/*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1999 Module Name: rpccfg.h Abstract: The entry points for configuration of the rpc runtime are prototyped in this file. Each operating environment must defined these routines. Author: Michael Montague (mikemon) 25-Nov-1991 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef __RPCCFG_H__ #define __RPCCFG_H__ RPC_STATUS RpcConfigMapRpcProtocolSequence ( IN unsigned int ServerSideFlag, IN RPC_CHAR PAPI * RpcProtocolSequence, OUT RPC_CHAR * PAPI * TransportInterfaceDll ); RPC_STATUS RpcConfigInquireProtocolSequences ( IN BOOL fGetAllProtseqs, OUT RPC_PROTSEQ_VECTOR PAPI * PAPI * ProtseqVector ); RPC_STATUS RpcGetAdditionalTransportInfo( IN unsigned long TransportId, OUT unsigned char PAPI * PAPI * ProtocolSequence ); RPC_STATUS RpcGetWellKnownTransportInfo( IN unsigned long TransportId, OUT RPC_CHAR **PSeq ); RPC_STATUS RpcGetSecurityProviderInfo( unsigned long AuthnId, RPC_CHAR * PAPI * Dll, unsigned long PAPI * Count ); extern DWORD DefaultAuthLevel; extern DWORD DefaultProviderId; void RpcpGetDefaultSecurityProviderInfo(); extern RPC_STATUS ValidateSchannelPrincipalName( IN RPC_CHAR * EncodedName ); #endif // __RPCCFG_H__