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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#ifndef _DXSVR_LIB_H
#define _DXSVR_LIB_H
#include <d3dx.h>
// Forces the correct version of the library to be included
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment(lib,"dxsvrd.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"dxsvr.lib")
// These functions must be exported by the screensaver app
extern "C" BOOL ScreenSaverInit();
extern "C" void ScreenSaverShutdown();
extern "C" void ScreenSaverDrawFrame();
extern "C" int ScreenSaverDoConfig();
// Principal functions exported by DXSave.lib
// WinMain replacement
extern "C" int DXSvrMain(HINSTANCE instance , HINSTANCE , LPSTR cmd , int);
// Window procedure
extern "C" LONG DefDXScreenSaverProc(HWND hWnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam);
// Flip procedure. Must call this instead of just doing g_pXContext->UpdateFrame(0) to get preview window correct
extern "C" void Flip();
// Handy methods for reading and writing the registry. Use for storing settings. Note that DXSave.lib
// already reads and writes device and display mode settings
extern "C"
GUID GetRegistryGUID(LPCSTR szName , const GUID& guidDefault);
void SetRegistryGUID(LPCSTR szName , const GUID& guidValue);
int GetRegistryInt(LPCSTR szName , int iDefault);
void SetRegistryInt(LPCSTR szName , int iValue);
void GetRegistryString(LPCSTR szName , LPSTR szBuffer , DWORD dwBufferLength , LPCSTR szDefault);
void SetRegistryString(LPCTSTR szName , LPCTSTR szValue);
// Global variables exported by DXSave.lib
extern "C" HINSTANCE g_hMainInstance; // Main instance handle
extern "C" ID3DXContext* g_pXContext; // X-Library context
extern "C" IDirect3DDevice7* g_pDevice; // D3D Device
extern "C" BOOL g_bIsTest; // Is in test mode?
extern "C" BOOL g_bIsPreview; // Is in preview (mini-window) mode?
extern "C" HWND g_hWnd; // Handle of the rendering window
extern "C" HWND g_hRefWindow; // Reference window (for preview mode)
// These variables must be present in the screen saver application
// The name of the registry key to use, e.g. "Software\\MyCompany\\MyScreenSaver"
extern const char* g_szKeyname;
// Utility functions exported by DXSave.lib. Most of these are straight from d3dutil in d3dframe
#if 0
// Fill out an identity matrix
extern "C" void D3DUtil_SetIdentityMatrix(D3DMATRIX& mat);
// Fill out a translation matrix
extern "C" void D3DUtil_SetTranslationMatrix(D3DMATRIX& mat , const D3DVECTOR& vTrans);
// Fill out a view matrix - can fail if vAt and vFrom are too close together (or identical)
extern "C" HRESULT D3DUtil_SetViewMatrix(D3DMATRIX& mat, D3DVECTOR& vFrom,
// Fill out a projection matrix - can fail if far and near planes are too close together (or identical)
extern "C" HRESULT D3DUtil_SetProjectionMatrix(D3DMATRIX& mat, FLOAT fFOV, FLOAT fAspect,
FLOAT fNearPlane, FLOAT fFarPlane);
// Fill out rotation matrix about principle axis
extern "C" void D3DUtil_SetRotateXMatrix(D3DMATRIX& mat, FLOAT fRads);
extern "C" void D3DUtil_SetRotateYMatrix(D3DMATRIX& mat, FLOAT fRads);
extern "C" void D3DUtil_SetRotateZMatrix(D3DMATRIX& mat, FLOAT fRads);
// Fill out rotation matrix about arbitrary axis vDir
extern "C" void D3DUtil_SetRotationMatrix(D3DMATRIX& mat, D3DVECTOR& vDir, FLOAT fRads);
// Useful TRACE debugging macro. Compiles out in release builds, otherwise can be used to output
// formatted text to the debugging stream. e.g. TRACE("Foo = %d. Bar = %s\n" , dwFoo , szBar);
#ifndef TRACE
extern "C" void __TraceOutput(LPCTSTR pszFormat, ...);
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define TRACE __TraceOutput
#define TRACE sizeof