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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// Microsoft Windows NT4.0
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: MdmShrUp.C
// Contents: OEM DLL for Modem sharing upgrade from NT4 to NT5 (Server/Client)
// Notes:
// Author: erany 18-May-98
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <setupapi.h> // For HINF definition
#include <oemupgex.h>
#define CLIENT_HIVE_FILE L"\\C_MdmShr"
#define SERVER_HIVE_FILE L"\\S_MdmShr"
// Prototypes:
// Reads NT4 registry and stores in a file
LONG RegistryToFile (HKEY hKeyParams, PCWSTR szConfigFile);
// Reads a file and stores in NT5 registry
LONG FileToRegistry (HKEY hKeyParams, PCWSTR szConfigFile);
// Sets privilege in an access token
LONG SetSpecificPrivilegeInAccessToken (PCWSTR lpwcsPrivType, BOOL bEnabled);
// Display detailed error message in a message box
LONG DisplayErrorMsg (HWND hParent,
PCWSTR szOperation,
BOOL bIsClient,
LONG lErrCode);
// Display debug message
void DebugMsg (PCWSTR lpStr);
// Copy constant vendor info into a buffer
void FillVendorInfo (VENDORINFO* pviVendorInfo);
// Globals:
// Registry hive dump file name (client)
WCHAR g_szClientConfigFile[MAX_PATH];
// Registry hive dump file name (server)
WCHAR g_szServerConfigFile[MAX_PATH];
// OEM Working directory
// Vendor information constants
WCHAR g_szConstCompanyName[] = L"Microsoft";
WCHAR g_szConstSupportNumber[] = L"<Place microsoft support phone number here>";
WCHAR g_szConstSupportUrl[] = L"<Place microsoft support URL here>";
WCHAR g_szConstInstructionsToUser[] = L"<Place instructions to user here>";
// DLL exports:
// Function: DllMain
// Purpose: DLL entry and exit point
// Arguments:
// hInst [in] Handle of process instance
// ul_reason_for_call [in] Reason for function call
// lpReserved [out] reserved
// Returns: TRUE in case of success.
// Author: erany 5-May-98
// Notes:
// Does nothing. Always returns TRUE.
ULONG ul_reason_for_call,
LPVOID lpReserved)
return TRUE;
// DLL exports - Windows NT 4 stage:
// Function: PreUpgradeInitialize
// Purpose: Intialize OEM DLL
// Arguments:
// szWorkingDir [in] name of temporary directory to be used
// pNetUpgradeInfo [in] pointer to NetUpgradeInfo structure
// szProductId [out] Description of component being upgraded - NOT IN USE
// pviVendorInfo [out] information about OEM
// pvReserved [out] reserved
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success, win32 error otherwise
// Author: erany 5-May-98
// Notes:
// This function is called before any other function in this dll.
// The main purpose of calling this function is to obtain
// identification information and to allow the DLL to initialize
// its internal data
EXTERN_C LONG __stdcall
PreUpgradeInitialize(IN PCWSTR szWorkingDir,
IN NetUpgradeInfo* pNetUpgradeInfo,
OUT VENDORINFO* pviVendorInfo,
OUT DWORD* pdwFlags,
OUT NetUpgradeData* pNetUpgradeData)
FillVendorInfo (pviVendorInfo);
*pdwFlags = 0; // No special flags
// Create registry hive file name for the client:
wcscpy (g_szOEMDir, szWorkingDir); // Save config path
wcscpy (g_szClientConfigFile, szWorkingDir); // Save registry dump full path
wcscat (g_szClientConfigFile, CLIENT_HIVE_FILE);
// Create registry hive file name for the server:
wcscpy (g_szServerConfigFile, szWorkingDir); // Save registry dump full path
wcscat (g_szServerConfigFile, SERVER_HIVE_FILE);
#ifdef _DEBUG // Test code:
WCHAR dbgMsg[2048];
_stprintf (dbgMsg,
L"PreUpgradeInitialize called.\nszClientConfigFile=%s\nszServerConfigFile=%s",
g_szClientConfigFile, g_szServerConfigFile);
DebugMsg (dbgMsg);
#endif // End of test code
// Function: DoPreUpgradeProcessing
// Purpose: Intialize OEM DLL
// Arguments:
// hParentWindow [in] window handle for showing UI
// hkeyParams [in] handle to parameters key in registry
// szPreNT5InfId [in] pre-NT5 InfID
// szPreNT5Instance [in] pre-NT5 instance name
// szNT5InfId [in] NT5 InfId
// szSectionName [in] section name to be used for writing info
// dwFlags [out] flags
// pvReserve [in] reserved
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success, win32 error otherwise
// Author: erany 5-May-98
// Notes:
// This function is called once per component to be upgraded.
EXTERN_C LONG __stdcall
DoPreUpgradeProcessing(IN HWND hParentWindow,
IN HKEY hkeyParams,
IN PCWSTR szPreNT5Instance,
IN PCWSTR szSectionName,
OUT VENDORINFO* pviVendorInfo,
OUT DWORD* pdwFlags,
IN LPVOID pvReserved)
LONG lRes;
BOOL bIsClient = FALSE; // Is this a client upgrade ?
*pdwFlags = NUA_LOAD_POST_UPGRADE; // Ask to be activated in post stage (GUI NT5)
FillVendorInfo (pviVendorInfo);
if (!_wcsicmp(szNT5InfId, CLIENT_NT5_SYSTEM_NAME))
bIsClient=TRUE; // Client is being upgraded now
#ifdef _DEBUG // Test code:
WCHAR dbgMsg[2048];
WCHAR key[1024];
RegEnumKey (hkeyParams,0,key,MAX_PATH);
_stprintf (dbgMsg,
L"DoPreUpgradeProcessing called: 1st key=%s\n"
L"SectionName=%s",key, szPreNT5InfId, szPreNT5Instance, szNT5InfId, szSectionName);
DebugMsg (dbgMsg);
#endif // End of test code
// Dump registry hive to a file
lRes = RegistryToFile (hkeyParams,
bIsClient ? g_szClientConfigFile : g_szServerConfigFile);
if (lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) // Error dumping our registry section to a file
return DisplayErrorMsg (hParentWindow,
L"attempting to save registry section to a file",
// DLL exports - Windows NT 5 stage:
// Function: PostUpgradeInitialize
// Purpose: Intialize OEM DLL during GUI mode setup
// Arguments:
// szWorkingDir [in] name of temporary directory to be used
// pNetUpgradeInfo [in] pointer to NetUpgradeInfo structure
// szProductId [out] Description of component being upgraded - NOT IN USE
// pviVendorInfo [out] information about OEM
// pvReserved [out] reserved
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success, win32 error otherwise
// Author: erany 5-May-98
// Notes:
// This function is called in GUI mode setup before
// any other function in this dll .
// The main purpose of calling this function is to obtain
// identification information and to allow the DLL to initialize
// its internal data
EXTERN_C LONG __stdcall
PostUpgradeInitialize(IN PCWSTR szWorkingDir,
IN NetUpgradeInfo* pNetUpgradeInfo,
//OUT PCWSTR* szProductId,
OUT VENDORINFO* pviVendorInfo,
OUT LPVOID pvReserved)
FillVendorInfo (pviVendorInfo);
// Create registry hive file name for the client:
wcscpy (g_szOEMDir, szWorkingDir); // Save config path
wcscpy (g_szClientConfigFile, szWorkingDir); // Save registry dump full path
wcscat (g_szClientConfigFile, CLIENT_HIVE_FILE);
// Create registry hive file name for the server:
wcscpy (g_szServerConfigFile, szWorkingDir); // Save registry dump full path
wcscat (g_szServerConfigFile, SERVER_HIVE_FILE);
#ifdef _DEBUG // Test code:
_stprintf (dbgMsg,
L"PostUpgradeInitialize called.\nszClientConfigFile=%s\nszServerConfigFile=%s",
g_szClientConfigFile, g_szServerConfigFile);
DebugMsg (dbgMsg);
#endif // End of test code
// Function: DoPostUpgradeProcessing
// Purpose: Intialize OEM DLL
// Arguments:
// hParentWindow [in] window handle for showing UI
// hkeyParams [in] handle to parameters key in registry
// szPreNT5InfId [in] pre-NT5 InfID
// szPreNT5Instance [in] pre-NT5 instance name
// szNT5InfId [in] NT5 InfId
// hinfAnswerFile [in] handle to answer-file
// szSectionName [in] name of section having component parameters
// pvReserve [in] reserved
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success, win32 error otherwise
// Author: erany 5-May-98
// Notes:
// This function is called once per component upgraded.
EXTERN_C LONG __stdcall
DoPostUpgradeProcessing(IN HWND hParentWindow,
IN HKEY hkeyParams,
IN PCWSTR szPreNT5Instance,
IN HINF hinfAnswerFile,
IN PCWSTR szSectionName,
OUT VENDORINFO* pviVendorInfo,
IN LPVOID pvReserved)
LONG lRes;
BOOL bIsClient = FALSE; // Is this a client upgrade ?
if (!_wcsicmp(szNT5InfId, CLIENT_NT5_SYSTEM_NAME))
bIsClient=TRUE; // Client is being upgraded now
FillVendorInfo (pviVendorInfo);
#ifdef _DEBUG // Test code:
RegEnumKey (hkeyParams,0,key,MAX_PATH);
_stprintf (dbgMsg,
L"DoPostUpgradeProcessing called: 1st key=%s\n"
L"SectionName=%s",key, szPreNT5Instance, szNT5InfId, szSectionName);
DebugMsg (dbgMsg);
#endif // End of test code
// read back registry hive from the dump file
lRes = FileToRegistry (hkeyParams,
bIsClient ? g_szClientConfigFile : g_szServerConfigFile);
if (lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) // Error dumping our registry section to a file
return DisplayErrorMsg (hParentWindow,
L"attempting to read registry section from a file",
// Function: RegistryToFile
// Purpose: Reads NT4 registry and stores in a file
// Arguments:
// hKeyParames [in] handle to parameters key in registry
// szConfigFile [in] Name of configuration file
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success, win32 error otherwise
// Author: erany 10-March-98
// Notes:
// This function is called once per component upgraded.
// It recursively calls itself (with an open file handle)
// for every registry key it meets.
LONG RegistryToFile (HKEY hKeyParams, PCWSTR szConfigFile)
LONG lRes;
if (!DeleteFile (szConfigFile) && GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
// The hive file is there but I can't delete it
return GetLastError();
lRes = SetSpecificPrivilegeInAccessToken (SE_BACKUP_NAME, TRUE);
if (lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return lRes;
lRes = RegSaveKey (hKeyParams, szConfigFile, NULL);
SetSpecificPrivilegeInAccessToken (SE_BACKUP_NAME, FALSE);
return lRes;
// Function: FileToRegistry
// Purpose: Reads a file and stores in NT5 registry
// Arguments:
// hKeyParames [in] handle to parameters key in registry
// szConfigFile [in] Name of configuration file
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success, win32 error otherwise
// Author: erany 10-March-98
// Notes:
// This function is called once per component upgraded (in NT5 GUI mode).
// It recursively calls itself (with an open file handle)
// for every registry key it meets.
LONG FileToRegistry (HKEY hKeyParams, PCWSTR szConfigFile)
LONG lRes;
lRes = SetSpecificPrivilegeInAccessToken (SE_RESTORE_NAME, TRUE);
if (lRes != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return lRes;
lRes = RegRestoreKey (hKeyParams, szConfigFile, 0);
SetSpecificPrivilegeInAccessToken (SE_RESTORE_NAME, FALSE);
return lRes;
// Function: SetSpecificPrivilegeInAccessToken
// Purpose: Sets a privilege in an access token
// Arguments:
// lpwcsPrivType [in] Type of privilege
// bEnabled [in] Enable / Disable flag
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success, win32 error otherwise
// Author: erany 10-March-98
// Notes:
// Copied from an example by boazf
LONG SetSpecificPrivilegeInAccessToken (PCWSTR lpwcsPrivType, BOOL bEnabled)
LUID luidPrivilegeLUID;
TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tpTokenPrivilege;
HANDLE hAccessToken;
BOOL bRet;
// 1st, Try to get a handle to the current thread.
// If not successful, get a handle to the current process token.
if (!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, TRUE, &hAccessToken) &&
!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &hAccessToken))
return GetLastError ();
// Get the LUID of the privilege.
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL,
return GetLastError ();
// Enable/Disable the privilege.
tpTokenPrivilege.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tpTokenPrivilege.Privileges[0].Luid = luidPrivilegeLUID;
tpTokenPrivilege.Privileges[0].Attributes = bEnabled ?SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0;
bRet = AdjustTokenPrivileges (hAccessToken,
FALSE, // Do not disable all
NULL, // Ignore previous info
NULL); // Ignore previous info
// Free the process token.
if (!bRet)
return GetLastError();
// Function: DisplayErrorMsg
// Purpose: Displays a detailed error mesaage in a message box
// Arguments:
// hParent [in] Window hanlde of parent window
// szOperation [in] Description of operation that caused error
// bIsClient [in] Did it happend while upgrading modem sharing client?
// lErrCode [in] Win32 error code
// Returns: lErrCode unchanged
// Author: erany 10-March-98
// Notes:
// Returns the input error code unchanged.
LONG DisplayErrorMsg (HWND hParent,
PCWSTR szOperation,
BOOL bIsClient,
LONG lErrCode)
WCHAR szMsg[256],
PWSTR lpszError=NULL;
BOOL bGotErrorDescription = TRUE;
// Create message box title
_stprintf (szHdr,L"Modem sharing %s NT5 upgrade",
bIsClient ? L"client" : L"server");
// Create descriptive error text
// Failure to format the message
bGotErrorDescription = FALSE;
if (bGotErrorDescription)
// We successfully created a descriptive error string from the error code
_stprintf (szMsg, L"Error while %s.\n%s.", szOperation, lpszError);
// We failed to created a descriptive error string from the error code
_stprintf (szMsg, L"Error while %s.\nError code: %ld.", szOperation, lErrCode);
MessageBox (hParent, szMsg, szHdr, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
if (bGotErrorDescription)
LocalFree (lpszError);
return lErrCode;
// Function: FillVendorInfo
// Purpose: Fills global constant strings into the vendor info buffer.
// Arguments:
// pviVendorInfo [out] Points to vendor info buffer
// Returns: None.
// Author: erany 10-March-98
// Notes:
// Consts are global, they effect all calls.
void FillVendorInfo (VENDORINFO* pviVendorInfo)
wcscpy (pviVendorInfo->szCompanyName, g_szConstCompanyName);
wcscpy (pviVendorInfo->szSupportNumber, g_szConstSupportNumber);
wcscpy (pviVendorInfo->szSupportUrl, g_szConstSupportUrl);
wcscpy (pviVendorInfo->szInstructionsToUser, g_szConstInstructionsToUser);
// Function: DebugMsg
// Purpose: Displays a debug message to the debugger
// Arguments:
// lpStr [in] String to output
// Returns: None.
// Author: erany 14-July-98
void DebugMsg (PCWSTR lpStr)
static PCWSTR szDbgHeader =
L"-------------------- Modem sharing client / server upgrade DLL --------------------\n";
OutputDebugString (szDbgHeader);
OutputDebugString (lpStr);
OutputDebugString (L"\n");
OutputDebugString (szDbgHeader);
OutputDebugString (L"\n");