257 lines
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257 lines
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// Copyright (C) Silicon Prairie Software, 1996
// File: pidl.cpp
// Contents: CIDList
// History: 9-26-95 Davepl Created
#include "shtl.h"
#include "cidl.h"
#include "shellapi.h"
// CombineWith - Adds another pidl with this one, puts the result at
// a new pidl ptr passed in
__DATL_INLINE HRESULT CIDList::CombineWith(const CIDList * pidlwith, CIDList ** ppidlto)
UINT cb1 = this->GetSize() - CB_IDLIST_TERMINATOR;
UINT cb2 = pidlwith->GetSize();
*ppidlto = (CIDList *) g_SHAlloc.Alloc(cb1 + cb2);
if (NULL == *ppidlto)
CopyMemory(*ppidlto, this, cb1);
CopyMemory((((LPBYTE)*ppidlto) + cb1), pidlwith, cb2);
return S_OK;
// Member: CIDList::IsParent
// Synopsis: Tests whether or not _this_ pidl is a parent of some
// other pidl
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if we are a child of the other pidl
// History: 5-15-95 DavePl Created
__DATL_INLINE BOOL CIDList::IsParentOf(const CIDList * pidlother, BOOL fImmediate) const
ptrdiff_t cb;
if (NULL == pidlother)
return FALSE;
const CIDList * pidlthisT = this;
const CIDList * pidlotherT = pidlother;
// Walk to the end of _this_ pidl. If we run out of hops on the other
// pidl, its shorter than us so we can't be its parent
while(FALSE == pidlthisT->IsEmpty())
if (pidlotherT->IsEmpty())
return FALSE;
pidlthisT = pidlthisT->Next();
pidlotherT = pidlotherT->Next();
// If caller wants to know if we're the _immediate_ parent, we should
// be empty at this point and the other pidl should have exactly
// one entry left
if (fImmediate)
if (pidlotherT->IsEmpty() || FALSE == pidlotherT->Next()->IsEmpty())
return FALSE;
// Create a new IDList from a portion of pidl2, which contains the
// same number of IDs as pidl1.
cb = pidlotherT - pidlother;
// BUGBUG It's probably not valid to binary compare the pidls up to this point,
// but since the shell doesn't expose a better mechanism for us to use...
if (0 == memcmp(pidlother, this, cb))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Member: CIDList::FindChild
// Synopsis: Given _this_ as a parent pidl, and some pidlchild which is
// a child of it, returns the portion of the child not found
// in the parent.
// ie: this == c:\foo\bar
// child == c:\foo\bar\etc
// return == \etc
// Returns: Uncommon child portion. NULL if child is not really our child.
// History: 5-15-95 DavePl Created
// Notes: Does _not_ allocate a new pidl, just returns a ptr into the
// child.
__DATL_INLINE const CIDList * CIDList::FindChild(const CIDList * pidlchild) const
const CIDList * pidlparent = this;
if (IsParentOf(pidlchild, FALSE))
while (FALSE == pidlparent->IsEmpty())
pidlchild = pidlchild->Next();
pidlparent = pidlparent->Next();
return pidlchild;
return NULL;
// CIDList::GetIShellFolder
// Returns the IShellFolder implementation for this idlist
__DATL_INLINE HRESULT CIDList::GetIShellFolder(IShellFolder ** ppFolder)
IShellFolder * pDesktop = NULL;
HRESULT hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&pDesktop);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = pDesktop->BindToObject(this, NULL, IID_IShellFolder, (void **)ppFolder);
if (pDesktop)
return hr;
// CIDList::AppendPath
// Given an idlist, which must be a folder, adds a text path to it
__DATL_INLINE HRESULT CIDList::AppendPath(LPCTSTR pszPath, CIDList ** ppidlResult)
IShellFolder * pFolder = NULL;
HRESULT hr = GetIShellFolder(&pFolder);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
CIDList * pidlNew = NULL;
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
LPCWSTR pwszPath = pszPath;
VERIFY( MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszPath, -1, pwszPath, MAX_PATH) );
ULONG chEaten;
hr = pFolder->ParseDisplayName(NULL, NULL, const_cast<LPWSTR>(pwszPath), &chEaten, (LPITEMIDLIST *)&pidlNew, NULL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
CIDList * pidlResult = NULL;
hr = CombineWith(pidlNew, ppidlResult);
if (pFolder)
return hr;
// StrRetToTString - Gets a TString from a strret structure
// PrintStrRet - prints the contents of a STRRET structure.
// pidl - PIDL containing the display name if STRRET_OFFSET
// lpStr - address of the STRRET structure
__DATL_INLINE void StrRetToCString(CIDList * pCidl, LPSTRRET lpStr, tstring &str)
LPSTR lpsz;
int cch;
switch (lpStr->uType)
cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
lpStr->pOleStr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
lpsz = new char[cch];
if (lpsz != NULL) {
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
lpStr->pOleStr, -1, lpsz, cch, NULL, NULL);
str = lpsz;
delete [] lpsz;
str = (((char *) pCidl) + lpStr->uOffset);
str = lpStr->cStr;
__DATL_INLINE tstring CIDList::GetPath() const
tstring strPath;
if (FALSE == SHGetPathFromIDList(this, strPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH)))
throw new dexception(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
return strPath;