/*++ © 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Module Name: SchdTask.h Abstract: CSchdTask - Class that allows access to a scheduled task. Author: Art Bragg 9/4/97 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _SCHDTASK_H #define _SCHDTASK_H #include "mstask.h" class CSchdTask { // Construction/Destruction public: CSchdTask ( CString szComputerName, const TCHAR* task, int propPageTitleID, const TCHAR* parameters, const TCHAR* comment, CEdit* pEdit ); ~CSchdTask (); // Public Functions HRESULT CheckTaskExists ( BOOL bCreateTask ); HRESULT CreateTask(); HRESULT DeleteTask(); HRESULT ShowPropertySheet(); HRESULT UpdateDescription(); HRESULT Save(); // Properties private: CString m_szParameters; CString m_szComment; CString m_szComputerName; // Name of HSM computer CComPtr m_pTask; // Pointer to ITask - NULL task doesn't exist CEdit *m_pEdit; // Pointer to Edit Control CString m_szJobTitle; // Job Title CComPtr m_pSchedAgent; // Pointer to Scheduling Agent CComPtr m_pTrigger; // Pointer to task trigger int m_propPageTitleID; }; #endif