#include #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Windows NT MARTA provider" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "ntmarta.dll" #include "common.ver" #include "strings.h" #include "martaevt.rc" STRINGTABLE BEGIN ACCPROV_MARTA_DACL_PROTECTED "The DACL was protected." ACCPROV_MARTA_SACL_PROTECTED "The SACL was protected." ACCPROV_MARTA_BOTH_PROTECTED "Both the DACL and SACL were protected." ACCPROV_STD_ACCESS "Modify Auditing" ACCPROV_STD_ACCESS + 1 "Delete" ACCPROV_STD_ACCESS + 2 "Read Permissions" ACCPROV_STD_ACCESS + 3 "Modify Permissions" ACCPROV_STD_ACCESS + 4 "Modify Owner" ACCPROV_STD_ACCESS + 5 "Synchronize" ACCPROV_STD_ACCESS + 6 "All Standard Rights" ACCPROV_DS_ACCESS "Create Child Objects" ACCPROV_DS_ACCESS + 1 "Delete Child Objects" ACCPROV_DS_ACCESS + 2 "List Contents" ACCPROV_DS_ACCESS + 3 "Modify Self" ACCPROV_DS_ACCESS + 4 "Read Property" ACCPROV_DS_ACCESS + 5 "Write Property" ACCPROV_DS_ACCESS + 6 "Delete Tree" ACCPROV_DS_ACCESS + 7 "List Object" ACCPROV_DS_ACCESS + 8 "Control Access" ACCPROV_FILE_ACCESS "Read Data" ACCPROV_FILE_ACCESS + 1 "Write Data" ACCPROV_FILE_ACCESS + 2 "Append Data" ACCPROV_FILE_ACCESS + 3 "Read Extended Attributes" ACCPROV_FILE_ACCESS + 4 "Write Extended Attributes" ACCPROV_FILE_ACCESS + 5 "Execute" ACCPROV_FILE_ACCESS + 6 "Read Attributes" ACCPROV_FILE_ACCESS + 7 "Write Attributes" ACCPROV_FILE_ACCESS + 8 "Create Pipe Instance" ACCPROV_DIR_ACCESS "List Folder" ACCPROV_DIR_ACCESS + 1 "Create Files" ACCPROV_DIR_ACCESS + 2 "Create Folders" ACCPROV_DIR_ACCESS + 3 "Delete Files and SubFolders" ACCPROV_DIR_ACCESS + 4 "Traverse Folder" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS "Terminate" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 1 "Create Thread" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 2 "Operate on Address Space" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 3 "Read Address Space" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 4 "Write Address Space" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 5 "Duplicate Handle" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 6 "Create Process" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 7 "Set Information" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 8 "Query Information" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 9 "Control" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 10 "Alert" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 11 "Get Context" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 12 "Set Context" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 13 "Token" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 14 "Impersonate" ACCPROV_KERNEL_ACCESS + 15 "Impersonate Directly" ACCPROV_PRINT_ACCESS "Administer Print Server" ACCPROV_PRINT_ACCESS + 1 "Enumerate Print Server" ACCPROV_PRINT_ACCESS + 2 "Administer Printer" ACCPROV_PRINT_ACCESS + 3 "Use Printer" ACCPROV_PRINT_ACCESS + 4 "Administer Print Job" ACCPROV_SERVICE_ACCESS "Query Service Information" ACCPROV_SERVICE_ACCESS + 1 "Set Service Information" ACCPROV_SERVICE_ACCESS + 2 "Query Service Status" ACCPROV_SERVICE_ACCESS + 3 "List Services" ACCPROV_SERVICE_ACCESS + 4 "Start Service" ACCPROV_SERVICE_ACCESS + 5 "Stop Service" ACCPROV_SERVICE_ACCESS + 6 "Pause Service" ACCPROV_SERVICE_ACCESS + 7 "Query Service Status" ACCPROV_SERVICE_ACCESS + 8 "Control Service" ACCPROV_REGISTRY_ACCESS "Query Registry Key" ACCPROV_REGISTRY_ACCESS + 1 "Set Registry Key" ACCPROV_REGISTRY_ACCESS + 2 "Create Sub Keys" ACCPROV_REGISTRY_ACCESS + 3 "List Sub Keys" ACCPROV_REGISTRY_ACCESS + 4 "Notify Changes" ACCPROV_REGISTRY_ACCESS + 5 "Create/Modify Link" ACCPROV_WIN_ACCESS "Access Clipboard" ACCPROV_WIN_ACCESS + 1 "Access Global Atoms" ACCPROV_WIN_ACCESS + 2 "Create Desktop" ACCPROV_WIN_ACCESS + 3 "Enumerate Desktops" ACCPROV_WIN_ACCESS + 4 "Enumerate Windowstation" ACCPROV_WIN_ACCESS + 5 "Read Attributes" ACCPROV_WIN_ACCESS + 6 "Write Attributes" ACCPROV_WIN_ACCESS + 7 "Access Screen" ACCPROV_WIN_ACCESS + 8 "Exit Windows" ACCPROV_ACCOUNT_OPS "Account Operators" ACCPROV_PRINTER_OPS "Printer Operators" ACCPROV_SYSTEM_OPS "System Operators" ACCPROV_POWER_USERS "Power Users" ACCPROV_NTAUTHORITY "NT AUTHORITY" ACCPROV_BUILTIN "BUILTIN" END