/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1992 **/ /**********************************************************************/ /* permprg.hxx Entry points for the permissions UI from the File Manager. FILE HISTORY: Johnl 21-Jan-1992 Moved from perm\h to shell\h */ #ifndef _PERMPRG_HXX_ #define _PERMPRG_HXX_ #include #define IDS_NETWORK_NAME (IDS_UI_ACLEDIT_BASE+300) #define IDM_PERMISSION 5 #define IDM_AUDITING 6 #define IDM_OWNER 7 #ifndef RC_INVOKED // // Given a filesystem path, this function determines what server it is // on and whether it is local // APIERR TargetServerFromDosPath( const NLS_STR & nlsDosPath, BOOL * pfIsLocal, NLS_STR * pnlsTargetServer ) ; /* Entry points to be called by the File Manager's Extension Proc. */ void EditAuditInfo( HWND hwndFMXWindow ) ; void EditPermissionInfo( HWND hwndFMXWindow ) ; void EditOwnerInfo( HWND hwndFMXWindow ) ; typedef struct _LM_CALLBACK_INFO { HWND hwndFMXOwner ; enum SED_PERM_TYPE sedpermtype ; NET_ACCESS_1 *plmobjNetAccess1 ; } LM_CALLBACK_INFO ; #endif //RC_INVOKED #endif // _PERMPRG_HXX_