[Source Media Descriptions] 1 = "Bogus", TAGFILE = BOGUS [FixedVars] ; ; Misc stuff used in UI ; Chosen = ON NotChosen = OFF Radio1 = 1 Radio2 = 2 Radio3 = 3 Radio4 = 4 Radio5 = 5 Radio6 = 6 Radio7 = 7 Radio8 = 8 Radio9 = 9 ; ; Processor and platform names. Keep in sync with syssetup\*\platform.c. ; ProcessorID_Alpha = Alpha_AXP ProcessorID_I386 = I386 ProcessorID_I486 = I486 ProcessorID_I586 = I586 ProcessorID_PPC601 = PPC601 ProcessorID_PPC603 = PPC603 ProcessorID_PPC604 = PPC604 ProcessorID_PPC620 = PPC620 ProcessorID_R4000 = R4000 PlatformID_Alpha = Alpha PlatformID_I386 = I386 PlatformID_Mips = Mips PlatformID_PPC = ppc ; ; Other misc compatibility stuff. ; LanguageList = {"ENG"} DebugOutputControl = 1 STF_CONTROLSET = CurrentControlSet STF_DISPLAYDEBUGOUTPUT = 1 STF_INSTALL_TYPE = SETUPBOOTED STF_LANGUAGE = ENG STF_VITAL = "" STF_INSTALL_MODE = CUSTOM ; ; Help ids for stuff that still uses infs. ; IDH_DB_CARDSELECTION_INS = 3000 IDH_DB_DETECT_BYPASS = 4020 IDH_DB_DETECT_CHKRAS = 4050 IDH_DB_DETECT_FAILED = 4040 IDH_DB_DETECT_FOUND = 4030 IDH_DB_DRIVEREXIST_INS = 1042 IDH_DB_GET_PROTOCOL = 4000 IDH_DB_LMHOST_INS = 3730 IDH_DB_MAINTAIN_INS = 1000 IDH_DB_MCUSTOMISE_INS = 1011 IDH_DB_MOPTIONAL_INS = 1010 IDH_DB_MPROFILE_INS = 1030 IDH_DB_MSYSTEM_INS = 1020 IDH_DB_OEMNADAM_INS = 3547 IDH_DB_OEMNADAR1_INS = 3631 IDH_DB_OEMNADAR2_INS = 3632 IDH_DB_OEMNADAR3_INS = 3633 IDH_DB_OEMNADD1_INS = 3500 IDH_DB_OEMNADD2_INS = 3510 IDH_DB_OEMNADDE_INS = 3520 IDH_DB_OEMNADE1_INS = 3530 IDH_DB_OEMNADE2_INS = 3540 IDH_DB_OEMNADE3_INS = 3545 IDH_DB_OEMNADEM_INS = 3550 IDH_DB_OEMNADIN_INS = 3561 IDH_DB_OEMNADLB_INS = 3546 IDH_DB_OEMNADLT_INS = 4060 IDH_DB_OEMNADN1_INS = 3552 IDH_DB_OEMNADN2_INS = 3551 IDH_DB_OEMNADNE_INS = 3560 IDH_DB_OEMNADNF_INS = 3634 IDH_DB_OEMNADP3_INS = 3570 IDH_DB_OEMNADP9_INS = 3580 IDH_DB_OEMNADSO_INS = 3590 IDH_DB_OEMNADT2_INS = 3601 IDH_DB_OEMNADTE_INS = 3602 IDH_DB_OEMNADTK_INS = 3600 IDH_DB_OEMNADTM_INS = 3605 IDH_DB_OEMNADUB_INS = 3610 IDH_DB_OEMNADWD_INS = 3620 IDH_DB_OEMNADWM_INS = 3630 IDH_DB_OEMNSVNB_INS = 3640 IDH_DB_OEMNSVRD_INS = 3650 IDH_DB_OEMNSVRE_INS = 3660 IDH_DB_OEMNSVRI_INS = 3745 IDH_DB_OEMNSVSV_INS = 3670 IDH_DB_OEMNSVWK_INS = 3680 IDH_DB_OEMNXPDL_INS = 3690 IDH_DB_OEMNXPNB_INS = 3700 IDH_DB_OEMNXPSN_1 = 3711 IDH_DB_OEMNXPSN_2 = 3712 IDH_DB_OEMNXPSN_INS = 3710 IDH_DB_OEMNXPTC_1 = 3721 IDH_DB_OEMNXPTC_2 = 3722 IDH_DB_OEMNXPTC_3 = 3723 IDH_DB_OEMNXPTC_INS = 3720 IDH_DB_RETURN_TO_NCPA = 3750 IDH_DB_RPCLOCATE_INS = 3740 IDH_DB_SCSI_DRIVER_INS = 1040 IDH_DB_SCSI_SELECTDRIVER_INS = 1041 IDH_DB_SOFTSELECTION_INS = 3001 IDH_DB_TAPE_DRIVER_INS = 1043 IDH_DB_TAPE_SELECTDRIVER_INS = 1044 IDH_DB_VER_EXISTED = 4010 IDH_UB_OEMNADDP_INS = 3521 [VariableVars] STF_BUSTYPE = "" ? $(!LEGACYDLL) GetMyBusType STF_BUSTYPELIST = "" ? $(!LEGACYDLL) GetMyBusTypeList STF_UNUSEDDRIVES = {} ? $(!LEGACYDLL) GetUnusedDrives VolumeList = {} ? $(!LEGACYDLL) GetHardDriveLetters VolumeSizeList = {} ? $(!LEGACYDLL) GetHardDriveTotalSpace VolumeFreeList = {} ? $(!LEGACYDLL) GetHardDriveFreeSpace VolumeFSList = {} ? $(!LEGACYDLL) GetHardDriveFileSystems [LoadSetupLibraries] LoadLibrary x $(!STF_SYSTEM_DIR)\setupdll.dll !LEGACYDLL exit [Shell Commands] ; ; Load libraries and set up static inf variables. ; install LoadSetupLibraries set-subst CR = "\r" set-subst LF = "\n" read-syms FixedVars detect VariableVars ; ; Call out to target inf. ; Shell $(LEGACY_TARGET_INF) $(LEGACY_TARGET_SECTION) set LEGACY_INF_RESULT = $($R0) ; ; Done. ; exit