/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: ntsetup\hwlog\hwlog.c Abstract: Logging some aspects of the hardware configuration to winnt32.log / setupact.log. Esp. disk drive by connection, and map drive letters to disk drives. Author: Jay Krell (JayKrell) April 2001, May 2001 Revision History: Environment: winnt32.dll -- Win9x ANSI (down to Win95gold) or NT Unicode libcmt statically linked in, _tcs* ok actually only built for Unicode/NT, and does nothing if run on less than Windows 2000 setup.exe -newsetup -- guimode setup --*/ /* Platform notes Win95: apparently no setupapi.dll (redist) apparently no cfgmgr32.dll no kernel32.dll::GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint NT 3.1 no kernel32.dll::GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint NT 3.51 apparently no setupapi.dll apparently no cfgmgr32.dll no kernel32.dll::GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint NT4 no kernel32.dll::GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint setupapi.dll has SetupDiGetClassDevs does not have SetupDiGetClassDevsEx does not have SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces does not have SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail cfgmgr32.dll has the functions we call Win2000, WinXp: has all the functions we call Win98, Win98se: no kernel32.dll::GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint setupapi.dll, has everything we use has SetupDiGetClassDevs has SetupDiGetClassDevsEx has SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces has SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail cfgmgr32.dll, has everything we use has CM_Get_Parent_Ex has CM_Connect_MachineA has CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExA existing versions of winnt32a.dll not statically dependent on setupapi.dll not statically dependent on cfgmgr32.dll winnt32u.dll not statically dependent on setupapi.dll statically dependent on cfgmgr32.dll, all functions exported on NT4 and Win98 CM_Get_Device_ID_List_SizeW CM_Get_Device_ID_ListW CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW CM_Locate_DevNodeW conclusions works on Win2000 and WinXp maybe some of it works on Win98, Win98se, Win9me maybe can be changed slightly to work on NT4 cannot easily work on NT 3 or Win95 but GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint and the DeviceIoControl might prevent it dynamically link it "all" */ #define STANDALONE 0 #define DYNLINK 1 #if STANDALONE #define UNICODE #define _UNICODE #if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 #endif // from windows.h, but we want this before nt.h #if !defined(_X86_) && !defined(_IA64_) && !defined(_AMD64_) && defined(_M_IX86) #define _X86_ #endif #if !defined(_X86_) && !defined(_IA64_) && !defined(_AMD64_) && defined(_M_AMD64) #define _AMD64_ #endif #if !defined(_IA64_) && !defined(_X86_) && !defined(_M_IX86) && !defined(_AMD64_) && defined(_M_IA64) #define _IA64_ #endif #include "io.h" #if !defined(_WIN64) typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR; // vc6 compatibility typedef unsigned long DWORD_PTR; // vc6 compatibility #endif #endif #include #include "nt.h" #include "ntrtl.h" #include "nturtl.h" #include "windows.h" #include "cfgmgr32.h" #include "objbase.h" #include "initguid.h" #include "devguid.h" #include "setupapi.h" #include "winioctl.h" #include #include "tchar.h" #include #include #include "hwlog.h" typedef CONST VOID* PCVOID; struct _SP_LINKAGE; typedef struct _SP_LINKAGE SP_LINKAGE, *PSP_LINKAGE; typedef CONST SP_LINKAGE* PCSP_LINKAGE; typedef struct _SP_MACHINE { PCTSTR Name; // for setupapi.dll functions HMACHINE Handle; // for cfgmgr32.dll functions } SP_MACHINE, *PSP_MACHINE; typedef CONST SP_MACHINE* PCSP_MACHINE; typedef struct _SP_LOG_HARDWARE { SP_MACHINE Machine; HANDLE LogFile; #if !DYNLINK CONST #endif SP_LINKAGE* Linkage; BOOL (WINAPI* SetupLogError)(PCTSTR MessageString, LogSeverity); BOOL (__cdecl * SetuplogError)( IN LogSeverity Severity, IN LPCTSTR MessageString, IN UINT MessageId, OPTIONAL ... ) OPTIONAL; } SP_LOG_HARDWARE, *PSP_LOG_HARDWARE; typedef CONST SP_LOG_HARDWARE* PCSP_LOG_HARDWARE; #if STANDALONE || defined(UNICODE) #define QUASH_SIMPLE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAMES 1 #define INDENT_FACTOR 2 #define UNAVAILABLE_VERBOSE 1 #if 0 /* this is more like a small tree, one device per line, indenting */ #define ONE_PROPERTY_PER_LINE 0 #define INDENT_CHILDREN 1 #define NUMBER_CHILDREN 0 #define DESCRIPTION_DASH_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT 0 #else #define ONE_PROPERTY_PER_LINE 1 #define INDENT_CHILDREN 0 #define NUMBER_CHILDREN 1 #define DESCRIPTION_DASH_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT 1 #endif #define ONE_DEVICE_PER_LINE (!ONE_PROPERTY_PER_LINE) #if !defined(DBG) #define DBG 1 #endif #define NUMBER_OF(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0])) #if !defined(ISNT) #if STANDALONE || !defined(UNICODE) #define ISNT() ((GetVersion() & 0x80000000) == 0) #else #define ISNT() TRUE #endif #endif #define SP_FILE_SHARE_DELETE() (ISNT() ? FILE_SHARE_DELETE : 0) // RTL_* from ntdef.h #define FIELD_TYPE(type, field) (((type*)0)->field) #define BITS_OF_FIELD(type, field) (BITS_OF(FIELD_TYPE(type, field))) #define BITS_OF(sizeOfArg) (sizeof(sizeOfArg) * 8) #define xPASTE(x,y) x##y #define PASTE(x,y) xPASTE(x,y) typedef struct _SP_LINKAGE { #if DYNLINK #define U(x) union { PCSTR PASTE(Name, __LINE__); x; } #else #define U(x) x #endif PCSTR Kernel32Dll; U(BOOL (WINAPI* GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint)(PCTSTR lpszVolumeMountPoint, PTSTR lpszVolumeName, DWORD cchBufferLength)); PCSTR Setupapidll; U(BOOL (WINAPI* SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces)(HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, CONST GUID* InterfaceClassGuid, DWORD MemberIndex, PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA DeviceInterfaceData)); U(HDEVINFO (WINAPI* SetupDiGetClassDevsEx)(CONST GUID* ClassGuid, PCTSTR Enumerator, HWND hwndParent, DWORD Flags, HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PCTSTR MachineName, PVOID Reserved)); U(BOOL (WINAPI* SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail)(HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA DeviceInterfaceData, PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA DeviceInterfaceDetailData, DWORD DeviceInterfaceDetailDataSize, PDWORD RequiredSize, PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData)); U(CONFIGRET (WINAPI* CM_Get_Parent_Ex)(OUT PDEVINST pdnDevInst, IN DEVINST dnDevInst, IN ULONG ulFlags, IN HMACHINE hMachine)); U(CONFIGRET (WINAPI* CM_Connect_Machine)(IN PCTSTR UNCServerName, OUT PHMACHINE phMachine)); U(CONFIGRET (WINAPI* CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_Ex)( IN DEVINST dnDevInst, IN ULONG ulProperty, OUT PULONG pulRegDataType OPTIONAL, OUT PVOID Buffer OPTIONAL, IN OUT PULONG pulLength, IN ULONG ulFlags, IN HMACHINE hMachine)); #undef U } SP_LINKAGE; #if defined(UNICODE) #define T "W" #else #define T "A" #endif #if !DYNLINK CONST #endif static SP_LINKAGE SpLinkage = { #if DYNLINK // // note: lowercase => .dll name // "kernel32.dll", "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint" T, "setupapi.dll", "SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces", "SetupDiGetClassDevsEx" T, "SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail" T, "CM_Get_Parent_Ex", "CM_Connect_Machine" T, "CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_Ex" T #undef T #else NULL, // kernel32 GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, NULL, // setupapi SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces, SetupDiGetClassDevsEx, SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail, CM_Get_Parent_Ex, CM_Connect_Machine, CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_Ex #endif }; BOOL SpDoDynlink( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE This ) { #if DYNLINK SIZE_T i; FARPROC* rgproc = (FARPROC*)This->Linkage; PCSTR* rgpsz = (PCSTR*)This->Linkage; HMODULE DllHandle; for (i = 0 ; i != sizeof(SpLinkage)/sizeof(PVOID) ; ++i) { if (islower(rgpsz[i][0])) { if ((DllHandle = LoadLibraryA(rgpsz[i])) == NULL) return FALSE; } else if ((rgproc[i] = GetProcAddress(DllHandle, rgpsz[i])) == NULL) { return FALSE; } } #endif return TRUE; } PCTSTR SpGetSpacesString( SIZE_T n ); PCTSTR SpGetDashesString( SIZE_T n ); PVOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS SpGetVolumeDiskExtents( HANDLE DeviceFileHandle ); // // need a downlevel static .lib version of ntdll.dll.. // typedef struct SP_STRING { PTSTR Chars; SIZE_T Length; SIZE_T MaximumLength; } SP_STRING, *PSP_STRING; typedef CONST SP_STRING* PCSP_STRING; #define SpStringLength(s) ((s)->Length) #define SpInitString(s, t) \ ((s)->MaximumLength = sizeof((s)->Chars[0]) + ((s)->Length = lstrlen((s)->Chars = (PTSTR)t))) VOID SpHwDebugLog( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE This, PCTSTR Format, ... ); VOID SpStringAppendFormatVa(PSP_STRING Buffer, PCSP_STRING Format, va_list va) { if (Buffer->MaximumLength > Buffer->Length + 1) { _vsntprintf( Buffer->Chars + Buffer->Length, Buffer->MaximumLength - Buffer->Length, Format->Chars, va ); } Buffer->Chars[Buffer->MaximumLength - 1] = 0; } VOID SpStringAppendFormat(PSP_STRING Buffer, PCSP_STRING Format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, Format); SpStringAppendFormatVa(Buffer, Format, va); va_end(va); } VOID SpStringAppend(PSP_STRING s, PCSP_STRING t) { SP_STRING Format; Format.Chars = TEXT("%s"); Format.Length = 2; SpStringAppendFormat(s, &Format, t); } VOID SpStringCopy(PSP_STRING s, PCSP_STRING t) { s->Chars[0] = 0; SpStringAppend(s, t); } VOID SpStringFormat(PSP_STRING s, PCSP_STRING Format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, Format); s->Chars[0] = 0; SpStringAppendFormatVa(s, Format, va); va_end(va); } PVOID SpMalloc(SIZE_T n) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, n); } VOID SpFree(PVOID p) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, p); } PVOID SpRealloc(PVOID p, SIZE_T n) { return HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, p, n); } VOID SpStringFree(PTSTR s) { SpFree(s); } VOID SpRemoveTrailingChars(PSP_STRING s, PCTSTR ch) { while (s->Length != 0 && (s->Chars[s->Length - 1] == ch[0] || s->Chars[s->Length - 1] == ch[1]) && !(s->Chars[s->Length - 1] = 0) && (s->Length -= 1) ) { // nothing } } VOID SpEnsureTrailingChar(PSP_STRING s, TCHAR ch) { if (s->Length == 0 || s->Chars[s->Length - 1] != ch) { s->Length += 1; s->Chars[s->Length - 1] = ch; s->Chars[s->Length] = 0; } } // // for now, let's hope that device numbers stay in the range 0-63 // typedef struct SP_DEVICE_NUMBERS { ULONGLONG Bitset; } SP_DEVICE_NUMBERS, *PSP_DEVICE_NUMBERS; typedef CONST SP_DEVICE_NUMBERS* PCSP_DEVICE_NUMBERS; typedef struct SP_VOLUME { PTSTR GuidVolumeNamePointer; // if this is null, use GuidVolumeNameBuffer TCHAR GuidVolumeNameBuffer[64]; // \\?\{guid} #define SP_VOLUME_GET_NAME(v) (((v)->GuidVolumeNamePointer != NULL) ? (v)->GuidVolumeNamePointer : (v)->GuidVolumeNameBuffer) // // DiskNumbers are gotten via DeviceIoControl(STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER) (Win2K) // and DeviceIoControl(IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS) (Whistler) // ULONG DeviceType; SP_DEVICE_NUMBERS DeviceNumbers; TCHAR DriveLetter; } SP_VOLUME, *PSP_VOLUME; typedef CONST SP_VOLUME* PCSP_VOLUME; // // most systems are limited to 24 volumes, C-Z, unless they use // mount points, and setup is unlikely to be affected by those volumes // typedef struct _SP_VOLUMES { SP_VOLUME Entries[24]; } SP_VOLUMES, *PSP_VOLUMES; typedef CONST SP_VOLUMES* PCSP_VOLUMES; #define SP_PROPERTY_QUIET_UNAVAILABLE (0x00000001) typedef struct _SP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CONST { //ULONG SetupapiInteger; ULONG ConfigManagerInteger; PCTSTR Name; ULONG Flags; } SP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CONST, *PSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CONST; typedef CONST SP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CONST* PCSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CONST; #if ONE_DEVICE_PER_LINE //CONST static TCHAR FriendlyNameString[] = TEXT("FriendlyName"); //CONST static TCHAR DescriptionString[] = TEXT("Description"); CONST static TCHAR PhysicalDeviceObjectNameString[] = TEXT(""); CONST static TCHAR HardwareIdString[] = TEXT(""); CONST static TCHAR LowerFiltersString[] = TEXT(""); CONST static TCHAR UpperFiltersString[] = TEXT(""); //CONST static TCHAR FlagsString[] = TEXT(""); CONST static TCHAR LocationInformationString[] = TEXT(""); #else //CONST static TCHAR FriendlyNameString[] = TEXT("FriendlyName"); //CONST static TCHAR DescriptionString[] = TEXT("Description"); CONST static TCHAR PhysicalDeviceObjectNameString[] = TEXT("PhysicalDeviceObjectName"); CONST static TCHAR HardwareIdString[] = TEXT("HardwareId"); CONST static TCHAR LowerFiltersString[] = TEXT("LowerFilters"); CONST static TCHAR UpperFiltersString[] = TEXT("UpperFilters"); //CONST static TCHAR FlagsString[] = TEXT("Flags"); CONST static TCHAR LocationInformationString[] = TEXT("Location"); #endif #define SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(x) /* nothing */ #define DESCRIPTION 0 #define PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT 1 #define FRIENDLY_NAME 2 #define HARDWARE_ID 3 #define FIRST_GENERIC_PROPERTY 4 CONST static SP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CONST DevicePropertyMetaInfo[] = { { SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(SPDRP_DEVICEDESC) CM_DRP_DEVICEDESC, TEXT(""), SP_PROPERTY_QUIET_UNAVAILABLE }, { SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(SPDRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME) CM_DRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME, PhysicalDeviceObjectNameString }, { SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME) CM_DRP_FRIENDLYNAME, TEXT(""), SP_PROPERTY_QUIET_UNAVAILABLE }, { SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(SPDRP_HARDWAREID) CM_DRP_HARDWAREID, HardwareIdString }, { SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(x) CM_DRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION, LocationInformationString, SP_PROPERTY_QUIET_UNAVAILABLE }, { SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(SPDRP_LOWERFILTERS) CM_DRP_LOWERFILTERS, LowerFiltersString, SP_PROPERTY_QUIET_UNAVAILABLE }, { SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(SPDRP_UPPERFILTERS) CM_DRP_UPPERFILTERS, UpperFiltersString, SP_PROPERTY_QUIET_UNAVAILABLE }, //{ SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(x) CM_DRP_CONFIGFLAGS, FlagsString }, //{ SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(x) CM_DRP_CAPABILITIES, TEXT("Capabilities") }, //{ SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(x) CM_DRP_UI_NUMBER, TEXT("UI Number") }, //{ SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(x) CM_DRP_CHARACTERISTICS, TEXT("Characteristics") }, //{ SETUPAPI_PROPERTY_NUMBER(x) CM_DRP_ADDRESS, TEXT("Address") }, }; typedef struct _SP_DEVICE_PROPERTY { PCSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CONST Const; TCHAR Value[256]; ULONG Type; } SP_DEVICE_PROPERTY, *PSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY; typedef CONST SP_DEVICE_PROPERTY* PCSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY; typedef struct _SP_DEVICE_CLASS { CONST GUID* Guid; ULONG IsInterface; //PCTSTR Name; } SP_DEVICE_CLASS, *PSP_DEVICE_CLASS; typedef CONST SP_DEVICE_CLASS* PCSP_DEVICE_CLASS; /* CONST static TCHAR VolumesString[] = TEXT("Volumes"); CONST static TCHAR DisksString[] = TEXT("Disks"); CONST static TCHAR CDROMsString[] = TEXT("CDROMs"); CONST static TCHAR PartitionsString[] = TEXT("Partitions"); */ CONST static SP_DEVICE_CLASS DeviceClasses[] = { { &GUID_DEVINTERFACE_CDROM, DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE, /*CDROMsString*/ }, { &GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK, DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE, /*DisksString*/ }, { &GUID_DEVINTERFACE_PARTITION, DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE, /*PartitionsString*/ }, // The information this adds is not very useful. //{ &GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME, DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE, /*VolumesString*/ }, }; typedef struct _SP_DEVICE { PCSP_DEVICE_CLASS Class; ULONG DevInst; ULONG DeviceType; SP_DEVICE_NUMBERS DeviceNumbers; //BOOL IsLeaf; SIZE_T NumberOfParents; ULONG ParentDevInsts[MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN]; TCHAR DevicePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR GuidVolumePath[64]; //SP_DEVICE_PROPERTY Properties[NUMBER_OF(DevicePropertyMetaInfo)]; } SP_DEVICE, *PSP_DEVICE; typedef CONST SP_DEVICE* PCSP_DEVICE; #define SP_IS_PATH_SEPERATOR(ch) ((ch) == '\\' || (ch) == '/') SIZE_T SpStringLengthWithoutTrailingPathSeperators( PCTSTR s ) { SIZE_T Length; if (s == NULL || *s == 0) return 0; Length = _tcslen(s); s += Length - 1; while (SP_IS_PATH_SEPERATOR(s[Length])) Length -= 1; return Length; } int __cdecl SpCompareVolume(CONST VOID* v1, CONST VOID* v2) { CONST PCSP_VOLUME p1 = (PCSP_VOLUME)v1; CONST PCSP_VOLUME p2 = (PCSP_VOLUME)v2; CONST PCTSTR s1 = (p1 != NULL) ? SP_VOLUME_GET_NAME(p1) : TEXT(""); CONST SIZE_T len1 = SpStringLengthWithoutTrailingPathSeperators(s1); CONST PCTSTR s2 = (p1 != NULL) ? SP_VOLUME_GET_NAME(p2) : TEXT(""); CONST SIZE_T len2 = SpStringLengthWithoutTrailingPathSeperators(s2); return _tcsicmp(s1, s2); } VOID SpSortVolumes(PSP_VOLUMES Volumes) { qsort( Volumes->Entries, NUMBER_OF(Volumes->Entries), sizeof(Volumes->Entries[0]), SpCompareVolume ); } PCSP_VOLUME SpFindVolume( PSP_VOLUMES Volumes, PCTSTR VolumeGuidPath ) { CONST SP_VOLUME VolumeKey = { (PTSTR)VolumeGuidPath }; PCSP_VOLUME VolumeFound = (PCSP_VOLUME) bsearch( &VolumeKey, Volumes->Entries, NUMBER_OF(Volumes->Entries), sizeof(Volumes->Entries[0]), SpCompareVolume ); return VolumeFound; } #if 0 void SpCovertRNToN( PTSTR Buffer ) { PTSTR p; PTSTR q; for (p = q = Buffer ; *p != 0 && *(p + 1) != 0 ; ) { if (*p == '\r' && *(p + 1) == '\n') { *q++ = '\n'; p += 2; } else { *q++ = *p++; } } if (*p != 0) *q++ = *p++; *q++ = 0; } void SpCovertNToRN( PTSTR Buffer ) { // determine size // heap alloc // convert } #endif VOID SpHwDebugLog( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE This, PCTSTR Format, ... ) { va_list va; TCHAR BufferT[500]; #ifdef UNICODE CHAR BufferA[500]; #endif SIZE_T Length; BOOLEAN Newline = FALSE; BufferT[0] = 0; va_start(va, Format); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, Format, 0, 0, BufferT, NUMBER_OF(BufferT), &va ); BufferT[NUMBER_OF(BufferT) - 1] = 0; Length = lstrlen(BufferT); if (Length != 0) { #if 0 Newline = (BufferT[Length - 1] == '\n' || BufferT[Length - 1] == '\r'); if (Newline) { while (Length != 0 && (BufferT[Length - 1] == '\n' || BufferT[Length - 1] == '\r')) Length -= 1; if (Length != 0) BufferT[Length] = 0; else Newline = FALSE; } #endif if (Newline) lstrcat(BufferT, TEXT("\r\n")); if (This->LogFile != NULL) { DWORD BytesWritten; if (Newline) lstrcat(BufferT, TEXT("\r\n")); #ifdef UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, BufferT, -1, BufferA, sizeof(BufferA) - 1, NULL, NULL ); WriteFile(This->LogFile, &BufferA, lstrlenA(BufferA), &BytesWritten, NULL); #else WriteFile(This->LogFile, &BufferT, lstrlen(BufferT), &BytesWritten, NULL); #endif } if (This->SetupLogError != NULL) { This->SetupLogError(BufferT, LogSevInformation); } if (This->SetuplogError != NULL) { This->SetuplogError( LogSevInformation, TEXT("%1"), 0, BufferT, (PVOID)NULL, (PVOID)NULL ); } } va_end(va); } #define SpHwLog SpHwDebugLog #if 0 VOID PrependString(PTSTR s, PCTSTR t) { SIZE_T slen = _tcslen(s); SIZE_T tlen = _tcslen(t); MoveMemory(s + tlen, s, (slen + 1) * sizeof(*s)); MoveMemory(s, t, tlen); } #endif #define SP_CLOSE_HANDLE(h) \ do { if ((h) != NULL && (h) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(h); h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } while(0) #define SP_FREE(p) \ do { if ((p) != NULL) { SpFree(p); (p) = NULL; } } while(0) PVOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS SpGetVolumeDiskExtents( HANDLE DeviceFileHandle ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: Return Value: --*/ { // // This pattern is iffy, but it is used elsewhere, and the implementation of // IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS is iffy too, and not quite as documented. // See drivers\vsm\vsmio\nt\voldev.c. // struct { VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS VolumeDiskExtents; DISK_EXTENT DiskExtents[4]; } StackDiskExtents; PVOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS HeapDiskExtents = NULL; PVOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS DiskExtents = NULL; PVOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS ResultDiskExtents = NULL; DWORD BytesReturned; BOOL Success = FALSE; DWORD Size; DiskExtents = &StackDiskExtents.VolumeDiskExtents; Size = sizeof(StackDiskExtents); // // loop in case it is changing // while (!Success) { Success = DeviceIoControl( DeviceFileHandle, IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS, NULL, 0, DiskExtents, Size, &BytesReturned, NULL ); if (!Success) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA) goto Exit; Size = sizeof(VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS) + DiskExtents->NumberOfDiskExtents * sizeof(DISK_EXTENT); SP_FREE(HeapDiskExtents); HeapDiskExtents = (PVOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS)SpMalloc(Size); if (HeapDiskExtents == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto Exit; } DiskExtents = HeapDiskExtents; } else { if (DiskExtents->NumberOfDiskExtents == 0) { /* nothing */ } else if (DiskExtents == HeapDiskExtents) { ResultDiskExtents = HeapDiskExtents; HeapDiskExtents = NULL; } else if (DiskExtents == &StackDiskExtents.VolumeDiskExtents) { Size = sizeof(VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS) + DiskExtents->NumberOfDiskExtents * sizeof(DISK_EXTENT); ResultDiskExtents = (PVOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS)SpMalloc(Size); if (ResultDiskExtents == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto Exit; } ASSERT(Size <= sizeof(StackDiskExtents)); CopyMemory(ResultDiskExtents, &StackDiskExtents, Size); } else { ASSERT(FALSE && "DiskExtents != HeapDiskExtents, StackDiskExtents"); } } } Exit: SP_FREE(HeapDiskExtents); return ResultDiskExtents; } PTSTR SpDeviceTypeToString( ULONG i, PTSTR s ) { // // this is a partial list from public\ddk\inc\devioctl.h // PCTSTR t = NULL; s[0] = 0; switch (i) { case FILE_DEVICE_CD_ROM: t = TEXT("CDROM"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM: t = TEXT("CDROM File System"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_CONTROLLER: t = TEXT("Device Controller"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_DFS: t = TEXT("Distributed File System"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_DISK: t = TEXT("Disk"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_DISK_FILE_SYSTEM: t = TEXT("Disk File System"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_FILE_SYSTEM: t = TEXT("File System"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_FILE_SYSTEM: t = TEXT("Network File System"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_TAPE: t = TEXT("Tape"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_TAPE_FILE_SYSTEM: t = TEXT("Tape File System"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_VIRTUAL_DISK: t = TEXT("Virtual Disk"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_REDIRECTOR: t = TEXT("Network Redirector"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_MASS_STORAGE: t = TEXT("Mass Storage"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_SMB: t = TEXT("SMB"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_CHANGER: t = TEXT("Changer"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_ACPI: t = TEXT("ACPI"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_DFS_FILE_SYSTEM: t = TEXT("DFS File System"); break; case FILE_DEVICE_DFS_VOLUME: t = TEXT("DFS Volume"); break; default: _stprintf(s, TEXT("Other (%ld)"), i); break; } if (t != NULL) _tcscpy(s, t); return s; } VOID SpGetDeviceNumbersAndType( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE This, PCTSTR DevicePath, PSP_DEVICE_NUMBERS DeviceNumbers, PULONG DeviceType ) { PVOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS VolumeDiskExtents = NULL; STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER StorageDeviceNumber = { 0 }; DWORD Error = 0; DWORD DeviceIoControlBytesReturned = 0; CONST static TCHAR Function[] = TEXT("SpGetDeviceNumbersAndType"); HANDLE DeviceFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #if 0 SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: DeviceIoControl(%2)\n"), Function, DevicePath ); #endif DeviceFileHandle = CreateFile( DevicePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_READ | SP_FILE_SHARE_DELETE(), NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (DeviceFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { Error = GetLastError(); if (Error != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: CreateFile(%2) warning %3!lu!\r\n"), Function, DevicePath, Error ); } goto Exit; } if (!DeviceIoControl( DeviceFileHandle, IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER, NULL, 0, &StorageDeviceNumber, sizeof(StorageDeviceNumber), &DeviceIoControlBytesReturned, NULL )) { Error = GetLastError(); if (Error != ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION && Error != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && Error != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER // dynamic disk ) { SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: DeviceIoControl(%2) warning %3!lu!\r\n"), Function, DevicePath, Error ); } if (Error == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { // dynamic disk *DeviceType = FILE_DEVICE_DISK; } } else if (DeviceIoControlBytesReturned < sizeof(StorageDeviceNumber)) { SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: DeviceIoControl size mismatch (%4!lu!, %5!lu!)"), Function, (ULONG)DeviceIoControlBytesReturned, (ULONG)sizeof(StorageDeviceNumber) ); } else { CONST ULONG DeviceNumber = StorageDeviceNumber.DeviceNumber; #if 0 { TCHAR DeviceTypeString[64]; SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: DeviceType of %2 is %3 (%4!lu!)\r\n"), Function, DevicePath, SpDeviceTypeToString(StorageDeviceNumber.DeviceType, DeviceTypeString), StorageDeviceNumber.DeviceType ); } #endif *DeviceType = StorageDeviceNumber.DeviceType; if (DeviceNumber > 63) { SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: DeviceNumber out of range (%2!lu!)\r\n"), Function, StorageDeviceNumber.DeviceNumber ); } else { #if 0 SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1 disk number %2!lu!\r\n"), DevicePath, DeviceNumber ); #endif DeviceNumbers->Bitset |= (1ui64 << DeviceNumber); } } VolumeDiskExtents = (PVOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS) SpGetVolumeDiskExtents(DeviceFileHandle); if (VolumeDiskExtents != NULL) { SIZE_T i; CONST SIZE_T VolumeDiskExtents_NumberOfDiskExtents = VolumeDiskExtents->NumberOfDiskExtents; for (i = 0 ; i != VolumeDiskExtents_NumberOfDiskExtents ; ++i) { CONST SIZE_T DiskNumber = VolumeDiskExtents->Extents[i].DiskNumber; if (DiskNumber > 63) { SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: DiskNumber out of range (%2!lu!)\r\n"), Function, DiskNumber ); } else { DeviceNumbers->Bitset |= (1ui64 << DiskNumber); } } } Exit: SP_CLOSE_HANDLE(DeviceFileHandle); SpFree(VolumeDiskExtents); } VOID SpCollectVolumeInformation( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE This, PSP_VOLUMES Volumes ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: Return Value: --*/ { TCHAR DriveLetter; TCHAR GuidVolumeNameBuffer[NUMBER_OF(Volumes->Entries[0].GuidVolumeNameBuffer)]; CONST static TCHAR Function[] = TEXT("SpCollectVolumeInformation"); DWORD Error; SP_STRING GuidVolumeNameString; ZeroMemory(Volumes, sizeof(*Volumes)); for (DriveLetter = 'C' ; DriveLetter <= 'Z' ; DriveLetter++) { CONST PSP_VOLUME Volume = &Volumes->Entries[DriveLetter - 'C']; CONST TCHAR DriveLetterPath[] = { DriveLetter, ':', '\\', 0 }; CONST TCHAR DeviceDriveLetterPath[] = { '\\', '\\', '.', '\\', DriveLetter, ':', 0 }; /* This looks interesting. WindowsXp only. if (GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName(DriveLetterPath, VolumeName, NUMBER_OF(VolumeName))) { } */ GuidVolumeNameBuffer[0] = 0; if (!This->Linkage->GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint( DriveLetterPath, GuidVolumeNameBuffer, NUMBER_OF(GuidVolumeNameBuffer) - 1) ) { Error = GetLastError(); if (Error != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && Error != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) { SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(%2) warning %3!lu!\r\n"), Function, DriveLetterPath, Error ); } continue; } SpInitString(&GuidVolumeNameString, GuidVolumeNameBuffer); SpRemoveTrailingChars(&GuidVolumeNameString, TEXT("\\/")); Volume->DriveLetter = DriveLetter; CopyMemory(&Volume->GuidVolumeNameBuffer, &GuidVolumeNameBuffer, sizeof(GuidVolumeNameBuffer)); SpGetDeviceNumbersAndType( This, Volume->GuidVolumeNameBuffer, &Volume->DeviceNumbers, &Volume->DeviceType ); } qsort(Volumes->Entries, NUMBER_OF(Volumes->Entries), sizeof(Volumes->Entries[0]), SpCompareVolume); //Exit: ; } BOOLEAN SpCollectDeviceProperties( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE This, ULONG DevInst, SIZE_T NumberOfProperties, PCSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CONST InArray, PSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY OutArray ) { BOOLEAN Success = FALSE; SIZE_T PropertyIndex = 0; CONFIGRET ConfigRet = 0; CONST static TCHAR Function[] = TEXT("SpCollectDeviceProperties"); SP_STRING ValueString; SP_STRING Whitespace; SpInitString(&Whitespace, TEXT("\r\n\v\t ")); for (PropertyIndex = 0 ; PropertyIndex != NumberOfProperties ; PropertyIndex += 1) { PCSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CONST In = &InArray[PropertyIndex]; PSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY Out = &OutArray[PropertyIndex]; ULONG PropertyBufferSize = sizeof(Out->Value); // // zero out two chars due to multi_sz // Out->Value[0] = 0; Out->Value[1] = 0; ConfigRet = This->Linkage->CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_Ex( DevInst, In->ConfigManagerInteger, &Out->Type, Out->Value, &PropertyBufferSize, 0, This->Machine.Handle ); if (ConfigRet == CR_BUFFER_SMALL) { // // zero out two chars due to multi_sz // Out->Value[0] = 0; Out->Value[1] = 0; #if DBG SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: Buffer too small, property %2\r\n"), Function, DevicePropertyMetaInfo[PropertyIndex].Name ); #endif } #if UNAVAILABLE_VERBOSE if (ConfigRet == CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE && (DevicePropertyMetaInfo[PropertyIndex].Flags & SP_PROPERTY_QUIET_UNAVAILABLE) == 0 ) { _tcscpy(Out->Value, TEXT("")); ConfigRet = CR_SUCCESS; } #endif if (Out->Type == REG_SZ) { SpInitString(&ValueString, Out->Value); SpRemoveTrailingChars(&ValueString, TEXT("\r\n")); } #if QUASH_SIMPLE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAMES /* of the form \Device\12345678 */ if (ConfigRet == CR_SUCCESS && In->ConfigManagerInteger == CM_DRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME ) { CONST static TCHAR SimpleDeviceName[] = TEXT("\\Device\\12345678"); if (lstrlen(Out->Value) == NUMBER_OF(SimpleDeviceName) - 1) { SIZE_T i; for (i = 0 ; i != NUMBER_OF(SimpleDeviceName) - 1 ; ++i) { if (iswdigit(SimpleDeviceName[i]) && iswdigit(Out->Value[i])) { // ok } else if (SimpleDeviceName[i] != Out->Value[i]) { break; } } if (i == NUMBER_OF(SimpleDeviceName) - 1) { Out->Value[0] = 0; Out->Value[1] = 0; } } } #endif if (ConfigRet != CR_SUCCESS && ConfigRet != CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE && ConfigRet != CR_INVALID_PROPERTY && ConfigRet != CR_BUFFER_SMALL ) goto Exit; Out->Const = In; // connect it back to the meta info } Success = TRUE; Exit:; return Success; } BOOL SpGrowArray( IN OUT PVOID* Array, IN SIZE_T SizeOfElement, IN OUT PSIZE_T NumberOfElements, IN OUT PSIZE_T NumberAllocated ) { ASSERT(*NumberOfElements < *NumberAllocated); *NumberOfElements += 1; if (*NumberOfElements >= *NumberAllocated) { PVOID Next = SpRealloc(*Array, SizeOfElement * *NumberAllocated * 2); if (Next == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; } *Array = Next; *NumberAllocated *= 2; } return TRUE; } VOID SpCollectDeviceInformation( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE This, PCSP_DEVICE_CLASS DeviceClasses, SIZE_T NumberOfDeviceClasses, PCSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CONST DevicePropertyMetaInfo, // the size of this is assumed PSP_DEVICE* OutDevices, SIZE_T* OutNumberOfDevices ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: Return Value: --*/ { CONST static TCHAR Function[] = TEXT("SpCollectDeviceInformation"); SIZE_T DeviceClassIndex = 0; ULONG DeviceInClassIndex = 0; SIZE_T NumberOfDevices = 0; SIZE_T NumberOfDevicesAllocated = 64; HANDLE DeviceInfoHandle = NULL; BOOL Success = FALSE; SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA SetupDeviceInterfaceData = { sizeof(SetupDeviceInterfaceData) }; DWORD Error = 0; PSP_DEVICE Devices = NULL; ULONG DevInst = 0; ULONG ParentIndex = 0; SP_STRING String; struct { SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA Base; TCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; } DetailAndBuffer; SP_DEVINFO_DATA SetupDeviceInfoData = { sizeof(SetupDeviceInfoData) }; CONFIGRET ConfigRet; DetailAndBuffer.Base.cbSize = sizeof(DetailAndBuffer.Base); Devices = (PSP_DEVICE)SpMalloc(NumberOfDevicesAllocated * sizeof(*Devices)); ZeroMemory(Devices, NumberOfDevicesAllocated * sizeof(*Devices)); // // loop over device class (disk, volume, cdrom, etc.) // for (DeviceClassIndex = 0 ; DeviceClassIndex != NumberOfDeviceClasses ; ++DeviceClassIndex) { DeviceInfoHandle = This->Linkage->SetupDiGetClassDevsEx( DeviceClasses[DeviceClassIndex].Guid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT | DeviceClasses[DeviceClassIndex].IsInterface, NULL, This->Machine.Name, NULL ); if (DeviceInfoHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Error = GetLastError(); continue; } // // loop over devices in the class // Success = TRUE; for (DeviceInClassIndex = 0 ; Success ; ++DeviceInClassIndex) { PSP_DEVICE Device = &Devices[NumberOfDevices]; Success = This->Linkage->SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces( DeviceInfoHandle, NULL,//&SetupDeviceInfoData, DeviceClasses[DeviceClassIndex].Guid, DeviceInClassIndex, &SetupDeviceInterfaceData ); if (!Success) Error = GetLastError(); if (!Success && Error == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; } if (!Success) { break; } // // get the devinst and the device path // DevInst = SetupDeviceInfoData.DevInst; Success = This->Linkage->SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail( DeviceInfoHandle, &SetupDeviceInterfaceData, &DetailAndBuffer.Base, sizeof(DetailAndBuffer), NULL, /* required size */ &SetupDeviceInfoData ); if (!Success) { break; } //Device->IsLeaf = TRUE; Device->DevInst = SetupDeviceInfoData.DevInst; _tcscpy(Device->DevicePath, DetailAndBuffer.Base.DevicePath); #if 0 SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: %2\r\n"), Function, Device->DevicePath ); #endif #if 1 SpInitString(&String, Device->DevicePath); SpEnsureTrailingChar(&String, '\\'); if (!This->Linkage->GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(Device->DevicePath, Device->GuidVolumePath, NUMBER_OF(Device->GuidVolumePath) - 1) ) { Error = GetLastError(); if (Error != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && Error != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND && Error != ERROR_NOT_READY && Error != ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION ) { SpHwDebugLog( This, TEXT("%1: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(%2) warning %3!lu!\r\n"), Function, Device->DevicePath, Error ); continue; } } //SpHwDebugLog(This, TEXT("%1: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(%2) : %3\r\n"), Function, Device->DevicePath, Device->GuidVolumePath); SpRemoveTrailingChars(&String, TEXT("\\/")); SpInitString(&String, Device->GuidVolumePath); SpRemoveTrailingChars(&String, TEXT("\\/")); #endif // // this is how we match up the devices to the drive letters // SpGetDeviceNumbersAndType( This, Device->DevicePath, &Device->DeviceNumbers, &Device->DeviceType ); // // get the parent devinsts // for ( (ConfigRet = CR_SUCCESS), (ParentIndex = 0); (ConfigRet == CR_SUCCESS) && ParentIndex < NUMBER_OF(Device->ParentDevInsts); ParentIndex += 1 ) { ULONG ChildIndex = (ParentIndex == 0 ? Device->DevInst : Device->ParentDevInsts[ParentIndex - 1]); ConfigRet = This->Linkage->CM_Get_Parent_Ex( &Device->ParentDevInsts[ParentIndex], ChildIndex, 0, This->Machine.Handle ); } // the last one is never interesting, err.. two if (ParentIndex != 0) ParentIndex -= 1; if (ParentIndex != 0) ParentIndex -= 1; Device->NumberOfParents = ParentIndex; // // get the properties // we should do this here, but not if we don't also get the parent properties // //SpCollectDeviceProperties(Device, DevicePropertyMetaInfo); // // grow the array of devices if necessary // if (!SpGrowArray(&Devices, sizeof(Devices[0]), &NumberOfDevices, &NumberOfDevicesAllocated)) goto Exit; // // We should probably the properties of the parents here, // but our data structures are not very good, and this would be inefficient // We must avoid O(n^2) behavior, because people really do have machines // with many disks, like 100. // // We should keep sorted arrays of devinsts. // } } if (!Success) { Error = GetLastError(); } //SpChangeParentDevInstsToIndices(Devices, NumberOfDevices); *OutDevices = Devices; Devices = NULL; *OutNumberOfDevices = NumberOfDevices; Exit: SpFree(Devices); } VOID SpFillStaticString( PTSTR s, SIZE_T n, TCHAR ch ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: Return Value: --*/ { ULONGLONG chch; ULONGLONG* pchch; SIZE_T i; SIZE_T m; if (s[n - 2] != 0) return; if (sizeof(ULONGLONG) <= sizeof(TCHAR)) { for (i = 0 ; i != n - 1 ; i += 1) { s[i] = ch; } return; } chch = 0; for (i = 0 ; i != sizeof(ULONGLONG)/sizeof(TCHAR) ; i += 1) { chch <<= BITS_OF(ch); chch |= ch; } m = (n - 1) / (sizeof(ULONGLONG)/sizeof(TCHAR)); pchch = (ULONGLONG*)s; for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i += 1) { pchch[i] = chch; } m *= (sizeof(ULONGLONG)/sizeof(TCHAR)); for (i = m ; i < n - 1 ; i += 1) { s[i] = ch; } #if DBG for (i = 0 ; i != n - 1 ; i += 1) { ASSERT(s[i] == ch); } ASSERT(s[i] == 0); #endif } PCTSTR SpGetDashesString( SIZE_T n ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: Return Value: --*/ { static union { ULONGLONG Ulonglongs[1 + 128 / (sizeof(ULONGLONG)/sizeof(TCHAR))]; TCHAR Tchars[128]; } u; SpFillStaticString(u.Tchars, NUMBER_OF(u.Tchars), '-'); n *= 2; if (n > NUMBER_OF(u.Tchars)) n = NUMBER_OF(u.Tchars); return &u.Tchars[NUMBER_OF(u.Tchars) - n]; } PCTSTR SpGetSpacesString( SIZE_T n ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: Return Value: --*/ { static union { ULONGLONG Ulonglongs[1 + 128 / (sizeof(ULONGLONG)/sizeof(TCHAR))]; TCHAR Tchars[128]; } u; SpFillStaticString(u.Tchars, NUMBER_OF(u.Tchars), ' '); n *= INDENT_FACTOR; if (n > NUMBER_OF(u.Tchars)) n = NUMBER_OF(u.Tchars); return &u.Tchars[NUMBER_OF(u.Tchars) - 1 - n]; } PCTSTR SpGetFirstMultipleString( PCTSTR s ) { // // the first string being empty is odd case // it is the only string that can be empty // if (*s == 0 && *(s + 1) != 0) s += 1; return s; } PCTSTR SpGetNextMultipleString( PCTSTR s ) { s += lstrlen(s) + 1; return s; } SIZE_T SpMultipleStringCount( PCTSTR s ) { SIZE_T i = 0; if (*s != 0 || *(s + 1) != 0) { do { i += 1; s += lstrlen(s) + 1; } while (*s != 0); } return i; } VOID SpLogDeviceProperties( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE This, SIZE_T NumberOfProperties, PCSP_DEVICE_PROPERTY PropertyData, ULONG Indent ) { ULONG PropertyType; SIZE_T PropertyIndex; // // we save away this string, so we that can indent the rest of the lines to account for it // TCHAR NumberString[BITS_OF(Indent)]; NumberString[0] = 0; #if NUMBER_CHILDREN _stprintf(NumberString, TEXT("%lu. "), Indent + 1); #endif #if ONE_DEVICE_PER_LINE SpHwLog(This, TEXT("%1"), SpGetSpacesString(Indent)); #endif for (PropertyIndex = 0 ; PropertyIndex != NumberOfProperties ; PropertyIndex += 1) { PCTSTR Name = PropertyData[PropertyIndex].Const->Name; if (PropertyData[PropertyIndex].Value[0] != 0 && (PropertyIndex == 0 // // friendly name sometimes == description // general fix: don't print adjacent equal values, // unless they are both unavailable (which don't generally have anymore) // || _tcsicmp(PropertyData[PropertyIndex].Value, PropertyData[PropertyIndex - 1].Value) != 0 || _tcsicmp(PropertyData[PropertyIndex].Value, TEXT("")) == 0 )) { #if DESCRIPTION_DASH_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT if (PropertyIndex == PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT) { // nothing } else #endif { #if NUMBER_CHILDREN SpHwLog(This, TEXT("%1"), NumberString); #endif #if INDENT_CHILDREN && !ONE_DEVICE_PER_LINE SpHwLog(This, TEXT("%1"), SpGetSpacesString(Indent)); #endif } // // only print "PhysicalDeviceObject" if there was no description // #if DESCRIPTION_DASH_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT if (PropertyIndex == PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT && ( PropertyData[DESCRIPTION].Value[0] != 0 && _tcsicmp(PropertyData[DESCRIPTION].Value, TEXT("")) != 0) ) { // nothing } else #endif { if (Name != NULL && Name[0] != 0) { //SpHwLog(This, TEXT("%1 = "), Name); SpHwLog(This, TEXT("%1: "), Name); } } PropertyType = PropertyData[PropertyIndex].Type; // if one device per line, shrink hardware id to just first item // also compress its formating if it only contains one element #if ONE_PROPERTY_PER_LINE if (PropertyType == REG_MULTI_SZ && SpMultipleStringCount(PropertyData[PropertyIndex].Value) < 2 ) #endif { PropertyType = REG_SZ; } switch (PropertyType) { case REG_MULTI_SZ: { PCTSTR Value; for ( Value = SpGetFirstMultipleString(PropertyData[PropertyIndex].Value); *Value != 0; Value = SpGetNextMultipleString(Value) ) { #if INDENT_CHILDREN SpHwLog( This, TEXT("\r\n%1%2"), SpGetSpacesString(Indent + 2), Value ); #else SpHwLog( This, TEXT("\r\n%1 %2"), NumberString, Value ); #endif } } case REG_SZ: SpHwLog(This, TEXT("%1"), PropertyData[PropertyIndex].Value); break; } #if DESCRIPTION_DASH_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT if (PropertyIndex == DESCRIPTION && PropertyData[PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT].Value[0] != 0 ) { SpHwLog(This, TEXT(" - ")); } else #endif { #if ONE_PROPERTY_PER_LINE SpHwLog(This, TEXT("\r\n")); #endif #if ONE_DEVICE_PER_LINE SpHwLog(This, TEXT(" ")); #endif } if (NumberString[0] != 0 && NumberString[0] != ' ') { // // convert to spaces for the rest of the lines // SIZE_T i; for (i = 0 ; NumberString[i] != 0 ; ++i) { NumberString[i] = ' '; } } } } #if ONE_DEVICE_PER_LINE SpHwLog(This, TEXT("\r\n")); #endif } VOID SpLogDeviceTree( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE This, PCSP_DEVICE Device, ULONG Indent ) { ULONG ParentIndex; SP_DEVICE_PROPERTY PropertyData[NUMBER_OF(DevicePropertyMetaInfo)]; if (!SpCollectDeviceProperties(This, Device->DevInst, NUMBER_OF(PropertyData), DevicePropertyMetaInfo, PropertyData)) return; #if NUMBER_CHILDREN Indent = 1; #endif SpLogDeviceProperties(This, NUMBER_OF(PropertyData), PropertyData, Indent - 1); for (ParentIndex = 0 ; ParentIndex < Device->NumberOfParents ; ParentIndex += 1) { if (!SpCollectDeviceProperties(This, Device->ParentDevInsts[ParentIndex], NUMBER_OF(PropertyData), DevicePropertyMetaInfo, PropertyData)) break; SpLogDeviceProperties(This, NUMBER_OF(PropertyData), PropertyData, Indent + ParentIndex); } #if NUMBER_CHILDREN SpHwLog(This, TEXT("\r\n")); #endif } VOID SpLogVolumeAndDeviceInformation( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE This, PCSP_VOLUMES Volumes, PCSP_DEVICE Devices, SIZE_T NumberOfDevices ) { ULONG Indent = 0; SIZE_T VolumeIndex = 0; SIZE_T DiskNumber = 0; SIZE_T DeviceIndex = 0; for (DeviceIndex = 0; DeviceIndex != NumberOfDevices ; DeviceIndex += 1) { PCSP_DEVICE Device = &Devices[DeviceIndex]; for (DiskNumber = 0 ; DiskNumber != BITS_OF_FIELD(SP_DEVICE_NUMBERS, Bitset); DiskNumber += 1) { if ((Device->DeviceNumbers.Bitset & (1ui64 << DiskNumber)) != 0) { ULONG DriveLetters = 0; LONG NumberOfDriveLetters = 0; for (VolumeIndex = 0 ; VolumeIndex != NUMBER_OF(Volumes->Entries) ; ++VolumeIndex) { CONST PCSP_VOLUME Volume = &Volumes->Entries[VolumeIndex]; if (Volume->DriveLetter != 0 && (Volume->DeviceNumbers.Bitset & (1ui64 << DiskNumber)) != 0 && Volume->DeviceType == Device->DeviceType ) { DriveLetters |= (1UL << (Volume->DriveLetter - 'C')); NumberOfDriveLetters += 1; } } if (DriveLetters != 0) { SIZE_T i; SpHwLog( This, TEXT("%1"), SpGetSpacesString(Indent) ); SpHwLog( This, TEXT("%1: "), (NumberOfDriveLetters == 1) ? TEXT("Volume") : TEXT("Volumes") ); for (i = 'C' ; i <= 'Z' ; i += 1) { if ((DriveLetters & (1UL << (i - 'C'))) != 0) SpHwLog( This, TEXT("%1!c!:\\ "), i ); } SpHwLog(This, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("\r\n\r\n")); } #if 1 SpHwLog( This, TEXT("Device Path: %1%2"), Device->DevicePath, TEXT("\r\n\r\n") ); #endif //SpHwLog(This, TEXT("\r\n")); SpLogDeviceTree(This, Device, Indent + 1); //SpHwLog(This, TEXT("\r\n\r\n")); SpHwLog( This, TEXT("%1\r\n\r\n"), SpGetDashesString(100) ); } } } } VOID SpLogHardware( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE_IN In ) { SP_VOLUMES Volumes = { 0 }; PSP_DEVICE Devices = NULL; SIZE_T NumberOfDevices = 0; CONFIGRET ConfigRet = 0; SP_MACHINE Machine = { 0 }; SP_LOG_HARDWARE This = { 0 }; This.Machine.Name = In->MachineName; This.LogFile = In->LogFile; This.Linkage = &SpLinkage; This.SetupLogError = In->SetupLogError; This.SetuplogError = In->SetuplogError; if (!SpDoDynlink(&This)) { SpHwLog(&This, TEXT("downlevel, deviceinfo not logged\r\n")); return; } ConfigRet = This.Linkage->CM_Connect_Machine(This.Machine.Name, &This.Machine.Handle); if (ConfigRet != CR_SUCCESS) goto Exit; SpCollectVolumeInformation( &This, &Volumes ); SpCollectDeviceInformation( &This, DeviceClasses, NUMBER_OF(DeviceClasses), DevicePropertyMetaInfo, &Devices, &NumberOfDevices ); if (Devices != NULL && NumberOfDevices != 0) { SpLogVolumeAndDeviceInformation( &This, &Volumes, Devices, NumberOfDevices ); SpFree(Devices); } Exit: ; } #if STANDALONE void Main( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE_IN Parameters ) { #if STANDALONE == 1 Parameters->LogFile = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fileno(stdout)); #elif STANDALONE == 2 SetupOpenLog(FALSE); Parameters->SetupLogError = SetupLogError; #endif SpLogHardware(Parameters); #if STANDALONE == 2 SetupCloseLog(); #endif } #ifdef UNICODE int __cdecl _wmain(int argc, WCHAR** argv) { SP_LOG_HARDWARE_IN Parameters = { 0 }; Parameters.MachineName = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : NULL; Main(&Parameters); return 0; } #endif int __cdecl main(int argc, CHAR** argv) { SP_LOG_HARDWARE_IN Parameters = { 0 }; #ifdef UNICODE WCHAR** argvw = NULL; argvw = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); Parameters.MachineName = (argc > 1) ? argvw[1] : NULL; #else Parameters.MachineName = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : NULL; #endif Main(&Parameters); return 0; } #endif #else VOID SpLogHardware( PSP_LOG_HARDWARE_IN In ) { } #endif