/*****************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows for Workgroups **/ /** Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1993-1995 **/ /*****************************************************************/ /* NWERROR.H -- Return codes from NetWare API * * History: * 03/16/93 vlads Created * 12/15/94 vlads Renamed and cleaned up * */ #ifndef _nwerror_h_ #define _nwerror_h_ typedef long int NW_STATUS; // // NDS errors are -ve, local and NW3 errors are +ve // typedef long NDS_RETURN_CODE; /* * Bindery compatible error codes */ #define NWSC_BAD_STATION_NUMBER 0xFD #define NWSC_NO_SUCH_OBJECT 0xFC #define NWSC_MESSAGE_QUEUE_FULL 0xFC #define NWSC_UNKNOWN_REQUEST 0xFB #define NWSC_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY 0xFB #define NWSC_NO_SUCH_PRIORITY 0xFB #define NWSC_TEMPORARY_REMAP_ERROR 0xFA #define NWSC_NO_PROPERTY_READ 0xF9 #define NWSC_NO_PROPERTY_VALUE 0xF8 #define NWSC_NO_PROPERTY_CREATE 0xF7 #define NWSC_NO_PROPERTY_DELETE 0xF6 #define NWSC_NO_OBJECT_CREATE 0xF5 #define NWSC_NO_OBJECT_DELETE 0xF4 #define NWSC_NO_OBJECT_RENAME 0xF3 #define NWSC_NO_OBJECT_READ 0xF2 #define NWSC_BINDERY_SECURITY 0xF1 #define NWSC_ILLEGAL_WILDCARD 0xF0 #define NWSC_ILLEGAL_NAME 0xEF #define NWSC_OBJECT_EXISTS 0xEE #define NWSC_PROPERTY_EXISTS 0xED #define NWSC_NO_SUCH_SET 0xEC #define NWSC_NO_SUCH_SEGMENT 0xEC #define NWSC_PROPERTY_NOT_SET 0xEB #define NWSC_NO_SUCH_MEMBER 0xEA #define NWSC_MEMBER_EXISTS 0xE9 #define NWSC_WRITE_TO_GROUP 0xE8 #define NWSC_NO_DISK_TRACK 0xE7 #define NWSC_OLD_PASSWORD 0xDF #define NWSC_BAD_PASSWORD 0xDE #define NWSC_TALLY_CORRUPT 0xDD #define NWSC_EA_KEY_LIMIT 0xDC #define NWSC_ACCOUNT_DISABLED 0xDC #define NWSC_MAX_QUEUE_SERVERS 0xDB #define NWSC_BAD_LOGIN_STATION 0xDB #define NWSC_QUEUE_HALTED 0xDA #define NWSC_BAD_LOGIN_TIME 0xDA #define NWSC_STATION_NOT_SERVER 0xD9 #define NWSC_TOO_MANY_LOGINS 0xD9 #define NWSC_QUEUE_NOT_ACTIVE 0xD8 #define NWSC_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT 0xD8 #define NWSC_QUEUE_SERVICING 0xD7 #define NWSC_PASSWORD_NOT_UNIQUE 0xD7 #define NWSC_NO_JOB_RIGHTS 0xD6 #define NWSC_NO_QUEUE_JOB 0xD5 #define NWSC_QUEUE_FULL 0xD4 #define NWSC_NO_QUEUE_RIGHTS 0xD3 #define NWSC_NO_QUEUE_SERVER 0xD2 #define NWSC_NO_QUEUE 0xD1 #define NWSC_ACCESS_DENIED 0xD1 #define NWSC_QUEUE_ERROR 0xD0 #define NWSC_INVALID_EA_HANDLE 0xCF #define NWSC_BAD_DIR_NUMBER 0xCE #define NWSC_DIR_OUT_OF_RANGE 0xCD #define NWSC_INTERNAL_FAILURE 0xCC #define NWSC_NO_KEY_NO_DATA 0xCB #define NWSC_INVALID_EA_HANDLE_TYPE 0xCA #define NWSC_EA_NOT_FOUND 0xC9 #define NWSC_MISSING_EA_KEY 0xC8 #define NWSC_NO_CONSOLE_RIGHTS 0xC6 #define NWSC_LOGIN_LOCKOUT 0xC5 #define NWSC_ACCOUNT_DISABLED1 0xC4 #define NWSC_TOO_MANY_HOLDS 0xC3 #define NWSC_CREDIT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0xC2 #define NWSC_NO_ACCOUNT_BALANCE 0xC1 #define NWSC_NO_ACCOUNT_PRIVILEGES 0xC0 #define NWSC_INVALID_NAME_SPACE 0xBF #define NWSC_IO_LOCK_ERROR 0xA2 #define NWSC_DIRECTORY_IO_ERROR 0xA1 #define NWSC_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY 0xA0 #define NWSC_DIRECTORY_ACTIVE 0x9F #define NWSC_BAD_FILE_NAME 0x9E #define NWSC_NO_DIRECTORY_HANDLES 0x9D #define NWSC_INVALID_PATH 0x9C #define NWSC_BAD_DIRECTORY_ERROR 0x9B #define NWSC_RENAME_ACROSS_VOLUME 0x9A #define NWSC_DIRECTORY_FULL_ERROR 0x99 #define NWSC_DISK_MAP_ERROR 0x98 #define NWSC_ILLEGAL_VOLUME 0x98 #define NWSC_SERVER_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x96 #define NWSC_FILE_DETACHED 0x95 #define NWSC_NO_WRITE_PRIVILEGES 0x94 #define NWSC_NO_READ_PRIVILEGES 0x93 #define NWSC_ALL_NAMES_EXIST 0x92 #define NWSC_SOME_NAMES_EXIST 0x91 #define NWSC_ALL_READ_ONLY 0x90 #define NWSC_SOME_READ_ONLY 0x8F #define NWSC_ALL_FILES_IN_USE 0x8E #define NWSC_SOME_FILES_IN_USE 0x8D #define NWSC_NO_SET_PRIVILEGES 0x8C #define NWSC_NO_RENAME_PRIVILEGES 0x8B #define NWSC_NO_DELETE_PRIVILEGES 0x8A #define NWSC_NO_SEARCH_PRIVILEGES 0x89 #define NWSC_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE 0x88 #define NWSC_CREATE_FILENAME_ERROR 0x87 #define NWSC_NO_CREATE_DELETE_PRIVILEGES 0x85 #define NWSC_NO_CREATE_PRIVILEGES 0x84 #define NWSC_HARD_IO_ERROR 0x83 #define NWSC_NO_OPEN_PRIVILEGES 0x82 #define NWSC_OUT_OF_HANDLES 0x81 #define NWSC_FILE_IN_USE 0x80 #define NWSC_LOCK_FAIL 0x80 #define NWSC_NWREDIR_EXCHANGE_ERROR 0x07 #define NWSC_OUT_OF_DISK_SPACE 0x01 #define NWSC_SUCCESS 0x00 #define NWSC_SERVEROUTOFMEMORY 0x96 #define NWSC_NOSPOOLDISKSPACE 0x97 #define NWSC_NOSUCHVOLUME 0x98 // Volume does not exist #define NWSC_DIRECTORYFULL 0x99 #define NWSC_BADDIRECTORYHANDLE 0x9B #define NWSC_NOSUCHPATH 0x9C #define NWSC_NOJOBRIGHTS 0xD6 #define NWSC_PWD_NOT_UNIQUE 0xD7 #define NWSC_PWD_TOO_SHORT 0xD8 #define NWSC_PWD_LOGON_DENIED 0xD9 #define NWSC_NO_QUEUE 0xD1 #define NWSC_TIME_RESTRICTED 0xDA #define NWSC_STATION_RESTRICTED 0xDB #define NWSC_ACCOUNT_DISABLED 0xDC #define NWSC_PWD_EXPIRED_NO_GRACE 0xDE #define NWSC_EXPIREDPASSWORD 0xDF #define NWSC_NOSUCHSEGMENT 0xEC // Segment does not exist #define NWSC_INVALIDNAME 0xEF #define NWSC_NOWILDCARD 0xF0 // Wildcard not allowed #define NWSC_NOPERMBIND 0xF1 // Invalid bindery security #define NWSC_ALREADYATTACHED 0xF8 // Already attached to file server #define NWSC_NOPERMREADPROP 0xF9 // No property read privelege #define NWSC_NOFREESLOTS 0xF9 // No free connection slots locally #define NWSC_NOMORESERVERSLOTS 0xFA // No more server slots #define NWSC_NOSUCHPROPERTY 0xFB // Property does not exist #define NWSC_UNKNOWN_REQUEST 0xFB // Invalid NCP number #define NWSC_NOSUCHOBJECT 0xFC // End of Scan Bindery Object service // No such object #define NWSC_UNKNOWNSERVER 0xFC // Unknown file server #define NWSC_SERVERBINDERYLOCKED 0xFE // Server bindery locked #define NWSC_BINDERYFAILURE 0xFF // Bindery failure #define NWSC_ILLEGALSERVERADDRESS 0xFF // No response from server (illegal server address) #define NWSC_NOSUCHCONNECTION 0xFF // Connection ID does not exist #define NWSC_ERROR 0xFF #define NWSC_NET_ERROR 0xFD #define NWSC_DIRECTORY_LOCKED 0xFE #define NWSC_NO_NETWORK 0xFF // This is NOBALL specific error code //#define NWSC_NO_RESPONSE 7L //#define NWSC_BAD_CONNECTION 8L #define NWSC_NO_RESPONSE ERROR_REM_NOT_LIST #define NWSC_BAD_CONNECTION ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST // NW requester error codes // same as VLM return codes (Netware Client Assembly API) #define REQUESTR_ERR 0x8800 #define NWRE_INVALID_CONNECTION (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x01) //connection handle is invalid #define NWRE_DRIVE_IN_USE (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x02) #define NWRE_CANT_ADD_CDS (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x03) #define NWRE_BAD_DRIVE_BASE (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x04) #define NWRE_NET_RECV_ERROR (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x05) #define NWRE_UNKNOWN_NET_ERROR (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x06) #define NWRE_SERVER_INVALID_SLOT (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x07) #define NWRE_NO_SERVER_SLOTS (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x08) //server refused attach #define NWRE_SERVER_NO_ROUTE (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x0A) #define NWRE_BAD_LOCAL_TARGET (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x0B) #define NWRE_TOO_MANY_REQ_FRAGS (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x0C) //request buffer too long #define NWRE_CONNECT_LIST_OVERFLOW (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x0D) #define NWRE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x0E) //reply buffer not big enough #define NWRE_NO_ROUTER_FOUND (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x10) #define NWRE_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUND (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x10) #define NWRE_BAD_FUNC (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x11) #define NWRE_PRIMARY_CONN_NOT_SET (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x31) //no default connection set #define NWRE_INVALID_BUFFER_LENGTH (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x33) #define NWRE_INVALID_PARAMETER (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x36) #define NWRE_CONNECTION_TABLE_FULL (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x3F) // too many local connections #define NWRE_TDS_INVALID_TAG (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x44) #define NWRE_NO_SERVER (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x47) #define NWRE_DEVICE_NOT_REDIRECTED (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x4C) #define NWRE_TOO_MANY_REPLY_FRAGS (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x50) // too many fragments in reply buff #define NWRE_OUT_OF_MEMORY (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x53) // local memory allocation failure #define NWRE_PREFERRED_NOT_FOUND (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x55) #define NWRE_DEVICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x56) #define NWRE_BAD_NET_TYPE (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x57) #define NWRE_INVALID_SERVER_NAME (REQUESTR_ERR | 0x59) #define NWRE_FAILURE (REQUESTR_ERR | 0xff) // internal shell failure //NDS errors #define NDSE_NO_MEM -301 #define NDSE_BAD_KEY -302 #define NDSE_BAD_CONTEXT -303 #define NDSE_BUFFER_FULL -304 #define NDSE_NULL_LIST -305 #define NDSE_BAD_SYNTAX_ID -306 #define NDSE_BUFFER_EMPTY -307 #define NDSE_BAD_VERB -308 #define NDSE_NOT_TYPED -309 #define NDSE_EXPECTED_EQUALS -310 #define NDSE_EXPECTED_TYPE -311 #define NDSE_TYPE_NOT_EXPECTED -312 #define NDSE_FILTER_EMPTY -313 #define NDSE_BAD_OBJECT_NAME -314 #define NDSE_EXPECTED_RDN -315 #define NDSE_TOO_MANY_TOKENS -316 #define NDSE_BAD_MULTI_AVA -317 #define NDSE_BAD_COUNTRY_NAME -318 #define NDSE_SYSTEM_ERROR -319 #define NDSE_CANT_ADD_ROOT -320 #define NDSE_CANT_ATTACH -321 #define NDSE_INVALID_HANDLE -322 #define NDSE_ZERO_LENGTH -323 #define NDSE_REPLICA_TYPE -324 #define NDSE_BAD_ATTR_SYNTAX_ID -325 #define NDSE_CONTEXT_CREATION -328 #define NDSE_INVALID_UNION_TAG -329 #define NDSE_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE -330 #define NDSE_NULL_POINTER -331 #define NDSE_BAD_FILTER -332 #define NDSE_RDN_TOO_LONG -334 #define NDSE_DUPLICATE_TYPE -335 #define NDSE_NOT_LOGGED_IN -337 #define NDSE_BAD_PASSWORD_CHARS -338 #define NDSE_AUTHENT_FAILED -339 #define NDSE_TRANSPORT -340 #define NDSE_NO_SUCH_SYNTAX -341 #define NDSE_BAD_DS_NAME -342 #define NDSE_ATTR_NAME_TOO_LONG -343 #define NDSE_INVALID_TDS -344 #define NDSE_INVALID_DS_VERSION -345 #define NDSE_UNICODE_TRANSLATION -346 #define NDSE_NO_WRITABLE_REPLICAS -352 #define NDSE_DN_TOO_LONG -353 #define NDSE_RENAME_NOT_ALLOWED -354 // // Following are NDS server errors // #define NDSE_NAME_NOT_FOUND -601 #define NDSE_VALUE_NOT_FOUND -602 #define NDSE_ATTRIB_NOT_FOUND -603 #define NDSE_NO_SUCH_CLASS -604 #define NDSE_PARTITION_NOT_FOUND -605 #define NDSE_ENTRY_EXISTS -606 #define NDSE_ILLEGAL_ATTRIB -608 #define NDSE_MISSING_MANDATORY -609 #define NDSE_ILLEGAL_NAME -610 #define NDSE_ILLEGAL_PARENT -611 #define NDSE_SINGLE_VALUED -612 #define NDSE_ILLEGAL_SYNTAX -613 #define NDSE_DUPLICATE_VALUE -614 #define NDSE_ATTRIB_EXISTS -615 #define NDSE_MAXED_ENTRIES -616 #define NDSE_DB_FORMAT -617 #define NDSE_BAD_DATABASE -618 #define NDSE_BAD_COMPARISON -619 #define NDSE_COMPARISON_FAILED -620 #define NDSE_TRANSACT_DISABLED -621 #define NDSE_BAD_TRANSPORT -622 #define NDSE_INVALID_NAME_SYNTAX -623 #define NDSE_ALL_REFERRALS_FAILED -626 #define NDSE_DIFFERENT_TREE -630 /* No clear meaning */ #define NDSE_SYSTEM_FAILURE -632 #define NDSE_NO_REFERRALS -634 #define NDSE_INVALID_REQUEST -641 #define NDSE_INVALID_ITERATION -642 #define NDSE_TIME_OUT_OF_SYNC -659 #define NDSE_DS_LOCKED -663 #define NDSE_NOT_CONTAINER -668 #define NDSE_BAD_AUTHENTICATION -669 #define NDSE_NO_SUCH_PARENT -671 #define NDSE_ACCESS_DENIED -672 #define NDSE_ALIAS_OF_ALIAS -681 #define NDSE_INVALID_VERSION -683 #define NDSE_FATAL_ERROR -699 #define NDSE_PASSWORD_EXPIRED NWSC_EXPIREDPASSWORD #define NDSE_BAD_PASSWORD NWSC_BAD_PASSWORD // // Error checking macros // #define NW_IS_SUCCESS(err) (err==NWSC_SUCCESS) #endif