/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/ /* bltedit.hxx BLT text control class definitions FILE HISTORY: beng 17-Sep-1991 Separated from bltctrl.hxx beng 17-Oct-1991 Relocated SLT_PLUS to applib thomaspa 21-Jan-1992 Added validate to SLE thomaspa 13-Feb-1992 Moved validation from SLE to ICANON_SLE */ #ifndef _BLT_HXX_ #error "Don't include this file directly; instead, include it through blt.hxx" #endif // _BLT_HXX_ #ifndef _BLTEDIT_HXX_ #define _BLTEDIT_HXX_ #include "bltctrl.hxx" /********************************************************************** NAME: TEXT_CONTROL SYNOPSIS: Text control class INTERFACE: TEXT_CONTROL() - constructor PARENT: CONTROL_WINDOW USES: CAVEATS: NOTES: HISTORY: rustanl 20-Nov-90 Creation **********************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS TEXT_CONTROL : public CONTROL_WINDOW { public: TEXT_CONTROL( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid ); TEXT_CONTROL( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle, const TCHAR * pszClassName ); }; /********************************************************************** NAME: STATIC_TEXT_CONTROL SYNOPSIS: Static text control class INTERFACE: STATIC_TEXT_CONTROL() - constructor. PARENT: TEXT_CONTROL HISTORY: rustanl 20-Nov-90 Creation **********************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS STATIC_TEXT_CONTROL : public TEXT_CONTROL { public: STATIC_TEXT_CONTROL( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid ); STATIC_TEXT_CONTROL( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle, const TCHAR * pszClassName = CW_CLASS_STATIC ); }; /********************************************************************** NAME: SLT SYNOPSIS: Single line text class INTERFACE: SLT() - constructor PARENT: STATIC_TEXT_CONTROL HISTORY: rustanl 20-Nov-90 Creation KeithMo 27-Aug-1992 Added CONTROL_VALUE methods. **********************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS SLT : public STATIC_TEXT_CONTROL { private: BOOL _fSavedEnableState; protected: virtual VOID SaveValue( BOOL fInvisible = TRUE ); virtual VOID RestoreValue( BOOL fInvisible = TRUE ); public: SLT( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid ); SLT( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle, const TCHAR * pszClassName = CW_CLASS_STATIC ); }; /********************************************************************** NAME: MLT SYNOPSIS: multi-line static text control class INTERFACE: MLT() - mlt constructor. PARENT: STATIC_TEXT_CONTROL HISTORY: rustanl 20-Nov-90 Creation beng 17-May-1991 Added app-window constructor **********************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS MLT : public STATIC_TEXT_CONTROL { public: MLT( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid ); MLT( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle, const TCHAR * pszClassName = CW_CLASS_EDIT ); }; /********************************************************************* NAME: EDIT_CONTROL SYNOPSIS: Edit control class INTERFACE: EDIT_CONTROL() - constructor SetMaxLength() - set the max input string length (in TCHAR) SelectString() - select the entire edit string PARENT: TEXT_CONTROL USES: NLS_STR HISTORY: rustanl 20-Nov-90 Creation beng 17-May-1991 Added app-window constructor beng 31-Jul-1991 Renamed QMessageInto to QEventEffects beng 04-Oct-1991 Win32 conversion **********************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS EDIT_CONTROL : public TEXT_CONTROL { private: /* _nlsSaveValue saves the value contained in the edit control when * SaveValue is called. It is emptied when RestoreValue is called. */ NLS_STR _nlsSaveValue; protected: virtual UINT QueryEventEffects( const CONTROL_EVENT & e ); /* Redefine CONTROL_VALUE defaults. */ virtual VOID SaveValue( BOOL fInvisible = TRUE ) ; virtual VOID RestoreValue( BOOL fInvisible = TRUE ) ; virtual VOID SetControlValueFocus(); public: EDIT_CONTROL( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, UINT cchMaxLen = 0 ); EDIT_CONTROL( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle, const TCHAR * pszClassName = CW_CLASS_EDIT, UINT cchMaxLen = 0 ); VOID SetMaxLength( UINT cchMax ); VOID SelectString(); APIERR SetSaveValue ( const TCHAR *pszSaveValue ) { return _nlsSaveValue.CopyFrom( pszSaveValue ); } }; /********************************************************************* NAME: SLE SYNOPSIS: single line edit class INTERFACE: SLE() - constructor. PARENT: EDIT_CONTROL HISTORY: rustanl 20-Nov-90 Creation beng 17-May-1991 Added app-window constructor beng 04-Oct-1991 Win32 conversion beng 01-Nov-1991 Added error-indication routine thomaspa 21-Jan-1992 Added validation thomaspa 13-Feb-1992 Moved validation from SLE to ICANON_SLE **********************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS SLE : public EDIT_CONTROL { public: SLE( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, UINT cchMaxLen = 0 ); SLE( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle, const TCHAR * pszClassName = CW_CLASS_EDIT, UINT cchMaxLen = 0 ); virtual VOID IndicateError( APIERR err ); }; /********************************************************************* NAME: MLE SYNOPSIS: Multi-line edit control INTERFACE: MLE() - constructor. PARENT: EDIT_CONTROL HISTORY: rustanl 20-Nov-90 Creation beng 17-May-1991 Added app-window constructor beng 04-Oct-1991 Win32 conversion **********************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS MLE : public EDIT_CONTROL { public: MLE( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, UINT cchMaxLen = 0 ); MLE( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle, const TCHAR * pszClassName = CW_CLASS_EDIT, UINT cchMaxLen = 0 ); VOID SetFmtLines( BOOL fFmtLines = TRUE ) { Command( EM_FMTLINES, fFmtLines ); } }; /********************************************************************* NAME: PASSWORD_CONTROL SYNOPSIS: password control class INTERFACE: PASSWORD_CONTROL() - constructor PARENT: EDIT_CONTROL HISTORY: rustanl 20-Nov-90 Creation beng 17-May-1991 Added app-window constructor beng 04-Oct-1991 Win32 conversion **********************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS PASSWORD_CONTROL : public EDIT_CONTROL { public: PASSWORD_CONTROL( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, UINT cchMaxLen = 0 ); PASSWORD_CONTROL( OWNER_WINDOW * powin, CID cid, XYPOINT xy, XYDIMENSION dxy, ULONG flStyle, const TCHAR * pszClassName = CW_CLASS_EDIT, UINT cchMaxLen = 0 ); }; /********************************************************************** NAME: BLT_BACKGROUND_EDIT SYNOPSIS: Disabled edit control with COLOR_WINDOW background and a frame INTERFACE: BLT_BACKGROUND_EDIT() - constructor ~BLT_BACKGROUND_EDIT() - destructor PARENT: EDIT_CONTROL HISTORY: jonn 05-Sep-95 Created **********************************************************************/ DLL_CLASS BLT_BACKGROUND_EDIT: public EDIT_CONTROL { public: BLT_BACKGROUND_EDIT( OWNER_WINDOW *powin, CID cid ); ~BLT_BACKGROUND_EDIT(); HBRUSH OnCtlColor( HDC hdc, HWND hwnd, UINT * pmsgid ); }; #endif // _BLTEDIT_HXX_ - end of file