; ;// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 ; ;//File Name: CliMsg.mc ;// ;// !!!!! NOTE !!!!! - See WsbGen.h for facility number assignments. ;// ;// Note: comments in the .mc file must use both ";" and "//". ;// ;// Status values are 32 bit values layed out as follows: ;// ;// 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;// 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ;// +---+-+-------------------------+-------------------------------+ ;// |Sev|C| Facility | Code | ;// +---+-+-------------------------+-------------------------------+ ;// ;// where ;// ;// Sev - is the severity code ;// ;// 00 - Success ;// 01 - Informational ;// 10 - Warning ;// 11 - Error ;// ;// C - is the Customer code flag ;// ;// Facility - is the facility code ;// ;// Code - is the facility's status code ;// ; MessageIdTypedef=HRESULT SeverityNames=( None=0x0 Information=0x1 Warning=0x2 Error=0x3 ) FacilityNames=( Cli=0x10f ) ;// ;// ------------------------------- CLI MESSAGES ------------------------------ ;// MessageId=7000 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_FIRST Language=English Define for first Cli message. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_GENERIC_ERROR Language=English Unexpected error: %1 occurred during the processing of the command line. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_INVALID_ARG1 Language=English The parameter %1 is set to an invalid value %2. Please speficy a value larger or equal to %3. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_INVALID_ARG2 Language=English The parameter %1 is set to an invalid value %2. Please speficy a value smaller or equal to %3. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_INVALID_ARG3 Language=English The parameter %1 is set to an invalid value %2. Please speficy a value between %3 and %4. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_ERROR_SET Language=English Could not set parameter %1: %2. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_PARAM_DISPLAY Language=English %1: %2 . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_PARAM_DISPLAY2 Language=English %1: %2%3 . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_VALUE_DISPLAY Language=English %1 . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_GENERAL_PARMS Language=English %nGeneral Remote Storage parameters: . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_MANAGEABLE_VOLS Language=English %nVolumes that may be managed by Remote Storage: . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_MANAGED_VOLS Language=English %nVolumes that are managed by Remote Storage: . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_MEDIAS Language=English %nMedias that are currently allocated for Remote Storage: . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_NO_VOLUMES Language=English No valid volumes are specified. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_INVALID_VOLUME Language=English The input volume %1 is not valid for the specified operation. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_INVALID_RULE Language=English The supplied migration rule is not valid. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_RULE_NOT_FOUND Language=English The rule for path %1 and file specification %2 is not found on volume %3. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_RULE_ALREADY_EXIST Language=English The rule for path %1 and file specification %2 already exists on volume %3. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_VOLUME_PARAMS Language=English %nThe following are %1 settings: . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_RULES_LIST Language=English List of include/exclude rules for the volume: . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_RULE_SPEC Language=English %1:%2, %3, %4 . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_WAIT_FOR_CANCEL Language=English Wait option is available only while running a job. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_ONLY_SET Language=English Volume %1 is already managed. Input parameters are set for the volume. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_NO_FILES Language=English No valid files are specified. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_ERROR_FILE_RECALL Language=English Could not recall file %1: %2. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_NO_MEDIAS Language=English No medias are specified. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_INVALID_MEDIA Language=English The input media %1 is not found or not valid for the specified operation. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_MEDIA_NO_COPY Language=English Copy number %1 for media %2 does not exist. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_MEDIA_PARAMS Language=English %nThe following are %1 parameters: . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_MEDIA_COPIES_LIST Language=English Media Copies: . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_IVALID_COPY_SET Language=English The input copy set number is larger than the configured number of media copy sets. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Information Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_SCHEDULING_LIST Language=English Scheduling for copying eligible files to remote storage: . MessageId=+1 Severity=Warning Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_NO_SCHEDULING Language=English No scheduling for copying eligible files to remote storage. . MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_MAIN_HELP Language=English Usage: RSS [ADMIN | VOLUME | MEDIA | FILE] [SET | SHOW | JOB | MANAGE | UNMANAGE | DELETE | SYNCHRONIZE | RECREATEMASTER | RECALL] . MessageId=+1 Severity=Error Facility=Cli SymbolicName=CLI_MESSAGE_ADMIN_SET_HELP Language=English Usage for RSS.EXE ADMIN SET sub-interface RSS ADMIN SET interface Syntax RSS ADMIN SET [/RECALLLIMIT:] [/MEDIACOPIES:] [/SCHEDULE:] [/CONCURRENCY:] [/ADMINEXEMPT:[0 | 1]] Example RSS ADMIN SET /RECALLLIMIT:64 /MEDIACOPIES:2 This would set the global parameters for Remote Storage: /RECALLLIMIT Sets the runaway recall limit to the specified number /MEDIACOPIES Sets the number of media copy sets to the specified number /SCHEDULE Changes the schedule of the migrate job for volumes to the specified schedule Format of schedule: At ["Startup" | "Idle" | "Login" |