#include #include #include // ----------------------joejoe-----------found-------------#include "RxProcs.h" #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop UCHAR CompressedBuffer[0x8000]; UCHAR UncompressedBuffer[0x8000]; VOID DsDumpSyntax ( PCHAR argv0 ) { printf("Syntax - %s -h \n", argv0); printf(" %s -c [0x] [0x] [0x] []\n", argv0); printf(" %s -d [0x] [0x] [0x] []\n", argv0); return; } VOID DumpHeader ( ULONG argc, PCHAR argv[], FILE *pf ) { ULONG FileSize; PACKED_CVF_HEADER PackedCvfHeader; CVF_HEADER CvfHeader; CVF_LAYOUT CvfLayout; // // Get the file size // (VOID)fseek( pf, 0, SEEK_END ); FileSize = ftell( pf ); // // Read in and decode the cvf header // (VOID)fseek( pf, 0, SEEK_SET ); (VOID)fread( &PackedCvfHeader, 1, sizeof(PACKED_CVF_HEADER), pf ); CvfUnpackCvfHeader( &CvfHeader, &PackedCvfHeader ); // // Now compute the cvf layout // CvfLayout( &CvfLayout, &CvfHeader, FileSize ); // // Print the unpacked CvfHeader and the Layout // fprintf(stderr, "\n%s:\n", argv[2]); printf("\n"); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.BytesPerSector = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.BytesPerSector); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.SectorsPerCluster = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.SectorsPerCluster); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.ReservedSectors = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.ReservedSectors); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.Rxs = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.Rxs); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.RootEntries = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.RootEntries); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.Sectors = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.Sectors); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.Media = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.Media); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.SectorsPerRx = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.SectorsPerRx); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.SectorsPerTrack = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.SectorsPerTrack); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.Heads = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.Heads); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.HiddenSectors = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.HiddenSectors); printf("CvfHeader.Bpb.LargeSectors = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Bpb.LargeSectors); printf("\n"); printf("CvfHeader.CvfRxExtensionsLbnMinus1 = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.CvfRxExtensionsLbnMinus1); printf("CvfHeader.LogOfBytesPerSector = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.LogOfBytesPerSector); printf("CvfHeader.DosBootSectorLbn = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.DosBootSectorLbn); printf("CvfHeader.DosRootDirectoryOffset = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.DosRootDirectoryOffset); printf("CvfHeader.CvfHeapOffset = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.CvfHeapOffset); printf("CvfHeader.CvfRxFirstDataEntry = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.CvfRxFirstDataEntry); printf("CvfHeader.CvfBitmap2KSize = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.CvfBitmap2KSize); printf("CvfHeader.LogOfSectorsPerCluster = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.LogOfSectorsPerCluster); printf("CvfHeader.Is12BitRx = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.Is12BitRx); printf("CvfHeader.CvfMaximumCapacity = %08lx\n", CvfHeader.CvfMaximumCapacity); printf("\n"); printf(" Lbo Allocation Size\n"); printf("CvfLayout.CvfHeader = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.CvfHeader.Lbo, CvfLayout.CvfHeader.Allocation, CvfLayout.CvfHeader.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.CvfBitmap = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.CvfBitmap.Lbo, CvfLayout.CvfBitmap.Allocation, CvfLayout.CvfBitmap.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea1 = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea1.Lbo, CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea1.Allocation, CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea1.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.CvfRxExtensions = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.CvfRxExtensions.Lbo, CvfLayout.CvfRxExtensions.Allocation, CvfLayout.CvfRxExtensions.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea2 = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea2.Lbo, CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea2.Allocation, CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea2.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.DosBootSector = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.DosBootSector.Lbo, CvfLayout.DosBootSector.Allocation, CvfLayout.DosBootSector.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea3 = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea3.Lbo, CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea3.Allocation, CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea3.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.DosRx = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.DosRx.Lbo, CvfLayout.DosRx.Allocation, CvfLayout.DosRx.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.DosRootDirectory = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.DosRootDirectory.Lbo, CvfLayout.DosRootDirectory.Allocation, CvfLayout.DosRootDirectory.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea4 = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea4.Lbo, CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea4.Allocation, CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea4.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.CvfHeap = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.CvfHeap.Lbo, CvfLayout.CvfHeap.Allocation, CvfLayout.CvfHeap.Size ); printf("CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea5 = %08lx %08lx %08lx\n",CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea5.Lbo, CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea5.Allocation, CvfLayout.CvfReservedArea5.Size ); // // Read in and print the Cvf Rx Extensions that are in use // { ULONG i; CVF_RDBSS_EXTENSIONS Entry; BOOLEAN FirstTime = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < CvfLayout.CvfRxExtensions.Size; i += sizeof(CVF_RDBSS_EXTENSIONS)) { (VOID)fseek( pf, CvfLayout.CvfRxExtensions.Lbo + i, SEEK_SET ); (VOID)fread( &Entry, 1, sizeof(CVF_RDBSS_EXTENSIONS), pf ); if (Entry.IsEntryInUse) { if (FirstTime) { FirstTime = FALSE; printf("\n"); printf(" Entry CvfHeap Compressed Uncompressed IsData\n"); printf(" Offset Lbo Length Length Compressed\n"); } printf("%08lx %08lx %8lx %8lx %8lx\n", i, (Entry.CvfHeapLbnMinus1+1) * CvfHeader.Bpb.BytesPerSector, (Entry.CompressedSectorLengthMinus1+1) * CvfHeader.Bpb.BytesPerSector, (Entry.UncompressedSectorLengthMinus1+1) * CvfHeader.Bpb.BytesPerSector, Entry.IsDataUncompressed ); } } } } VOID Decompress ( ULONG argc, PCHAR argv[], FILE *pf ) { ULONG Offset; ULONG CompressedCount; ULONG UncompressedCount; if (argc < 6) { DsDumpSyntax(argv[0]); return; } sscanf( argv[3], strncmp( argv[3], "0x", 2 ) ? "%ld" : "%lx", &Offset ); sscanf( argv[4], strncmp( argv[4], "0x", 2 ) ? "%ld" : "%lx", &CompressedCount ); sscanf( argv[5], strncmp( argv[5], "0x", 2 ) ? "%ld" : "%lx", &UncompressedCount ); if (argc == 7) { freopen( argv[6], "wb", stdout ); } // // Print the file name // fprintf(stderr, "\n%s:\n", argv[2]); fseek( pf, Offset, SEEK_SET ); (VOID)fread( CompressedBuffer, 1, CompressedCount, pf ); { MRCF_DECOMPRESS WorkSpace; ULONG UncompressedLength; UncompressedLength = MrcfDecompress( UncompressedBuffer, UncompressedCount, CompressedBuffer, CompressedCount, &WorkSpace ); fprintf(stderr, "UncompressedLength = %d\n", UncompressedLength); fwrite( UncompressedBuffer, 1, UncompressedLength, stdout ); } } VOID Compress ( ULONG argc, PCHAR argv[], FILE *pf ) { ULONG Offset; ULONG CompressedCount; ULONG UncompressedCount; if (argc < 6) { DsDumpSyntax(argv[0]); return; } sscanf( argv[3], strncmp( argv[3], "0x", 2 ) ? "%ld" : "%lx", &Offset ); sscanf( argv[4], strncmp( argv[4], "0x", 2 ) ? "%ld" : "%lx", &UncompressedCount ); sscanf( argv[4], strncmp( argv[4], "0x", 2 ) ? "%ld" : "%lx", &CompressedCount ); if (argc == 7) { freopen( argv[6], "wb", stdout ); } // // Print the file name // fprintf(stderr, "\n%s:\n", argv[2]); fseek( pf, Offset, SEEK_SET ); (VOID)fread( UncompressedBuffer, 1, UncompressedCount, pf ); { MRCF_STANDARD_COMPRESS WorkSpace; ULONG CompressedLength; CompressedLength = MrcfStandardCompress( CompressedBuffer, CompressedCount, UncompressedBuffer, UncompressedCount, &WorkSpace ); fprintf(stderr, "CompressedLength = %d\n", CompressedLength); fwrite( CompressedBuffer, 1, CompressedLength, stdout ); } } VOID cdecl main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { FILE *pf; if (argc < 3) { DsDumpSyntax(argv[0]); return; } if (!(pf = fopen(argv[2], "rb"))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s error: invalid file name '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[2]); return; } if (!strcmp(argv[1],"-h") || !strcmp(argv[1],"-H")) { DumpHeader(argc,argv,pf); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1],"-c") || !strcmp(argv[1],"-C")) { Compress(argc,argv,pf); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1],"-d") || !strcmp(argv[1],"-D")) { Decompress(argc,argv,pf); } else { DsDumpSyntax(argv[0]); } }