//============================================================================= // File: provider.cpp // Author: a-jammar // Covers: CDataProvider // // Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation // // This file contains functions implementing the class which uses WBEM to // retrieve information, including handling enumeration of class instances. // For usage, see gathint.h. // // NOTE: define GATH_STANDALONE if this class is being used in an application // which doesn't call CoInitialize(). //============================================================================= #include "stdafx.h" #include "gather.h" #include "gathint.h" #pragma warning(disable : 4099) #include "wbemcli.h" #pragma warning(default : 4099) #include "resource.h" #include "resrc1.h" #ifndef WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS #define WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS 0x20000 #endif #ifdef PROFILE_MSINFO CFile fileProfile(_T("c:\\msinfo32.txt"), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite); static DWORD dwProfileTime; inline void START_TIMER() { dwProfileTime = ::GetTickCount(); } inline void END_TIMER(const CString & strOperation) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dwDelta = ::GetTickCount() - dwProfileTime; CString strMessage; strMessage.Format(_T("%ld.%03d\t%s\r\n"), dwDelta / 1000, dwDelta % 100, strOperation); fileProfile.Write((const void *) (LPCTSTR) strMessage, strMessage.GetLength()*sizeof(TCHAR)); } inline void END_TIMER(const CString & strOperation, const CString & strArg) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dwDelta = ::GetTickCount() - dwProfileTime; CString strTemp; CString strMessage; strTemp.Format(strOperation, strArg); strMessage.Format(_T("%ld.%03d\t%s\r\n"), dwDelta / 1000, dwDelta % 100, strTemp); fileProfile.Write((const void *) (LPCTSTR) strMessage, strMessage.GetLength()*sizeof(TCHAR)); } inline void WRITE(const CString & strMessage) { fileProfile.Write((const void *) (LPCTSTR) strMessage, strMessage.GetLength()*sizeof(TCHAR)); } inline void WRITE(const CString & strMessage, const CString & strArg) { CString strTemp; strTemp.Format(strMessage, strArg); fileProfile.Write((const void *) (LPCTSTR) strTemp, strTemp.GetLength()*sizeof(TCHAR)); } #else #define START_TIMER() #define END_TIMER(X, Y) inline void WRITE(const CString & strMessage) {}; inline void WRITE(const CString & strMessage, const CString & strArg) {}; #endif // TIMEOUT is used when enumerating classes. #define TIMEOUT -1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function is used to change the impersonation of certain WBEM interface // pointers. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline HRESULT ChangeWBEMSecurity(IUnknown * pUnknown) { IClientSecurity * pCliSec = NULL; HRESULT hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IClientSecurity, (void **) &pCliSec); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = pCliSec->SetBlanket(pUnknown, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, EOAC_NONE); pCliSec->Release(); return hr; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The constructor just initializes some member variables. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDataProvider::CDataProvider() { m_fInitialized = FALSE; m_pIWbemServices = NULL; m_pGatherer = NULL; m_dwRefreshingCategoryID = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The destructor releases the IWbemServices pointer, if we have one, and // empties the interface pointer caches. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDataProvider::~CDataProvider() { if (m_fInitialized) ClearCache(); if (m_pIWbemServices) { m_pIWbemServices->Release(); m_pIWbemServices = NULL; } // Remove all of the WBEM service pointers for different namespaces IWbemServices * pServices; CString strNamespace; for (POSITION pos = m_mapNamespaceToService.GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL;) { m_mapNamespaceToService.GetNextAssoc(pos, strNamespace, (void * &) pServices); if (pServices) pServices->Release(); } m_mapNamespaceToService.RemoveAll(); m_fInitialized = FALSE; #ifdef GATH_STANDALONE CoUninitialize(); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The create method actually attempts to get a WBEM interface pointer for the // specified machine. If no machine is specified, the local computer is used. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDataProvider::Create(const CString & strComputer, CDataGatherer * pGatherer) { IWbemLocator * pIWbemLocator = NULL; CString strNamespace; AFX_MANAGE_STATE(::AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // The create method should never be called twice. ASSERT(!m_fInitialized); if (m_fInitialized) return FALSE; m_strComputer = strComputer; m_pGatherer = pGatherer; // The namespace string either uses the computer name, or a '.' for the local computer. if (strComputer.IsEmpty()) strNamespace = CString(_T("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")); else { strNamespace = strComputer + CString(_T("\\root\\cimv2")); if (strNamespace.Left(2).Compare(CString(_T("\\\\"))) != 0) strNamespace = CString(_T("\\\\")) + strNamespace; } #ifdef GATH_STANDALONE CoInitialize(NULL); #endif // Initialize security. CoInitializeSecurity(NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, EOAC_NONE, 0); // TBD: make sure WBEM is started. // We get a WBEM interface pointer by first creating a WBEM locator interface, then // using it to connect to a server to get an IWbemServices pointer. ASSERT(m_pIWbemServices == NULL); if (CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemLocator, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) &pIWbemLocator) == S_OK) { BSTR pNamespace = strNamespace.AllocSysString(); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("WMI Connect \"%s\" - "), strNamespace); HRESULT hrServer = pIWbemLocator->ConnectServer(pNamespace, NULL, NULL, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, &m_pIWbemServices); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("OK\r\n"), TRUE); if (hrServer != S_OK) { m_pIWbemServices = NULL; switch (hrServer) { case WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY: pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOWBEMOUTOFMEM); break; case WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED: pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOWBEMACCESSDENIED); break; case WBEM_E_INVALID_NAMESPACE: pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOWBEMBADSERVER); break; case WBEM_E_TRANSPORT_FAILURE: pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOWBEMNETWORKFAILURE); break; case WBEM_E_FAILED: case WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER: default: pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOWBEMCONNECT); } } else if (m_pIWbemServices) ChangeWBEMSecurity(m_pIWbemServices); if (pNamespace) SysFreeString(pNamespace); if (pIWbemLocator) { pIWbemLocator->Release(); pIWbemLocator = NULL; } } else pGatherer->SetLastError(GATH_ERR_NOWBEMLOCATOR); // Load in the strings for TRUE and FALSE. (When we query for a boolean value, // we want to return a string representing the results). m_strTrue.LoadString(IDS_TRUE); ASSERT(!m_strTrue.IsEmpty()); if (m_strTrue.IsEmpty()) m_strTrue = CString("1"); m_strFalse.LoadString(IDS_FALSE); ASSERT(!m_strFalse.IsEmpty()); if (m_strFalse.IsEmpty()) m_strFalse = CString("0"); m_strBadProperty.LoadString(IDS_BAD_PROPERTY); ASSERT(!m_strBadProperty.IsEmpty()); m_strPropertyUnavail.LoadString(IDS_PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE); ASSERT(!m_strPropertyUnavail.IsEmpty()); m_strAccessDeniedLabel.LoadString(IDS_WBEM_ACCESS_DENIED); ASSERT(!m_strAccessDeniedLabel.IsEmpty()); m_strTransportFailureLabel.LoadString(IDS_WBEM_TRANSPORT_FAILURE); ASSERT(!m_strTransportFailureLabel.IsEmpty()); m_dwRefreshingCategoryID = 0; m_fInitialized = (m_pIWbemServices != NULL); return (m_fInitialized); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function is used to retrieve a pointer to IWbemServices for a // particular namespace. The default namespace is cimv2. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IWbemServices * CDataProvider::GetWBEMService(CString * pstrNamespace) { if (pstrNamespace == NULL || pstrNamespace->IsEmpty()) return m_pIWbemServices; // Something like the following is useful for forcing a provider error when // testing the error containment: // // if (*pstrNamespace == _T("MSAPPS")) *pstrNamespace += _T("X"); IWbemServices * pServices; if (m_mapNamespaceToService.Lookup(*pstrNamespace, (void * &) pServices) && pServices) return pServices; // There is no WBEM services pointer for that namespace, we need to create one. CString strNamespace(_T("")); if (m_strComputer.IsEmpty()) strNamespace = CString(_T("\\\\.\\root\\")) + *pstrNamespace; else { if (m_strComputer.Right(1) == CString(_T("\\"))) strNamespace = m_strComputer + CString(_T("root\\")) + *pstrNamespace; else strNamespace = m_strComputer + CString(_T("\\root\\")) + *pstrNamespace; if (strNamespace.Left(2).Compare(CString(_T("\\\\"))) != 0) strNamespace = CString(_T("\\\\")) + strNamespace; } IWbemLocator * pIWbemLocator = NULL; if (CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemLocator, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) &pIWbemLocator) == S_OK) { BSTR pNamespace = strNamespace.AllocSysString(); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("WMI Connect \"%s\" - "), strNamespace); HRESULT hrServer = pIWbemLocator->ConnectServer(pNamespace, NULL, NULL, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, &pServices); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("OK\r\n"), TRUE); if (pNamespace) SysFreeString(pNamespace); if (pIWbemLocator) { pIWbemLocator->Release(); pIWbemLocator = NULL; } if (SUCCEEDED(hrServer) && pServices) { ChangeWBEMSecurity(pServices); m_mapNamespaceToService.SetAt(*pstrNamespace, (void *) pServices); return pServices; } } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is used to get the current value for a given class and property // string. Starting with the IWbemServices interface, it gets an interface // for the requested class enums the first instance. Performance is improved // by caching the instance interfaces in m_mapClassToInterface. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDataProvider::QueryValue(const CString & strClass, const CString & strProperty, CString & strResult) { strResult.Empty(); ASSERT(m_fInitialized && m_pIWbemServices); if (!m_fInitialized || m_pIWbemServices == NULL) return FALSE; CMSIObject * pObject = GetObject(strClass, NULL); ASSERT(pObject); if (!pObject) return FALSE; switch (pObject->IsValid()) { case MOS_INSTANCE: { BOOL fUseValueMap = FALSE; CString strProp(strProperty); if (strProp.Left(8) == CString(_T("ValueMap"))) { strProp = strProp.Right(strProp.GetLength() - 8); fUseValueMap = TRUE; } VARIANT variant; BSTR propName = strProp.AllocSysString(); VariantInit(&variant); VariantClear(&variant); if (pObject->Get(propName, 0L, &variant, NULL, NULL) == S_OK) { // If the property we just got is an array, we should convert it to string // containing a list of the items in the array. if ((variant.vt & VT_ARRAY) && (variant.vt & VT_BSTR) && variant.parray) { if (SafeArrayGetDim(variant.parray) == 1) { long lLower = 0, lUpper = 0; SafeArrayGetLBound(variant.parray, 0, &lLower); SafeArrayGetUBound(variant.parray, 0, &lUpper); CString strWorking; BSTR bstr = NULL; for (long i = lLower; i <= lUpper; i++) if (SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayGetElement(variant.parray, &i, (wchar_t*)&bstr))) { if (i != lLower) strWorking += _T(", "); strWorking += bstr; } strResult = strWorking; return TRUE; } } else if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) { strResult = V_BSTR(&variant); CString strFound; if (fUseValueMap && SUCCEEDED(CheckValueMap(strClass, strProp, strResult, strFound))) strResult = strFound; return TRUE; } else strResult = m_strPropertyUnavail; } else strResult = m_strBadProperty; } break; case MOS_MSG_INSTANCE: pObject->GetErrorLabel(strResult); break; case MOS_NO_INSTANCES: default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is equivalent to QueryValue, except it returns a DWORD value. // If FALSE is returned, then the string in strMessage should be displayed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDataProvider::QueryValueDWORD(const CString & strClass, const CString & strProperty, DWORD & dwResult, CString & strMessage) { dwResult = 0L; strMessage.Empty(); ASSERT(m_fInitialized && m_pIWbemServices); if (!m_fInitialized || m_pIWbemServices == NULL) return FALSE; CMSIObject * pObject = GetObject(strClass, NULL); ASSERT(pObject); if (!pObject) return FALSE; switch (pObject->IsValid()) { case MOS_INSTANCE: { VARIANT variant; BSTR propName = strProperty.AllocSysString(); VariantInit(&variant); VariantClear(&variant); if (pObject->Get(propName, 0L, &variant, NULL, NULL) == S_OK) { if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_I4) == S_OK) { dwResult = V_I4(&variant); return TRUE; } else strMessage = m_strPropertyUnavail; } else strMessage = m_strBadProperty; } break; case MOS_MSG_INSTANCE: pObject->GetErrorLabel(strMessage); break; case MOS_NO_INSTANCES: default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is equivalent to QueryValue, except it returns a double float // value. If FALSE is returned, then the string in strMessage should // be displayed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDataProvider::QueryValueDoubleFloat(const CString & strClass, const CString & strProperty, double & dblResult, CString & strMessage) { dblResult = 0L; strMessage.Empty(); ASSERT(m_fInitialized && m_pIWbemServices); if (!m_fInitialized || m_pIWbemServices == NULL) return FALSE; CMSIObject * pObject = GetObject(strClass, NULL); ASSERT(pObject); if (!pObject) return FALSE; switch (pObject->IsValid()) { case MOS_INSTANCE: { VARIANT variant; BSTR propName = strProperty.AllocSysString(); VariantInit(&variant); VariantClear(&variant); if (pObject->Get(propName, 0L, &variant, NULL, NULL) == S_OK) { if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_R8) == S_OK) { dblResult = V_R8(&variant); return TRUE; } else strMessage = m_strPropertyUnavail; } else strMessage = m_strBadProperty; } break; case MOS_MSG_INSTANCE: pObject->GetErrorLabel(strMessage); break; case MOS_NO_INSTANCES: default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is equivalent to QueryValue, except it returns an OLE date // & time object. If FALSE is returned, then the string in strMessage should // be displayed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDataProvider::QueryValueDateTime(const CString & strClass, const CString & strProperty, COleDateTime & datetime, CString & strMessage) { datetime.SetDateTime(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); strMessage.Empty(); ASSERT(m_fInitialized && m_pIWbemServices); if (!m_fInitialized || m_pIWbemServices == NULL) return FALSE; CMSIObject * pObject = GetObject(strClass, NULL); ASSERT(pObject); if (!pObject) return FALSE; switch (pObject->IsValid()) { case MOS_INSTANCE: { VARIANT variant; BSTR propName = strProperty.AllocSysString(); VariantInit(&variant); VariantClear(&variant); if (pObject->Get(propName, 0L, &variant, NULL, NULL) == S_OK) { if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) { // Parse the date and time into an COleDateTime object. Note: we should // be able to get an OLE date from WBEM, but for now we need to just // deal with the string returned. int nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMin, nSec; CString strTemp = V_BSTR(&variant); nYear = atoi(strTemp.Mid(0, 4)); nMonth = atoi(strTemp.Mid(4, 2)); nDay = atoi(strTemp.Mid(6, 2)); nHour = atoi(strTemp.Mid(8, 2)); nMin = atoi(strTemp.Mid(10, 2)); nSec = atoi(strTemp.Mid(12, 2)); datetime.SetDateTime(nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMin, nSec); return TRUE; } else strMessage = m_strPropertyUnavail; } else strMessage = m_strBadProperty; } break; case MOS_MSG_INSTANCE: pObject->GetErrorLabel(strMessage); break; case MOS_NO_INSTANCES: default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reset the CMSIEnumerator pointer to the start of the enumeration (and // make sure there is one). Remove the object pointer, so the first call // to GetObject will return the first item in the enumerator. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDataProvider::ResetClass(const CString & strClass, const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints) { CMSIEnumerator * pMSIEnumerator = GetEnumObject(strClass, pConstraints); if (pMSIEnumerator == NULL) return FALSE; // Reset the enumerator, and remove the cached object pointer if there is one. pMSIEnumerator->Reset(pConstraints); RemoveObject(strClass); CMSIObject * pObject = GetObject(strClass, pConstraints); if (pObject == NULL || pObject->IsValid() == CDataProvider::MOS_NO_INSTANCES) return FALSE; return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Move the cached IWbemClassObject pointer to the next instance. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDataProvider::EnumClass(const CString & strClass, const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints) { ASSERT(m_pIWbemServices); ASSERT(m_fInitialized); if (!m_fInitialized) return FALSE; // Verify that there is an object enumerator in place. if (GetEnumObject(strClass, pConstraints) == NULL) return FALSE; // If there is an object interface, remove it, then make a new one. // Then retrieve the object pointer (this will do the Next on the // enumerator to get the next instance). RemoveObject(strClass); CMSIObject * pObject = GetObject(strClass, pConstraints); if (pObject && (pObject->IsValid() == CDataProvider::MOS_INSTANCE)) return TRUE; return FALSE; // if ((pObject == NULL) || (pObject->IsValid() == CDataProvider::MOS_NO_INSTANCES)) // return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve the interface pointer for the specified IEnumWbemClassObject. // If there isn't one cached, create one and cache it. It's possible for the // pConstraints parameter to contain a field specify a WBEM SQL condition for // this enumerator. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMSIEnumerator * CDataProvider::GetEnumObject(const CString & strClass, const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints) { ASSERT(m_pIWbemServices); if (m_pIWbemServices == NULL) return NULL; // See if we've cached this enumerator object. CMSIEnumerator * pReturn = NULL; if (m_mapClassToEnumInterface.Lookup(strClass, (void * &) pReturn)) return pReturn; // We'll need to create this enumerator here, and save it in the cache. pReturn = new CMSIEnumerator; if (pReturn == NULL) return NULL; if (FAILED(pReturn->Create(strClass, pConstraints, this))) { delete pReturn; return NULL; } m_mapClassToEnumInterface.SetAt(strClass, (void *) pReturn); return pReturn; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function scans through the list of constraints to see if any of them // are SQL filters for an enumerator. If one is, the string which serves // as a SQL statement is returned, after being processed to replace any // keywords (such as class.property values). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if FALSE CString CDataProvider::GetSQLStatement(const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints, BOOL & fMinOfOne) { CString strMinOfOne(_T("min-of-one")); CString strSQLKeyword(SQL_FILTER); const GATH_FIELD * pSQLConstraint = pConstraints; fMinOfOne = FALSE; // Look through the constaints to see if one starts with the SQL keyword. while (pSQLConstraint) { if (pSQLConstraint->m_strSource.CompareNoCase(CString(STATIC_SOURCE)) == 0) if (pSQLConstraint->m_strFormat.Left(strSQLKeyword.GetLength()).CompareNoCase(strSQLKeyword) == 0) break; pSQLConstraint = pSQLConstraint->m_pNext; } if (pSQLConstraint == NULL) return CString(_T("")); // Strip off the SQL keyword. CString strWorking(pSQLConstraint->m_strFormat); strWorking = strWorking.Right(strWorking.GetLength() - strSQLKeyword.GetLength()); // Now, replace any keywords of the form "[class.property]" with the actual // value of the property. CString strResults; while (!strWorking.IsEmpty()) { if (strWorking[0] != _T('[')) { int index = strWorking.Find(_T('[')); if (index < 0) index = strWorking.GetLength(); strResults += strWorking.Left(index); strWorking = strWorking.Right(strWorking.GetLength() - index); } else { CString strKeyword; strWorking = strWorking.Right(strWorking.GetLength() - 1); int index = strWorking.Find(_T(']')); if (index < 0) { ASSERT(FALSE); return CString(_T("")); } strKeyword = strWorking.Left(index); if (strKeyword.CompareNoCase(strMinOfOne) == 0) fMinOfOne = TRUE; else if (!strKeyword.IsEmpty()) { int iDotIndex = strKeyword.Find(_T('.')); if (iDotIndex >= 0) { CString strValue; if (QueryValue(strKeyword.Left(iDotIndex), strKeyword.Right(strKeyword.GetLength() - iDotIndex - 1), strValue)) strResults += strValue; } } strWorking = strWorking.Right(strWorking.GetLength() - (index + 1)); } } return strResults; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function indicates if the only constraint specified is a SQL statement. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDataProvider::IsSQLConstraint(const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints) { CString strSQLKeyword(SQL_FILTER); if (pConstraints) if (pConstraints->m_strSource.CompareNoCase(CString(STATIC_SOURCE)) == 0) if (pConstraints->m_strFormat.Left(strSQLKeyword.GetLength()).CompareNoCase(strSQLKeyword) == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve the interface pointer for the specified IWbemClassObject. // If there isn't one cached, create one and cache it. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMSIObject * CDataProvider::GetObject(const CString & strClass, const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints, CString * pstrLabel) { ASSERT(m_pIWbemServices); if (m_pIWbemServices == NULL) return NULL; CMSIObject * pReturn = NULL; if (m_mapClassToInterface.Lookup(strClass, (void * &) pReturn)) return pReturn; // We don't have one of these objects cached. Get one from the enumerator. CMSIEnumerator * pEnumerator = GetEnumObject(strClass); if (pEnumerator) { HRESULT hr = pEnumerator->Next(&pReturn); if (S_OK != hr) { if (pReturn) delete pReturn; pReturn = NULL; if (m_pGatherer) { if (m_dwRefreshingCategoryID) m_pGatherer->SetLastErrorHR(hr, m_dwRefreshingCategoryID); else m_pGatherer->SetLastErrorHR(hr); } } } if (pReturn) m_mapClassToInterface.SetAt(strClass, (void *) pReturn); return pReturn; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate whether or not a specific object meets the filtering requirements // set by the constraints (filtering are the constraints where one half is // a static value). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDataProvider::EvaluateFilter(IWbemClassObject * pObject, const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints) { const GATH_FIELD * pLHS = pConstraints, * pRHS = NULL; VARIANT variant; CString strValue; BSTR propName; ASSERT(m_pIWbemServices && pObject); if (m_pIWbemServices == NULL || pObject == NULL) return FALSE; while (pLHS && pLHS->m_pNext) { pRHS = pLHS->m_pNext; VariantInit(&variant); // If either the left or right hand side is static, we need to do the check. // First check out if the left side is static. if (pLHS->m_strSource.CompareNoCase(CString(STATIC_SOURCE)) == 0 && pRHS->m_pArgs) { propName = pRHS->m_pArgs->m_strText.AllocSysString(); strValue.Empty(); VariantClear(&variant); if (pObject->Get(propName, 0L, &variant, NULL, NULL) == S_OK) if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) { strValue = V_BSTR(&variant); if (strValue.CompareNoCase(pLHS->m_strFormat) != 0) return FALSE; } } // Next check out if the right side is static. if (pRHS->m_strSource.CompareNoCase(CString(STATIC_SOURCE)) == 0 && pLHS->m_pArgs) { propName = pLHS->m_pArgs->m_strText.AllocSysString(); strValue.Empty(); VariantClear(&variant); if (pObject->Get(propName, 0L, &variant, NULL, NULL) == S_OK) if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) { strValue = V_BSTR(&variant); if (strValue.CompareNoCase(pRHS->m_strFormat) != 0) return FALSE; } } // Advance our pointer to the left hand side by two. pLHS = pRHS->m_pNext; } return TRUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method uses an object interface and the constraint fields to advance // any joined classes to the correct instances. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDataProvider::EvaluateJoin(const CString & strClass, IWbemClassObject * pObject, const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints) { const GATH_FIELD *pLHS = pConstraints, *pRHS = NULL; const GATH_FIELD *pEnumerated, *pJoinedTo; GATH_FIELD fieldEnumerated, fieldJoinedTo; VARIANT variant; CString strValue; BSTR propName; ASSERT(m_pIWbemServices && pObject); if (m_pIWbemServices == NULL || pObject == NULL) return; while (pLHS && pLHS->m_pNext) { pRHS = pLHS->m_pNext; // If either side is static, this is a filter, rather than a join. if ((pRHS->m_strSource.CompareNoCase(CString(STATIC_SOURCE)) == 0) || (pLHS->m_strSource.CompareNoCase(CString(STATIC_SOURCE)) == 0)) { pLHS = pRHS->m_pNext; continue; } // Find out which side refers to the class we're enumerating. if (pRHS->m_strSource.CompareNoCase(strClass) == 0) { pEnumerated = pRHS; pJoinedTo = pLHS; } else if (pLHS->m_strSource.CompareNoCase(strClass) == 0) { pEnumerated = pLHS; pJoinedTo = pRHS; } else { pLHS = pRHS->m_pNext; continue; } // Next, enumerate through the instances of the joined to class until // we find one which satisfies the constraint. We can use the EvaluateFilter // method to find out when the constraint is met. Set up a field pointer // for the constraint (get the value from the enumerated class and use it // as a static. fieldJoinedTo = *pJoinedTo; fieldJoinedTo.m_pNext = NULL; VariantInit(&variant); strValue.Empty(); if (pEnumerated->m_pArgs) { propName = pEnumerated->m_pArgs->m_strText.AllocSysString(); VariantClear(&variant); if (pObject->Get(propName, 0L, &variant, NULL, NULL) == S_OK) if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) { strValue = V_BSTR(&variant); } } fieldEnumerated.m_strSource = CString(STATIC_SOURCE); fieldEnumerated.m_pNext = &fieldJoinedTo; fieldEnumerated.m_strFormat = strValue; // Now, enumerate the joined to class until it meets the constraints. RemoveObject(pJoinedTo->m_strSource); ResetClass(pJoinedTo->m_strSource, &fieldEnumerated); GetObject(pJoinedTo->m_strSource, &fieldEnumerated); // Advance our pointer to the left hand side by two. pLHS = pRHS->m_pNext; } // Because the GATH_FIELD destructor follows next pointers, we want // to unlink our two GATH_FIELD locals. Also, we don't want the // destructor for fieldJoinedTo to delete the arguments. fieldEnumerated.m_pNext = NULL; fieldJoinedTo.m_pArgs = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate whether or not the constraints indicate that a class is being // enumerated as a dependency class. This is currently indicated by a single // field structure with a static value of "dependency". //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CDataProvider::IsDependencyJoin(const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints) { if (pConstraints != NULL && pConstraints->m_pNext == NULL) if (pConstraints->m_strSource.CompareNoCase(CString(STATIC_SOURCE)) == 0) if (pConstraints->m_strFormat.CompareNoCase(CString(DEPENDENCY_JOIN)) == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is used when a dependency class is being enumerated. In a // dependency class, each property of a class instance contains a reference // to an instance in another class. This method will cache eache of the // instances specified by the dependency class so properties of those instances // can be referred to in the line structures. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDataProvider::EvaluateDependencyJoin(IWbemClassObject * pObject) { VARIANT variant, varClassName; IWbemClassObject * pNewObject = NULL; ASSERT(m_pIWbemServices); if (m_pIWbemServices == NULL) return; //if (pObject->BeginEnumeration(WBEM_FLAG_REFS_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_LOCAL_ONLY) == S_OK) //while (pObject->Next(0, NULL, &variant, NULL, NULL) == S_OK) VariantInit(&variant); VariantClear(&variant); if (pObject->BeginEnumeration(WBEM_FLAG_REFS_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY) == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) while (pObject->Next(0, NULL, &variant, NULL, NULL) == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) { // Use the object path to create a pointer to the specified // object and store it in the cache. CString strObjectPath = V_BSTR(&variant); BSTR bstrObjectPath = strObjectPath.AllocSysString(); HRESULT hRes = m_pIWbemServices->GetObject(bstrObjectPath, 0, NULL, &pNewObject, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { // We need to get the class name of the new object so we know // where to cache it. We could parse it out of the object path, // but it will be better in the long run to get it by querying // the new object. if (pNewObject) { CString strClassName, strClassNameProp(_T("__CLASS")); BSTR classNameProp = strClassNameProp.AllocSysString(); VariantInit(&varClassName); VariantClear(&varClassName); if (pNewObject->Get(classNameProp, 0L, &varClassName, NULL, NULL) == S_OK) if (VariantChangeType(&varClassName, &varClassName, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) strClassName = V_BSTR(&varClassName); if (!strClassName.IsEmpty()) { CMSIObject * pNewMSIObject = new CMSIObject(pNewObject, CString(_T("")), S_OK, this, CDataProvider::MOS_INSTANCE); if (pNewMSIObject) { CMSIObject * pOldObject = NULL; if (m_mapClassToInterface.Lookup(strClassName, (void * &) pOldObject) && pOldObject) delete pOldObject; m_mapClassToInterface.SetAt(strClassName, (void *) pNewMSIObject); } } else { delete pNewObject; pNewObject = NULL; } } } } VariantClear(&variant); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Remove the specified IEnumWbemClassObject pointer from the cache. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDataProvider::RemoveEnumObject(const CString & strClass) { CMSIEnumerator * pEnumObject = NULL; if (m_mapClassToEnumInterface.Lookup(strClass, (void * &) pEnumObject) && pEnumObject) delete pEnumObject; m_mapClassToEnumInterface.RemoveKey(strClass); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Remove the specified IWbemClassObject pointer from the cache. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDataProvider::RemoveObject(const CString & strClass) { CMSIObject * pObject = NULL; if (m_mapClassToInterface.Lookup(strClass, (void * &) pObject) && pObject) delete pObject; m_mapClassToInterface.RemoveKey(strClass); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clear out the contents of the caches (forcing the interfaces to be // retrieved again). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDataProvider::ClearCache() { CMSIObject * pObject = NULL; CMSIEnumerator * pEnumObject = NULL; POSITION pos; CString strClass; ASSERT(m_fInitialized); if (!m_fInitialized) return; for (pos = m_mapClassToInterface.GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL;) { m_mapClassToInterface.GetNextAssoc(pos, strClass, (void * &) pObject); if (pObject) delete pObject; } m_mapClassToInterface.RemoveAll(); for (pos = m_mapClassToEnumInterface.GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL;) { m_mapClassToEnumInterface.GetNextAssoc(pos, strClass, (void * &) pEnumObject); if (pEnumObject) delete pEnumObject; } m_mapClassToEnumInterface.RemoveAll(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implement the CMSIObject class. This is just a thin wrapper for the // IWbemClassObject interface. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMSIObject::CMSIObject(IWbemClassObject * pObject, const CString & strLabel, HRESULT hres, CDataProvider * pProvider, CDataProvider::MSIObjectState objState) { m_pObject = pObject; m_strLabel = strLabel; m_hresCreation = hres; m_pProvider = pProvider; m_objState = objState; } CMSIObject::~CMSIObject() { if (m_pObject) { m_pObject->Release(); m_pObject = NULL; } } HRESULT CMSIObject::Get(BSTR property, LONG lFlags, VARIANT *pVal, VARTYPE *pvtType, LONG *plFlavor) { ASSERT(m_objState != CDataProvider::MOS_NO_INSTANCES); // If there is an object interface, just pass the request on through. if (m_pObject) return m_pObject->Get(property, lFlags, pVal, pvtType, plFlavor); // Otherwise, we need to return the appropriate string. CString strReturn; GetErrorLabel(strReturn); V_BSTR(pVal) = strReturn.AllocSysString(); pVal->vt = VT_BSTR; return S_OK; } CDataProvider::MSIObjectState CMSIObject::IsValid() { return m_objState; } HRESULT CMSIObject::GetErrorLabel(CString & strError) { switch (m_hresCreation) { case WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED: strError = m_pProvider->m_strAccessDeniedLabel; break; case WBEM_E_TRANSPORT_FAILURE: strError = m_pProvider->m_strTransportFailureLabel; break; case S_OK: case WBEM_S_FALSE: default: // This object was created from an enumeration that was marked as "min-of-one", // meaning that at least one object, even if it's not valid, needed to be // returned from the enumeration. Return the string we saved at object creation. if (!m_strLabel.IsEmpty()) strError = m_strLabel; else strError = m_pProvider->m_strBadProperty; break; } return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The CEnumMap is a utility class to cache IEnumWbemClassObject pointers. // There will be one instance of this class used to improve performance // by avoiding the high overhead associated with creating enumerators for // certain classes. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEnumWbemClassObject * CEnumMap::GetEnumerator(const CString & strClass) { IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject * pNewEnum = NULL; if (m_mapEnum.Lookup(strClass, (void * &) pEnum)) { if (pEnum && SUCCEEDED(pEnum->Clone(&pNewEnum)) && pNewEnum) { START_TIMER(); pNewEnum->Reset(); END_TIMER(_T("clone HIT [%s]\r\n"), strClass); } else pNewEnum = NULL; } else { WRITE(_T("GetEnumerator MISS for %s.\r\n"), strClass); } return pNewEnum; } void CEnumMap::SetEnumerator(const CString & strClass, IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum) { if (pEnum) { IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnumExisting = NULL; if (m_mapEnum.Lookup(strClass, (void * &) pEnumExisting)) { WRITE(_T("SetEnumerator for %s, already exists, ignoring.\r\n"), strClass); } else { pEnum->AddRef(); m_mapEnum.SetAt(strClass, pEnum); WRITE(_T("SetEnumerator for %s.\r\n"), strClass); } } else { WRITE(_T("SetEnumerator with NULL pointer for %s, ignoring.\r\n"), strClass); } } void CEnumMap::Reset() { IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; CString key; WRITE(_T("CEnumMap::Reset()\r\n")); for (POSITION pos = m_mapEnum.GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL;) { m_mapEnum.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, (void * &) pEnum); if (pEnum) pEnum->Release(); } m_mapEnum.RemoveAll(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The CMSIEnumerator class encapsulates the WBEM enumerator interface, or // implements our own form of enumerator (such as for the LNK command in the // template file). // // Nothing particularly interesting about the constructor or destructor. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMSIEnumerator::CMSIEnumerator() { m_enumtype = CMSIEnumerator::CLASS; m_fOnlyDups = FALSE; m_fGotDuplicate = FALSE; m_fMinOfOne = FALSE; m_iMinOfOneCount = 0; m_pEnum = NULL; m_pProvider = NULL; m_pConstraints = NULL; m_pSavedDup = NULL; m_pstrList = NULL; m_hresCreation = S_OK; } CMSIEnumerator::~CMSIEnumerator() { if (m_pEnum) { switch (m_enumtype) { case CMSIEnumerator::WQL: break; case CMSIEnumerator::LNK: m_pProvider->m_enumMap.SetEnumerator(m_strAssocClass, m_pEnum); break; case CMSIEnumerator::INTERNAL: if (m_pstrList) { delete m_pstrList; m_pstrList = NULL; } break; case CMSIEnumerator::CLASS: default: m_pProvider->m_enumMap.SetEnumerator(m_strClass, m_pEnum); break; } m_pEnum->Release(); m_pEnum = NULL; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creating the CMSIEnumerator object involves determining what sort of // enumerator is required. We support the following types: // // 1. Straight enumeration of a class // 2. Enumerate class, with applied constraints // 3. Enumerate the results of a WQL statement. // 4. Interprete a LNK command to enumerate associated classes. // 5. Do internal processing on an INTERNAL type. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CMSIEnumerator::Create(const CString & strClass, const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints, CDataProvider * pProvider) { if (strClass.IsEmpty() || !pProvider || !pProvider->m_pIWbemServices) return E_INVALIDARG; // Create may be called multiple times (to reset the enumerator). So we may need to // release the enumerator pointer. if (m_pEnum) { m_pEnum->Release(); m_pEnum = NULL; } // Divide the specified class into class and namespace parts, get the WBEM service. CString strNamespacePart(_T("")), strClassPart(strClass); int i = strClass.Find(_T(":")); if (i != -1) { strNamespacePart = strClass.Left(i); strClassPart = strClass.Right(strClass.GetLength() - i - 1); } IWbemServices * pServices = pProvider->GetWBEMService(&strNamespacePart); if (pServices == NULL) return NULL; // First, we need to determine what type of enumerator this is. Scan through // the constraints - if we see one which has a string starting with "WQL:" or // "LNK:", then we know what type this enumerator is. CString strStatement; const GATH_FIELD * pScanConstraint = pConstraints; while (pScanConstraint) { if (pScanConstraint->m_strSource.CompareNoCase(CString(STATIC_SOURCE)) == 0) { if (pScanConstraint->m_strFormat.Left(4).CompareNoCase(CString(_T("WQL:"))) == 0) m_enumtype = CMSIEnumerator::WQL; else if (pScanConstraint->m_strFormat.Left(4).CompareNoCase(CString(_T("LNK:"))) == 0) m_enumtype = CMSIEnumerator::LNK; else if (pScanConstraint->m_strFormat.Left(4).CompareNoCase(CString(_T("INT:"))) == 0) m_enumtype = CMSIEnumerator::INTERNAL; if (m_enumtype != CMSIEnumerator::CLASS) { strStatement = pScanConstraint->m_strFormat; strStatement = strStatement.Right(strStatement.GetLength() - 4); break; } } pScanConstraint = pScanConstraint->m_pNext; } // If this is a WQL or a LNK enumerator, processes the statement by replacing // [class.property] with the actual value from WBEM. If we find the string // "[min-of-one]", make a note of it for later. if (m_enumtype == CMSIEnumerator::WQL) ProcessEnumString(strStatement, m_fMinOfOne, m_fOnlyDups, pProvider, m_strNoInstanceLabel, TRUE); else if (m_enumtype == CMSIEnumerator::LNK) if (SUCCEEDED(ParseLNKCommand(strStatement, m_strObjPath, m_strAssocClass, m_strResultClass))) { // Save the object path for later - so we can change the object without // completely reprocessing the statement. Then replace the keywords in // the statement and break out the pieces again. m_strLNKObject = m_strObjPath; ProcessEnumString(strStatement, m_fMinOfOne, m_fOnlyDups, pProvider, m_strNoInstanceLabel); ParseLNKCommand(strStatement, m_strObjPath, m_strAssocClass, m_strResultClass); } // Now, based on the enumerator type, create the WBEM enumerator object. switch (m_enumtype) { case CMSIEnumerator::WQL: { BSTR language = SysAllocString(_T("WQL")); BSTR query = SysAllocString(strStatement); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("WMI Create WQL enum \"%s\" - "), strStatement); START_TIMER(); m_hresCreation = pServices->ExecQuery(language, query, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, 0, &m_pEnum); END_TIMER(_T("create WQL[%s]"), strStatement); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("OK\r\n"), TRUE); SysFreeString(query); SysFreeString(language); } break; case CMSIEnumerator::LNK: { m_hresCreation = ParseLNKCommand(strStatement, m_strObjPath, m_strAssocClass, m_strResultClass); if (SUCCEEDED(m_hresCreation)) { BSTR className = m_strAssocClass.AllocSysString(); START_TIMER(); m_pEnum = pProvider->m_enumMap.GetEnumerator(m_strAssocClass); if (m_pEnum) m_hresCreation = S_OK; else { if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("WMI Create enum \"%s\" - "), m_strAssocClass); m_hresCreation = pServices->CreateInstanceEnum(className, WBEM_FLAG_SHALLOW | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &m_pEnum); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("OK\r\n"), TRUE); } END_TIMER(_T("create LNK[%s]"), m_strAssocClass); SysFreeString(className); } } break; case CMSIEnumerator::INTERNAL: // We'll call a function here so we can do whatever processing is required // to create this internal enumeration. m_hresCreation = CreateInternalEnum(strStatement, pProvider); break; case CMSIEnumerator::CLASS: default: { BSTR className = SysAllocString(strClassPart); START_TIMER(); m_pEnum = pProvider->m_enumMap.GetEnumerator(strClassPart); if (m_pEnum) m_hresCreation = S_OK; else { if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("WMI Create enum \"%s\" - "), strClassPart); m_hresCreation = pServices->CreateInstanceEnum(className, WBEM_FLAG_SHALLOW | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &m_pEnum); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("OK\r\n"), TRUE); } END_TIMER(_T("create CLS[%s]"), strClassPart); SysFreeString(className); } } // Set some of the other member variables. m_strClass = strClass; m_pProvider = pProvider; m_iMinOfOneCount = (m_fMinOfOne) ? 1 : 0; m_pConstraints = pConstraints; if (m_pEnum) ChangeWBEMSecurity(m_pEnum); // Based on the HRESULT from creating the enumeration, determine what to return. // For certain errors, we want to act like the creation succeeded, then supply // objects which return the error text. if (FAILED(m_hresCreation)) { m_fMinOfOne = TRUE; m_iMinOfOneCount = 1; } return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function is used to create internal enumeration types (enumerations // which are beyond the template file syntax). Basically a bunch of special // cases. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CMSIEnumerator::CreateInternalEnum(const CString & strInternal, CDataProvider * pProvider) { if (strInternal.CompareNoCase(CString(_T("dlls"))) == 0) { // We want to enumerate all the loaded dlls and exes on the system. // This can be done by enumerating the CIM_ProcessExecutable class // and removing duplicate file names. We'll keep the filenames (with // path information) in a string list. if (m_pstrList == NULL) { m_pstrList = new CStringList; if (m_pstrList == NULL) return E_FAIL; } else m_pstrList->RemoveAll(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemServices * pServices = pProvider->GetWBEMService(); if (pServices) { BSTR className = SysAllocString(_T("CIM_ProcessExecutable")); IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL; hr = pServices->CreateInstanceEnum(className, WBEM_FLAG_SHALLOW | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pEnum); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IWbemClassObject * pWBEMObject = NULL; ULONG uReturned; VARIANT variant; BSTR propName = SysAllocString(_T("Antecedent")); VariantInit(&variant); do { uReturned = 0; hr = pEnum->Next(TIMEOUT, 1, &pWBEMObject, &uReturned); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pWBEMObject && uReturned) { // For each instance of CIM_ProcessExecutable, get the // Antecedent property (which contains the file path). // If it is unique, save it in the list. VariantClear(&variant); if (pWBEMObject->Get(propName, 0L, &variant, NULL, NULL) == S_OK) { if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) { CString strResult = V_BSTR(&variant); strResult.MakeLower(); if (m_pstrList->Find(strResult) == NULL) m_pstrList->AddHead(strResult); } } } } while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pWBEMObject && uReturned); ::SysFreeString(propName); pEnum->Release(); } ::SysFreeString(className); } return hr; } return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Help function for ProcessEnumString, used to convert single backslashes // into double backslashes (required for WQL statements). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MakeDoubleBackslashes(CString & strValue) { CString strTemp(strValue); CString strResults; while (!strTemp.IsEmpty()) { if (strTemp[0] != _T('\\')) { int index = strTemp.Find(_T('\\')); if (index < 0) index = strTemp.GetLength(); strResults += strTemp.Left(index); strTemp = strTemp.Right(strTemp.GetLength() - index); } else { strResults += CString("\\\\"); strTemp = strTemp.Mid(1); } } strValue = strResults; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function replaces [class.property] with the actual value of the // property, and strings out [min-of-one], indicating if it was present in // the fMinOfOne parameter. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMSIEnumerator::ProcessEnumString(CString & strStatement, BOOL & fMinOfOne, BOOL & fOnlyDups, CDataProvider * pProvider, CString & strNoInstanceLabel, BOOL fMakeDoubleBackslashes) { CString strMinOfOne(_T("min-of-one")); CString strOnlyDups(_T("more-than-one")); CString strResults; fMinOfOne = FALSE; fOnlyDups = FALSE; while (!strStatement.IsEmpty()) { if (strStatement[0] != _T('[')) { int index = strStatement.Find(_T('[')); if (index < 0) index = strStatement.GetLength(); strResults += strStatement.Left(index); strStatement = strStatement.Right(strStatement.GetLength() - index); } else { CString strKeyword; strStatement = strStatement.Right(strStatement.GetLength() - 1); int index = strStatement.Find(_T(']')); if (index < 0) break; strKeyword = strStatement.Left(index); if (strKeyword.Left(strMinOfOne.GetLength()).CompareNoCase(strMinOfOne) == 0) { fMinOfOne = TRUE; int iEqualsIndex = strKeyword.Find(_T('=')); if (iEqualsIndex > 0) strNoInstanceLabel = strKeyword.Right(strKeyword.GetLength() - iEqualsIndex - 1); } else if (strKeyword.Left(strOnlyDups.GetLength()).CompareNoCase(strOnlyDups) == 0) { fOnlyDups = TRUE; int iEqualsIndex = strKeyword.Find(_T('=')); if (iEqualsIndex > 0) strNoInstanceLabel = strKeyword.Right(strKeyword.GetLength() - iEqualsIndex - 1); } else if (!strKeyword.IsEmpty()) { int iDotIndex = strKeyword.Find(_T('.')); if (iDotIndex >= 0) { CString strValue; if (pProvider->QueryValue(strKeyword.Left(iDotIndex), strKeyword.Right(strKeyword.GetLength() - iDotIndex - 1), strValue)) { if (fMakeDoubleBackslashes) MakeDoubleBackslashes(strValue); strResults += strValue; } } } strStatement = strStatement.Right(strStatement.GetLength() - (index + 1)); } } strStatement = strResults; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse the component classes from the LNK command. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CMSIEnumerator::ParseLNKCommand(const CString & strStatement, CString & strObjPath, CString & strAssocClass, CString & strResultClass) { // We need to parse out the LNK statement into two or three components, // from the form "objPath->assocClass[->resultClass]", with the // brackets indicating that the resultClass is optional. CString strWorking(strStatement); int iArrowIndex = strWorking.Find(_T("->")); if (iArrowIndex == -1) return E_INVALIDARG; strObjPath = strWorking.Left(iArrowIndex); strWorking = strWorking.Right(strWorking.GetLength() - (iArrowIndex + 2)); iArrowIndex = strWorking.Find(_T("->")); if (iArrowIndex == -1) strAssocClass = strWorking; else { strAssocClass = strWorking.Left(iArrowIndex); strWorking = strWorking.Right(strWorking.GetLength() - (iArrowIndex + 2)); strResultClass = strWorking; strResultClass.MakeLower(); } strAssocClass.TrimRight(); strAssocClass.TrimLeft(); strObjPath.TrimRight(); strObjPath.TrimLeft(); strResultClass.TrimRight(); strResultClass.TrimLeft(); return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The Next method will advance the enumerator based on the type of this // enumerator. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CMSIEnumerator::Next(CMSIObject ** ppObject) { if (!ppObject) return E_INVALIDARG; *ppObject = NULL; // If there was an error creating the enumeration, return the error code. if (FAILED(m_hresCreation)) return m_hresCreation; if (m_pEnum == NULL && m_enumtype != CMSIEnumerator::INTERNAL) return E_UNEXPECTED; HRESULT hRes = S_OK; IWbemClassObject * pWBEMObject = NULL; switch (m_enumtype) { case CMSIEnumerator::LNK: { // Scan through the enumerated associate class. Look for one which // satisfies our requirements. CString strTemp, strAssociatedObject(_T("")); ULONG uReturned; IWbemClassObject * pAssocObj; if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("WMI Enumerate LNK \"%s\" - "), m_strAssocClass); do { pAssocObj = NULL; uReturned = 0; START_TIMER(); hRes = m_pEnum->Next(TIMEOUT, 1, &pAssocObj, &uReturned); END_TIMER(_T("next LNK[%s]"), m_strAssocClass); if (!pAssocObj || FAILED(hRes) || uReturned != 1) { // Even if we didn't succeed in getting a new object, // we might have a saved one if we're only showing // "more-than-one" objects. if (m_fOnlyDups && m_pSavedDup && m_fGotDuplicate) { // We have found one previously, so return it. // Make it look like the Next call was successful. m_pSavedDup = NULL; hRes = S_OK; uReturned = 1; strAssociatedObject = m_strSavedDup; break; } else { if (m_pSavedDup) { // We only got one object instance, so get rid of it. m_pSavedDup->Release(); m_pSavedDup = NULL; } break; } } if (AssocObjectOK(pAssocObj, strTemp)) { // This object passed the filter - but if we're showing // only "more-than-one" objects, save this one and return // the saved one. if (m_fOnlyDups) { if (m_pSavedDup) { // We have found one previously, so return it and // save the current. IWbemClassObject * pSwap = pAssocObj; CString strSwap = strTemp; pAssocObj = m_pSavedDup; m_pSavedDup = pSwap; strTemp = m_strSavedDup; m_strSavedDup = strSwap; m_fGotDuplicate = TRUE; } else { // This is the first one we've found - don't // return it until we find another. m_pSavedDup = pAssocObj; m_strSavedDup = strTemp; m_fGotDuplicate = FALSE; continue; } } strAssociatedObject = strTemp; pAssocObj->Release(); break; } pAssocObj->Release(); } while (pAssocObj); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("OK\r\n"), TRUE); // If there is an associated object path, get the object. if (!strAssociatedObject.IsEmpty()) { BSTR path = strAssociatedObject.AllocSysString(); hRes = m_pProvider->m_pIWbemServices->GetObject(path, 0, NULL, &pWBEMObject, NULL); SysFreeString(path); } } break; case CMSIEnumerator::WQL: { ULONG uReturned; if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("WMI Enumerate WQL \"%s\" - "), m_strClass); START_TIMER(); hRes = m_pEnum->Next(TIMEOUT, 1, &pWBEMObject, &uReturned); END_TIMER(_T("next WQL[%s]"), m_strClass); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("OK\r\n"), TRUE); } break; case CMSIEnumerator::INTERNAL: hRes = InternalNext(&pWBEMObject); break; case CMSIEnumerator::CLASS: default: { ULONG uReturned; if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("WMI Enumerate CLASS \"%s\" - "), m_strClass); // EvaluateFilter and IsDependencyJoin handle a NULL pConstraints parameter, // but for efficiency we're going to have a distinct branch for a non-NULL // value (since it will usually be NULL). if (m_pConstraints) { // Keep enumerating the instances of this class until we've // found one which satisfies all of the filters. do { pWBEMObject = NULL; START_TIMER(); hRes = m_pEnum->Next(TIMEOUT, 1, &pWBEMObject, &uReturned); END_TIMER(_T("next CLS[%s]"), m_strClass); if (!pWBEMObject || hRes != S_OK || uReturned != 1) break; else if (m_pProvider->EvaluateFilter(pWBEMObject, m_pConstraints)) break; pWBEMObject->Release(); } while (pWBEMObject); // If this class is being enumerated as a dependency class, then // locate all the objects it references. If it isn't, we still // need to check for any joins to other classes formed by the constraints. if (pWBEMObject) if (m_pProvider->IsDependencyJoin(m_pConstraints)) m_pProvider->EvaluateDependencyJoin(pWBEMObject); else m_pProvider->EvaluateJoin(m_strClass, pWBEMObject, m_pConstraints); } else hRes = m_pEnum->Next(TIMEOUT, 1, &pWBEMObject, &uReturned); if (msiLog.IsLogging(CMSInfoLog::WMI)) msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::WMI, _T("OK\r\n"), TRUE); } break; } if (pWBEMObject == NULL) { // There was no object to get. We'll still create a CMSIObject, but // we'll set its state to indicate either that there are no instances, // or one instance with an error message. if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && (m_iMinOfOneCount == 0)) *ppObject = new CMSIObject(pWBEMObject, m_strNoInstanceLabel, hRes, m_pProvider, CDataProvider::MOS_NO_INSTANCES); else *ppObject = new CMSIObject(pWBEMObject, m_strNoInstanceLabel, hRes, m_pProvider, CDataProvider::MOS_MSG_INSTANCE); } else *ppObject = new CMSIObject(pWBEMObject, m_strNoInstanceLabel, hRes, m_pProvider, CDataProvider::MOS_INSTANCE); if (m_iMinOfOneCount) m_iMinOfOneCount--; return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // InternalNext is used to return a WBEM object for an internal enumeration // (one that requires processing beyond the template file). Basically a // set of special cases. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CMSIEnumerator::InternalNext(IWbemClassObject ** ppWBEMObject) { if (m_pstrList && !m_pstrList->IsEmpty()) { CString strNextObject = m_pstrList->RemoveHead(); if (!strNextObject.IsEmpty()) { IWbemServices * pServices = m_pProvider->GetWBEMService(); if (pServices) { BSTR objectpath = ::SysAllocString(strNextObject); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (FAILED(pServices->GetObject(objectpath, 0, NULL, ppWBEMObject, NULL))) hr = E_FAIL; ::SysFreeString(objectpath); return hr; } } } return S_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reset should just reset the enumerator pointer. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CMSIEnumerator::Reset(const GATH_FIELD * pConstraints) { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; if (m_pEnum) { switch (m_enumtype) { case CMSIEnumerator::WQL: START_TIMER(); hRes = Create(m_strClass, pConstraints, m_pProvider); END_TIMER(_T("reset WQL[%s]"), m_strClass); break; case CMSIEnumerator::LNK: { BOOL fDummy, fDummy2; CString strDummy; m_strObjPath = m_strLNKObject; ProcessEnumString(m_strObjPath, fDummy, fDummy2, m_pProvider, strDummy); m_iMinOfOneCount = (m_fMinOfOne) ? 1 : 0; START_TIMER(); hRes = m_pEnum->Reset(); END_TIMER(_T("reset LNK[%s]"), m_strAssocClass); } break; case CMSIEnumerator::INTERNAL: hRes = Create(m_strClass, pConstraints, m_pProvider); break; case CMSIEnumerator::CLASS: default: m_iMinOfOneCount = (m_fMinOfOne) ? 1 : 0; START_TIMER(); hRes = m_pEnum->Reset(); END_TIMER(_T("reset CLS[%s]"), m_strClass); break; } } else hRes = E_UNEXPECTED; return hRes; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate if the pObject parameter is valid for this LNK enumerator. In // particular, we must find the m_strObjPath in one of its properties, and // possibly finding another property containing the m_strResultClass string. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CMSIEnumerator::AssocObjectOK(IWbemClassObject * pObject, CString & strAssociatedObject) { strAssociatedObject.Empty(); ASSERT(pObject); if (pObject == NULL) return FALSE; VARIANT variant; CString strReturn(_T("")), strValue; // Traverse the set of non-system properties. Look for one the is the same // as the object path. pObject->BeginEnumeration(WBEM_FLAG_REFS_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY); VariantInit(&variant); while (pObject->Next(0, NULL, &variant, NULL, NULL) == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) strValue = V_BSTR(&variant); VariantClear(&variant); if (strValue.CompareNoCase(m_strObjPath) == 0) break; } pObject->EndEnumeration(); // If we found a property containing the object path, look through for other // paths which might be to objects we're insterested in. if (strValue.CompareNoCase(m_strObjPath) == 0) { pObject->BeginEnumeration(WBEM_FLAG_REFS_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_NONSYSTEM_ONLY); while (strReturn.IsEmpty() && (pObject->Next(0, NULL, &variant, NULL, NULL) == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)) { if (VariantChangeType(&variant, &variant, 0, VT_BSTR) == S_OK) strValue = V_BSTR(&variant); if (strValue.CompareNoCase(m_strObjPath) != 0) { if (m_strResultClass.IsEmpty()) strReturn = strValue; else { CString strSearch(strValue); strSearch.MakeLower(); if (strSearch.Find(m_strResultClass) != -1) strReturn = strValue; } } VariantClear(&variant); } pObject->EndEnumeration(); } if (!strReturn.IsEmpty()) { strAssociatedObject = strReturn; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Look up strVal in the ValueMap (if it exists) for strClass.strProperty // If the value or the ValueMap is not found, return E_Something. // // Useful code snippet - this will dump the contents of the cache of // saved values. To find all value mapped properties, but this code // someplace where it will execute when MSInfo exits, change QueryValue // to call CheckValueMap for all properties, then run MSInfo and do a global // refresh (like to save an NFO). // // msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::BASIC, _T("BEGIN Dump of ValueMap Cache\r\n")); // CString key, val, log; // for (POSITION pos = g_mapValueMap.GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL;) // { // g_mapValueMap.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, val); // log.Format(_T(" %s = %s\r\n", key, val); // msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::BASIC, log); // } // msiLog.WriteLog(CMSInfoLog::BASIC, _T("END Dump of ValueMap Cache\r\n")); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMapStringToString g_mapValueMap; HRESULT CDataProvider::CheckValueMap(const CString& strClass, const CString& strProperty, const CString& strVal, CString &strResult) { IWbemClassObject * pWBEMClassObject = NULL; HRESULT hrMap = S_OK, hr = S_OK; VARIANT vArray, vMapArray; IWbemQualifierSet * qual = NULL; // Check the cache of saved values. CString strLookup = strClass + CString(_T(".")) + strProperty + CString(_T(":")) + strVal; if (g_mapValueMap.Lookup(strLookup, strResult)) return S_OK; // Get the class object (not instance) for this class. IWbemServices * pServices = GetWBEMService(); if (!pServices) return E_FAIL; CString strFullClass(_T("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2:")); strFullClass += strClass; BSTR bstrObjectPath = ::SysAllocString(strFullClass); hr = pServices->GetObject(bstrObjectPath, WBEM_FLAG_USE_AMENDED_QUALIFIERS, NULL, &pWBEMClassObject, NULL); ::SysFreeString(bstrObjectPath); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Get the qualifiers from the class object. BSTR bstrProperty = ::SysAllocString(strProperty); hr = pWBEMClassObject->GetPropertyQualifierSet(bstrProperty, &qual); ::SysFreeString(bstrProperty); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && qual) { // Get the ValueMap and Value arrays. hrMap = qual->Get(_T("ValueMap"), 0, &vMapArray, NULL); hr = qual->Get(_T("Values"), 0, &vArray, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && vArray.vt == (VT_BSTR | VT_ARRAY)) { // Get the property value we're mapping. long index; if (SUCCEEDED(hrMap)) { SAFEARRAY * pma = V_ARRAY(&vMapArray); long lLowerBound = 0, lUpperBound = 0 ; SafeArrayGetLBound(pma, 1, &lLowerBound); SafeArrayGetUBound(pma, 1, &lUpperBound); BSTR vMap; for (long x = lLowerBound; x <= lUpperBound; x++) { SafeArrayGetElement(pma, &x, &vMap); if (0 == strVal.CompareNoCase((LPCTSTR)vMap)) { index = x; break; // found it } } } else { // Shouldn't hit this case - if mof is well formed // means there is no value map where we are expecting one. // If the strVal we are looking for is a number, treat it // as an index for the Values array. If it's a string, // then this is an error. TCHAR * szTest = NULL; index = _tcstol((LPCTSTR)strVal, &szTest, 10); if (szTest == NULL || (index == 0 && *szTest != 0) || strVal.IsEmpty()) hr = E_FAIL; } // Lookup the string. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SAFEARRAY * psa = V_ARRAY(&vArray); long ix[1] = {index}; BSTR str2; hr = SafeArrayGetElement(psa, ix, &str2); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strResult = str2; SysFreeString(str2); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = WBEM_E_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE; } } } qual->Release(); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) g_mapValueMap.SetAt(strLookup, strResult); return hr; }