; PhilTune.INF -- This file installs PhilTune.sys ; ; [Version] signature="$CHICAGO$" Class=Media ClassGUID={4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider=%Msft% LayoutFile=Layout.inf, Layout1.inf, Layout2.inf DriverVer=05/24/2000,5.1.2239.1 ; F i l e c o p y i n g s e c t i o n s (where the files go to). ; [DestinationDirs] PHILTUNE.CopyDrivers=10,System32\Drivers ; ie \windows\system32\drivers ; PHILTUNE.CopyInf=10,Inf ; ie \windows\Inf [Manufacturer] %MfgName%=Philips [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect=* ExcludeFromSelect.NT=* ; =================== Generic ================================== [Philips] %PhilTune.DeviceDesc%=PhilTune.Device,STREAM\PhilTune [PhilTune.Device] Include = ks.inf, kscaptur.inf, bda.inf Needs = KS.Registration,KSCAPTUR.Registration,BDA.Registration AddReg = PhilTune.addreg CopyFiles = PhilTune.CopyDrivers ; KnownFiles = PhilTune.KnownFiles [PhilTune.Device.NT] Include = ks.inf, kscaptur.inf, bda.inf Needs = KS.Registration,KSCAPTUR.Registration.NT,BDA.Registration AddReg = PhilTune.AddReg CopyFiles = PhilTune.CopyDrivers ; KnownFiles = PhilTune.KnownFiles [PhilTune.Device.NT.Services] Addservice = PhilTune, 0x00000002, PhilTune.AddService [PhilTune.AddService] DisplayName = %SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 2 ; SERVICE_AUTO_START ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %10%\System32\Drivers\PhilTune.sys LoadOrderGroup = Base [PhilTune.CopyDrivers] PhilTune.sys ; [PhilTune.CopyInf] ; PhilTune.Inf ; [PhilTune.KnownFiles] ; PhilTune.sys=safe [PhilTune.AddReg] HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,PhilTune.sys HKR,,PageOutWhenUnopened,3,01 ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Tuner related values ; All values in the tuner key are string values ;--------------------------------------------------------------- HKR,,InitialFrequency,1,D0,57,3F,16 ; Initial Frequency of tuner HKR,,TunerI2cAddress,1,c0,0,0,0 ; I2C address of the tuner chip HKR,,8VsbI2cAddress,1,18,0,0,0 ; I2C address of the 8VSB Demod Chipo HKR,,ParallelPortI2cAddress,1,40,0,0,0 ; I2C address of the 7146 Parallel Port HKR,,BoardType,1,01,00,00,00 ; Board Type ; 0 - Coney ; 1 - Catalina (Maui) ; 2 - Kangaroo ; 3 - Coronado ; 4 - CES ; 5 - CorFU HKR,,TunerType,0,TD1536 ; Tuner Type ; Possible Tuner Types ; ; "FI1216" : CCIR B, G system ; (Western Europe) ; "FI1216MF": CCIR B,G, L, L1 system ; (W. Europe, SE Asia, OZ, NZ) ; "FI1236" : RTMA M+N system ; (USA) ; "FI1246" : CCIR I system ; (UK, Ireland, SA, H.K.) ; "FI1256" : OIRT system ; (China, Russia, E. Europe) ; "FR1216" : RTMN M+N system + FM ; (USA) ; "FR1236" : RTMN M+N system + FM ; (USA) ; "TD1536" : ATSC digital tuner ; (USA) [PhilTune.Device.Interfaces] AddInterface=%BDAcatID%,%KSNAME_Filter%,PhilTune.Interfaces, AddInterface=%GUID.BdaDeviceControl%,%KSNAME_Filter%,BdaDevice, [PhilTune.Device.NT.Interfaces] AddInterface=%BDAcatID%,%KSNAME_Filter%,PhilTune.Interfaces, AddInterface=%GUID.BdaDeviceControl%,%KSNAME_Filter%,BdaDevice, [PhilTune.Interfaces] AddReg=PhilTune.Interface.AddReg [PhilTune.Interface.AddReg] HKR,,CLSID,,%PhilTune.CLSID% HKR,,FriendlyName,,%PhilTune.FriendlyName% ; [BdaDevice] ; AddReg=BdaDevice.AddReg ; [BdaDevice.AddReg] [Strings] Msft = "Philips Semiconductors" MfgName = "Philips" PhilTune.CLSID ="{17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196}" ; KsProxy.ax's ID, REQUIRED PhilTune.DeviceDesc = "Philips WDM TVTuner" PhilTune.FriendlyName = "Philips TV Tuner" PhilTune.Tuner = "PhilTune.Tuner" KSNAME_Filter = "{9B365890-165F-11D0-A195-0020AFD156E4}" SvcDesc = "Philips TV Tuner" ; ; The following items should be moved to KS_registration - TCP ; Plugin_BdaDevice ="BDA Device Control Plug-in" BDAcatID ="{FD0A5AF4-B41D-11d2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}" AMcatID ="{DA4E3DA0-D07D-11d0-BD50-00A0C911CE86}" BDAReceivers ="BDA Streaming Receiver Components" MediaCategories ="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaCategories" Pin.BdaTransport ="BDA Transport Stream" GUID.BdaTransport ="{78216A81-CFA8-493e-9711-36A61C08BD9D}" GUID.BdaDeviceControl ="{FD0A5AF3-B41D-11d2-9C95-00C04F7971E0}" ; ; ServiceType values SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER = 0x00000001 SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER = 0x00000002 SERVICE_ADAPTER = 0x00000004 SERVICE_RECOGNIZER_DRIVER = 0x00000008 SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS = 0x00000010 SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS = 0x00000020 SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS = 0x00000100 SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_SHARE_PROCESS = 0x00000120 ; StartType values SERVICE_BOOT_START = 0x00000000 SERVICE_SYSTEM_START = 0x00000001 SERVICE_AUTO_START = 0x00000002 SERVICE_DEMAND_START = 0x00000003 SERVICE_DISABLED = 0x00000004 ; ErrorControl values SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE = 0x00000000 SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL = 0x00000001 SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE = 0x00000002 SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL = 0x00000003 ; Characteristic flags NCF_VIRTUAL = 0x0001 NCF_WRAPPER = 0x0002 NCF_PHYSICAL = 0x0004 NCF_HIDDEN = 0x0008 NCF_NO_SERVICE = 0x0010 NCF_NOT_USER_REMOVABLE = 0x0020 NCF_HAS_UI = 0x0080 NCF_MODEM = 0x0100 ; Registry types REG_MULTI_SZ = 0x10000 REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x20000 REG_DWORD = 0x10001 ; Win9x Compatible Types REG_BINARY = 17 REG_SZ = 0 ; Service install flags SPSVCINST_TAGTOFRONT = 0x1 SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE = 0x2