// Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. #ifndef FASTCALL #define FASTCALL __fastcall #endif #define SETTHIS(hwnd) SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast(this)); #define GETTHIS(Class,hwnd) (reinterpret_cast(GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA))) #define DESTROYIFVALID(hwnd) if (IsValidWindow(hwnd)) DestroyWindow(hwnd); #define STR_BSTR 0 #define STR_OLESTR 1 #define BSTRFROMANSI(x) (BSTR)MakeWideStrFromAnsi((LPSTR)(x), STR_BSTR) #define OLESTRFROMANSI(x) (LPOLESTR)MakeWideStrFromAnsi((LPSTR)(x), STR_OLESTR) #define BSTRFROMRESID(x) (BSTR)MakeWideStrFromResourceId(x, STR_BSTR) #define OLESTRFROMRESID(x) (LPOLESTR)MakeWideStrFromResourceId(x, STR_OLESTR) #define COPYOLESTR(x) (LPOLESTR)MakeWideStrFromWide(x, STR_OLESTR) #define COPYBSTR(x) (BSTR)MakeWideStrFromWide(x, STR_BSTR) #define UnregisterControlObject UnregisterAutomationObject #define ELEMENTS(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])) #define HH_URL_PREFIX_LESS 1 #define HH_URL_UNQUALIFIED 2 #define HH_URL_QUALIFIED 3 #define HH_URL_JAVASCRIPT ((UINT)-2) #define HH_URL_UNKNOWN ((UINT)-1) // *********************** Assertion Definitions ************************** // // Get rid of any previously defined versions #undef ASSERT #undef VERIFY #ifndef THIS_FILE #define THIS_FILE __FILE__ #endif // *********************** Function Prototypes **************************** // #if defined(_DEBUG) void AssertErrorReport(PCSTR pszExpression, UINT line, LPCSTR pszFile); #endif class CStr; // forward reference // functions formerly in hhctrlex.h #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // __cplusplus //PSTR stristr(PCSTR pszMain, PCSTR pszSub); // case-insensitive string search PSTR FirstNonSpace(PCSTR psz); // return pointer to first non-space character WCHAR *FirstNonSpaceW(WCHAR *psz); // return pointer to first non-space character //PSTR StrChr(PCSTR pszString, char ch); // DBCS-aware character search PSTR StrRChr(PCSTR pszString, char ch); // DBCS-aware character search DWORD WinHelpHashFromSz(PCSTR pszKey); // converts string into a WinHelp-compatible hash number #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif // __cplusplus BOOL __cdecl _FormatMessage(LPCSTR szTemplate, LPSTR szBuf, UINT cchBuf, ...); LRESULT WINAPI HelpWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT WINAPI ChildWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); DWORD CreatePath(PSTR pszPath); void AddTrailingBackslash(PSTR psz); LPSTR CatPath(LPSTR lpTop, LPCSTR lpTail); HWND ChangeHtmlTopic(PCSTR pszFile, HWND hwndChild, BOOL bHighlight = FALSE); BOOL CheckForLicense(); BOOL CheckLicenseKey(LPWSTR wszCheckme); void CheckWindowPosition(RECT* prc, BOOL fAllowShrinkage); void ConvertBackSlashToForwardSlash(PSTR pszUrl); void ConvertSpacesToEscapes(PCSTR pszSrc, CStr* pcszDst); BOOL ConvertToCacheFile(PCSTR pszSrc, PSTR pszDst); int ConvertWz(const WCHAR * pwz, char * psz, int len); HPALETTE CreateBIPalette(PBITMAPINFOHEADER pbihd); HRESULT CreateComponentCategory(GUID catid, WCHAR* catDescription); void CreateDefaultWindowType(PCSTR pszCompiledFile, PCSTR pszWindow); BOOL CreateFolder(PCSTR pszPath); int IEColorToWin32Color( PCWSTR pwsz ); HFONT CreateUserFont(PCSTR pszFont, COLORREF* pclrFont = NULL, HDC hDC = NULL, INT charset = -1); HFONT CreateUserFontW(WCHAR *pszFont, COLORREF* pclrFont = NULL, HDC hDC = NULL, INT charset = -1); void DeleteAllHmData(); BOOL DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(HKEY hk, LPSTR pszSubKey); BOOL DlgOpenFile(HWND hwndParent, PCSTR pszFile, CStr* pcsz); BOOL DlgOpenDirectory(HWND hwndParent, CStr* pcsz); void doAuthorMsg(UINT idStringFormatResource, PCSTR pszSubString); HWND doDisplayIndex(HWND hwndCaller, LPCSTR pszFile, LPCTSTR pszKeyword); HWND doDisplayToc(HWND hwndCaller, LPCSTR pszFile, DWORD dwData); void doHhctrlVersion(HWND hwndParent, PCSTR pszCHMVersion); void doHHWindowJump(PCSTR pszUrl, HWND hwndChild); BOOL doJumpUrl(HWND hwndParent, PCSTR pszCurUrl, PSTR pszDstUrl); void doRelatedTopics(HWND); HWND doTpHelpWmHelp(HWND hwndMain, LPCSTR pszFile, DWORD ulData); HWND doTpHelpContextMenu(HWND hwndMain, LPCSTR pszFile, DWORD ulData); BOOL FindDarwinURL(PCSTR pszGUID, PCSTR pszChmFile, CStr* pcszResult); PCSTR FindEqCharacter(PCSTR pszLine); PCSTR FindFilePortion(PCSTR pszFile); HWND FindMessageParent(HWND hwndChild); BOOL FindThisFile(HWND hwndParent, PCSTR pszFile, CStr* pcszFile, BOOL fAskUser = TRUE); HWND FindTopLevelWindow(HWND hwnd); DWORD GetButtonDimensions(HWND hwnd, HFONT hFont, PCSTR psz); PCSTR GetCompiledName(PCSTR pszName, CStr* pcsz); BOOL GetHighContrastFlag(void); PSTR GetLeftOfEquals(PCSTR pszString); BSTR GetLicenseKey(void); HWND GetParentSize(RECT* prcParent, HWND hwndParent, int padding, int navpos); HWND GetParkingWindow(void); void GetRegWindowsDirectory(PSTR pszDstPath); void GetScreenResolution(HWND hWnd, RECT* prc); void GetWorkArea() ; DWORD GetStaticDimensions(HWND hwnd, HFONT hFont, PCSTR psz, int max_len ); DWORD GetStaticDimensionsW(HWND hwnd, HFONT hFont, WCHAR *psz, int max_len ); PCSTR GetStringResource(int idString); PCSTR GetStringResource(int idString, HINSTANCE); PCWSTR GetStringResourceW(int idString); PCWSTR GetStringResourceW(int idString, HINSTANCE); HASH HashFromSz(PCSTR pszKey); int HHA_Msg(UINT command, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0); void HiMetricToPixel(const SIZEL *pSizeInHiMetric, SIZEL *pSizeinPixels); HWND xHtmlHelpA(HWND hwndCaller, LPCSTR pszFile, UINT uCommand, DWORD dwData); HWND xHtmlHelpW(HWND hwndCaller, LPCWSTR pszFile, UINT uCommand, DWORD dwData); BOOL IsCollectionFile(PCSTR pszFile); BOOL IsCompiledURL( PCSTR pszFile ); UINT GetURLType( PCSTR pszURL ); BOOL IsCompiledHtmlFile(PCSTR pszFile, CStr* pcszFile = NULL); BOOL IsHelpAuthor(HWND hwndCaller); BOOL IsSamePrefix(PCWSTR pwszMain, PCWSTR pwszSub, int cchPrefix = -1); BOOL IsSamePrefix(PCSTR pszMain, PCSTR pszSub, int cbPrefix = -1); BOOL IsThisAWinHelpFile(HWND hwndCaller, PCSTR pszFile); BOOL IsValidAddress(const void* lp, UINT nBytes, BOOL bReadWrite = TRUE); BOOL IsValidString(LPCSTR lpsz, int nLength = -1); BOOL IsValidString(LPCWSTR lpsz, int nLength = -1); void ItDoesntWork(void); LPWSTR MakeWideStr(LPSTR psz, UINT codepage); LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromAnsi(LPSTR, BYTE bType); LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromResourceId(WORD, BYTE bType); LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromWide(LPWSTR, BYTE bType); void MemMove(void * dst, const void * src, int count); BOOL MoveClientWindow(HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndChild, const RECT *prc, BOOL fRedraw); LPVOID OleAlloc(UINT cb); void OleFree(LPVOID pb); HRESULT OleInitMalloc(void); HWND OnDisplayPopup(HWND hwndCaller, LPCSTR pszFile, DWORD dwData); HWND OnDisplayTopic(HWND hwndCaller, LPCSTR pszFile, DWORD dwData); HWND OnHelpContext(HWND hwndCaller, LPCSTR pszFile, DWORD dwData); void OOM(void); BOOL PaintShadowBackground(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, COLORREF clrBackground = (COLORREF) -1); void PixelToHiMetric(const SIZEL *pSizeInPixels, SIZEL *pSizeInHiMetric); void QSort(void *pbase, UINT num, UINT width, int (FASTCALL *compare)(const void *, const void *)); BOOL RegisterAutomationObject(LPCSTR pszLibName, LPCSTR pszObjectName, long lVersion, REFCLSID riidLibrary, REFCLSID riidObject); HRESULT RegisterCLSIDInCategory(REFCLSID clsid, GUID catid); BOOL RegisterControlObject(LPCSTR pszLibName, LPCSTR pszObjectName, long lVersion, REFCLSID riidLibrary, REFCLSID riidObject, DWORD dwMiscStatus, WORD wToolboxBitmapId); void RegisterOurWindow(); BOOL RegisterUnknownObject(LPCSTR pszObjectName, REFCLSID riidObject); BOOL RegSetMultipleValues(HKEY hkey, ...); void RemoveTrailingSpaces(PSTR pszString); void SendStringToParent(PCSTR pszMsg); PSTR StrToken(PSTR pszList, PCSTR pszDelimeters); PSTR SzTrimSz(PSTR pszOrg); BOOL UnregisterAutomationObject(LPCSTR pszLibName, LPCSTR pszObjectName, long lVersion, REFCLSID riidObject); HRESULT UnRegisterCLSIDInCategory(REFCLSID clsid, GUID catid); BOOL UnregisterData(void); BOOL UnregisterTypeLibrary(REFCLSID riidLibrary); BOOL UnregisterUnknownObject(REFCLSID riidObject); UINT HHGetHelpDirectory( LPSTR lpBuffer, UINT uSize ); UINT HHGetGlobalCollectionPathname( LPTSTR lpBuffer, UINT uSize , BOOL *pbNewPath); UINT HHGetOldGlobalCollectionPathname( LPTSTR lpBuffer, UINT uSize ); HRESULT HHGetUserDataPath( LPSTR pszPath ); HRESULT HHGetUserDataPath( LPSTR pszPath ); HRESULT HHGetHelpDataPath( LPSTR pszPath ); HRESULT HHGetUserDataPathname( LPSTR lpBuffer, UINT uSize ); HRESULT HHGetCurUserDataPath( LPSTR pszPath ); // Internal API definitions. #include "hhpriv.h" // Look for the information in the hhcolreg.dat file. int GetLocationFromTitleTag(LPCSTR szCollection, HH_TITLE_FULLPATH* pTitleFullPath) ; int FASTCALL CompareIntPointers(const void *pval1, const void *pval2); void FASTCALL Itoa(int val, PSTR pszDst); int FASTCALL Atoi(PCSTR psz); // *********************** Debug/Internal Functions ********************** // #ifdef _DEBUG // IASSERT is available in _DEBUG builds #define IASSERT(exp) \ { \ ((exp) ? (void) 0 : \ AssertErrorReport(#exp, __LINE__, THIS_FILE)); \ } #define IASSERT_COMMENT(exp, pszComment) \ { \ ((exp) ? (void) 0 : \ AssertErrorReport(pszComment, __LINE__, THIS_FILE)); \ } #else #define IASSERT(exp) #define IASSERT_COMMENT(exp, pszComment) #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #define ASSERT(exp) \ { \ ((exp) ? (void) 0 : \ AssertErrorReport(#exp, __LINE__, THIS_FILE)); \ } #define ASSERT_COMMENT(exp, pszComment) \ { \ ((exp) ? (void) 0 : \ AssertErrorReport(pszComment, __LINE__, THIS_FILE)); \ } #define FAIL(pszComment) AssertErrorReport(pszComment, __LINE__, THIS_FILE); #define VERIFY(exp) ASSERT(exp) #define VERIFY_RESULT(exp1, exp2) ASSERT((exp1) == (exp2)) #define DEBUG_ReportOleError doReportOleError void doReportOleError(HRESULT hres); __inline void DBWIN(PCSTR psz) { SendStringToParent(psz); SendStringToParent("\r\n"); } #define CHECK_POINTER(val) if (!(val) || IsBadWritePtr((void *)(val), sizeof(void *))) return E_POINTER #else // non-debugging version #define ASSERT(exp) #define ASSERT_COMMENT(exp, pszComment) #define VERIFY(exp) ((void)(exp)) #define VERIFY_RESULT(exp1, exp2) ((void)(exp)) #define DEBUG_ReportOleError(hres) #define DBWIN(psz) #define FAIL(pszComment) #define CHECK_POINTER(val) #define THIS_FILE __FILE__ #endif // zero fill everything after the vtbl pointer #define ZERO_INIT_CLASS(base_class) \ ClearMemory((PBYTE) ((base_class*) this) + sizeof(base_class*), \ sizeof(*this) - sizeof(base_class*)); #define ZERO_STRUCTURE(foo) ClearMemory(&foo, sizeof(foo)) #define ClearMemory(p, cb) memset(p, 0, cb) __inline void StrCopyWide(LPWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2) { while (*psz1++ = *psz2++); } // HHA functions extern int (__stdcall *pDllMsgBox)(int idFormatString, PCSTR pszSubString, UINT nType); extern PCSTR (__stdcall *pGetDllStringResource)(int idFormatString); void WINAPI AWMessagePump(HWND hwnd);