// WWzThree.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include #include "certmap.h" #include "ListRow.h" #include "ChkLstCt.h" extern "C" { #include #include } #include "Iismap.hxx" #include "Iiscmr.hxx" #include "brwsdlg.h" #include "EdWldRul.h" #include "EdtRulEl.h" #include "WWzThree.h" #include "cnfrmpsd.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define ACCESS_DENY 0 #define ACCESS_ACCEPT 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWildWizThree property page IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CWildWizThree, CPropertyPage) CWildWizThree::CWildWizThree() : CPropertyPage(CWildWizThree::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CWildWizThree) m_int_DenyAccess = -1; m_sz_accountname = _T(""); m_sz_password = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT m_bPassTyped = FALSE; } CWildWizThree::~CWildWizThree() { } void CWildWizThree::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CWildWizThree) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_PASSWORD, m_static_password); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_ACCOUNT, m_static_account); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BROWSE, m_btn_browse); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PASSWORD, m_cedit_password); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_NTACCOUNT, m_cedit_accountname); DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_REFUSE_LOGON, m_int_DenyAccess); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_NTACCOUNT, m_sz_accountname); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PASSWORD, m_sz_password); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CWildWizThree, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CWildWizThree) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BROWSE, OnBrowse) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_NTACCOUNT, OnChangeNtaccount) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_PASSWORD, OnChangePassword) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ACCEPT_LOGON, OnAcceptLogon) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_REFUSE_LOGON, OnRefuseLogon) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_COMMAND(ID_HELP_FINDER, DoHelp) ON_COMMAND(ID_HELP, DoHelp) ON_COMMAND(ID_CONTEXT_HELP, DoHelp) ON_COMMAND(ID_DEFAULT_HELP, DoHelp) END_MESSAGE_MAP() //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWildWizThree::DoHelp() { WinHelp( HIDD_CERTMAP_ADV_RUL_MAPPING ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWildWizThree::EnableButtons() { UpdateData( TRUE ); // if the access is set to refuse access, then disable the account // and password stuff. if ( m_int_DenyAccess == 0 ) { // deny access m_static_password.EnableWindow( FALSE ); m_static_account.EnableWindow( FALSE ); m_btn_browse.EnableWindow( FALSE ); m_cedit_password.EnableWindow( FALSE ); m_cedit_accountname.EnableWindow( FALSE ); } else { // give access m_static_password.EnableWindow( TRUE ); m_static_account.EnableWindow( TRUE ); m_btn_browse.EnableWindow( TRUE ); m_cedit_password.EnableWindow( TRUE ); m_cedit_accountname.EnableWindow( TRUE ); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWildWizThree message handlers //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CWildWizThree::OnApply() { // // UNICODE/ANSI Conversion -- RonaldM // USES_CONVERSION; // update the data UpdateData( TRUE ); // only do the account checks if the option is set to accept if ( m_int_DenyAccess == ACCESS_ACCEPT ) { // see if the account name is empty if ( m_sz_accountname.IsEmpty() ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_WANTACCOUNT ); m_cedit_accountname.SetFocus(); m_cedit_accountname.SetSel(0, -1); return FALSE; } } // confirm the password if ( m_bPassTyped && (m_int_DenyAccess == ACCESS_ACCEPT) ) { CConfirmPassDlg dlgPass; dlgPass.m_szOrigPass = m_sz_password; if ( dlgPass.DoModal() != IDOK ) { m_cedit_password.SetFocus(); m_cedit_password.SetSel(0, -1); return FALSE; } } else { // restore the original password instead of the // standard ****** string m_sz_password = m_szOrigPass; UpdateData( FALSE ); } // store the deny access radio buttons m_pRule->SetRuleDenyAccess( m_int_DenyAccess == ACCESS_DENY ); // we have to set the account name into place here m_pRule->SetRuleAccount( T2A((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_sz_accountname) ); // store the password m_pRule->SetRulePassword( T2A((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_sz_password) ); // reset the password flags m_szOrigPass = m_sz_password; m_bPassTyped = FALSE; SetModified( FALSE ); return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CWildWizThree::OnInitDialog() { // call the parental oninitdialog BOOL f = CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); // set the easy default strings m_sz_accountname = m_pRule->GetRuleAccount(); // managed by CNTBrowsingDialog from here on // set up the deny access radio buttons if ( m_pRule->GetRuleDenyAccess() ) m_int_DenyAccess = ACCESS_DENY; else m_int_DenyAccess = ACCESS_ACCEPT; // initialize the password m_sz_password = m_pRule->GetRulePassword(); m_szOrigPass = m_sz_password; if ( !m_sz_password.IsEmpty() ) m_sz_password.LoadString( IDS_SHOWN_PASSWORD ); // exchange the data UpdateData( FALSE ); EnableButtons(); // success return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CWildWizThree::OnSetActive() { // if this is a wizard, gray out the back button if ( m_fIsWizard ) m_pPropSheet->SetWizardButtons( PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_FINISH ); return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CWildWizThree::OnWizardFinish() { for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPropSheet->GetPageCount( ); i++ ) { if ( !m_pPropSheet->GetPage(i)->OnApply() ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // run the user browser void CWildWizThree::OnBrowse() { LPTSTR buf = m_sz_accountname.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH); GetIUsrAccount(NULL, this, buf, MAX_PATH); m_sz_accountname.ReleaseBuffer(-1); SetModified(); UpdateData(FALSE); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWildWizThree::OnChangeNtaccount() { // we can now apply SetModified(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWildWizThree::OnChangePassword() { m_bPassTyped = TRUE; // we can now apply SetModified(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWildWizThree::OnAcceptLogon() { EnableButtons(); // we can now apply SetModified(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWildWizThree::OnRefuseLogon() { EnableButtons(); // we can now apply SetModified(); }