#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TEST (0) #define HEADERSRC "\\\\b11nlbuilds\\sapi5\\" #define BUILDDEST "\\\\b11nlbuilds\\sapi5\\" #if TEST #define TESTDEST "c:\\" #else #define TESTDEST "\\\\b11nlbuilds\\sapi5\\" #endif const int c_NoLog = -202; const int c_Toast = -201; struct FILETOCOPY { char * szRelativePath; char * szDescription; char * szColor; }; FILETOCOPY g_aSAPIfiles[] = { {"release\\msi\\x86\\setup.exe", "Install SDK", "#00fefe"}, {"release\\msm\\x86", "Retail Merge Module drop directory", "#00fefe"}, {"debug\\msi\\x86\\setup.exe", "Install SDK", "#aaaaaa"}, {"debug\\msm\\x86", "Debug Merge Module drop directory", "#aaaaaa"}, }; FILETOCOPY g_aSRfiles[] = { // {"release\\cab\\x86\\mscsr5.EXE", "SAPI5", "#aaaaaa"}, // {"debug\\cab\\x86\\mscsr5.EXE", "SAPI5", "#ffff00"}, {"srd1033.EXE", "English", "#aaaaaa"}, {"srd1041.EXE", "Japanese", "#aaaaaa"}, }; #define DIM(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) int ParseBVTLogfile( CHAR* pszBuildNumber, CHAR* pszFileName , DWORD* pcTotal); void PrintToFile(HANDLE hFile, char * szFormat, ...) { DWORD dw; char buf[2048]; va_list vl; va_start(vl, szFormat); int i = _vsnprintf(buf, 2048, szFormat, vl); va_end(vl); WriteFile(hFile, buf, i, &dw, NULL); } char * GetFileText(char * szFileName, DWORD * pdwSize) { HANDLE hFile; CHAR * pbuff = NULL; DWORD dwSize; hFile = CreateFile( szFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, NULL ); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return NULL; dwSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); if( dwSize == 0xffffffff ) return NULL; pbuff = new CHAR [dwSize]; if (pbuff) ReadFile( hFile, pbuff, dwSize, &dwSize, NULL ); CloseHandle( hFile ); if(pdwSize) *pdwSize = dwSize; return pbuff; } void cryAndDie(char* szError, unsigned short errCode) { printf("Fatal : %s\n", szError); printf("Exiting ...\n"); exit(errCode); } int main(void) { HANDLE hFile, hFileSR, hExistingFile, hDir; CHAR *pbuff = NULL, szRoot[MAX_PATH], *pdirs, delBuff[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize, i, dw; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION FileInfo; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; FILETIME FileTime; // First create the SAPI file. // open file that contains the html template pbuff = GetFileText(HEADERSRC "Web.Files\\header.html", &dwSize); if( pbuff == NULL ) { cryAndDie("Could not open Web.Files\\header.html", 1); } // Open the output file, write the header hFile = CreateFile( TESTDEST "Web.Files\\x86build.html", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { WriteFile( hFile, pbuff, dwSize, &dw, NULL ); } else { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); // Process any inserts in lpMsgBuf. // ... // Display the string. printf("ERROR: "); printf((LPTSTR) lpMsgBuf); printf("\n"); // Free the buffer. LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); sprintf((LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,"Could not open %sWeb.Files\\x86build.html", TESTDEST); cryAndDie((LPTSTR)&lpMsgBuf, 1); } delete pbuff; // Now generate the SR file // open file that contains the html template pbuff = GetFileText(HEADERSRC "Web.Files\\SRheader.html", &dwSize); if( pbuff == NULL ) { cryAndDie("Could not open Web.Files\\SRheader.html", 1); } // Write the header hFileSR = CreateFile( TESTDEST "Web.Files\\x86SRbld.html", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFileSR != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { WriteFile( hFileSR, pbuff, dwSize, &dw, NULL ); } else { cryAndDie("Could create file Web.Files\\x86SRbld.html", 1); } // Set registry key to ignore asserts for BVT testing (if necessary of course) DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwSizeRet = sizeof(dwFlags); HKEY hkResult; if( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, _T("SPDebugFlags"), 0, KEY_READ | KEY_SET_VALUE, &hkResult ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( RegQueryValueEx( hkResult, _T("Flags"), NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)&dwFlags, &dwSizeRet ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( !(dwFlags & SPDBG_NOASSERTS) ) { dwFlags |= SPDBG_NOASSERTS; RegSetValueEx( hkResult, _T("Flags"), NULL, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&dwFlags, sizeof(dwFlags) ); } } RegCloseKey( hkResult ); } // Get a list of the currently-available builds. system( "dir /b /o-n " BUILDDEST "*. > dirs.txt" ); pdirs = GetFileText("dirs.txt", &dwSize); if( pdirs==NULL ) { cryAndDie("Could not open dirs.txt", 1); } CHAR *pTmp, *pEnd = pdirs + dwSize; int count = 0; strcpy( szRoot, BUILDDEST ); int cchRoot = strlen(szRoot); // For each build... do { pTmp = szRoot + cchRoot; while( *pdirs != 13 ) { *pTmp++ = *pdirs++; } *pTmp = 0; pdirs += 2; // Make sure there are no more than 10 builds in this directory. if( (++count > 10) && isdigit(szRoot[cchRoot]) ) { i = sprintf( delBuff, "del /F /Q %s", szRoot ); delBuff[i] = '\0'; system( delBuff ); continue; } hDir = CreateFile( szRoot, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL ); if( hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { if( GetFileInformationByHandle( hDir, &FileInfo ) ) { // Write date if( FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &FileInfo.ftCreationTime, &FileTime ) ) { if( FileTimeToSystemTime( &FileTime, &SystemTime ) ) { PrintToFile( hFile, "\x0d\x0a %02d/%02d/%02d\x0d\x0a", SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay, SystemTime.wYear % 100 ); PrintToFile( hFileSR, "\x0d\x0a %02d/%02d/%02d\x0d\x0a", SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay, SystemTime.wYear % 100 ); } } } CloseHandle( hDir ); } else { CHAR pszErr[256]; strcpy(pszErr, "Could not open "); strcat(pszErr, szRoot); cryAndDie(pszErr, 1); } // Write status line CHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH] = BUILDDEST; DWORD cTotal; int iBVTResult = ParseBVTLogfile( &szRoot[cchRoot], szFileName, &cTotal); if( iBVTResult == c_NoLog ) { PrintToFile( hFile, "
No Log
\x0d\x0a" ); } else if( iBVTResult == c_Toast ) { PrintToFile( hFile, "
\x0d\x0a" ); } /* else if ( iBVTResult <= 0 ) // Negative passed% of existing suites. Some suite(s) missing. { PrintToFile( hFile, "
%d (Partial)
\x0d\x0a", szFileName, -iBVTResult); }*/ else { PrintToFile( hFile, "
%d%% of %d
\x0d\x0a", szFileName, iBVTResult , cTotal); } PrintToFile( hFileSR, "
\x0d\x0a" ); // Write Build number strcpy( szFileName, "\\\\b11nlbuilds\\sapi5\\Web.Files\\logs\\BuildAll\\BuildAllx86"); strcat( szFileName, &szRoot[cchRoot] ); strcat( szFileName, ".html" ); PrintToFile( hFile, "
\n", szFileName, &szRoot[cchRoot] ); PrintToFile( hFileSR, "
\n", &szRoot[cchRoot] ); *pTmp++ = '\\'; // Write SAPI builds for (int j = 0; j < DIM(g_aSAPIfiles); ++j) { PrintToFile(hFile, " ", g_aSAPIfiles[j].szColor); strcpy( &szRoot[cchRoot + 5], g_aSAPIfiles[j].szRelativePath ); // Create link to merge module directory if( !strcmp( "release\\msm\\x86", g_aSAPIfiles[j].szRelativePath) || !strcmp( "debug\\msm\\x86", g_aSAPIfiles[j].szRelativePath) ) { PrintToFile( hFile, "%s", szRoot, g_aSAPIfiles[j].szDescription ); } // Create link to msi file else { hExistingFile = CreateFile( szRoot, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hExistingFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { PrintToFile( hFile, "%s", szRoot, g_aSAPIfiles[j].szDescription ); CloseHandle( hExistingFile ); } else { PrintToFile( hFile, "
" ); } } PrintToFile(hFile, "\x0d\x0a"); } // Write SR builds. for (j = 0; j < DIM(g_aSRfiles); ++j) { PrintToFile(hFileSR, " ", g_aSRfiles[j].szColor); strcpy( &szRoot[cchRoot + 5], g_aSRfiles[j].szRelativePath ); hExistingFile = CreateFile( szRoot, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hExistingFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { PrintToFile( hFileSR, "%s", szRoot, g_aSRfiles[j].szDescription ); CloseHandle( hExistingFile ); } else { PrintToFile( hFileSR, "
" ); } PrintToFile(hFileSR, "\x0d\x0a"); } } while( pdirs < pEnd ); system( "del dirs.txt" ); PrintToFile( hFile, "\x0d\x0a
\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a" ); CloseHandle( hFile ); PrintToFile( hFileSR, "\x0d\x0a
\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a" ); CloseHandle( hFileSR ); return 0; } // Text parsing function which returns a DWORD indicating the percentage of BVT tests that // passed. This function returns c_Toast or c_NoLog upon failure. int ParseBVTLogfile( CHAR* pszBuildNumber, CHAR* pszFileName , DWORD* pcTotal ) // output filename { // bool fDllMissing = false; DWORD cCrashed = 0, cPassed = 0, cSkipped = 0, cOther = 0; *pcTotal = 0; strcpy( pszFileName, BUILDDEST ); strcat( pszFileName, pszBuildNumber ); strcat( pszFileName, "\\release\\bvt\\x86\\bvtresults" ); strcat( pszFileName, pszBuildNumber ); strcat( pszFileName, ".txt" ); CHAR* pszFileText = GetFileText(pszFileName, NULL); if(pszFileText == NULL) { pszFileName[0] = '\0'; return c_NoLog; } _strupr(pszFileText); /* const char* apszDllName[] = { "ambvt.dll", "cfgengbvt.dll", "gramcompbvt.dll", "lexbvt.dll", "rmbvt.dll", "srbvt.dll", "ttsbvt.dll", }; for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(apszDllName) / sizeof(apszDllName[0]); i++) { char szDllName[64]; strcpy(szDllName, apszDllName[i]); if(strstr(pszFileText, _strupr(szDllName)) == NULL) { fDllMissing = true; break; } } */ const char* cpszBeginCase = "BEGIN TEST:"; const char* cpszEndCase = "END TEST:"; CHAR* pCur; // Assume srengbvt runs last. Truncate it's results. // TODO // pCur = strstr(pCur, "srengbvt.dll"); // if(pCur) *pCur = 0; CHAR* pNext = NULL; for(pCur = strstr(pszFileText, cpszBeginCase); pCur; pCur = pNext) { pCur++; pNext = strstr(pCur, cpszBeginCase); if(pNext) *pNext = 0; if(strstr(pCur, "SRENGBVT.DLL")) continue; (*pcTotal)++; pCur = strstr(pCur, cpszEndCase); if(pCur == NULL) { cCrashed++; continue; } CHAR* pTemp = strstr(pCur, "TIME="); if(pTemp) { *pTemp = 0; // avoid accidental result } else { return c_Toast; // should never happen! } if(strstr(pCur, " PASSED, ")) { cPassed++; } else if(strstr(pCur, " SKIPPED, ")) { cSkipped++; } else { cOther++; } } // return *pcTotal ? int((fDllMissing ? -100.0 : 100.0) * cPassed / (*pcTotal - cSkipped)) : c_Toast; return (*pcTotal) ? int(100.0 * cPassed / ((*pcTotal) - cSkipped)) : c_Toast; }