title Special Export call locations for DS == SS conversion. ; Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation ?DF = 1 ; Dont generate default segment definitions ?PLM = 1 .XLIST include cmacros.inc .LIST subttl Define Windows Groups page MGROUP group HEADER,EXPORTS,IMPORTS,IMPORTEND,ENDHEADER IGROUP group _TEXT,_INITTEXT,_ENDTEXT DGROUP group _DATA,DATA,CDATA,CONST,_BSS,c_common,_INITDATA,_ENDDATA,STACK HEADER segment para 'MODULE' HEADER ENDS EXPORTS segment byte 'MODULE' EXPORTS ENDS IMPORTS segment byte public 'MODULE' IMPORTS ENDS IMPORTEND segment byte 'MODULE' IMPORTEND ENDS ENDHEADER segment para 'MODULE' ENDHEADER ENDS _TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' _TEXT ENDS _INITTEXT segment para public 'CODE' _INITTEXT ends _ENDTEXT segment para 'CODE' _ENDTEXT ends _DATA segment para public 'DATA' STACKSIZE = 2048 $$STACK dw STACKSIZE dup (?) $$STACKTOP label word dw 0 _DATA ends DATA segment para public 'DATA' DATA ends CDATA segment word common 'DATA' ; C globals end up here CDATA ends CONST segment word public 'CONST' CONST ends _BSS segment para public 'BSS' _BSS ends c_common segment para common 'BSS' ; C globals end up here c_common ends _INITDATA segment para public 'BSS' _INITDATA ends _ENDDATA segment para 'BSS' _ENDDATA ends STACK segment para stack 'STACK' DB 0 ; Force link to write entire DGROUP STACK ends subttl ENTRYPOINT definition page ENTRYPOINT MACRO name, cwArgs extrn x&name:far public name name proc far mov ax,ds ; we have to include all this code nop ; or exe2mod chokes inc bp push bp mov bp,sp push ds mov ds,ax mov cx,cwArgs * 2 mov dx,offset igroup:x&name jmp SetLocStack name endp ENDM subttl external->local stack switcher page _TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' assume cs:igroup, ds:dgroup, es:dgroup, ss:nothing ; ; SetLocStack ; ; Purpose: To switch to a seperate stack located in the ; Modules Data Segment. ; ; Inputs: AX = module's DS ; SS, SP, BP = caller's stack stuff ; DS = "true" entry point addr ; cx = no. of bytes of parameters on caller's stack ; SetLocStack proc near mov bx,ss ; get copy of current segment cmp ax,bx ; see if we're already in local stack je inlocal ; we are - fall into existing code mov cs:SESPat,cx ; save arg byte count for return mov ss,ax mov sp,offset dgroup:$$STACKTOP push bx ; save old ss sub bp,2 ; point at the pushed ds push bp ; and old sp push si ; save si jcxz argdone mov ds,bx lea si,[bp + 8 - 2] ; point past ds, bp, far addr to args add si,cx ; point at top of args for backward move std shr cx,1 ; divide byte count by two jcxz argdone argloop: lodsw push ax loop argloop cld argdone: push cs mov ax,offset igroup:SetExtStack ; push setextstack return addr push ax mov ax,ss ; get new ds into ds and ax mov ds,ax push dx ; jump to true entry point via RET ret inlocal: add dx,10 ; point past prolog code push dx ; jump into middle of prolog code ret SetLocStack endp SetExtStack proc near pop si ; get back saved si pop bp ; get old sp pop bx ; and old ss mov ss,bx mov sp,bp ; now set them up pop ds ; standard epilog stuff pop bp dec bp db 0cah ;RETF n instruction SESPat dw 0 SetExtStack endp subttl Entry point definitions page ; ; mp module entry points ; ENTRYPOINT MMpNew, 3 ENTRYPOINT MMpLoad, 2 ENTRYPOINT MMpFree, 2 ; ; routines called by interface module ; ENTRYPOINT MRgchVal, 6 ENTRYPOINT Mdecode, 2 ENTRYPOINT MEnter, 1 ENTRYPOINT Fill, 1 ENTRYPOINT Clear, 0 ENTRYPOINT Format, 1 ENTRYPOINT MCellsContract, 0 ENTRYPOINT MInsertBents, 8 ENTRYPOINT MSheetCut, 0 ENTRYPOINT MSheetCopy, 0 ENTRYPOINT MSheetPaste, 1 ENTRYPOINT MExeCut, 0 ENTRYPOINT MExePaste, 0 ENTRYPOINT CheckRecalc, 0 ENTRYPOINT recalc, 1 ENTRYPOINT MLoadSheet, 2 ENTRYPOINT MSaveSheet, 3 ENTRYPOINT MSortDialog, 4 _TEXT ENDS end