//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993. // // File: libmain.cxx // // Contents: LibMain for ADs.dll // // Functions: LibMain, DllGetClassObject // // History: 25-Oct-94 KrishnaG Created. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ldap.hxx" #pragma hdrstop LPCWSTR lpszTopLevel = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\ADs\\Providers\\LDAP"; LPCWSTR lpszExtensions = L"Extensions"; PCLASS_ENTRY gpClassHead = NULL; PCLASS_ENTRY BuildClassesList() { HKEY hTopLevelKey = NULL; HKEY hExtensionKey = NULL; HKEY hExtensionRootKey = NULL; HKEY hClassKey = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = 0; WCHAR lpszClassName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwchClassName = 0; PCLASS_ENTRY pClassHead = NULL; PCLASS_ENTRY pClassEntry = NULL; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, lpszTopLevel, 0, KEY_READ, &hTopLevelKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto CleanupAndExit; } if (RegOpenKeyEx(hTopLevelKey, lpszExtensions, 0, KEY_READ, &hExtensionRootKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto CleanupAndExit; } memset(lpszClassName, 0, sizeof(lpszClassName)); dwchClassName = sizeof(lpszClassName)/sizeof(WCHAR); while(RegEnumKeyEx(hExtensionRootKey, dwIndex, lpszClassName, &dwchClassName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // // Read namespace // if (RegOpenKeyEx(hExtensionRootKey, lpszClassName, 0, KEY_READ, &hClassKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ goto CleanupAndExit; } pClassEntry = BuildClassEntry( lpszClassName, hClassKey ); if (pClassEntry) { pClassEntry->pNext = pClassHead; pClassHead = pClassEntry; } if (hClassKey) { CloseHandle(hClassKey); } memset(lpszClassName, 0, sizeof(lpszClassName)); dwchClassName = sizeof(lpszClassName)/sizeof(WCHAR); dwIndex++; } CleanupAndExit: if (hExtensionRootKey) { RegCloseKey(hExtensionRootKey); } if (hTopLevelKey) { RegCloseKey(hTopLevelKey); } return(pClassHead); } VOID FreeClassesList( PCLASS_ENTRY pClassHead ) { PCLASS_ENTRY pDelete; while (pClassHead) { pDelete = pClassHead; pClassHead = pClassHead->pNext; FreeClassEntry(pDelete); } return; } PCLASS_ENTRY BuildClassEntry( LPWSTR lpszClassName, HKEY hClassKey ) { HKEY hTopLevelKey = NULL; HKEY hExtensionKey = NULL; DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwchExtensionCLSID = 0; WCHAR lpszExtensionCLSID[MAX_PATH]; PCLASS_ENTRY pClassEntry = NULL; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtensionHead = NULL; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtensionEntry = NULL; pClassEntry = (PCLASS_ENTRY)AllocADsMem(sizeof(CLASS_ENTRY)); if (!pClassEntry) { goto CleanupAndExit; } wcscpy(pClassEntry->szClassName, lpszClassName); memset(lpszExtensionCLSID, 0, sizeof(lpszExtensionCLSID)); dwchExtensionCLSID = sizeof(lpszExtensionCLSID)/sizeof(WCHAR); while(RegEnumKeyEx(hClassKey, dwIndex, lpszExtensionCLSID, &dwchExtensionCLSID, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // // Read namespace // if (RegOpenKeyEx(hClassKey, lpszExtensionCLSID, 0, KEY_READ, &hExtensionKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ goto CleanupAndExit; } // // Read the Interfaces that this Extension supports // pExtensionEntry = BuildExtensionEntry( lpszExtensionCLSID, hExtensionKey ); if (pExtensionEntry) { wcscpy(pExtensionEntry->szExtensionCLSID, lpszExtensionCLSID); pExtensionEntry->pNext = pExtensionHead; pExtensionHead = pExtensionEntry; } if (hExtensionKey) { CloseHandle(hExtensionKey); } memset(lpszExtensionCLSID, 0, sizeof(lpszExtensionCLSID)); dwchExtensionCLSID = sizeof(lpszExtensionCLSID)/sizeof(WCHAR); dwIndex++; } if (pExtensionHead) { pClassEntry->pExtensionHead = pExtensionHead; } else { // // There are no values under the key // FreeADsMem(pClassEntry); pClassEntry = NULL; } CleanupAndExit: return(pClassEntry); } PEXTENSION_ENTRY BuildExtensionEntry( LPWSTR lpszExtensionCLSID, HKEY hExtensionKey ) { PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtensionEntry = NULL; PINTERFACE_ENTRY pInterfaceEntry = NULL; PINTERFACE_ENTRY pInterfaceHead = NULL; WCHAR lpszInterfaces[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwchInterfaces = 0; LPWSTR psz = NULL; WCHAR Interface[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; pExtensionEntry = (PEXTENSION_ENTRY)AllocADsMem(sizeof(EXTENSION_ENTRY)); if (!pExtensionEntry) { goto CleanupAndExit; } memset(lpszInterfaces, 0, sizeof(lpszInterfaces)); dwchInterfaces = sizeof(lpszInterfaces); RegQueryValueEx( hExtensionKey, L"Interfaces", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) lpszInterfaces, &dwchInterfaces ); psz = lpszInterfaces; while (psz && *psz) { wcscpy(Interface, psz); // skip (length) + 1 // lstrlen returns length sans '\0' pInterfaceEntry = (PINTERFACE_ENTRY)AllocADsMem(sizeof(INTERFACE_ENTRY)); if (pInterfaceEntry) { wcscpy(pInterfaceEntry->szInterfaceIID, Interface); hr = IIDFromString(Interface, &(pInterfaceEntry->iid)); pInterfaceEntry->pNext = pInterfaceHead; pInterfaceHead = pInterfaceEntry; } psz = psz + lstrlen(psz) + 1; } wcscpy(pExtensionEntry->szExtensionCLSID, lpszExtensionCLSID); hr = CLSIDFromString(lpszExtensionCLSID, &(pExtensionEntry->ExtCLSID)); pExtensionEntry->pIID = pInterfaceHead; CleanupAndExit: return(pExtensionEntry); } void FreeInterfaceEntry( PINTERFACE_ENTRY pInterfaceEntry ) { if (pInterfaceEntry) { FreeADsMem(pInterfaceEntry); } } void FreeExtensionEntry( PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtensionEntry ) { PINTERFACE_ENTRY pInterfaceEntry = NULL; PINTERFACE_ENTRY pTemp = NULL; if (pExtensionEntry) { pInterfaceEntry = pExtensionEntry->pIID; while (pInterfaceEntry) { pTemp = pInterfaceEntry->pNext; if (pInterfaceEntry) { FreeInterfaceEntry(pInterfaceEntry); } pInterfaceEntry = pTemp; } // // Now unload the Extension Object // if (pExtensionEntry->pUnknown) { // // Call non-delegating Release to release ref. count on innner // object to inner object -> inner object self destroyed. // (pExtensionEntry->pUnknown)->Release(); } FreeADsMem(pExtensionEntry); } return; } void FreeClassEntry( PCLASS_ENTRY pClassEntry ) { PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtensionEntry = NULL; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pTemp = NULL; if (pClassEntry) { pExtensionEntry = pClassEntry->pExtensionHead; while (pExtensionEntry) { pTemp = pExtensionEntry->pNext; if (pExtensionEntry) { FreeExtensionEntry(pExtensionEntry); } pExtensionEntry = pTemp; } FreeADsMem(pClassEntry); } return; } PINTERFACE_ENTRY MakeCopyofInterfaceEntry( PINTERFACE_ENTRY pInterfaceEntry ) { PINTERFACE_ENTRY pNewInterfaceEntry = NULL; pNewInterfaceEntry = (PINTERFACE_ENTRY)AllocADsMem(sizeof(INTERFACE_ENTRY)); if (pNewInterfaceEntry) { wcscpy(pNewInterfaceEntry->szInterfaceIID, pInterfaceEntry->szInterfaceIID); memcpy(&(pNewInterfaceEntry->iid), &(pInterfaceEntry->iid), sizeof(GUID)); } return(pNewInterfaceEntry); } PEXTENSION_ENTRY MakeCopyofExtensionEntry( PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtensionEntry ) { PEXTENSION_ENTRY pNewExtensionEntry = NULL; PINTERFACE_ENTRY pInterfaceEntry = NULL; PINTERFACE_ENTRY pNewInterfaceEntry = NULL; PINTERFACE_ENTRY pNewInterfaceHead = NULL; pInterfaceEntry = pExtensionEntry->pIID; while (pInterfaceEntry) { pNewInterfaceEntry = MakeCopyofInterfaceEntry(pInterfaceEntry); if (pNewInterfaceEntry) { pNewInterfaceEntry->pNext = pNewInterfaceHead; pNewInterfaceHead = pNewInterfaceEntry; } pInterfaceEntry = pInterfaceEntry->pNext; } pNewExtensionEntry = (PEXTENSION_ENTRY)AllocADsMem(sizeof(EXTENSION_ENTRY)); if (pNewExtensionEntry) { wcscpy( pNewExtensionEntry->szExtensionCLSID, pExtensionEntry->szExtensionCLSID ); memcpy( &(pNewExtensionEntry->ExtCLSID), &(pExtensionEntry->ExtCLSID), sizeof(GUID) ); pNewExtensionEntry->pIID = pNewInterfaceHead; // // Initialize fields we won't know the values of until an instacne of // the extension is created and aggregated (loaded). // pNewExtensionEntry->pUnknown=NULL; pNewExtensionEntry->pPrivDisp=NULL; pNewExtensionEntry->pADsExt=NULL; pNewExtensionEntry->fDisp=FALSE; pNewExtensionEntry->dwExtensionID = (DWORD) -1; //invalid dwExtensionID // // let class entry handle pNext // } return(pNewExtensionEntry); } PCLASS_ENTRY MakeCopyofClassEntry( PCLASS_ENTRY pClassEntry ) { PCLASS_ENTRY pNewClassEntry = NULL; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pExtensionEntry = NULL; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pNewExtensionEntry = NULL; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pNewExtensionHead = NULL; pExtensionEntry = pClassEntry->pExtensionHead; while (pExtensionEntry) { pNewExtensionEntry = MakeCopyofExtensionEntry(pExtensionEntry); if (pNewExtensionEntry) { pNewExtensionEntry->pNext = pNewExtensionHead; pNewExtensionHead = pNewExtensionEntry; } pExtensionEntry = pExtensionEntry->pNext; } pNewClassEntry = (PCLASS_ENTRY)AllocADsMem(sizeof(CLASS_ENTRY)); if (pNewClassEntry) { wcscpy(pNewClassEntry->szClassName, pClassEntry->szClassName); pNewClassEntry->pExtensionHead = pNewExtensionHead; } return(pNewClassEntry); } CRITICAL_SECTION g_ExtCritSect; #define ENTER_EXTENSION_CRITSECT() EnterCriticalSection(&g_ExtCritSect) #define LEAVE_EXTENSION_CRITSECT() LeaveCriticalSection(&g_ExtCritSect) HRESULT ADSIGetExtensionList( LPWSTR pszClassName, PCLASS_ENTRY * ppClassEntry ) { PCLASS_ENTRY pTempClassEntry = NULL; PCLASS_ENTRY pClassEntry = NULL; ENTER_EXTENSION_CRITSECT(); // // Initialize global extensions list if not already // initialized. Note that this takes place inside the // g_ExtCritSect to protect against multiple threads trying // to simultaneously initialize it. // if (!gpClassHead) { gpClassHead = BuildClassesList(); } pTempClassEntry = gpClassHead; while (pTempClassEntry) { if (!_wcsicmp(pTempClassEntry->szClassName, pszClassName)) { // // Make a copy of this entire extension and // hand it over to the calling entity. // pClassEntry = MakeCopyofClassEntry(pTempClassEntry); *ppClassEntry = pClassEntry; LEAVE_EXTENSION_CRITSECT(); RRETURN(S_OK); } pTempClassEntry = pTempClassEntry->pNext; } *ppClassEntry = NULL; LEAVE_EXTENSION_CRITSECT(); RRETURN(S_OK); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Function: ADSIAppendToExntesionList // // Synopsis: Adds to the end of the current class entry, // the extensions of the class pszClassName. This is // used in scenarios as follows - suppose fooUser // is derived from User, then we want to load the extensions // defined for User too apart from the extensions available // directly on fooUser. // // The first cut is not going to see if the class is already // there in the list. This optimization can be done later if // needed. // // Arguments: [pszClassName] -- name of class. // [ppClassEntry] -- class entry returned // // The class entry will be modified only if there were no // entries, if not we will append the new entry at the end. // AjayR 11-17-98 (added) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT ADSIAppendToExtensionList( LPWSTR pszClassName, PCLASS_ENTRY * ppClassEntry ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PEXTENSION_ENTRY pLocalExtEntry = NULL; PCLASS_ENTRY pLocClassEntry = NULL; // // Check if there are no extensions on the list // if (!*ppClassEntry) { RRETURN(ADSIGetExtensionList(pszClassName, ppClassEntry)); } pLocalExtEntry = (*ppClassEntry)->pExtensionHead; while(pLocalExtEntry->pNext) { pLocalExtEntry = pLocalExtEntry->pNext; } // // Now get the extension list for the current class // hr = ADSIGetExtensionList(pszClassName, &pLocClassEntry); if (FAILED(hr)) { // // not a critical failure // hr = S_OK; } else { // // Add to the end of the current list. // if (pLocClassEntry) { pLocalExtEntry->pNext = pLocClassEntry->pExtensionHead; FreeADsMem((void*)pLocClassEntry); } } RRETURN(hr); }