/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Intel Corporation Module Name: data.c Abstract: Shell Environment driver global data Revision History --*/ #include "shelle.h" /* * IDs of different variables stored by the shell environment */ EFI_GUID SEnvEnvId = ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_ID; EFI_GUID SEnvMapId = DEVICE_PATH_MAPPING_ID; EFI_GUID SEnvProtId = PROTOCOL_ID_ID; EFI_GUID SEnvAliasId = ALIAS_ID; /* * */ EFI_SHELL_ENVIRONMENT SEnvInterface = { SEnvExecute, SEnvGetEnv, SEnvGetMap, SEnvAddCommand, SEnvAddProtocol, SEnvGetProtocol, SEnvGetCurDir, SEnvFileMetaArg, SEnvFreeFileList, SEnvNewShell } ; /* * SEnvIoFromCon - used to access the console interface as a file handle */ EFI_FILE SEnvIOFromCon = { EFI_FILE_HANDLE_REVISION, SEnvConIoOpen, SEnvConIoNop, SEnvConIoNop, SEnvConIoRead, SEnvConIoWrite, SEnvConIoGetPosition, SEnvConIoSetPosition, SEnvConIoGetInfo, SEnvConIoSetInfo, SEnvConIoNop } ; EFI_FILE SEnvErrIOFromCon = { EFI_FILE_HANDLE_REVISION, SEnvConIoOpen, SEnvConIoNop, SEnvConIoNop, SEnvErrIoRead, SEnvErrIoWrite, SEnvConIoGetPosition, SEnvConIoSetPosition, SEnvConIoGetInfo, SEnvConIoSetInfo, SEnvConIoNop } ; /* * SEnvConToIo - used to access the console interface as a file handle */ SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_MODE SEnvConToIoMode = { 0, 0, EFI_TEXT_ATTR(EFI_LIGHTGRAY, EFI_BLACK), 0, 0, TRUE } ; SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_INTERFACE SEnvConToIo = { SEnvReset, SEnvOutputString, SEnvTestString, SEnvQueryMode, SEnvSetMode, SEnvSetAttribute, SEnvClearScreen, SEnvSetCursorPosition, SEnvEnableCursor, &SEnvConToIoMode } ; /* * SEnvLock - gaurds all shell data except the guid database */ FLOCK SEnvLock; /* * SEnvGuidLock - gaurds the guid data */ FLOCK SEnvGuidLock;