PAGE ,132 TITLE DXEMM2.ASM -- Dos Extender MEMM Enable Code ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1989-1991. All Rights Reserved. ;*********************************************************************** ; ; DXEMM2.ASM -- Dos Extender MEMM Enable Code ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This module provides routines that attempt to enable MEMM/CEMM/EMM386 ; drivers. DOSX tries to disable MEMM when starting up, and enables MEMM ; when terminating. ; ; NOTE: This code is in a seperate file from the disable logic because ; the disable code is discarded after initialization. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 12/08/89 jimmat Finally got around to implementing this. ; ;*********************************************************************** .286p ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDE FILE DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- .xlist .sall include include .list if NOT VCPI ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GENERAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DATA SEGMENT DEFINITIONS ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXDATA segment public fMEMM_Disabled, MEMM_State, MEMM_Call fMEMM_Disabled db 0 ; NZ if MEMM disabled MEMM_state db 0 ; Initial MEMM state MEMM_Call dd 0 ; far call address into EMM driver DXDATA ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; CODE SEGMENT VARIABLES ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE segment DXCODE ends DXPMCODE segment DXPMCODE ends ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl MEMM/CEMM/EMM386 Enable Routines page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; MEMM/CEMM/EMM386 ENABLE ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE segment assume cs:DXCODE ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; EMMEnable -- This routine attempts to re-enable any installed ; MEMM/CEMM/EMM386 driver. ; ; Input: none ; Output: CY off - EMM driver enabled (or never disabled) ; CY set - EMM installed, and can't disable ; Errors: ; Uses: All registers preserved assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public EMMEnable EMMEnable proc near push ax cmp fMEMM_Disabled,0 ; Did we disable MEMM before? jz enable_exit ; no, don't need to enable then mov ah,01 ; Set state command mov al,MEMM_state ; Get initial state cmp al,2 ; They return 0 (on), 1 (off), jbe @f ; 2 (auto on), 3 (auto off) -- but mov al,2 ; we can only set 1 - 2 @@: call [MEMM_Call] ; and restore it jc not_enabled mov fMEMM_Disabled,0 ; no longer disabled clc jmp short enable_exit not_enabled: stc enable_exit: pop ax ret EMMEnable endp ; ------------------------------------------------------- DXCODE ends ;**************************************************************** endif ; NOT VCPI end