#include "wudetect.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CExpressionParser::dwKeyType // // // Parameters: // // Comments : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class CExpressionParser // Function fKeyType //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return Value --- TRUE if key type match made, FALSE if no match made // Parameter // TCHAR* szRootType --- [IN] string contains the value of key type // HKEY* phkey --- [OUT] retrieved key type value ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Modified by RogerJ, 03/09/00 // Original Creator Unknown // Modification --- UNICODE and Win64 ready // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CExpressionParser::fKeyType(TCHAR *szRootType, HKEY *phKey) { bool fError = false; if ( lstrcmpi(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_ROOT, szRootType) == 0 ) { *phKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; } else if ( lstrcmpi(HKEY_CURRENT_USER_ROOT, szRootType) == 0 ) { *phKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } else if ( lstrcmpi(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT_ROOT, szRootType) == 0 ) { *phKey = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; } else if ( lstrcmpi(HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG_ROOT, szRootType) == 0 ) { *phKey = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; } else if ( lstrcmpi(HKEY_USERS_ROOT, szRootType) == 0 ) { *phKey = HKEY_USERS; } else if ( lstrcmpi(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA_ROOT, szRootType) == 0 ) { *phKey = HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA; } else if ( lstrcmpi(HKEY_DYN_DATA_ROOT, szRootType) == 0 ) { *phKey = HKEY_DYN_DATA; } else { fError = true; } return fError; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CExpressionParser::fDetectRegSubStr // Detect a substring in registry datum. // // Form: E=RegSubstr,,,,, // // Comments : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This function is not modifed to be UNICODE ready, since it is not compiled ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if 0 bool CExpressionParser::fDetectRegSubStr(TCHAR * pszBuf) { DWORD dwInstallStatus = DET_NOTINSTALLED; HKEY hKeyRoot; HKEY hKey; DWORD type; char szTargetKeyName[MAX_PATH]; char szTargetKeyValue[MAX_PATH]; char szKeyMissingStatus[MAX_PATH]; char szData[MAX_PATH]; char szSubStr[MAX_PATH]; char szBuf[MAX_PATH]; // get the registry key name from the components section of the // CIF file. if ( FGetCifEntry(pDetection, DETREG_KEY, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)) && (dwKeyType(szBuf, &hKeyRoot, szTargetKeyName, sizeof(szTargetKeyName)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) ) { if ( RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyRoot, szTargetKeyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( FGetCifEntry(pDetection, DETREG_SUBSTR, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)) && (GetStringField2(szBuf, 0, szTargetKeyValue, sizeof(szTargetKeyValue)) != 0) && (GetStringField2(szBuf, 1, szKeyMissingStatus, sizeof(szKeyMissingStatus)) != 0) ) { DWORD size = sizeof(szData); if ( RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szTargetKeyValue, 0, &type, (BYTE *)szData, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( type == REG_SZ ) { _strlwr(szData); // iterate thru the substrings looking for a match. int index = 2; while ( GetStringField2(szBuf, index, szSubStr, sizeof(szSubStr)) != 0 ) { _strlwr(szSubStr); if ( strstr(szData, szSubStr) != NULL ) { *pDetection->pdwInstalledVer = 1; *pDetection->pdwInstalledBuild = 1; dwInstallStatus = DET_INSTALLED; goto quit_while; } index++; } quit_while:; } } else { // if we get an error, assume the key does not exist. Note that if // the status is DETFIELD_NOT_INSTALLED then we don't have to do // anything since that is the default status. if ( lstrcmpi(DETFIELD_INSTALLED, szKeyMissingStatus) == 0 ) { dwInstallStatus = DET_INSTALLED; } } } RegCloseKey(hKey); } } cleanup: return dwInstallStatus; return false; } #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CExpressionParser::fMapComparisonToken // Detect file version. // // Form: _E1=FileVer,sysdir,ntdll.dll,=,, // // Comments : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class CExpressionParser // Function fMapComparisonToken //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return Value --- TRUE if a matching is found, FALSE otherwise // Parameter // TCHAR* pszComparisonToken --- [IN] the token need to find a match // enumToken* penToken --- [OUT] token enum value found, if no token found, the value is undetermined ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Modified by RogerJ, 03/09/00 // Original Creator Unkown // Modification --- UNICODE and Win64 ready // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CExpressionParser::fMapComparisonToken(TCHAR *pszComparisonToken, enumToken *penToken) { static TokenMapping grComparisonTokenMap[] = { {TEXT("="), COMP_EQUALS}, {TEXT("!="), COMP_NOT_EQUALS}, {TEXT("<"), COMP_LESS_THAN}, {TEXT("<="), COMP_LESS_THAN_EQUALS}, {TEXT(">"), COMP_GREATER_THAN}, {TEXT(">="), COMP_GREATER_THAN_EQUALS} }; return fMapToken(pszComparisonToken, sizeof(grComparisonTokenMap)/sizeof(grComparisonTokenMap[0]), grComparisonTokenMap, penToken); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CExpressionParser::fMapRootDirToken // Detect file version. // // Form: _E1=FileVer,sysdir,ntdll.dll,=,, // // Comments : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class CExpressionParser // Function fMapRootDirToken //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return Value --- TRUE if a matching is found, FALSE otherwise // Parameter // TCHAR* pszRootDirToken --- [IN] the token need to find a match // enumToken* penToken --- [OUT] token enum value found, if no token found, the value is undetermined ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Modified by RogerJ, 03/09/00 // Original Creator Unkown // Modification --- UNICODE and Win64 ready // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CExpressionParser::fMapRootDirToken(TCHAR *pszRootDirToken, enumToken *penToken) { static TokenMapping grDirectoryTokenMap[] = { {TEXT("sysdir"), DIR_SYSTEM}, {TEXT("windir"), DIR_WINDOWS}, }; return fMapToken(pszRootDirToken, sizeof(grDirectoryTokenMap)/sizeof(grDirectoryTokenMap[0]), grDirectoryTokenMap, penToken); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CExpressionParser::fMapToken // Detect file version. // // Form: _E1=FileVer,sysdir,ntdll.dll,=,, // // Comments : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class CExpressionParser // Function fMapToken //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return Value --- TRUE if a matching is found, FALSE otherwise // Parameter // TCHAR* pszToken --- [IN] the token need to find a match // int nSize --- [IN] number of tokens to be matched as the template // TokenMapping grTokenMap[] --- [IN] token template to be matched // enumToken* penToken --- [OUT] token enum value found, if no token found, the value is undetermined ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Modified by RogerJ, 03/09/00 // Original Creator Unkown // Modification --- UNICODE and Win64 ready // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CExpressionParser::fMapToken(TCHAR *pszToken, int nSize, TokenMapping grTokenMap[], enumToken *penToken) { for ( int index = 0; index < nSize; index++ ) { if ( _tcscmp(pszToken, grTokenMap[index].pszToken) == 0 ) { *penToken = grTokenMap[index].enToken; return true; } } return false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CExpressionParser::fDetectFileVer // Detect file version. // // Form: _E1=FileVer,sysdir,ntdll.dll,=,, // // Comments : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class CExpressionParser // Function fDetectFileVer //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return Value --- TRUE if version of input files matched the file version in the system, FALSE otherwise // Parameter // TCHAR* pszBuf --- [IN] the name of the input file ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Modified by RogerJ, 03/09/00 // Original Creator Unkown // Modification --- UNICODE and Win64 ready // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const DWORD WU_MAX_COMPARISON_LEN = 3; const DWORD WU_MAX_VERSION_LEN = 30; bool CExpressionParser::fDetectFileVer(TCHAR * pszBuf) { bool fResult = false; TCHAR szRootDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szComparison[WU_MAX_COMPARISON_LEN]; TCHAR szVersion[WU_MAX_VERSION_LEN]; enumToken enComparisonToken; enumToken enRootDirToken; // Get reg root type (HKLM, etc) if ( (GetStringField2(pszBuf, 1, szRootDir, sizeof(szRootDir)/sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0) && (GetStringField2(pszBuf, 2, szFile, sizeof(szFile)/sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0) && fMapRootDirToken(szRootDir, &enRootDirToken) ) { // create the file path if ( enRootDirToken == DIR_SYSTEM ) { if ( GetSystemDirectory(szFilePath, sizeof(szFilePath)/sizeof(TCHAR)) == 0 ) return false; } else // DIR_WINDOWS { if ( GetWindowsDirectory(szFilePath, sizeof(szFilePath)/sizeof(TCHAR)) == 0 ) return false; } if (szFilePath[_tcslen(szFilePath)-1]!='\\') _tcscat(szFilePath, TEXT("\\")); _tcscat(szFilePath, szFile); if ( (GetStringField2(pszBuf, 3, szComparison, sizeof(szComparison)/sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0) && fMapComparisonToken(szComparison, &enComparisonToken) ) { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwReserved; DWORD dwVer, dwBuild; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *pVerInfo; UINT uLen; dwSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szFilePath, &dwReserved); if ( dwSize > 0) { TCHAR *pbVerInfo = (TCHAR *)malloc(dwSize); if ( GetFileVersionInfo(szFilePath, dwReserved, dwSize, pbVerInfo) && (VerQueryValue(pbVerInfo, TEXT("\\"), (void **)&pVerInfo, &uLen) != 0) ) { for ( int index = 4; !fResult && (GetStringField2(pszBuf, index, szVersion, sizeof(szVersion)/sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0); index++ ) { fConvertDotVersionStrToDwords(szVersion, &dwVer, &dwBuild); // do version comparison switch ( enComparisonToken ) { case COMP_EQUALS: fResult = (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS == dwVer) && (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionLS == dwBuild); break; case COMP_NOT_EQUALS: fResult = (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS != dwVer) || (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionLS != dwBuild); break; case COMP_LESS_THAN: fResult = (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS < dwVer) || ((pVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS == dwVer) && (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionLS < dwBuild)); break; case COMP_LESS_THAN_EQUALS: fResult = (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS < dwVer) || ((pVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS == dwVer) && (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionLS <= dwBuild)); break; case COMP_GREATER_THAN: fResult = (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS > dwVer) || ((pVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS == dwVer) && (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionLS > dwBuild)); break; case COMP_GREATER_THAN_EQUALS: fResult = (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS > dwVer) || ((pVerInfo->dwProductVersionMS == dwVer) && (pVerInfo->dwProductVersionLS >= dwBuild)); break; } } } free(pbVerInfo); } } else { // just a file existence check. fResult = (_taccess(szFilePath, 0) != -1); } } return fResult; }