader.sbuf =
__GL_STENCIL_ADDR(&gc->stencilBuffer, (__GLstencilCell*),
ixLeft, iyBottom);
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_TEST) {
if( gc->modes.depthBits == 32 )
gc->polygon.shader.zbuf = (__GLzValue *)
__GL_DEPTH_ADDR(&gc->depthBuffer, (__GLzValue*),
ixLeft, iyBottom);
gc->polygon.shader.zbuf = (__GLzValue *)
__GL_DEPTH_ADDR(&gc->depthBuffer, (__GLz16Value*),
ixLeft, iyBottom);
gc->polygon.shader.cfb = gc->drawBuffer;
while (iyBottom < iyTop)
spanWidth = ixRight - ixLeft;
** Only render spans that have non-zero width and which are
** not scissored out vertically.
if ((spanWidth > 0) && (iyBottom >= clipY0) && (iyBottom < clipY1))
gc->polygon.shader.frag.x = ixLeft;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.y = iyBottom;
gc->polygon.shader.length = spanWidth;
/* Initialize Parameters to interpolate */
(*gc->procs.phong.InitSpanInterpolation) (gc);
/* Advance right edge fixed point, adjusting for carry */
ixRightFrac += dxRightFrac;
if (ixRightFrac < 0)
/* Carry/Borrow'd. Use large step */
ixRight += dxRightBig;
ixRightFrac &= ~0x80000000;
ixRight += dxRightLittle;
ixLeftFrac += dxLeftFrac;
if (ixLeftFrac < 0)
/* Carry/Borrow'd. Use large step */
ixLeft += dxLeftBig;
ixLeftFrac &= ~0x80000000;
phong->nCur.x += phong->nBig.x;
phong->nCur.y += phong->nBig.y;
phong->nCur.z += phong->nBig.z;
if (phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE)
phong->eCur.x += phong->eBig.x;
phong->eCur.y += phong->eBig.y;
phong->eCur.z += phong->eBig.z;
phong->eCur.w += phong->eBig.w;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB)
if (needColor)
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.r +=gc->polygon.shader.rBig;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.g +=gc->polygon.shader.gBig;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.b +=gc->polygon.shader.bBig;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.a +=gc->polygon.shader.aBig;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_TEXTURE)
gc->polygon.shader.frag.s += gc->polygon.shader.sBig;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.t += gc->polygon.shader.tBig;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.qw += gc->polygon.shader.qwBig;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_STENCIL_TEST) {
/* The implicit multiply is taken out of the loop */
gc->polygon.shader.sbuf = (__GLstencilCell*)
((GLubyte*) gc->polygon.shader.sbuf
+ gc->polygon.shader.sbufBig);
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_ITER) {
gc->polygon.shader.frag.z += gc->polygon.shader.zBig;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_TEST) {
/* The implicit multiply is taken out of the loop */
gc->polygon.shader.zbuf = (__GLzValue*)
((GLubyte*) gc->polygon.shader.zbuf
+ gc->polygon.shader.zbufBig);
gc->polygon.shader.frag.f += gc->polygon.shader.fBig;
/* Use small step */
ixLeft += dxLeftLittle;
phong->nCur.x += phong->nLittle.x;
phong->nCur.y += phong->nLittle.y;
phong->nCur.z += phong->nLittle.z;
if (phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE)
phong->eCur.x += phong->eLittle.x;
phong->eCur.y += phong->eLittle.y;
phong->eCur.z += phong->eLittle.z;
phong->eCur.w += phong->eLittle.w;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB)
if (needColor)
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.r +=
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.g +=
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.b +=
gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.a +=
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_TEXTURE) {
gc->polygon.shader.frag.s += gc->polygon.shader.sLittle;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.t += gc->polygon.shader.tLittle;
gc->polygon.shader.frag.qw += gc->polygon.shader.qwLittle;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_STENCIL_TEST) {
/* The implicit multiply is taken out of the loop */
gc->polygon.shader.sbuf = (__GLstencilCell*)
((GLubyte*) gc->polygon.shader.sbuf
+ gc->polygon.shader.sbufLittle);
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_ITER) {
gc->polygon.shader.frag.z += gc->polygon.shader.zLittle;
if (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_TEST) {
/* The implicit multiply is taken out of the loop */
gc->polygon.shader.zbuf = (__GLzValue*)
((GLubyte*) gc->polygon.shader.zbuf
+ gc->polygon.shader.zbufLittle);
gc->polygon.shader.frag.f += gc->polygon.shader.fLittle;
gc->polygon.shader.ixLeft = ixLeft;
gc->polygon.shader.ixLeftFrac = ixLeftFrac;
gc->polygon.shader.ixRight = ixRight;
gc->polygon.shader.ixRightFrac = ixRightFrac;
#ifdef NT
gcTempFree(gc, words);
if (iMaxWidth > (__GL_MAX_STACKED_COLORS>>1))
gcTempFree(gc, vColors);
gcTempFree(gc, vFbcolors);
static void SnapXLeft(__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat xLeft, __GLfloat dxdyLeft)
GLint ixLeft, ixLeftFrac, lineBytes, elementSize, iLittle, iBig;
ixLeft = __GL_VERTEX_FLOAT_TO_INT(xLeft);
/* Pre-add .5 to allow truncation in spanWidth calculation */
ixLeftFrac = __GL_VERTEX_PROMOTED_FRACTION(xLeft) + 0x40000000;
#ifdef __DBG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("dxdyLeft = %f\n", dxdyLeft);
gc->polygon.shader.ixLeft = ixLeft + (((GLuint) ixLeftFrac) >> 31);
gc->polygon.shader.ixLeftFrac = ixLeftFrac & ~0x80000000;
/* Compute big and little steps */
iLittle = FTOL(dxdyLeft);
gc->polygon.shader.dxLeftFrac = FLT_FRACTION(dxdyLeft - iLittle);
if (dxdyLeft < 0) {
iBig = iLittle - 1;
} else {
iBig = iLittle + 1;
if (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_STENCIL_TEST) {
** Compute the big and little stencil buffer steps. We walk the
** memory pointers for the stencil buffer along the edge of the
** triangle as we walk the edge. This way we don't have to
** recompute the buffer address as we go.
elementSize = gc->stencilBuffer.buf.elementSize;
lineBytes = elementSize * gc->stencilBuffer.buf.outerWidth;
gc->polygon.shader.sbufLittle = lineBytes + iLittle * elementSize;
gc->polygon.shader.sbufBig = lineBytes + iBig * elementSize;
if (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_DEPTH_TEST) {
** Compute the big and little depth buffer steps. We walk the
** memory pointers for the depth buffer along the edge of the
** triangle as we walk the edge. This way we don't have to
** recompute the buffer address as we go.
elementSize = gc->depthBuffer.buf.elementSize;
lineBytes = elementSize * gc->depthBuffer.buf.outerWidth;
gc->polygon.shader.zbufLittle = lineBytes + iLittle * elementSize;
gc->polygon.shader.zbufBig = lineBytes + iBig * elementSize;
gc->polygon.shader.dxLeftLittle = iLittle;
gc->polygon.shader.dxLeftBig = iBig;
static void SnapXRight(__GLshade *sh, __GLfloat xRight, __GLfloat dxdyRight)
GLint ixRight, ixRightFrac, iLittle, iBig;
ixRight = __GL_VERTEX_FLOAT_TO_INT(xRight);
/* Pre-add .5 to allow truncation in spanWidth calculation */
ixRightFrac = __GL_VERTEX_PROMOTED_FRACTION(xRight) + 0x40000000;
sh->ixRight = ixRight + (((GLuint) ixRightFrac) >> 31);
sh->ixRightFrac = ixRightFrac & ~0x80000000;
/* Compute big and little steps */
iLittle = FTOL(dxdyRight);
sh->dxRightFrac = FLT_FRACTION(dxdyRight - iLittle);
if (dxdyRight < 0) {
iBig = iLittle - 1;
} else {
iBig = iLittle + 1;
sh->dxRightLittle = iLittle;
sh->dxRightBig = iBig;
void InitLineParamsVan (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1,
__GLfloat invDelta)
__GLcoord *n0 = &(v0->normal);
__GLcoord *n1 = &(v1->normal);
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
GLuint msm_colorMaterialChange, flags=0;
GLuint modeFlags = gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags;
msm_colorMaterialChange = gc->light.front.colorMaterialChange;
phong->face = __GL_FRONTFACE;
if ((gc->state.enables.general & __GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_ENABLE) &&
msm_colorMaterialChange && (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB))
//Compute Invariant color if possible
if (((!(flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_COLOR_XPOLATE) ||
!(msm_colorMaterialChange & (__GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT |
(modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB)) &&
ComputePhongInvarientRGBColor (gc);
//Store the flags
gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags |= flags;
phong->dndx.x = (n1->x - n0->x) * invDelta;
phong->dndx.y = (n1->y - n0->y) * invDelta;
phong->dndx.z = (n1->z - n0->z) * invDelta;
phong->nTmp.x = n0->x;
phong->nTmp.y = n0->y;
phong->nTmp.z = n0->z;
if (gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE)
phong->dedx.x = (v1->eyeX - v0->eyeX) * invDelta;
phong->dedx.y = (v1->eyeY - v0->eyeY) * invDelta;
phong->dedx.z = (v1->eyeZ - v0->eyeZ) * invDelta;
phong->eTmp.x = v0->eyeX;
phong->eTmp.y = v0->eyeY;
phong->eTmp.z = v0->eyeZ;
void InitLineParamsAccel (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v0, __GLvertex *v1,
__GLfloat invDelta)
__GLcoord normal;
__GLcoord *n0 = &(v0->normal);
__GLcoord *n1 = &normal;
__GLcoord *n2 = &(v1->normal);
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
GLuint msm_colorMaterialChange, flags = 0;
GLuint modeFlags = gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags;
__GLphongShader *phong = &gc->polygon.shader.phong;
GLint face = phong->face, curL, w;
msm_colorMaterialChange = gc->light.front.colorMaterialChange;
phong->face = __GL_FRONTFACE;
w = gc->line.options.numPixels;
if ((gc->state.enables.general & __GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_ENABLE) &&
msm_colorMaterialChange && (modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB))
//Compute Invariant color if possible
if (((!(flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_COLOR_XPOLATE) ||
!(msm_colorMaterialChange & (__GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT |
(modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB)) &&
ComputePhongInvarientRGBColor (gc);
//Store the flags
gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags |= flags;
phong->dndx.x = (n2->x - n0->x) * invDelta;
phong->dndx.y = (n2->y - n0->y) * invDelta;
phong->dndx.x = (n2->z - n0->z) * invDelta;
normal.x = (n0->x + n2->x)/2.0f;
normal.y = (n0->y + n2->y)/2.0f;
normal.z = (n0->z + n2->z)/2.0f;
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
__glNormalize(&normal.x, &normal.x);
for (lsm = gc->light.sources, curL = 0; lsm;
lsm = lsm->next, curL++)
__GLphongPerLightData *pld = &(phong->perLight[curL]);
__GLcoord *L = &(lsm->unitVPpli); // L is already normalized here
__GLcoord *H = &(lsm->hHat); // H is already normalized here
GLfloat d0, d1, d2;
/***** Diffuse *****/
DOT (d0,n0,L);
DOT (d1,n1,L);
DOT (d2,n2,L);
__glCalcForwardDifferences(w, d0, d1, d2, &pld->Ddel, &pld->Ddel2);
pld->Dcurr = d0;
/***** Specular ******/
DOT (d0,n0,H);
DOT (d1,n1,H);
DOT (d2,n2,H);
__glCalcForwardDifferences(w, d0, d1, d2, &pld->Sdel, &pld->Sdel2);
pld->Scurr = d0;
phong->numLights = curL;
void InitSpanNEInterpolationVan (__GLcontext *gc)
GLint i;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
phong->nTmp = phong->nCur;
phong->eTmp = phong->eCur;
void InitSpanNInterpolationVan (__GLcontext *gc)
GLint i;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
phong->nTmp = phong->nCur;
void InitSpanInterpolationAccel (__GLcontext *gc)
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
GLint face = phong->face;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLcoord n0, n1, n2, dndx;
__GLcoord *N0 = &n0;
__GLcoord *N1 = &n1;
__GLcoord *N2 = &n2;
GLint curL, w, w2;
w = gc->polygon.shader.length;
w2 = w / 2;
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
//msm = &gc->light.front;
n0.x = phong->nCur.x;
n0.y = phong->nCur.y;
n0.z = phong->nCur.z;
dndx.x = phong->dndx.x;
dndx.y = phong->dndx.y;
dndx.z = phong->dndx.z;
//msm = &gc->light.back;
n0.x = -phong->nCur.x;
n0.y = -phong->nCur.y;
n0.z = -phong->nCur.z;
dndx.x = -phong->dndx.x;
dndx.y = -phong->dndx.y;
dndx.z = -phong->dndx.z;
if (w > 2)
n2.x = n0.x + w*dndx.x;
n2.y = n0.y + w*dndx.y;
n2.z = n0.z + w*dndx.z;
n1.x = n0.x + w2*dndx.x;
n1.y = n0.y + w2*dndx.y;
n1.z = n0.z + w2*dndx.z;
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
__glNormalize(&n0.x, &n0.x);
if (w > 2)
__glNormalize(&n1.x, &n1.x);
__glNormalize(&n2.x, &n2.x);
for (lsm = gc->light.sources, curL=0; lsm; lsm = lsm->next, curL++)
__GLphongPerLightData *pld = &(phong->perLight[curL]);
__GLcoord *L = &(lsm->unitVPpli); // L is already normalized here
__GLcoord *H = &(lsm->hHat); // H is already normalized here
GLfloat d0, d1, d2;
if (w > 2)
/***** Diffuse *****/
DOT (d0,N0,L);
DOT (d1,N1,L);
DOT (d2,N2,L);
__glCalcForwardDifferences(w, d0, d1, d2, &pld->Ddel,
pld->Dcurr = d0;
/***** Specular ******/
DOT (d0, N0, H);
DOT (d1, N1, H);
DOT (d2, N2, H);
__glCalcForwardDifferences(w, d0, d1, d2, &pld->Sdel,
pld->Scurr = d0;
/***** Diffuse *****/
DOT (d0,(&n0),L);
pld->Dcurr = d0;
pld->Ddel = 0.0;
pld->Ddel2 = 0.0;
/***** Specular ******/
DOT (d0,(&n0),H);
pld->Scurr = d0;
pld->Sdel = 0.0;
pld->Sdel2 = 0.0;
phong->numLights = curL;
void UpdateParamsAlongSpanAccel (__GLcontext *gc)
GLint i;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
for (i=0; i<phong->numLights; i++)
__GLphongPerLightData *pld = &(phong->perLight[i]);
/* Diffuse */
pld->Dcurr += pld->Ddel;
pld->Ddel += pld->Ddel2;
/* Specular */
pld->Scurr += pld->Sdel;
pld->Sdel += pld->Sdel2;
void UpdateNAlongSpanVan (__GLcontext *gc)
GLint i;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
phong->nTmp.x += phong->dndx.x;
phong->nTmp.y += phong->dndx.y;
phong->nTmp.z += phong->dndx.z;
void UpdateNEAlongSpanVan (__GLcontext *gc)
GLint i;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
phong->nTmp.x += phong->dndx.x;
phong->nTmp.y += phong->dndx.y;
phong->nTmp.z += phong->dndx.z;
phong->eTmp.x += phong->dedx.x;
phong->eTmp.y += phong->dedx.y;
phong->eTmp.z += phong->dedx.z;
phong->eTmp.w += phong->dedx.w;
GLboolean FASTCALL __glPhongCISpan(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLcolor *cp, outColor;
__GLfloat r, drdx;
__GLcoord dndx;
GLint w;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
GLboolean needColor = (gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags &
w = gc->polygon.shader.length;
cp = gc->polygon.shader.colors;
if (needColor)
phong->tmpColor.r = gc->polygon.shader.frag.color.r;
drdx = gc->polygon.shader.drdx;
while (--w >= 0)
/* Compute color using appropriate parameters */
(*gc->procs.phong.ComputeCIColor) (gc, &outColor);
cp->r = outColor.r;
/* Update parameters */
(*gc->procs.phong.UpdateAlongSpan) (gc);
if (needColor)
phong->tmpColor.r += drdx;
return GL_FALSE;
GLboolean FASTCALL __glPhongRGBASpan (__GLcontext *gc)
__GLcolor *cp, dcdx, outColor;
__GLcoord dndx;
GLint w;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
GLboolean needColor = (gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags &
w = gc->polygon.shader.length;
cp = gc->polygon.shader.colors;
if (needColor)
phong->tmpColor = gc->polygon.shader.frag.color;
dcdx.r = gc->polygon.shader.drdx;
dcdx.g = gc->polygon.shader.dgdx;
dcdx.b = gc->polygon.shader.dbdx;
dcdx.a = gc->polygon.shader.dadx;
while (--w >= 0)
/* Compute color using appropriate parameters */
(*gc->procs.phong.ComputeRGBColor) (gc, &outColor);
cp->r = outColor.r;
cp->g = outColor.g;
cp->b = outColor.b;
cp->a = outColor.a;
/* Update parameters */
(*gc->procs.phong.UpdateAlongSpan) (gc);
if (needColor)
phong->tmpColor.r += dcdx.r;
phong->tmpColor.g += dcdx.g;
phong->tmpColor.b += dcdx.b;
phong->tmpColor.a += dcdx.a;
return GL_FALSE;
* RGB, Use Normal, Fast-lights, no ColorMaterial*
void ComputeRGBColorVanZippy (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor)
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLcoord n;
__GLfloat nxi, nyi, nzi;
__GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLlightSourceState *lss;
__GLcolor baseEmissiveAmbient;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
__GLfloat msm_alpha, msm_threshold, msm_scale, *msm_specTable;
GLuint numLights;
__GLfloat rsi=0.0, gsi=0.0, bsi=0.0;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
"Zippy, invarient color should have been computed\n");
"Zippy, no need for color interpolation\n");
n = phong->nTmp;
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
__glNormalize(&n.x, &n.x);
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
msm = &gc->light.front;
nxi = n.x;
nyi = n.y;
nzi = n.z;
msm = &gc->light.back;
nxi = -n.x;
nyi = -n.y;
nzi = -n.z;
rsi = phong->invColor.r;
gsi = phong->invColor.g;
bsi = phong->invColor.b;
msm_alpha = msm->alpha;
msm_scale = msm->scale;
msm_threshold = msm->threshold;
msm_specTable = msm->specTable;
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
__GLfloat n1, n2;
lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
/* Add in specular and diffuse effect of light, if any */
n1 = nxi * lsm->unitVPpli.x + nyi * lsm->unitVPpli.y +
nzi * lsm->unitVPpli.z;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2 = (nxi * lsm->hHat.x + nyi * lsm->hHat.y + nzi *
lsm->hHat.z) - msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
rsi += n2 * lspmm->specular.r;
gsi += n2 * lspmm->specular.g;
bsi += n2 * lspmm->specular.b;
rsi += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.r;
gsi += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.g;
bsi += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.b;
__GL_CLAMP_R(outColor->r, gc, rsi);
__GL_CLAMP_G(outColor->g, gc, gsi);
__GL_CLAMP_B(outColor->b, gc, bsi);
outColor->a = msm_alpha;
* RGB, Use Normal, Fast-lights, ColorMaterial *
void ComputeRGBColorVanFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor)
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLfloat nxi, nyi, nzi;
__GLfloat zero;
__GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLlightSourceState *lss;
__GLfloat ri, gi, bi;
__GLfloat alpha;
__GLcolor emissiveAmbientI;
__GLcolor inColor;
__GLcolor diffuseSpecularI;
__GLcolor baseEmissiveAmbient;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
__GLcolor lm_ambient;
__GLfloat msm_alpha, msm_threshold, msm_scale, *msm_specTable;
GLuint msm_colorMaterialChange;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
__GLcoord n;
zero = __glZero;
// Optimization: If no colors have been interpolated
// Use the Zippy function
if (!(phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_COLOR_XPOLATE))
ComputeRGBColorVanZippy (gc, outColor);
inColor = phong->tmpColor;
n = phong->nTmp;
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
__glNormalize(&n.x, &n.x);
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
msm = &gc->light.front;
nxi = n.x;
nyi = n.y;
nzi = n.z;
msm = &gc->light.back;
nxi = -n.x;
nyi = -n.y;
nzi = -n.z;
msm_scale = msm->scale;
msm_threshold = msm->threshold;
msm_specTable = msm->specTable;
msm_alpha = msm->alpha;
msm_colorMaterialChange = msm->colorMaterialChange;
// Save latest colors normalized to 0..1
ri = inColor.r * gc->oneOverRedVertexScale;
gi = inColor.g * gc->oneOverGreenVertexScale;
bi = inColor.b * gc->oneOverBlueVertexScale;
alpha = inColor.a;
// Compute invarient emissive and ambient components for this vertex.
if (phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_INV_COLOR_VALID)
emissiveAmbientI.r = phong->invColor.r;
emissiveAmbientI.g = phong->invColor.g;
emissiveAmbientI.b = phong->invColor.b;
lm_ambient.r = gc->state.light.model.ambient.r;
lm_ambient.g = gc->state.light.model.ambient.g;
lm_ambient.b = gc->state.light.model.ambient.b;
baseEmissiveAmbient.r = msm->paSceneColor.r;
baseEmissiveAmbient.g = msm->paSceneColor.g;
baseEmissiveAmbient.b = msm->paSceneColor.b;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT)
emissiveAmbientI.r = baseEmissiveAmbient.r
+ ri * lm_ambient.r;
emissiveAmbientI.g = baseEmissiveAmbient.g
+ gi * lm_ambient.g;
emissiveAmbientI.b = baseEmissiveAmbient.b
+ bi * lm_ambient.b;
// Add per-light per-material ambient
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
lss = lsm->state;
emissiveAmbientI.r += ri * lss->ambient.r;
emissiveAmbientI.g += gi * lss->ambient.g;
emissiveAmbientI.b += bi * lss->ambient.b;
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
baseEmissiveAmbient.r += lspmm->ambient.r;
baseEmissiveAmbient.g += lspmm->ambient.g;
baseEmissiveAmbient.b += lspmm->ambient.b;
emissiveAmbientI.r = baseEmissiveAmbient.r + inColor.r;
emissiveAmbientI.g = baseEmissiveAmbient.g + inColor.g;
emissiveAmbientI.b = baseEmissiveAmbient.b + inColor.b;
// Compute the diffuse and specular components for this vertex.
diffuseSpecularI.r = zero;
diffuseSpecularI.g = zero;
diffuseSpecularI.b = zero;
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
__GLfloat n1, n2;
lss = lsm->state;
lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
/* Add in specular and diffuse effect of light, if any */
n1 = nxi * lsm->unitVPpli.x + nyi * lsm->unitVPpli.y +
nzi * lsm->unitVPpli.z;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2 = nxi * lsm->hHat.x + nyi * lsm->hHat.y + nzi * lsm->hHat.z;
n2 -= msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR)
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached specular */
diffuseSpecularI.r += n2 * ri * lss->specular.r;
diffuseSpecularI.g += n2 * gi * lss->specular.g;
diffuseSpecularI.b += n2 * bi * lss->specular.b;
diffuseSpecularI.r += n2 * lspmm->specular.r;
diffuseSpecularI.g += n2 * lspmm->specular.g;
diffuseSpecularI.b += n2 * lspmm->specular.b;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE)
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached diffuse */
diffuseSpecularI.r += n1 * ri * lss->diffuse.r;
diffuseSpecularI.g += n1 * gi * lss->diffuse.g;
diffuseSpecularI.b += n1 * bi * lss->diffuse.b;
diffuseSpecularI.r += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.r;
diffuseSpecularI.g += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.g;
diffuseSpecularI.b += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.b;
__GL_CLAMP_R(outColor->r, gc, emissiveAmbientI.r + diffuseSpecularI.r);
__GL_CLAMP_G(outColor->g, gc, emissiveAmbientI.g + diffuseSpecularI.g);
__GL_CLAMP_B(outColor->b, gc, emissiveAmbientI.b + diffuseSpecularI.b);
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE)
__GL_CLAMP_A(outColor->a, gc, alpha);
outColor->a = msm_alpha;
* RGB, Use Normal, Slow-lights, ColorMaterial *
void ComputeRGBColorVanSlow (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor)
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLfloat nxi, nyi, nzi;
__GLfloat zero;
__GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLlightSourceState *lss;
__GLfloat ri, gi, bi;
__GLfloat alpha;
__GLfloat rsi, gsi, bsi;
__GLcolor sceneColorI;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
__GLcolor inColor;
__GLcolor lm_ambient;
__GLfloat msm_alpha, msm_threshold, msm_scale, *msm_specTable;
__GLcolor msm_paSceneColor;
GLuint msm_colorMaterialChange;
GLboolean eyeWIsZero, localViewer;
static __GLcoord Pe = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
__GLcoord n;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
zero = __glZero;
inColor = phong->tmpColor;
n = phong->nTmp;
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
__glNormalize(&n.x, &n.x);
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
msm = &gc->light.front;
nxi = n.x;
nyi = n.y;
nzi = n.z;
msm = &gc->light.back;
nxi = -n.x;
nyi = -n.y;
nzi = -n.z;
lm_ambient.r = gc->state.light.model.ambient.r;
lm_ambient.g = gc->state.light.model.ambient.g;
lm_ambient.b = gc->state.light.model.ambient.b;
msm_scale = msm->scale;
msm_threshold = msm->threshold;
msm_specTable = msm->specTable;
msm_alpha = msm->alpha;
msm_colorMaterialChange = msm->colorMaterialChange;
msm_paSceneColor = msm->paSceneColor;
localViewer = gc->state.light.model.localViewer;
// Get invarient scene color if there is no ambient or emissive color
// material.
sceneColorI.r = msm_paSceneColor.r;
sceneColorI.g = msm_paSceneColor.g;
sceneColorI.b = msm_paSceneColor.b;
if (phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE)
// Save latest colors normalized to 0..1
ri = inColor.r * gc->oneOverRedVertexScale;
gi = inColor.g * gc->oneOverGreenVertexScale;
bi = inColor.b * gc->oneOverBlueVertexScale;
alpha = inColor.a;
// Compute scene color.
// If color has not changed, the previous sceneColorI values are
// used!
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & (__GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT |
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT)
sceneColorI.r = msm_paSceneColor.r + ri * lm_ambient.r;
sceneColorI.g = msm_paSceneColor.g + gi * lm_ambient.g;
sceneColorI.b = msm_paSceneColor.b + bi * lm_ambient.b;
sceneColorI.r = msm_paSceneColor.r + inColor.r;
sceneColorI.g = msm_paSceneColor.g + inColor.g;
sceneColorI.b = msm_paSceneColor.b + inColor.b;
// Compute the diffuse and specular components for this vertex.
rsi = sceneColorI.r;
gsi = sceneColorI.g;
bsi = sceneColorI.b;
eyeWIsZero = __GL_FLOAT_EQZ(phong->eTmp.w);
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
__GLfloat n1, n2;
lss = lsm->state;
lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
if (lsm->slowPath || eyeWIsZero)
__GLcoord hHat, vPli, vPliHat, vPeHat;
__GLfloat att, attSpot;
__GLfloat hv[3];
/* Compute unit h[i] */
__glVecSub4(&vPli, &phong->eTmp, &lsm->position);
__glNormalize(&vPliHat.x, &vPli.x);
if (localViewer)
__glVecSub4(&vPeHat, &phong->eTmp, &Pe);
__glNormalize(&vPeHat.x, &vPeHat.x);
hv[0] = vPliHat.x + vPeHat.x;
hv[1] = vPliHat.y + vPeHat.y;
hv[2] = vPliHat.z + vPeHat.z;
hv[0] = vPliHat.x;
hv[1] = vPliHat.y;
hv[2] = vPliHat.z + __glOne;
__glNormalize(&hHat.x, hv);
/* Compute attenuation */
if (__GL_FLOAT_NEZ(lsm->position.w))
__GLfloat k0, k1, k2, dist;
k0 = lsm->constantAttenuation;
k1 = lsm->linearAttenuation;
k2 = lsm->quadraticAttenuation;
if (__GL_FLOAT_EQZ(k1) && __GL_FLOAT_EQZ(k2))
/* Use pre-computed 1/k0 */
att = lsm->attenuation;
__GLfloat den;
dist = __GL_SQRTF(vPli.x*vPli.x + vPli.y*vPli.y
+ vPli.z*vPli.z);
den = k0 + k1 * dist + k2 * dist * dist;
att = __GL_FLOAT_EQZ(den) ? __glOne : __glOne / den;
att = __glOne;
/* Compute spot effect if light is a spot light */
attSpot = att;
if (lsm->isSpot)
__GLfloat dot, px, py, pz;
px = -vPliHat.x;
py = -vPliHat.y;
pz = -vPliHat.z;
dot = px * lsm->direction.x + py * lsm->direction.y
+ pz * lsm->direction.z;
if ((dot >= lsm->threshold) && (dot >= lsm->cosCutOffAngle))
GLint ix = (GLint)((dot - lsm->threshold) * lsm->scale
+ __glHalf);
attSpot = att * lsm->spotTable[ix];
attSpot = zero;
/* Add in remaining effect of light, if any */
if (attSpot)
__GLfloat n1, n2;
__GLcolor sum;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT)
sum.r = ri * lss->ambient.r;
sum.g = gi * lss->ambient.g;
sum.b = bi * lss->ambient.b;
sum.r = lspmm->ambient.r;
sum.g = lspmm->ambient.g;
sum.b = lspmm->ambient.b;
n1 = nxi * vPliHat.x + nyi * vPliHat.y + nzi * vPliHat.z;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2 = nxi * hHat.x + nyi * hHat.y + nzi * hHat.z;
n2 -= msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR)
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached specular */
sum.r += n2 * ri * lss->specular.r;
sum.g += n2 * gi * lss->specular.g;
sum.b += n2 * bi * lss->specular.b;
sum.r += n2 * lspmm->specular.r;
sum.g += n2 * lspmm->specular.g;
sum.b += n2 * lspmm->specular.b;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE)
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached diffuse */
sum.r += n1 * ri * lss->diffuse.r;
sum.g += n1 * gi * lss->diffuse.g;
sum.b += n1 * bi * lss->diffuse.b;
sum.r += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.r;
sum.g += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.g;
sum.b += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.b;
rsi += attSpot * sum.r;
gsi += attSpot * sum.g;
bsi += attSpot * sum.b;
__GLfloat n1, n2;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT)
rsi += ri * lss->ambient.r;
gsi += gi * lss->ambient.g;
bsi += bi * lss->ambient.b;
rsi += lspmm->ambient.r;
gsi += lspmm->ambient.g;
bsi += lspmm->ambient.b;
/* Add in specular and diffuse effect of light, if any */
n1 = nxi * lsm->unitVPpli.x + nyi * lsm->unitVPpli.y +
nzi * lsm->unitVPpli.z;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2= nxi * lsm->hHat.x + nyi * lsm->hHat.y + nzi * lsm->hHat.z;
n2 -= msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR)
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached specular */
rsi += n2 * ri * lss->specular.r;
gsi += n2 * gi * lss->specular.g;
bsi += n2 * bi * lss->specular.b;
rsi += n2 * lspmm->specular.r;
gsi += n2 * lspmm->specular.g;
bsi += n2 * lspmm->specular.b;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE)
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached diffuse */
rsi += n1 * ri * lss->diffuse.r;
gsi += n1 * gi * lss->diffuse.g;
bsi += n1 * bi * lss->diffuse.b;
rsi += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.r;
gsi += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.g;
bsi += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.b;
__GL_CLAMP_R(outColor->r, gc, rsi);
__GL_CLAMP_G(outColor->g, gc, gsi);
__GL_CLAMP_B(outColor->b, gc, bsi);
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE)
__GL_CLAMP_A(outColor->a, gc, alpha);
outColor->a = msm_alpha;
* RGB, Use Dot, Fast-lights, no ColorMaterial *
void ComputeRGBColorAccelZippy (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor)
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLlightSourceState *lss;
__GLcolor baseEmissiveAmbient;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
__GLfloat msm_alpha, msm_threshold, msm_scale, *msm_specTable;
GLuint numLights;
__GLfloat rsi=0.0, gsi=0.0, bsi=0.0;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
GLint curL;
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
msm = &gc->light.front;
msm = &gc->light.back;
"Zippy, invarient color should have been computed\n");
"Zippy, no need for color interpolation\n");
rsi = phong->invColor.r;
gsi = phong->invColor.g;
bsi = phong->invColor.b;
msm_alpha = msm->alpha;
msm_scale = msm->scale;
msm_threshold = msm->threshold;
msm_specTable = msm->specTable;
for (lsm = gc->light.sources, curL = 0; lsm; lsm = lsm->next, curL++)
__GLfloat n1, n2, x, y, x2, y2;
__GLphongPerLightData *pld = &(phong->perLight[curL]);
__GLfloat a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i;
/* Add in specular and diffuse effect of light, if any */
n1 = pld->Dcurr;
lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
#ifdef __FASTEST
n2 = pld->Scurr - msm_threshold;
#endif //__FASTEST
#ifdef __SLOW
x = phong->tmp_pos.x; x2 = x*x;
y = phong->tmp_pos.y; y2 = y*y;
a = pld->A[0]; b = pld->A[1];
c = pld->A[2]; d = pld->A[3];
e = pld->A[4]; f = pld->A[5];
g = pld->A[6]; h = pld->A[7];
i = pld->A[8];
n2 = (a*x+b*y+c)/__GL_SQRTF(d*x2+e*x*y+f*y2+g*x+h*y+i);
#endif //__SLOW
#ifdef __FASTER
x = phong->tmp_pos.x; x2 = x*x;
y = phong->tmp_pos.y; y2 = y*y;
n2 = pld->S[5]*x2 + pld->S[4]*x*y + pld->S[3]*y2 + pld->S[2]*x +
pld->S[1]*y + pld->S[0];
#endif //__FASTER
//n2 -= msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
rsi += n2 * lspmm->specular.r;
gsi += n2 * lspmm->specular.g;
bsi += n2 * lspmm->specular.b;
rsi += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.r;
gsi += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.g;
bsi += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.b;
__GL_CLAMP_R(outColor->r, gc, rsi);
__GL_CLAMP_G(outColor->g, gc, gsi);
__GL_CLAMP_B(outColor->b, gc, bsi);
outColor->a = msm_alpha;
* RGB, Use Dot, Fast-lights, ColorMaterial *
void ComputeRGBColorAccelFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor)
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLfloat zero;
__GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLlightSourceState *lss;
__GLfloat ri, gi, bi;
__GLfloat alpha;
__GLcolor emissiveAmbientI;
__GLcolor inColor;
__GLcolor diffuseSpecularI;
__GLcolor baseEmissiveAmbient;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
__GLcolor lm_ambient;
__GLfloat msm_alpha, msm_threshold, msm_scale, *msm_specTable;
GLuint msm_colorMaterialChange;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
GLint curL;
zero = __glZero;
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
msm = &gc->light.front;
msm = &gc->light.back;
msm_colorMaterialChange = msm->colorMaterialChange;
"Fast, need color interpolation\n");
#if 0
ASSERTOPENGL (!(gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE),
"Normalization should have been disabled\n");
inColor = phong->tmpColor;
msm_scale = msm->scale;
msm_threshold = msm->threshold;
msm_specTable = msm->specTable;
msm_alpha = msm->alpha;
// Save latest colors normalized to 0..1
ri = inColor.r * gc->oneOverRedVertexScale;
gi = inColor.g * gc->oneOverGreenVertexScale;
bi = inColor.b * gc->oneOverBlueVertexScale;
alpha = inColor.a;
// Compute invarient emissive and ambient components for this vertex.
if (phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_INV_COLOR_VALID)
emissiveAmbientI.r = phong->invColor.r;
emissiveAmbientI.g = phong->invColor.g;
emissiveAmbientI.b = phong->invColor.b;
lm_ambient.r = gc->state.light.model.ambient.r;
lm_ambient.g = gc->state.light.model.ambient.g;
lm_ambient.b = gc->state.light.model.ambient.b;
baseEmissiveAmbient.r = msm->paSceneColor.r;
baseEmissiveAmbient.g = msm->paSceneColor.g;
baseEmissiveAmbient.b = msm->paSceneColor.b;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_AMBIENT)
emissiveAmbientI.r = baseEmissiveAmbient.r
+ ri * lm_ambient.r;
emissiveAmbientI.g = baseEmissiveAmbient.g
+ gi * lm_ambient.g;
emissiveAmbientI.b = baseEmissiveAmbient.b
+ bi * lm_ambient.b;
// Add per-light per-material ambient
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
lss = lsm->state;
emissiveAmbientI.r += ri * lss->ambient.r;
emissiveAmbientI.g += gi * lss->ambient.g;
emissiveAmbientI.b += bi * lss->ambient.b;
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
baseEmissiveAmbient.r += lspmm->ambient.r;
baseEmissiveAmbient.g += lspmm->ambient.g;
baseEmissiveAmbient.b += lspmm->ambient.b;
emissiveAmbientI.r = baseEmissiveAmbient.r + inColor.r;
emissiveAmbientI.g = baseEmissiveAmbient.g + inColor.g;
emissiveAmbientI.b = baseEmissiveAmbient.b + inColor.b;
// Compute the diffuse and specular components for this vertex.
diffuseSpecularI.r = zero;
diffuseSpecularI.g = zero;
diffuseSpecularI.b = zero;
for (lsm = gc->light.sources, curL=0; lsm; lsm = lsm->next, curL++)
__GLfloat n1, n2;
__GLphongPerLightData *pld = &(phong->perLight[curL]);
lss = lsm->state;
lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
/* Add in specular and diffuse effect of light, if any */
n1 = pld->Dcurr;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2 = pld->Scurr - msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_SPECULAR)
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached specular */
diffuseSpecularI.r += n2 * ri * lss->specular.r;
diffuseSpecularI.g += n2 * gi * lss->specular.g;
diffuseSpecularI.b += n2 * bi * lss->specular.b;
diffuseSpecularI.r += n2 * lspmm->specular.r;
diffuseSpecularI.g += n2 * lspmm->specular.g;
diffuseSpecularI.b += n2 * lspmm->specular.b;
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE)
/* Recompute per-light per-material cached diffuse */
diffuseSpecularI.r += n1 * ri * lss->diffuse.r;
diffuseSpecularI.g += n1 * gi * lss->diffuse.g;
diffuseSpecularI.b += n1 * bi * lss->diffuse.b;
diffuseSpecularI.r += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.r;
diffuseSpecularI.g += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.g;
diffuseSpecularI.b += n1 * lspmm->diffuse.b;
__GL_CLAMP_R(outColor->r, gc, emissiveAmbientI.r + diffuseSpecularI.r);
__GL_CLAMP_G(outColor->g, gc, emissiveAmbientI.g + diffuseSpecularI.g);
__GL_CLAMP_B(outColor->b, gc, emissiveAmbientI.b + diffuseSpecularI.b);
if (msm_colorMaterialChange & __GL_MATERIAL_DIFFUSE)
__GL_CLAMP_A(outColor->a, gc, alpha);
outColor->a = msm_alpha;
* CI, Vanilla, Fast-lights *
void ComputeCIColorVanFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor)
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLfloat zero;
__GLcoord n;
__GLfloat nxi, nyi, nzi;
__GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLlightSourceState *lss;
__GLcolor baseEmissiveAmbient;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
__GLmaterialState *ms;
__GLfloat msm_threshold, msm_scale, *msm_specTable;
GLuint numLights;
__GLfloat ms_cmapa, ms_cmapd, ms_cmaps;
__GLfloat ci, si, di;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
GLfloat redMaxF;
GLint redMaxI;
zero = __glZero;
n = phong->nTmp;
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
__glNormalize(&n.x, &n.x);
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
ms = &gc->state.light.front;
msm = &gc->light.front;
nxi = n.x;
nyi = n.y;
nzi = n.z;
ms = &gc->state.light.back;
msm = &gc->light.back;
nxi = -n.x;
nyi = -n.y;
nzi = -n.z;
"Zippy, no need for color interpolation\n");
msm_scale = msm->scale;
msm_threshold = msm->threshold;
msm_specTable = msm->specTable;
ms_cmapa = ms->cmapa;
ms_cmapd = ms->cmapd;
ms_cmaps = ms->cmaps;
redMaxF = (GLfloat) gc->frontBuffer.redMax;
redMaxI = (GLint) gc->frontBuffer.redMax;
si = zero;
di = zero;
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
__GLfloat n1, n2;
lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
/* Add in specular and diffuse effect of light, if any */
n1 = nxi * lsm->unitVPpli.x + nyi * lsm->unitVPpli.y +
nzi * lsm->unitVPpli.z;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2 = (nxi * lsm->hHat.x + nyi * lsm->hHat.y + nzi *
lsm->hHat.z) - msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
si += n2 * lsm->sli;
di += n1 * lsm->dli;
/* Compute final color */
if (si > __glOne)
si = __glOne;
ci = ms_cmapa + (__glOne - si) * di * (ms_cmapd - ms_cmapa)
+ si * (ms_cmaps - ms_cmapa);
// need to mask color index before color clipping
if (ci > redMaxF)
GLfloat fraction;
GLint integer;
integer = (GLint) ci;
fraction = ci - (GLfloat) integer;
integer = integer & redMaxI;
ci = (GLfloat) integer + fraction;
else if (ci < 0)
GLfloat fraction;
GLint integer;
integer = (GLint) __GL_FLOORF(ci);
fraction = ci - (GLfloat) integer;
integer = integer & redMaxI;
ci = (GLfloat) integer + fraction;
outColor->r = ci;
* CI, Vanilla, Slow-lights *
void ComputeCIColorVanSlow (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor)
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLfloat nxi, nyi, nzi;
__GLfloat zero;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLmaterialState *ms;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
__GLfloat msm_threshold, msm_scale, *msm_specTable;
__GLfloat ms_cmapa, ms_cmapd, ms_cmaps;
__GLfloat ci, si, di;
GLfloat redMaxF;
GLint redMaxI;
GLboolean eyeWIsZero, localViewer;
static __GLcoord Pe = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
__GLcoord n;
zero = __glZero;
n = phong->nTmp;
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
__glNormalize(&n.x, &n.x);
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
ms = &gc->state.light.front;
msm = &gc->light.front;
nxi = n.x;
nyi = n.y;
nzi = n.z;
ms = &gc->state.light.back;
msm = &gc->light.back;
nxi = -n.x;
nyi = -n.y;
nzi = -n.z;
msm_scale = msm->scale;
msm_threshold = msm->threshold;
msm_specTable = msm->specTable;
ms_cmapa = ms->cmapa;
ms_cmapd = ms->cmapd;
ms_cmaps = ms->cmaps;
localViewer = gc->state.light.model.localViewer;
redMaxF = (GLfloat) gc->frontBuffer.redMax;
redMaxI = (GLint) gc->frontBuffer.redMax;
si = zero;
di = zero;
eyeWIsZero = __GL_FLOAT_EQZ(phong->eTmp.w);
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
if (lsm->slowPath || eyeWIsZero)
__GLfloat n1, n2, att, attSpot;
__GLcoord vPliHat, vPli, hHat, vPeHat;
__GLfloat hv[3];
/* Compute vPli, hi (normalized) */
__glVecSub4(&vPli, &phong->eTmp, &lsm->position);
__glNormalize(&vPliHat.x, &vPli.x);
if (localViewer)
__glVecSub4(&vPeHat, &phong->eTmp, &Pe);
__glNormalize(&vPeHat.x, &vPeHat.x);
hv[0] = vPliHat.x + vPeHat.x;
hv[1] = vPliHat.y + vPeHat.y;
hv[2] = vPliHat.z + vPeHat.z;
hv[0] = vPliHat.x;
hv[1] = vPliHat.y;
hv[2] = vPliHat.z + __glOne;
__glNormalize(&hHat.x, hv);
/* Compute attenuation */
if (__GL_FLOAT_NEZ(lsm->position.w))
__GLfloat k0, k1, k2, dist;
k0 = lsm->constantAttenuation;
k1 = lsm->linearAttenuation;
k2 = lsm->quadraticAttenuation;
if (__GL_FLOAT_EQZ(k1) && __GL_FLOAT_EQZ(k2))
/* Use pre-computed 1/k0 */
att = lsm->attenuation;
__GLfloat den;
dist = __GL_SQRTF(vPli.x*vPli.x + vPli.y*vPli.y
+ vPli.z*vPli.z);
den = k0 + k1 * dist + k2 * dist * dist;
att = __GL_FLOAT_EQZ(den) ? __glOne : __glOne / den;
att = __glOne;
/* Compute spot effect if light is a spot light */
attSpot = att;
if (lsm->isSpot)
__GLfloat dot, px, py, pz;
px = -vPliHat.x;
py = -vPliHat.y;
pz = -vPliHat.z;
dot = px * lsm->direction.x + py * lsm->direction.y
+ pz * lsm->direction.z;
if ((dot >= lsm->threshold) && (dot >= lsm->cosCutOffAngle))
GLint ix = (GLint)((dot - lsm->threshold) * lsm->scale
+ __glHalf);
attSpot = att * lsm->spotTable[ix];
attSpot = zero;
/* Add in remaining effect of light, if any */
if (attSpot)
n1 = nxi * vPliHat.x + nyi * vPliHat.y + nzi * vPliHat.z;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2 = nxi * hHat.x + nyi * hHat.y + nzi * hHat.z;
n2 -= msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
si += attSpot * n2 * lsm->sli;
di += attSpot * n1 * lsm->dli;
__GLfloat n1, n2;
/* Compute specular contribution */
n1 = nxi * lsm->unitVPpli.x + nyi * lsm->unitVPpli.y +
nzi * lsm->unitVPpli.z;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2= nxi * lsm->hHat.x + nyi * lsm->hHat.y + nzi * lsm->hHat.z;
n2 -= msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
si += n2 * lsm->sli;
di += n1 * lsm->dli;
/* Compute final color */
if (si > __glOne)
si = __glOne;
ci = ms_cmapa + (__glOne - si) * di * (ms_cmapd - ms_cmapa)
+ si * (ms_cmaps - ms_cmapa);
if (ci > ms_cmaps)
ci = ms_cmaps;
// need to mask color index before color clipping
if (ci > redMaxF)
GLfloat fraction;
GLint integer;
integer = (GLint) ci;
fraction = ci - (GLfloat) integer;
integer = integer & redMaxI;
ci = (GLfloat) integer + fraction;
else if (ci < 0)
GLfloat fraction;
GLint integer;
integer = (GLint) __GL_FLOORF(ci);
fraction = ci - (GLfloat) integer;
integer = integer & redMaxI;
ci = (GLfloat) integer + fraction;
outColor->r = ci;
* CI, Fast-lights, Fast-path *
void ComputeCIColorAccelFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *outColor)
__GLfloat zero;
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLlightSourceState *lss;
__GLcolor baseEmissiveAmbient;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
__GLmaterialState *ms;
__GLfloat msm_threshold, msm_scale, *msm_specTable;
GLuint numLights;
__GLfloat ms_cmapa, ms_cmapd, ms_cmaps;
__GLfloat ci, si, di;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
GLfloat redMaxF;
GLint redMaxI;
GLint curL;
zero = __glZero;
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
ms = &gc->state.light.front;
msm = &gc->light.front;
ms = &gc->state.light.back;
msm = &gc->light.back;
"Zippy, no need for color interpolation\n");
msm_scale = msm->scale;
msm_threshold = msm->threshold;
msm_specTable = msm->specTable;
ms_cmapa = ms->cmapa;
ms_cmapd = ms->cmapd;
ms_cmaps = ms->cmaps;
redMaxF = (GLfloat) gc->frontBuffer.redMax;
redMaxI = (GLint) gc->frontBuffer.redMax;
si = zero;
di = zero;
for (lsm = gc->light.sources, curL=0; lsm; lsm = lsm->next, curL++)
__GLfloat n1, n2;
__GLphongPerLightData *pld = &(phong->perLight[curL]);
lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
/* Add in specular and diffuse effect of light, if any */
n1 = pld->Dcurr;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GTZ(n1))
n2 = pld->Scurr - msm_threshold;
if (__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(n2))
__GLfloat fx = n2 * msm_scale + __glHalf;
if( fx < (__GLfloat)__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE )
n2 = msm_specTable[(GLint)fx];
n2 = __glOne;
si += n2 * lsm->sli;
di += n1 * lsm->dli;
/* Compute final color */
if (si > __glOne)
si = __glOne;
ci = ms_cmapa + (__glOne - si) * di * (ms_cmapd - ms_cmapa)
+ si * (ms_cmaps - ms_cmapa);
// need to mask color index before color clipping
if (ci > redMaxF)
GLfloat fraction;
GLint integer;
integer = (GLint) ci;
fraction = ci - (GLfloat) integer;
integer = integer & redMaxI;
ci = (GLfloat) integer + fraction;
else if (ci < 0)
GLfloat fraction;
GLint integer;
integer = (GLint) __GL_FLOORF(ci);
fraction = ci - (GLfloat) integer;
integer = integer & redMaxI;
ci = (GLfloat) integer + fraction;
outColor->r = ci;
void ComputePhongInvarientRGBColor (__GLcontext *gc)
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLlightSourceState *lss;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
__GLfloat msm_alpha;
__GLfloat rsi, gsi, bsi;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
msm = &gc->light.front;
msm = &gc->light.back;
// Compute invarient emissive and ambient components for this vertex.
rsi = msm->paSceneColor.r;
gsi = msm->paSceneColor.g;
bsi = msm->paSceneColor.b;
// add invarient per-light per-material cached ambient
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next)
lspmm = &lsm->front + face;
rsi += lspmm->ambient.r;
gsi += lspmm->ambient.g;
bsi += lspmm->ambient.b;
phong->invColor.r = rsi;
phong->invColor.g = gsi;
phong->invColor.b = bsi;
void FASTCALL __glGenericPickPhongProcs(__GLcontext *gc)
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
GLboolean anySlow = GL_FALSE;
GLboolean colorMaterial = (gc->state.enables.general &
GLboolean rgb_mode = (gc->polygon.shader.modeFlags & __GL_SHADE_RGB);
GLboolean normalize = (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE);
GLboolean doVanilla = GL_FALSE;
gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags = 0;
for (lsm = gc->light.sources; lsm; lsm = lsm->next) {
if (lsm->slowPath) {
anySlow = GL_TRUE;
// Assuming here that anySlow means need Eye XPolate
gc->polygon.shader.phong.flags |= __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE;
doVanilla = (!(gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
|| (anySlow)
|| (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_ENABLE)
|| (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_LINE_SMOOTH_ENABLE)
if ((gc->state.hints.phong == GL_NICEST) || doVanilla)
gc->procs.phong.InitLineParams = InitLineParamsVan;
if (anySlow)
gc->procs.phong.InitSpanInterpolation = InitSpanNEInterpolationVan;
gc->procs.phong.UpdateAlongSpan = UpdateNEAlongSpanVan;
gc->procs.phong.ComputeRGBColor = ComputeRGBColorVanSlow;
gc->procs.phong.ComputeCIColor = ComputeCIColorVanSlow;
gc->procs.phong.InitSpanInterpolation = InitSpanNInterpolationVan;
gc->procs.phong.UpdateAlongSpan = UpdateNAlongSpanVan;
gc->procs.phong.ComputeCIColor = ComputeCIColorVanFast;
if (colorMaterial)
gc->procs.phong.ComputeRGBColor = ComputeRGBColorVanFast;
gc->procs.phong.ComputeRGBColor = ComputeRGBColorVanZippy;
ASSERTOPENGL (!anySlow, "Slow lights currently turned off\n");
gc->procs.phong.InitSpanInterpolation = InitSpanInterpolationAccel;
gc->procs.phong.UpdateAlongSpan = UpdateParamsAlongSpanAccel;
gc->procs.phong.InitLineParams = InitLineParamsAccel;
gc->procs.phong.ComputeCIColor = ComputeCIColorAccelFast;
if (colorMaterial)
gc->procs.phong.ComputeRGBColor = ComputeRGBColorAccelFast;
gc->procs.phong.ComputeRGBColor = ComputeRGBColorAccelZippy;
void __glCalcForwardDifferences( GLint w, __GLfloat p0, __GLfloat p1,
__GLfloat p2, __GLfloat *d1, __GLfloat *d2 )
// Compute quadratic forward differences along a span of length w, from
// points p0, p1, p2
__GLfloat dx;
__GLfloat a0, a1, a2;
if( w < 2 ) {
*d1 = *d2 = 0.0f;
dx = 1.0f / w; // normalization factor
// quadratic polynomial coefficients
a0 = p0;
a1 = ( -3.0f*p0 + 4.0f*p1 - p2) * dx;
a2 = 2.0f * (p0 - 2.0f*p1 + p2) * dx * dx;
#ifdef __DEBUG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("a2=%f, a1=%f, a0=%f\n", a2, a1, a0);
// forward difference parameters
*d1 = a1 + a2;
*d2 = 2.0f * a2;
#ifdef __JUNKED_CODE
void InitSpanInterpolationFast (__GLcontext *gc)
GLint i;
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
phong->tmp_pos.x = phong->cur_pos.x;
phong->tmp_pos.y = phong->cur_pos.y;
for (i=0; i<phong->numLights; i++)
__GLphongPerLightData *pld = &(phong->perLight[i]);
/* Diffuse */
pld->D_tmp = pld->D_curr;
pld->Ddel_tmp = pld->DdelSpan;
/* Specular */
pld->S_tmp = pld->S_curr;
pld->Sdel_tmp = pld->SdelSpan;
#ifdef __TWO
ASSERTOPENGL (!anySlow, "Slow lights currently turned off\n");
gc->procs.phong.InitInterpolation = InitializePhongInterpolationVan;
gc->procs.phong.SetInitParams = SetInitialPhongInterpolationVan;
gc->procs.phong.UpdateAlongEdge = UpdateParamsAlongEdgeVan;
gc->procs.phong.InitSpanInterpolation = InitSpanInterpolationTWO;
gc->procs.phong.UpdateAlongSpan = UpdateParamsAlongSpanFast;
//Line related
gc->procs.phong.InitLineParams = InitLineParamsFast;
if (colorMaterial)
gc->procs.phong.ComputeRGBColor = ComputeRGBColorAccelFast;
gc->procs.phong.ComputeRGBColor = ComputeRGBColorAccelZippy;
gc->procs.phong.InitInterpolation = InitializePhongInterpolationFast;
gc->procs.phong.SetInitParams = SetInitialPhongInterpolationFast;
gc->procs.phong.UpdateAlongEdge = UpdateParamsAlongEdgeFast;
gc->procs.phong.InitSpanInterpolation = InitSpanInterpolationFast;
gc->procs.phong.UpdateAlongSpan = UpdateParamsAlongSpanFast;
gc->procs.phong.ComputeCIColor = ComputeCIColorAccelFast;
//Line related
gc->procs.phong.InitLineParams = InitLineParamsFast;
if (colorMaterial)
gc->procs.phong.ComputeRGBColor = ComputeRGBColorAccelFast;
gc->procs.phong.ComputeRGBColor = ComputeRGBColorAccelZippy;
void InitSpanInterpolationTWO (__GLcontext *gc)
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
GLint face = phong->face;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
//__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
__GLcoord n, dndx;
__GLcoord *A = &dndx;
__GLcoord *C = &n;
__GLfloat a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i;
GLint curL;
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
//msm = &gc->light.front;
n.x = phong->nCur.x;
n.y = phong->nCur.y;
n.z = phong->nCur.z;
dndx.x = phong->dndx.x;
dndx.y = phong->dndx.y;
dndx.z = phong->dndx.z;
//msm = &gc->light.back;
n.x = -phong->nCur.x;
n.y = -phong->nCur.y;
n.z = -phong->nCur.z;
dndx.x = -phong->dndx.x;
dndx.y = -phong->dndx.y;
dndx.z = -phong->dndx.z;
if (gc->state.enables.general & __GL_NORMALIZE_ENABLE)
__glNormalize(&n.x, &n.x);
MAGN2 (d,A); //d = A.A
DOT (g,A,C); g *= 2.0; //g = 2A.C
MAGN2 (i,C); //i = C.C
for (lsm = gc->light.sources, curL=0; lsm; lsm = lsm->next, curL++)
__GLfloat i2, iRt, tmp5, tmp2;
__GLphongPerLightData *pld = &(phong->perLight[curL]);
__GLcoord *L = &(lsm->unitVPpli); // L is already normalized here
__GLcoord *H = &(lsm->hHat); // H is already normalized here
i2 = (i*i);
iRt = __GL_SQRTF(i);
/***** Diffuse *****/
// Remaining Bishop parameters
DOT (a,L,A); //a = L.A/|L|
DOT (c,L,C); //c = L.C/|L|
tmp2 = (2.0*a*i - c*g)/(2.0*i*iRt);
tmp5 = (3.0*c*g*g - 4.0*c*d*i - 4.0*a*g*i)/(8.0*i2*iRt);
// Constant deltas
pld->Ddel2Span = 2*tmp5;
pld->Ddel_tmp = tmp2 + tmp5;
pld->D_tmp = c/iRt;
/***** Specular ******/
// Remaining Bishop parameters
DOT (a,H,A); //a = H.A/|H|
DOT (c,H,C); //c = H.C/|H|
// Polynomial coefficients
tmp2 = (2.0*a*i - c*g)/(2.0*i*iRt);
tmp5 = (3.0*c*g*g - 4.0*c*d*i - 4.0*a*g*i)/(8.0*i2*iRt);
// Constant deltas
pld->Sdel2Span = 2*tmp5;
pld->Sdel_tmp = tmp2 + tmp5;
pld->S_tmp = c/iRt;
phong->numLights = curL;
void SetInitialPhongInterpolationVan (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLcoord *an, __GLfloat dx,
__GLfloat dy)
__GLshade *sh = &gc->polygon.shader;
__GLphongShader *phong = &gc->polygon.shader.phong;
__GLfloat little = sh->dxLeftLittle;
__GLfloat big = sh->dxLeftBig;
phong->nCur.x = an->x + dx*phong->dndx.x + dy*phong->dndy.x;
phong->nCur.y = an->y + dx*phong->dndx.y + dy*phong->dndy.y;
phong->nCur.z = an->z + dx*phong->dndx.z + dy*phong->dndy.z;
phong->nLittle.x = phong->dndy.x + little * phong->dndx.x;
phong->nLittle.y = phong->dndy.y + little * phong->dndx.y;
phong->nLittle.z = phong->dndy.z + little * phong->dndx.z;
if (big > little)
phong->nBig.x = phong->nLittle.x + phong->dndx.x;
phong->nBig.y = phong->nLittle.y + phong->dndx.y;
phong->nBig.z = phong->nLittle.z + phong->dndx.z;
phong->nBig.x = phong->nLittle.x - phong->dndx.x;
phong->nBig.y = phong->nLittle.y - phong->dndx.y;
phong->nBig.z = phong->nLittle.z - phong->dndx.z;
if (phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE)
phong->eCur.x = a->eyeX + dx*phong->dedx.x + dy*phong->dedy.x;
phong->eCur.y = a->eyeY + dx*phong->dedx.y + dy*phong->dedy.y;
phong->eCur.z = a->eyeZ + dx*phong->dedx.z + dy*phong->dedy.z;
phong->eCur.w = a->eyeW + dx*phong->dedx.w + dy*phong->dedy.w;
phong->eLittle.x = phong->dedy.x + little * phong->dedx.x;
phong->eLittle.y = phong->dedy.y + little * phong->dedx.y;
phong->eLittle.z = phong->dedy.z + little * phong->dedx.z;
phong->eLittle.w = phong->dedy.w + little * phong->dedx.w;
if (big > little)
phong->eBig.x = phong->eLittle.x + phong->dedx.x;
phong->eBig.y = phong->eLittle.y + phong->dedx.y;
phong->eBig.z = phong->eLittle.z + phong->dedx.z;
phong->eBig.w = phong->eLittle.w + phong->dedx.w;
phong->eBig.x = phong->eLittle.x - phong->dedx.x;
phong->eBig.y = phong->eLittle.y - phong->dedx.y;
phong->eBig.z = phong->eLittle.z - phong->dedx.z;
phong->eBig.w = phong->eLittle.w - phong->dedx.w;
/* Equivalent to SetInitialPhongParameters. Does for D and S */
void SetInitialPhongInterpolationFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *a,
__GLcoord *an, __GLfloat dx,
__GLfloat dy)
__GLshade *sh = &gc->polygon.shader;
__GLphongShader *phong = &gc->polygon.shader.phong;
__GLfloat little = sh->dxLeftLittle;
__GLfloat little2 = little*little;
__GLfloat big = sh->dxLeftBig;
__GLfloat big2 = big*big;
__GLfloat dx2 = dx*dx;
__GLfloat dy2 = dy*dy;
__GLcoord pos;
int i;
GLfloat x, x2, y, y2;
GLfloat aa, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, ii;
phong->cur_pos.x += dx;
phong->cur_pos.y += dy;
pos = phong->cur_pos;
x = phong->cur_pos.x; x2 = x*x;
y = phong->cur_pos.y; y2 = y*y;
for (i = 0; i<phong->numLights; i++)
__GLphongPerLightData *pld = &phong->perLight[i];
__GLfloat tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
/**** Diffuse Parameters *****/
pld->D_curr = pld->D[5]*x2 + pld->D[4]*x*y + pld->D[3]*y2 +
pld->D[2]*x + pld->D[1]*y + pld->D[0];
tmp1 = 2*pld->D[5]*x + pld->D[4]*y + pld->D[2];
tmp2 = 2*pld->D[3]*y + pld->D[4]*x + pld->D[1];
// Compute the along-edge del2 and del terms (Little)
tmp3 = pld->D[5]*little2 + pld->D[4]*little + pld->D[3];
pld->Ddel2EdgeLittle = 2*tmp3;
pld->DdelEdgeLittle = tmp1*little + tmp2 + tmp3;
// Compute the along-edge del2 and del terms (Big)
tmp3 = pld->D[5]*big2 + pld->D[4]*big + pld->D[3];
pld->Ddel2EdgeBig = 2*tmp3;
pld->DdelEdgeBig = tmp1*big + tmp2 + tmp3;
// Compute the along-span del terms
pld->DdelSpan = tmp1 + pld->D[5];
pld->DdelSpanEdgeBig = pld->D[4] + 2*pld->D[5]*big;
pld->DdelSpanEdgeLittle = pld->D[4] + 2*pld->D[5]*little;
/**** Specular Parameters ****/
#ifndef __SLOW
pld->S_curr = pld->S[5]*x2 + pld->S[4]*x*y + pld->S[3]*y2 +
pld->S[2]*x + pld->S[1]*y + pld->S[0];
aa = pld->A[0]; b = pld->A[1];
c = pld->A[2]; d = pld->A[3];
e = pld->A[4]; f = pld->A[5];
g = pld->A[6]; h = pld->A[7];
ii = pld->A[8];
pld->S_curr = (aa*x+b*y+c)/__GL_SQRTF(d*x2+e*x*y+f*y2+g*x+h*y+ii);
tmp1 = 2*pld->S[5]*x + pld->S[4]*y + pld->S[2];
tmp2 = 2*pld->S[3]*y + pld->S[4]*x + pld->S[1];
// Compute the along-edge del2 and del terms (Little)
tmp3 = pld->S[5]*little2 + pld->S[4]*little + pld->S[3];
pld->Sdel2EdgeLittle = 2*tmp3;
pld->SdelEdgeLittle = tmp1*little + tmp2 + tmp3;
// Compute the along-edge del2 and del terms (Big)
tmp3 = pld->S[5]*big2 + pld->S[4]*big + pld->S[3];
pld->Sdel2EdgeBig = 2*tmp3;
pld->SdelEdgeBig = tmp1*big + tmp2 + tmp3;
// Compute the along-span del terms
pld->SdelSpan = tmp1 + pld->S[5];
pld->SdelSpanEdgeBig = pld->S[4] + 2*pld->S[5]*big;
pld->SdelSpanEdgeLittle = pld->S[4] + 2*pld->S[5]*little;
/* Called when: Normalization Enabled, FastLights */
****Set up the Polynomial for diffuse illumination****
* *
* 2 2 *
* SD (x,y) = D_5x + D_4xy + D_3y + D_2x + D_1y + D_0 *
* *
* D_i are expressed in terms of: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i *
* *
* D_0 = c/sqrt(i) *
* D_1 = (2bi - ch)/(2i*sqrt(i)) *
* D_2 = (2ai - cg)/(2i*sqrt(i)) *
* D_3 = (3ch^2 - 4cfi - 4bhi)/(4i^2*sqrt(i)) *
* D_4 = (3cgh - 2ci - 2bgi - 2ahi)/(8i^2*sqrt(i)) *
* D_5 = (3ig^2 - 4cdi - 4agi)/(4i^2*sqrt(i)) *
void InitializePhongInterpolationFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v)
GLboolean colorMaterial = (gc->state.enables.general &
GLint face = gc->polygon.shader.phong.face;
__GLlightSourcePerMaterialMachine *lspmm;
__GLlightSourceMachine *lsm;
__GLmaterialMachine *msm;
GLuint msm_colorMaterialChange;
__GLfloat msm_alpha;
__GLfloat rsi, gsi, bsi;
__GLcoord normal;
GLint curL;
__GLphongShader *phong = &gc->polygon.shader.phong;
__GLshade *sh = &gc->polygon.shader;
__GLfloat little = sh->dxLeftLittle;
__GLfloat big = sh->dxLeftBig;
__GLcoord *A = &(phong->dndx);
__GLcoord *B = &(phong->dndy);
__GLcoord *C;
//From Bishop's paper
__GLfloat a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i;
#ifdef __CENTER
normal.x = v->normal.x + (v->window.x - phong->center.x)*A->x
+ (v->window.y - phong->center.y)*B->x;
normal.y = v->normal.y + (v->window.x - phong->center.x)*A->y
+ (v->window.y - phong->center.y)*B->y;
normal.z = v->normal.z + (v->window.x - phong->center.x)*A->z
+ (v->window.y - phong->center.y)*B->z;
normal.x = v->normal.x;
normal.y = v->normal.y;
normal.z = v->normal.z;
if (face == __GL_FRONTFACE)
msm = &gc->light.front;
msm = &gc->light.back;
normal.x = -normal.x;
normal.y = -normal.y;
normal.z = -normal.z;
C = &normal;
//msm_colorMaterialChange = msm->colorMaterialChange;
#ifdef __DBG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("A = (%f, %f, %f)\n", A->x, A->y, A->z);
DbgPrint ("B = (%f, %f, %f)\n", B->x, B->y, B->z);
DbgPrint ("C = (%f, %f, %f)\n", C->x, C->y, C->z);
//***********Diffuse Bishop Parameters*****************************
//a, b, c depend upon the light vector, so compute inside the loop
//d, e, f, g, h, i depend only upon the incoming normal
MAGN2 (d, A); //d = A.A
DOT (e,A,B); e *= 2.0; //e = 2A.B
MAGN2 (f, B); //f = B.B
DOT (g,A,C); g *= 2.0; //g = 2A.C
DOT (h,B,C); h *= 2.0; //h = 2B.C
MAGN2 (i,C); //i = C.C
// Normalization not needed since
// it was done (if needed) during normal propagation.
// Compute the per-light interpolation parameters
for (lsm = gc->light.sources, curL = 0; lsm;
lsm = lsm->next, curL++)
__GLphongPerLightData *pld = &(phong->perLight[curL]);
__GLcoord *L = &(lsm->unitVPpli); // L is already normalized here
__GLcoord *H = &(lsm->hHat); // H is already normalized here
GLfloat i2, iRt;
i2 = i*i;
iRt = __GL_SQRTF(i);
/***** Diffuse *****/
// Remaining Bishop parameters
DOT (a,L,A); //a = L.A/|L|
DOT (b,L,B); //b = L.B/|L|
DOT (c,L,C); //c = L.C/|L|
// Polynomial coefficients
//DOT (pld->D[0], &normal, L);
pld->D[0] = c/iRt;
pld->D[1] = (2.0*b*i - c*h)/(2.0*i*iRt);
pld->D[2] = (2.0*a*i - c*g)/(2.0*i*iRt);
pld->D[3] = (3.0*c*h*h - 4.0*c*f*i - 4.0*b*h*i)/(8.0*i2*iRt);
pld->D[4] = (3.0*c*g*h - 2.0*c*e*i - 2.0*b*g*i - 2.0*a*h*i)/
pld->D[5] = (3.0*c*g*g - 4.0*c*d*i - 4.0*a*g*i)/(8.0*i2*iRt);
#ifdef __DBG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("D[0]= %f, D[1]=%f, D[2]=%f, D[3]=%f, D[4]=%f, D[5]=%f\n",
pld->D[0], pld->D[1], pld->D[2], pld->D[3], pld->D[4],
// Constant deltas
pld->Ddel2Span = 2*pld->D[5];
pld->D_curr = pld->D[0];
#ifdef __DBG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("Ddel2Span= %f, D_curr=%f\n", pld->Ddel2Span, pld->D_curr);
/***** Specular ******/
// Remaining Bishop parameters
DOT (a,H,A); //a = H.A/|H|
DOT (b,H,B); //b = H.B/|H|
DOT (c,H,C); //c = H.C/|H|
// Polynomial coefficients
DOT (pld->S[0], &normal, H);
pld->S[1] = (2.0*b*i - c*h)/(2.0*i*iRt);
pld->S[2] = (2.0*a*i - c*g)/(2.0*i*iRt);
pld->S[3] = (3.0*c*h*h - 4.0*c*f*i - 4.0*b*h*i)/(8.0*i2*iRt);
pld->S[4] = (3.0*c*g*h - 2.0*c*e*i - 2.0*b*g*i - 2.0*a*h*i)/
pld->S[5] = (3.0*c*g*g - 4.0*c*d*i - 4.0*a*g*i)/(8.0*i2*iRt);
// Constant deltas
pld->Sdel2Span = 2*pld->S[5];
pld->S_curr = pld->S[0];
#ifdef __SLOW
pld->A[0] = a; pld->A[1] = b;
pld->A[2] = c; pld->A[3] = d;
pld->A[4] = e; pld->A[5] = f;
pld->A[6] = g; pld->A[7] = h;
pld->A[8] = i;
#ifdef __DBG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("L = (%f, %f, %f)\n", L->x, L->y, L->z);
DbgPrint ("H = (%f, %f, %f)\n", H->x, H->y, H->z);
DbgPrint ("a= %f, b=%f, c=%f, d=%f, e=%f, f=%f, g=%f, h=%f, i=%f\n",
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);
phong->numLights = curL;
#ifdef __CENTER
phong->cur_pos.x = v->window.x - phong->center.x;
phong->cur_pos.y = v->window.y - phong->center.y;
phong->cur_pos.x = 0.0;
phong->cur_pos.y = 0.0;
void InitializePhongInterpolationSlow (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v)
/* Do nothing */
void InitializePhongInterpolationVan (__GLcontext *gc, __GLvertex *v)
__GLphongShader *phong = &gc->polygon.shader.phong;
#ifdef __DBG_PRINT
DbgPrint ("dndx = (%f, %f, %f)\n", phong->dndx.x, phong->dndx.y,
DbgPrint ("dndy = (%f, %f, %f)\n", phong->dndy.x, phong->dndy.y,
DbgPrint ("normal = (%f, %f, %f)\n", v->normal.x, v->normal.y,
void UpdateParamsAlongEdgeFast (__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat dxLeft,
GLboolean useBigStep)
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
__GLphongPerLightData *pld;
GLint i;
if (useBigStep)
for (i=0; i<phong->numLights; i++)
pld = &(phong->perLight[i]);
/** Diffuse Parameters **/
pld->D_curr += pld->DdelEdgeBig;
pld->DdelEdgeBig += pld->Ddel2EdgeBig;
pld->DdelEdgeLittle += pld->Ddel2EdgeBig;
pld->DdelSpan += pld->DdelSpanEdgeBig;
/** Specular Parameters **/
pld->S_curr += pld->SdelEdgeBig;
pld->SdelEdgeBig += pld->Sdel2EdgeBig;
pld->SdelEdgeLittle += pld->Sdel2EdgeBig;
pld->SdelSpan += pld->SdelSpanEdgeBig;
else //Use small step
for (i=0; i<phong->numLights; i++)
pld = &(phong->perLight[i]);
/** Diffuse Parameters **/
pld->D_curr += pld->DdelEdgeLittle;
pld->DdelEdgeBig += pld->Ddel2EdgeLittle;
pld->DdelEdgeLittle += pld->Ddel2EdgeLittle;
pld->DdelSpan += pld->DdelSpanEdgeLittle;
/** Specular Parameters **/
pld->S_curr += pld->SdelEdgeLittle;
pld->SdelEdgeBig += pld->Sdel2EdgeLittle;
pld->SdelEdgeLittle += pld->Sdel2EdgeLittle;
pld->SdelSpan += pld->SdelSpanEdgeLittle;
phong->cur_pos.x += dxLeft;
phong->cur_pos.y += 1.0;
void UpdateParamsAlongEdgeVan (__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat dxLeft,
GLboolean useBigStep)
__GLphongShader *phong = &(gc->polygon.shader.phong);
if (useBigStep)
phong->nCur.x += phong->nBig.x;
phong->nCur.y += phong->nBig.y;
phong->nCur.z += phong->nBig.z;
phong->nCur.x += phong->nLittle.x;
phong->nCur.y += phong->nLittle.y;
phong->nCur.z += phong->nLittle.z;
if (phong->flags & __GL_PHONG_NEED_EYE_XPOLATE)
if (useBigStep)
phong->eCur.x += phong->eBig.x;
phong->eCur.y += phong->eBig.y;
phong->eCur.z += phong->eBig.z;
phong->eCur.w += phong->eBig.w;
phong->eCur.x += phong->eLittle.x;
phong->eCur.y += phong->eLittle.y;
phong->eCur.z += phong->eLittle.z;
phong->eCur.w += phong->eLittle.w;
#endif //__JUNKED_CODE
#endif // GL_WIN_phong_shading